It’s Colder Today

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

After the tenth week of review, the doctor said that the problem is not serious. The bone has recovered very well, but still pay attention to maintenance.

When Shi Yun pushed the wheelchair, Wei Congying seemed to be completely fine: “How about it, don’t worry this time, right?”

There really is nothing to worry about.

The dinner that the nurse made for them was very good, and the braised pork ribs were no better than the sweet and sour pork ribs that are most popular among students in their school.

In the evening, Wei Congying had already washed up with the help of the nurse, and Shi Yun was about to end his internship in the hospital.

However, Shi Yun was not at all happy about ending his internship. Wei Cong should see that she looked wrong, and only after asking did he know that she was going to give up and continue her doctorate in medicine.

Her task next semester is to write a thesis and do experiments, and the task is still arduous.

When Shi Yun went to the bedroom after taking a shower, he was sitting by the bed, rummaging through the bedside table with his right hand for some unknown reason.

After he found it, Shi Yun saw the small square box in his hand.

He shook the thing: “It’s been a long time.”

The battle line was very long, and Shi Yun was the active side. She looked down at Wei Congying lying on the bed, and saw the new wounds on his shoulders and arms.

She was a little tired, and he wasn’t done yet: “I haven’t done it for a long time, and I have enough reserves.”

The knee was not hurt, he saw that Shi Yun had no strength, so she let her kneel down.

The camellias in the garden are bright red, and the dew hangs on the stamens in the morning. This beauty should be picked off and made into an eternal flower, locked in time forever.

Wei Congying lay beside her, watched her panting rapidly, stretched his right hand under her neck, and let her sleep on it: “What kind of mattress do you like?”

The person who was still calm did not keep up with his thinking: “What?”

“Don’t you think my mattress is uncomfortable? What kind of mattress do you like?”

Shi Yun thought about it. It was a long time ago that he said that his mattress was too soft and he was uncomfortable to sleep on. It has been a long time.

She closed her eyes, wondering if it was because of the hot weather, this was the first time she didn’t take the initiative to lean over after finishing her work. She shook her head at his question.

Shi Yun is gone.

Compared to disappearing, Wei Zongying thinks it is better to change the term. She left very peacefully and without warning.

— He was broken up.

After his body finally recovered, Shi Yun didn’t appear again.

The phone number was also blocked, and WeChat was also deleted.

Wei Cong should not understand.

I don’t understand why it was so good before, but suddenly she broke up.

A few days later, the nurse told him that there were more than 20 express boxes at the door, and Wei Cong should recognize that they were all birthday presents he had given to Shi Yun.

Except for one courier that was opened, all the rest were returned intact.

Wei Congying didn’t understand her series of operations, but the phone was blocked and WeChat was also deleted.

The nurse had already emptied all the garbage in the trash can at home, and when he sat by the bed, he only saw Tian Ziping still in the ashtray.

The leaves are slightly yellowed.

Wei Zongying didn’t want to understand, he even sometimes thought that when the phone rang and the doorbell rang, it would be Shi Yun who came to find him.

After several times of anticipation, he found out that it was spam, and he no longer had the previous anticipation.

It’s just that within two days there was a knock on the door, it wasn’t Shi Yun, it was Cheng Ge.

He’s here to resign.

Wei Zongying didn’t say anything, stood at the door leaning on crutches, and didn’t call him in.

After Cheng Ge finished talking about his resignation, he kept his head down: “I’m really short of money.”

His mother called him that day because his father owed money to a loan shark from gambling.

The loan shark’s method of collecting debts was scary, and his mother, a woman who had never seen anything in the world, naturally had no idea, so she had to call Cheng Ge and call him back.

What can I do to call him back.

All the money he earned in the capital over the years was subsidized, and he kept the money to marry Fang Qian.

Now his only way out is to join Mu Kai, which is the fastest way to get money in a short time.

Cheng Ge wanted to explain the situation to Wei Cong, but before he could open his mouth, he heard the sound of the door closing, and finally there was a crack in the door. He stood inside the door, showing no emotion: “Oh, I see.”

The door is closed, there is no pain of discrimination, only anger.

Cheng Ge ignited the anger hidden in Wei Zongying’s heart that Shi Yun left without saying goodbye.

But these emotions of mine did not get the empathy of Lin Fang and the others. Lin Fang scolded him: “Damn it, never leave until you recover and say goodbye, what kind of good man is this?”

So a discussion meeting to analyze Shi Yun’s true inner thoughts turned into a criticism meeting for Wei Zongying.

They said that his boars couldn’t eat fine chaff, and that he was so good that his girlfriend didn’t know how to cherish it.

