It’s Colder Today

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Maybe they really have a grudge.

Shi Yun knew that people who reacted could not forcefully go to the toilet, so he told him the relevant biological knowledge with “great kindness”. It’s like a twisted melon is not sweet, and going to the toilet by force is not good for your health.

Wei Congying glared at her, took away the hand that was on her shoulder to maintain his balance, and pinched her face instead, using slight force to forcibly correct the direction and range of her sight.

She refused to turn her face away. After hearing his words, she blinked her eyes, then crossed her hands in front of her, pinched the corner of her clothes and made a gesture to lift it up.

Wei Congying had quick eyes and quick hands, pressed down on her arm nervously: “This is a hospital.”

At any time, medical staff will open the door and come in to check the physical condition of the patients.

She also pretended to be stupid: “Huh? Do you only have feet? You don’t like this kind of semi-public stimulation now. You used to say you wanted to be in the yard?”

Add fuel to the fire.

Wei Congying glared at her, not reconciled to being attacked unilaterally by her: “I feel like I haven’t seen you for three years, but you are more and more relaxed now. You seem to be looking forward to it, it doesn’t matter that my house now has a yard.”

“I saw it. The decoration is pretty good. Do you have a conservatory on the third floor? It’s all glass. When the time comes, hold your neck and press it in…”

He lost.

Gritting his teeth: “Shut up.”

Isn’t it because she didn’t agree to get back together? Suddenly she missed the time when she didn’t really love herself, at least she wasn’t mad at her then.

There is no other way, Wei Zongying has to find another nurse.

Sometimes he felt that Shi Yun seemed to be joking when she took care of others, but it was undeniable that she was indeed professional. It’s just that when he was teased by her, Wei Congying would also wonder if he would have been discharged from the hospital long ago without her.

Although he was often angry with her, every time he was taken care of by her, Wei Congying forgot that she was angry with him as soon as he turned his head. Seeing that she did everything by herself and took better care of him, but she herself had two extra dark circles.

But whether it was when she didn’t love herself before, or now, she always takes care of herself very well.

During the hospitalization, Karp, Lite, and even Fan Kong and his family came to visit Wei Congying one after another.

The one who ran more diligently was Zhang Guangwei.

Therefore, Wei Zongying asked Zhang Guangwei, who came to visit the doctor, to help him find another nurse.

Zhang Guangwei saw that he sent Shi Yun away first, and then quietly told him about finding a nurse. He defaulted that the two had quarreled.

Before he left, Wei Congying stopped by and troubled Zhang Guangwei to help him find a wind at the door of the bathroom.

“What’s going on?” Zhang Guangwei looked at one after another.

Wei Cong should be inside the door, not very sound proof: “She is too scary.”

On the day of discharge from the hospital, the newly recruited nurses waited at the door of the house before them.

It was only then that Shi Yun found out about the new nurse he had recruited, and handed over all the help to the new man. After Wei Congying sat on the sofa to rest, she watched the nurse who was going to carry the luggage walk out of the room, and took Wei Cong in his hand. I prepared a pillow for my feet, and hugged it in my arms.

“How do you say, are you going to end the employment relationship between the two of us?”

Yaoquan hadn’t seen them for a long time, his tail was wagging fast, and his throat was full of whimpering sounds. Wei Congying patted its head: “I have money, I am happy, I will find two people to take care of me.”

It’s too hard to watch her, and it’s also because she’s too scary when she has no bottom line.

The reason for the former is relatively big, but the dead duck has a stubborn mouth, and he didn’t say it was because he was afraid that Shi Yun would be tired.

Shi Yun hit him with the pillow he snatched from his arms: “Okay.”

Anyway, he has money.

Shi Yun has been in the Isle of Man for several days, but he has never visited here.

After the Isle of Man TT event ended, the island returned to its usual appearance, and the ferry schedule was changed due to the sudden drop in the number of tourists.

She left Wei Congying and Jeff for a casual stroll around the neighborhood.

Jeff wondered where she lived recently, she said a friend’s house.

It was very windy today, and the seagulls stopped on the shore with the ship that had just returned to the port. Stone bricks form a low protective barrier along the sea. The seagulls stopped on it, and were startled by passing vehicles and pedestrians at any time, and flew into the air.