Since they were young, they had never been treated as “scorned by thousands of people”, so Wei Cong should tell them to get out.

But just like that, Shi Yun suddenly disappeared into his world.

“broke up?”

Shi Yuan stood by the operating table, looking at Shi Yun who was dissecting the mouse expressionlessly, and still couldn’t believe it. Shi Yun almost didn’t live in school before, and she casually said that she was taking care of her boyfriend.

Seeing that the relationship was very good, why did they break up suddenly.

Shi Yun reported the autopsy data and asked the people next to him to register. The face under the mask and goggles was unclear, and Shi Yuan didn’t know what her mood was now.

To Shi Yun, breaking up was like eating a mediocre lunch at noon, and Shi Yuan couldn’t see any disappointment in her.

Either go to the laboratory or go to the library every day.

She was writing a dissertation, and then went to the second floor to look at other books during the break, and every time it was the bookshelf of the poetry collection.

Shi Yun dug out the photo that he had seen countless times from his mobile phone, and then took out the old peace amulet that Zhuo Hui gave him from his pocket.

Putting the two things together, her heart started to turn acid again.

I have already read many books in this row. Shi Yun found a collection of poems by Emily Bronte. There is not much love in the whole book, but there is a lot of heather.

She put the book back in its place and almost bumped into someone as she walked to the side.

It’s Fu Jing.

Last year, the two of them went to the tutor to help grade the papers together.

Fu Jing came to borrow books, and there was no one around, so he asked her in a very low voice, “Are you looking for books?”

Shi Yun shook his head: “Write a thesis, come here and relax.”

Probably mentioned the same pain, Fu Jing asked her how her thesis preparation was going, Shi Yun shrugged: “I don’t have any thoughts.”

Fu Jing continued to communicate with her in a low voice: “Don’t you choose to study for a PhD?”

“Maybe we need to change direction.” Shi Yun didn’t elaborate, last time she almost had a medical accident, maybe she really wanted to seek help from a psychiatrist.

Fu Jing quickly found the book he needed, and when he was about to continue chatting with Shi Yun about the thesis, he saw a friend walking not far away.

Shi Yun only saw him raise his hand suddenly, and subconsciously looked back, she was taken aback.

The eyebrows and eyes are more like that person than Wei Zongying.

Seeing her friend coming, Fu Jing waved her hand at Shi Yun a little embarrassedly: “My friend is here, I’m leaving first, we have time to talk about papers.”

After the summer passed, Wei Zongying’s injuries had almost recovered, and he couldn’t tell he was a person who had been lying in bed for more than half a year when he walked.

It has been more than two months since the breakup.

They formed a game to celebrate Wei Zongying’s recovery, and Wei Zongying went back to Jiang Xuyang, who was the latest to arrive that day.

Some were happy and some were sad, he broke up, but Jiang Xuyang brought his rumored girlfriend here today.

Unlike Lin Fang’s stereotyped hyaluronic acid girlfriend, Wei Congying glanced at her, and a person suddenly popped up in his mind, Zhao Min in Mr. Jin Yong’s works.

– “Very beautiful with three points of heroism.”

She had her hair cut a few centimeters below her ears, and she didn’t wear short skirts like other girls, her clothes were loose and casual. When she saw herself, she was stunned for a moment, with a little astonishment in her expression, but she recovered quickly.

She said her name was Chu Yue.

Jiang Xuyang caught Chu Yue’s flash of astonishment, but asked Chu Yue without being present. Instead, he first reported the names of the people on the opposite side who had a good relationship with him to Chu Yue.

Lin Fang sat next to Wei Congying, and nudged Wei Congying next to him with his elbow: “Look at you used to go out with people, look at you now.”

Wei Cong should not take it seriously.

Finding a girlfriend has never been a difficult task for him.

It’s the level where you can find a girlfriend by hooking your fingers. But Jiang Xuyang said to him: “But you can’t find anyone who is more suitable for you than Shi Yun.”

Wei Cong should not believe it.

His period of vacancy ended fairly quickly. The new girlfriend I was looking for was a girl who was reading in a bar. The book I was reading was Sanmao’s “Story of the Sahara”, which is currently on sale in the market.

They fought for the table, and after the group of dancing companions had left, there were only the two of them at the booth.

Wei Cong should not remember who started the conversation first, it seems that the conversation was not about the content of the book, she didn’t drink, and said she didn’t know how to drink.

Wei Congying followed the trend, then asked her if she wanted to eat something else.

That girl has no idea.

“Are you going to eat the rain?” Wei Congying looked at the book in her hand and asked her.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, then realized that what Wei Cong should have said was Sanmao’s words in this book.