Trams can be seen everywhere, and Jeff took her to take a taxi to a few scenic spots that he thought were worth visiting.

Museums, a memorial tower built by locals to commemorate a philanthropist, and the castle that has stood majestically by the sea since the 11th century…

They sat down on a bench painted in rainbow colors, and Shi Yun asked him how long he was staying this time.

Jeff didn’t answer the question, but looked at her with a smile: “I should ask you this question, right, how long will you stay on the Isle of Man this time?”

“There’s still someone who hasn’t done it yet.” Shi Yun straightened his legs, his heels touched, and his shoes collided with each other.

“Understood, at this time, I need a good friend like me to help you solve your problems.” Jeff sat closer to Shi Yun, “Tell me about it.”

Shi Yun looked at his gossip, his expression was far from being able to make suggestions: “It’s just that we used to be together, and then we broke up. I want to get back together now, and it’s useless to show affection in every possible way. He said that we should start as friends. Slowly develop feelings.”

According to what Shi Yun told him, Jeff thought about it, and his tone was a little suspicious: “Are you sure he doesn’t have a relationship now? Is he in love with someone else?”

Shi Yun denied: “Probably not. There is only a woman next to him, and she doesn’t have that kind of relationship with him.”

I have to say that the relationship between Jeff and Mukai is still a little bit worse.

Jeff stretched out a finger and shook it: “Not necessarily.”

Shi Yun glanced at him: “It’s like you may not pass the exam this time, right?”

Jeff: “Mouth, it’s because of your mouth. Your ex-boyfriend doesn’t want to get back together with you because of your mouth.”

“Want to die?” Shi Yun raised his hand across his neck.

The island is not too big, and the two of them finished shopping after a whole morning.

We went to Mrs. Turner’s fast food restaurant together for lunch. When we were about to leave after lunch, there happened to be a delivery address next to the place where Wei Cong should live. Mrs. Turner asked Jeff to do this errand delivery job.

Anyway, out of gentlemanly behavior, Jeff wanted to send Shi Yun back, so he took the bag from Mrs. Turner’s hand.

It’s just that the more he walked along that road, the more something went wrong. Jeff picked up the gun fixed on the bag and looked at the delivery address, and then stopped breathing.

Shi Yun was taken aback by the person who stopped suddenly, and turned to look at the person without the petrification effect.

“What’s wrong?”

Jeff held up the gun: “My ex-boyfriend’s address.”

Raising his hand, Shi Yun made a shooting motion, a little gloating: “Okay, I just went back to see my ex-boyfriend, and you also go to see my ex-boyfriend.”

“I don’t like this kind of shared suffering.” Jeff was a little embarrassed, standing where he was, unable to lose the takeaway in his hand or face his ex-boyfriend.

“Oh?” Seeing his state, Shi Yun knew it in his heart, “You won’t make him a scumbag, will you?”

“…” Jeff frowned, “Is this mind reading?”

The place where the two lived was just one block apart. After they met, they were inseparable. After Jeff broke up with his first love, his ex-boyfriend comforted him. At that time, his ex-boyfriend was not a boyfriend. In his grief, Jeff kissed him. The individual identified a relationship shortly after. Later, the distance between the university was too far, and the two broke up.

“It feels like you haven’t done anything that would make your ex-boyfriend suspect that the takeaway was poisoned.” Shi Yun stretched out his hand, “How about I deliver it for you?”

Jeff grinned bitterly: “Before I kissed him, he liked girls.”

Shi Yun: “God will never forgive you.”

When she was about to turn the corner into Wei Zongying’s house, Jeff raised his hand and pulled Shi Yun away.

He wanted Shi Yun to accompany him to deliver this takeaway, as if the embarrassment would not exist if there was one more person, Shi Yun was forced to send him to the door of his ex-boyfriend’s house by his neck.

In this case, it is impossible to alleviate the embarrassment with one more person, but it is just one more person to visit other people’s embarrassment.

The house at the destination looked similar to the nearby ones, except that the maintenance and repair of the garden was obviously not as good as the other yards. A somewhat worn-out pickup truck was parked on the grass in the yard.

The doors and windows of the house are closed, and a flag representing the Isle of Man is planted in front of the house. The flag is still faded and old through constant wind and sun.

Shi Yun broke free from Jeff’s arm in front of the house, and he stood alone at the door, raising and lowering the hand that wanted to ring the doorbell.

This action was repeated several times, until Shi Yun couldn’t stand it anymore and wanted to step forward to help, a man wearing gauze gloves in somewhat rough clothes came out of the nearby garage with a wrench in his hand.

The visitor seemed to be about the same age as Jeff, and he had been doing physical labor all year round. He was a bit bigger than Jeff, and had some scars on his body, which might have been left over from his work.

He recognized Jeff at a glance, took off the gauze gloves full of engine oil, pointed to the takeaway in Jeff’s hand: “Mine.”

The eyes of the old lovers reunited, Shi Yun stood a little far away but didn’t notice it, but the two people who didn’t talk much were silent and funny when they handed over the takeaway.

The takeaway in Jeff’s hand was taken away, and he didn’t know where to put his free hands. He touched the pockets of his trousers, took them out and scratched his hair, but couldn’t speak out when he moved. He looked like an Italian with his hand held down.

Maybe it was revenge for Jeff’s insistence on abducting himself, Shi Yun added to the fire: “He suffered a serious illness a few days ago, his vocal cords were damaged, and he can’t speak, sorry.”

“I didn’t.” Jeff immediately denied it emotionally.

It was as if the cork in his throat had been removed. After he had spoken, it was a little less difficult to speak again.

Jeff put his hands in the back pockets of his pants, peeking at the man in front of him: “Hi, Dawes.”

Dawes responded with the same: “Hi, Jeff.”

Then there was silence again.

Shi Yun was furious: “Can I borrow the bathroom? Then give this man a glass of water. He came here on foot. I’m a bit thirsty.”

Dawes immediately led the way and let them in through the garage door.

There was a car that was half disassembled in the garage. It was obvious that he was repairing the car before he came out just now. He took two people in through the small door of the garage. There were pictures of local women, of the woman with Dawes, and of her with a man her own age. Dawes first pointed Shi Yun in the direction of the toilet, then led Jeff to the living room and asked him to wait.

Originally, it was to give Jeff a step, Shi Yun didn’t want to go to the bathroom at all, but he closed the door anyway, walked to the sink and washed his hands.

Cold water flowed from the faucet, Shi Yun cast his gaze across the surface of the pool, but didn’t see the hand sanitizer. Just as he was about to give up, his eyes were attracted by the sharp corner of the pool.

The decoration should be some years old, the white washbasin has turned slightly yellow, and a touch of dark red appeared on the corner of the pool platform. The corner looks like it has been smashed, and after the corner is dropped, the gaps are filled with undulating stone interiors.

Once the colored liquid gets in the gap, it is not as easy to clean up as it is on a smooth surface.

She turned off the faucet, squatted down and looked at the gap, lowered her gaze, and there was still a faint pink color at the drain opening of the white floor tiles.

When Shi Yun was suspicious, he heard a stern voice from the living room.

A man in his fifties, with a fishing rod in his hand, looked warily at Jeff and Shi Yun who had just come out of the toilet. It didn’t look like the kind face of a close person.

Jeff looked at the man, then back at Dawes.

Dawes lowered his eyes and dodged his eyes a little: “This is my father.”

The two “Hello, Uncle” did not get a response from the man in front of him who looked fierce. He went straight into the storage room on the first floor: “You can let them go back.”

Such an impolite expulsion order is really hard for people to say. Seeing Dawes not daring to disobey the man, Jeff and Shi Yun waved goodbye with insight.

After coming out of Dawes’ house, Shi Yun felt that the gloomy atmosphere surrounding him had disappeared: “Your ex-boyfriend’s father looks so fierce, he really didn’t give you a hug when you broke up with his son.” Slap?”

Jeff always felt something was wrong, and frowned: “His father passed away very early, that’s not his father.”

Shi Yun let out an oh, not very surprised. Dawes’s house is very close to Wei Congying’s house, one in front and one in the back. She stood at the gate of the yard saying goodbye to Jeff, seeing his thoughtful look, she said casually: “Maybe his mother remarried gone.”