In the book, Sanmao once became a fan of Hexi, and Hexi asked her what it was, and Sanmao told him that the fan was Rain.

They went to eat at a roadside stall, and he parked the car on the side of the road as if he was not afraid of deducting points. The girl asked him: “What is the name of the sixty-year-old fan?”

Wei Congying didn’t answer: “You take one.”

Everything after that was no different from when I fell in love with Shi Yun.

Take her to dinner as usual, and play cards with Lin Fang, Jiang Xuyang and the others.

Jiang Xuyang would also take Chu Yue with him, so he wondered why Chu Yue was a little surprised every time he saw Wei Zongying.

Chu Yue told him in a low voice: “He looks very similar to my neighbor’s elder brother.”

Wei Congying didn’t expect to meet Shi Yun again when he and his new girlfriend went to dinner, and they were in a shopping mall. He accompanied him to go shopping, which was more tiring than exercising in the gym. While waiting outside the store, he looked around boredly, and saw Shi Yun at a glance.

Shi Yun came to repair computers at a direct-sale electronic equipment store in the shopping mall, and the dark circles on his face looked a little heavy.

While waiting to be tested, she went to a coffee shop in the mall and bought a cup of coffee.

In the cooler weather in October, she wore a knitted sweater and carried a canvas bag.

A child who was not favored by the adults bumped into her, and the coffee in her hand almost spilled out. She didn’t fall, but the toy in the child’s hand fell to the ground and ‘the body was in a different place’.

The child’s adult didn’t know where he went. Shi Yun and the child were sitting on the lounge chair in the shopping mall. She helped the child pack the toys. Wei Congying watched and thought of the first time the two of them came to his home to play Gundam.

The clerk of the direct-sale notebook store that happened to send it for repair called her and asked her if she was nearby now, and there was a repair form that she needed to fill out.

Shi Yun and the kid promise that they will leave first, and they will come back later to help him repair the toy.

The child is also very innocent: “Auntie, are you looking for a helper?”

Shi Yun heard the word ‘auntie’ in the whole sentence, and was heartbroken, but he felt that it was okay for the child to call him auntie. In a hurry to go to the directly-operated store, Shi Yun nodded when he saw that the children had made excuses.

It took longer than Shi Yun expected to fill out the maintenance form, and when she came out of the direct-sale store, she only saw a child sitting there with a assembled toy.

Shi Yun looked at the toy in his hand, wondering: “How did you put it together?”

The child pointed behind Shi Yun: “Just now an uncle came to help me put it together. Is it the helper you found, Auntie?”

Shi Yun looked back in the direction the child pointed. He was wearing a black jacket with elements of a racing suit inside. There is no change from before, his standing posture is a bit lazy, his hands are in his pockets, his tall and tall figure is very eye-catching in the shopping mall with people coming and going.

The moment their eyes meet, Shi Yun is taken aback. It’s been a long time since I saw him, and he should have fully recovered from his appearance.

There was no red face or red eyes, the next second Shi Yun saw a girl coming out of a women’s clothing store and hugged him.

His gaze moved away from the stare at the girl who was holding his arm.

It wasn’t too far away, but it was very noisy around, and Shi Yun couldn’t hear what the two of them were saying.

After they finished shopping, they walked towards her. The kid held up the toy and waved to Wei Congying.

Shi Yun heard his girlfriend ask, “Do you know each other?”

He replied: “I don’t know.”

When he went back that day, Wei Zongying dreamed of Shi Yun, and the dream was like a revolving lantern.

All the pictures he dreamed were true or false, but Shi Yun was all looking at him.

He looked at himself without saying a word.

He saw Shi Yun’s eyes again, which seemed to contain an unspeakable love.

Wei Zongying woke up with a start, and looked at the time, it was only two o’clock in the morning.

In the second half of the night, he couldn’t fall asleep any more, so he sat on the edge of the bed and began to smoke. Suddenly, I thought of what Lin Fang said before – never leave and never leave until you recover before leaving and saying goodbye.

The images of Shi Yun in the dream all turned into close-ups of the eyes.

He’s completely lost sleep.

The next day, they went out to play together again, and Liang Mengyi, who hadn’t seen him for a long time, also came. As long as there is no embarrassment between her and Xiang Shaoyuan, others don’t need to worry about salty carrots.

Liang Mengyi was still the same, looked at the girl next to Wei Zongying, and smiled: “Not as good-looking as the previous one.”

In a word, he found a big project for him.

The girlfriend is not angry, but has seen a ghost. After a good party, they broke up unhappy.

He drove the man back, and his girlfriend asked him: “Why did your ex-girlfriend break up with you? Is she pretty? How did you meet?”

It started again.

Every love is late but arrives.

It’s not good, she doesn’t believe it.

Say yes, she will be angry.

In the few seconds when he didn’t answer immediately, the people on the co-pilot got angry.

They had a fight.

Wei Congying suddenly discovered that Jiang Xuyang’s words had come true.

It seems that it is really difficult to find someone who is as suitable as Shi Yun.

When playing cards with Lin Fang and the others the next day, Wei Zongying came alone.

He asked Lin Fang: “Does Shi Yun really like me so much?”

Lin Fang asked him to look at Jiang Xuyang who was facing him: “Did you see the way he looked at his girlfriend? That’s how Shi Yun looked at you before.”

Shi Yun’s eyes can speak.

Wei Congying looked over at Jiang Xuyang and his girlfriend, without speaking, his mind was in a mess.

Liang Mengyi walked over and saw Wei Congying’s dazed look, and kicked him: “Why didn’t you bring your girlfriend here today?”

Wei Congying moved his feet and didn’t hide it: “Thanks to you, there was a quarrel.”

Liang Mengyi took a cup of screwdriver and walked over to him and sat down: “Cure all diseases, you don’t need this little money.”

He ignored Liang Mengyi and twirled the metal lighter in his hand boredly. Finally, someone took it from his hand and lit the cigarette. By the time Wei Zongying realized it, his hand was empty.

I removed all the cups on the coffee table, and I didn’t see where the lighter was.

On the other hand, there were quite a few people around the coffee table at the other end of the sofa. After a while, Lin Fang walked over from the group with a wicked smile.

It doesn’t look like a good thing to look at smiling.

He asked, “What are you doing?”

The wine glasses on the coffee table were all messed up because Wei Zongying had just looked for a lighter, and Lin Fang didn’t know which glass belonged to him.

He took a new glass and poured some wine into it: “They are betting on whether your relationship can last until your birthday.”


It seems that there are still eleven days.

So… Isn’t it Shi Yun’s birthday soon?

There was only ten days between them.

As he was thinking about this, Lin Fang touched his leg with his leg: “How can I say it? Can you persist? If you can persist, buddy will go and get some money, and I will give it to you as a birthday present.”

“Boring.” Wei Zongying couldn’t find his lighter, and asked Lin Fang to use his own. “Betting on other people’s happiness, you will be punished by God.”

“You’re in a good relationship, are you happy?” Lin Fang threw the lighter to him, and Wei Zongying didn’t pick it up when he threw it at a very close distance.

The lighter fell on the ground, the light in the box was a little dim, the floor was covered with carpet, and the sound of the lighter falling was a little soft.

He reached out to pick up the lighter from the ground, lit it several times before lighting the cigarette.

The mass-produced fast food love is convenient but lacks a little taste.

So is that taste happiness?

Shi Yun learned from Fu Jing that his friend is called Ji Yanli, who is not from our school, but a student of Shou Polytechnic. The two of them are neighbors, and his neighbor friend came to the capital after taking the postgraduate entrance examination.

His family conditions are not very good. His father is a carpenter. When Ji Yanli was a child, his father was twisted by a machine when he was working. His mother also ran away with others. His father continued to rely on the money he earned from carpentry and the disability pension. Ji Yanli was raised by himself.

Shi Yun didn’t really care about those messages.

As Shi Yun asked about that boy more frequently, Fu Jing also guessed what Shi Yun meant.

Fu Jing likes Shi Yun. He has selfish intentions and doesn’t want to say it, but he still answers Shi Yun: “He doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

He became the one in the middle, and after having a few meals together, Shi Yun and Ji Yanli were together.

Ji Yanli is just an ordinary student with no special hobbies. I usually either go to class or read books and do homework. In the evening, I will call my roommates to play black games in the dormitory next door, or go to the basketball court next to the dormitory building to play.

Shi Yun once went to Polytechnic University to watch him play.

Wearing a red jersey, because the weather wasn’t so hot, he wore a black long-sleeved shirt underneath.

When playing, he was more flamboyant and less bookish than usual.

They are playing 3v3, the same rules as 5v5, playing the whole court.

Ji Yanli gave her the scoreboard, and put his clean coat on the chair for Shi Yun to sit on: “Come on.”

In the evening, he sent Shi Yun back to school. Under the dim street lights all the way, he asked Shi Yun if he could hold hands.

His love life is no different from others, starting from holding hands, and then sweating because of holding hands.

Ji Yanli would also be curious about what Shi Yun likes about him, and why he looks at him so intently every time.

When Shi Yun told her it was because he liked him, Ji Yanli would turn his face away in embarrassment, and say with red ears, “I’m not good-looking.”