“It’s also possible. After all, his mother is not in good health. She is probably afraid that no one will take care of Dawes after she dies, but will his stepfather take care of him?”

Doubts one after another.

Wei Congying had a little lunch with the nurse, but he didn’t care if the two of them ate together. After eating, he asked the nurse when Shi Yun would be back.

The nurse helped him to the edge of the sofa: “I don’t know, Miss Shi didn’t say when she would be back today before she went out.”

Forget it, let’s not say it.

She is such a big person, and she can speak English anyway, and the island is only so big, so she will never get lost.

It’s a pity that self-hypnosis was unsuccessful. With the TV on, his eyes still unconsciously fell on the street outside.

I don’t know how long I looked at it, but Shi Yun’s figure finally appeared on the street outside the window. It’s just that the figure is not alone, there is also a man.

The man who was sent a signed photo by Shi Yun.

After the two of them spoke a few words, he raised his hand and hooked Shi Yun’s shoulder affectionately, pulling her away.

The alarm goes off.

Wei Congying supported the back of the sofa chair so that he could see where she had gone. The two stopped in a house obliquely ahead, and he looked around with a solemn expression.

That appearance made Yaoquan very curious about what he was looking at. One person, one dog, and two heads were hiding behind the window glass.

“Damn, why is she still in the house?” She didn’t have any common sense about safety.


“You shit.”

Fortunately, after a while, after a middle-aged man entered the room, she quickly came out with the man who took the autograph. Saying goodbye is a very simple thing, but the two of them just stood at the door and chatted.

When she was about to release the dog again, she opened the door and came in.

When the door opened, Wei Zongying stretched his body and adjusted his sitting posture.

Lazy raised her eyes to look at the person entering the room, and said in a calm tone, “You’re back?”

Shi Yun hugged the rushing Yao Quan, held it and took a deep breath: “I’m back, I’m exhausted.”

The sofa was soft, she loosened the ring and she put on indoor slippers, and lazily fell down on the sofa, her whole body was bounced up, and the people next to her were also shaken.

He spoke sourly: “You are still tired, the nurse took care of me alone today, and I didn’t say I was tired.”

Shi Yun looked at the nurse who was busy in the kitchen, and glanced at Wei Congying: “You find another new love, and you are not allowed to shed two tears of being abandoned in a place without you?”

Look at this ability to put the cart before the horse, look at this ability to talk nonsense, if there is a doctor-patient relationship in the future, there will be no situation that she can’t solve.

Wei Congying: “I’m looking for another nurse to make you feel less tired after taking care of me, not to let you go on a date. I’m your employer now, so you’re considered absent from work during the day without reason.”

Shi Yun stretched out his hand: “Then did you give me money? I haven’t been paid my wages for so many days.”

Hearing this, Wei Zongying patted Yao Quan’s butt, and searched for his phone all over the sofa. Finally found it under the pillow, clicked on the money transfer software, Shi Yun poked his head and saw him enter the password to transfer money.

After a while, a reminder of the amount change came from my bank card.

A look – £8.


Shi Yun lifted his foot and kicked him on the thigh: “Did Yaoquan’s black dog hair be dyed with your black heart?”

He began wringing his fingers to list the actions she had made to **** him off in various verbal actions in his hospitalization: “Deducting money and deducting money… so the last 8 pounds.”

Shi Yun went to **** his mobile phone, and after snatching it, he moved to another sofa due to his bad feet and inconvenient walking. Before he could do the work of hollowing out his home, Shi Yun found out that he had made a note to himself .

Shi Yun narrowed his eyes: “Shi Yun from the medical rescue team?”

Wei Congying pointed to Shi Yun and asked Yaoquan to help him get the phone back, but the dog son’s IQ was offline, and he ran over to rest next to Shi Yun with his tongue out in a daze.

People and dogs can **** him off.

She used the advantage of a healthy person with no limb injuries to suppress Wei Congying on the sofa: “Do you want to change?”

Wei Congying gave in as she vilely started tickling him.

Remarks like wife, honey, and baby are absolutely impossible.

With tears in the corner of his eyes stimulated by the tickle, he thought about it and deleted the original note. Looking at the keyboard, I thought for a while before typing.