After confirming the relationship, their dates and dinners became two people.

It’s just that he is in a different school, and Shi Yun is busy with his thesis now, so he doesn’t have much time for dating.

Most of the time, they just had a meal together. After being together for a month, they happened to meet Shi Yun for his birthday.

Ji Yanli asked where she was going to celebrate her birthday.

She has no idea, let him decide as he pleases.

In an ordinary private restaurant, Ji Yanli was earlier than her and even bought a cake.

The cake is not big, it is just right for two people.

As for the birthday present, he shyly took out a small box from his schoolbag.

Shi Yun opened the gift box, and inside was a mahogany comb.

The workmanship is a bit rough.

Ji Yanli watched Shi Yun size up the gift, and he secretly glanced at Shi Yun’s expression: “I bought this mahogany wood and polished it myself, so the workmanship is a bit rough.”

It was also a coincidence that Shi Yun met Lin Fang that day.

After dinner, the two of them were going to watch a movie when Lin Fang was pulled by a girl and stood at the entrance of the movie theater.

Lin Fang really doesn’t want to watch romance movies, he doesn’t understand the romance of pretentious big screen productions.

But if he didn’t go in, his girlfriend would be angry. Lin Fang saw Shi Yun in a daze, and after a closer look, he didn’t admit his mistake, but there was another boy standing next to her.

The two of them were holding hands, chatting and laughing, they should be boyfriend and girlfriend, that boy looks familiar no matter what.

Lin Fang subconsciously raised his hand to greet Shi Yun. Shi Yun frowned slightly, but then smiled back.

Shi Yun went to the machine to pick up the ticket.

Ji Yanli stood there waiting for her, always feeling that someone was watching him all the time, Ji Yanli turned his head to meet Lin Fang who was looking at him.

After the four eyes met, Lin Fang looked away with some embarrassment.

Like, **** like someone he knew.

In the next second, Wei Zongying’s face popped up in Lin Fang’s mind.

He took a few more glances at that boy, shit, this **** looks a bit like Wei Congying.

They didn’t see the same scene. Shi Yun and the others checked the tickets first, and Ji Yanli walked beside Shi Yun, looking back in Lin Fang’s direction: “Do you know that person?”


We all said hello and have nothing to hide.

Ji Yanli: “Are you friends?”

Shi Yun shook his head: “Not a friend.”

They walked into Hall No. 6, and the theater was very dark. As soon as Shi Yun sat down, he heard the people next to him ask, “Who should Wei Cong be?”

Shi Yun was taken aback, wondering how he knew the name.

Ji Yanli: “I just heard that the boy who greeted you told his girlfriend that you are Wei Congying’s ex-girlfriend.”

Before the opening, the preview of the upcoming movie was playing, and the sound was a bit loud.

Shi Yun didn’t deny it: “It’s my ex-boyfriend.”

After finishing speaking, I only heard Ji Yanli groan in frustration.

Because he eavesdropped on the second half of Lin Fang and that girl, the girl asked Lin Fang: Wei Congying is so rich and handsome, and after his ex-girlfriend broke up, it was too bad to find a new home.

Wei Congying heard the name Shi Yun again on her birthday.

Lin Fang watched Shi Yun enter the movie theater and called Wei Congying. He was a little incoherent and gossiping: “Wow, wow…”

I don’t know how many times I said just ‘wow’.

Wei Congying pretended to be Gundam, turned on the hands-free phone and threw it aside, without urging Lin Fang, he just stood there if he didn’t think he had a sore throat, and it wasn’t Wei Congying who wasn’t panting.

He polished the parts with a rubbing stick, and kept silent.

The movements in his hands are skillful, and finally the person on the other end of the phone has fully fulfilled the gimmicks and expectations in the early stage.

Lin Fang: “I just saw Shi Yun, she and her boyfriend are together.”

It’s not really breaking news, Wei Zongying’s hand grinding the parts only stopped for a moment, and then continued to rub.

Lin Fang: “Did you know? Her boyfriend looks like you.”

The hand holding the parts trembled, and the rubbing strip brushed the surface of his skin, feeling that a layer of his skin had been rubbed off abruptly.

It’s just a flesh injury, but the injury caused by this sentence to Wei Zongying is not a flesh injury.

Lin Fang scolded him on the other end of the phone: “You are a **** heartless person, it’s like this for a girl to fall in love with you.”

The author has something to say:

I should say something hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-3110:28:55~2022-05-3122:32:58~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 for Ajiu; 1 for Moon Man Xixilou;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 24 bottles of cloud; a little taste, 20 bottles of Affinity;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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