After Wei Congying finished the changes, he gave her the phone to check.

Shi Yun loosened the grip on his waist, and while he was still sitting on top of him, he took the phone and looked at the name behind his avatar.

— £8.

what? Is it because you are afraid that you will forget how much your salary will be paid later?

The next second when she relaxed her vigilance, her body swayed, she fell backwards, and a sense of weightlessness suddenly appeared. Although her back immediately touched the soft sofa, she bounced on the sofa twice, but she didn’t realize what was going on At that time, he had already grasped his own two hands.

Wei Congying’s mobile phone fell on her body, and his broad hands easily grabbed both of her hands, and he knelt on the sofa without touching the wound on his ankle.

While she was suspicious of this remark, he pressed her back.

“Continue to show me your prestige?” Wei Cong patted his legs with his free hands, and treated him in the same way as others.

She was as ticklish as Wei Congying, kicking her legs, but no matter how hard she struggled.

Red quickly climbed up from under the neckline, onto Shi Yun’s neck and cheeks, and she begged for mercy: “You are shameless, you bully women.”

What comes out is the sound common to a certain movement.

It looks miserable.

He didn’t tickle her all the time, and let her relax for a while.

Shi Yun panted heavily, desperately replenishing the oxygen his body needed.

However, I didn’t have a good chance to counterattack just now. Once he took the initiative, the natural gap in body became his advantage, and the two hands caught by him couldn’t break free together. I knew that when I was studying medicine, I chose to study in the direction of orthopedics, otherwise I might be able to knock him down with an elbow now.

After many struggles to no avail, Shi Yun gave up.

The appearance of giving up is obvious. After being suppressed and bullied by her for so long, Wei Congying finally realized the familiar feeling that he was able to handle with ease in the relationship before.

Just as he was about to let her go, his kicking legs came close to her. The hand I held didn’t have any strength to resist.

“Huh?” Wei Congying was a little suspicious.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

The next second, she turned her head to look at the nurse who was hiding in the kitchen and was embarrassed to come out.

“Hi, could you help me get the dog out into the yard, please? You can leave work early today after you close the yard door. We’re gonna have | **** on the couch.”

Thunder on the ground.

Wei Zongying’s ears turned red for a moment, never expecting her to come back.

As if he had received some great gift, the nurse immediately came out of the kitchen, turned his back to them and led the circle, and moved out like a crab.

There was a sound of closing the door, and one person and one dog fled quickly.

She snorted: “Come on.”

Wei Congying let go: “Damn, you won.”

Shi Yun picked up the cell phone he dropped on her body. After the suppressed state disappeared, she sat up from the sofa and handed the cell phone back to him: “You know I’m amazing.”

I used my fingers to straighten the hair that was messed up during the struggle.

Shi Yun was curious: “Why is it £8?”

Because the entry fee for the Isle of Man TT is only 8 pounds, he once joked that his life is worth 8 pounds.

She is £8.

£8 equivalent to life.

In her curiosity, Wei Cong should take the phone back: “I won’t tell you.”

The author has something to say:

I’m late, sorry sorry!

In the past few days, I have been taking melatonin at night and I can’t fall asleep, and I can’t type. I rarely feel sleepy in the afternoon, so I went to take a nap.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-23 22:58:29~2022-06-2517:19:12~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of gnawing radishes; 2628703620 bottles; 19 bottles of xxxnina, solar maintenance; 11 bottles of fish and fish love fish; Hei Hei Hei Mei, Big Q, a bastard, 53800710, 10 bottles of millet; cat ears, 44444, -sshkiR-8 bottles; ah ah ah ah ah, cloud, whoever refuses to accept a fool, a fish, Josie, nicole, Gougou Bus, Autumn Leaf Alley First Beauty, Jiayao, Cohnia, Yyqx, 5 bottles of Lemon; 3 bottles of Yezi Candy; Wu Yue’s Weny, Half of My Heartbeat, Spring Bear, Wyb0805, Wooden Rabbit Little Tail, 2 bottles of YVONNE; Yutao, Jinanzai, christine~yyy, 27957283, Hazzy, Gargamel (, 56795865, one period, one meeting, 32500912, who would have thought, L…, unlucky classmate, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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