It’s Colder Today

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

After the nurse left, today Wei Zongying needed everything and Shi Yun came.

When Shi Yun tidied up, he found that the gauze and iodine were gone. Although the doctor asked them to go back to the hospital to change the gauze, Shi Yun felt that their operations might not meet her standards.

After getting the dinner ready, Shi Yun led Yao Quan to go out together when the blue and orange smudged the sky.

It may be that Wei Congying taught him well when walking him, or it may be that this breed of dog is genetically docile. Yaoquan takes good care of Shi Yun’s pace, so even if he encounters other small animals, he will not be rushed. Go up and play with them.

One person and one dog went to the nearby pharmacy, and Shi Yun was going to buy some gauze, iodine, and vitamins that were about to be finished.

Shi Yun asked Yaoquan to wait for her outside the store, put the cup it drank from on the ground, and then wrapped the cup with a rope.

Yaoquan got down on the ground in a coordinated manner, with its front paws stretched forward, lying out of the way.

Shi Yun told the clerk exactly what he needed, and it didn’t take much time to pay and checkout.

When I turned around and was about to leave, I found Dawes standing at another window who was unable to buy some medicines because he did not have a doctor’s certificate.

Medications cannot be given without a doctor’s note, that’s the rule.

Dawes had to give up.

He simply bought some medicine to clean up the wound, and only saw Shi Yun after paying the bill.

It was just a meeting, he walked out of the store before Shi Yun, and then stood outside waiting for her.

Nothing but Jeff.

Dawes saw Shi Yun holding Yaoquan, and he recognized the dog as a dog raised by an Asian man nearby.

Shi Yun explained his relationship with Jeff: “We are classmates and we rent a house together.”

Then Dawes asked a lot about Jeff, after all, it was other people’s privacy, so Shi Yun simply said something insignificant.

From the corner of the eye, Shi Yun’s eyes were drawn away by his wobbly arms as he walked. The pharmacy bag in his hand was filled with the most common medicines for cleaning wounds.

The metacarpal bone on the back of the hand was red, and when I looked up, there were more bruises on the cheekbones that were not there when we met at noon today, and the corners of the mouth and brow bones were also a little broken. The skin on the neck under the collar of the sweater was red, and he was slightly hunched over, as if his back was in pain.

The two separated at the gate of Wei Zongying’s courtyard, and Shi Yun led Yao Quan to watch Daos disappear. A corner of the kitchen curtain of his house was lifted, and a fierce and terrifying gaze fell on Shi Yun who had not yet entered the house from behind the curtain.

After helping Wei Zongying take a bath at night, Shi Yun found that his skin was a little dry. After changing the gauze on his feet, she disposed of the waste and found half a bottle of body lotion from her suitcase.

Wei Congying saw the bottle in her hand, her feet resting on the folded quilt, and looked at the person standing beside the bed who was squeezing a big lump of body milk into her hand.

“You think of various reasons every day to get rich, are you tired?”

“You don’t feel tired after holding back every day. Why am I tired?” Shi Yun lifted the hem of her nightgown and stepped onto the bed, “You used to be shameless and shameless when you played hooligans with me, why is it not working now?”

Because… I always felt that after falling asleep, his initiative in this relationship became worse, as if a prisoner of war who raised his hand and surrendered, was telling her that he was a complete loser.

As long as she surrenders, he can immediately lay down his weapon.

He struggled to find some proof that he could do just fine without her.

But coveted her care.

Want this, want that.

Therefore, you can’t have both fish and bear’s paws, and you get nothing. Instead, you are so angry that you can’t taste it.

Of course he knew about her showing favor to him, but once you know that the other party is a liar, then even if you sincerely give, you will be suspicious.

Cooperating with Shi Yun’s request, Wei Zongying turned over on the bed.

Shi Yun patted his shoulder blades: “Okay.”

After painting him, Shi Yun started to paint himself, tapped the mouth of the bottle on his palm, and then squeezed hard: “By the way, I’m asking you something.”

Wei Congying turned over by himself, adjusted the pillow at the head of the bed, and heard her speak just as he picked up the phone.


Shi Yun asked him about Daos.

“Do you know the family diagonally in front?” As he spoke, Shi Yun pointed in the direction of Daos’s house.

Wei Congying glanced in the direction of her fingertips, and then twitched the corners of his mouth: “It’s not acquaintance, but I know.”

Judging by his expression, it seems that something unpleasant happened.

Shi Yun bent her legs and massaged her skin slowly, so that the body milk could be easily absorbed: “Did any friction happen?”

Wei Congying: “I didn’t take good care of the yard before, and then he reported me, and I was fined. And once the neighbor next door held a party, because there were too many people coming, there was not much space to park. Some people just I parked the car in front of his house. Anyway, it was late at night, and he didn’t go out. I saw him puncture the tires of those people’s cars. That person doesn’t have a good reputation in this block, and everyone is not. I like him very much. Looking fierce, I feel that he is a bit dark. But his son is okay, after knowing that I am a racing driver last time, he asked me if I could take a photo with him.”

Shi Yun snorted and nodded thoughtfully: “Then do you know the mistress of that family?”

“I haven’t seen it.” Wei Zongying shook his head, “But he probably didn’t die. There are still three people’s names on the mailbox.”

After painting his limbs, Shi Yun took off his pajamas, sat on his lap with his back facing him, and handed him the body lotion in his hand: “Paint my back.”

on purpose.

Wei Cong should feel that she must have done it on purpose.

The hot phone from being played with immediately brought the temperature of his palm up. Obviously, the determination to be Liu Xiahui is a lesson from heaven and earth, but his hands still caressed her back in a strange way, imitating her to apply powder to himself As before, spread the light pink body lotion evenly on her skin.

Trying to distract himself, he asked her why she was so curious about Dawes.

Shi Yun was a little ticklish and dodged subconsciously. Wei Congying took a deep breath as the person dangled around. Her callused hand scratched her skin and it still hurt a little. She leaned forward slightly, moaning in her throat.

She hid for a moment: “Just ask.”

Wei Congying gritted his teeth: “Don’t move, do you still want to paint it? If you don’t paint it, just go down for me.”

After applying body lotion for her, he pulled on the light and brought darkness into the room. Lady’s body lotion, the taste is too sweet, mixed with Wei Zongying’s own taste, it has a different feeling.

After being sick, the work and rest are always very regular.

Wei Congying rested his arms on his eyes, and vaguely felt that the person next to him was turning over all the time. He was not a light sleeper, but he had difficulty falling asleep for no reason.

When the faint sunlight appeared from the sea, it immediately shone into the room through the window. Shi Yun turned over and put a leg on his unoperated leg.

Wei Zongying opened his eyes in the next second.

The long black hair got into his neck, and the ends of the hair scratched his neck a little itchy, Shi Yun’s hair was soft, I don’t know why the smell of Shi Yun’s hair was always longer than his, even though he used the same shampoo Long.

He tilted his head, trying to get a little distance away so that her hair would not touch his neck. But half of his arm was being pressed by her. It was true that the left side was injured. After the healing was over, he felt that his right arm could also be stabbed. The numb feeling made him very uncomfortable, and when he moved, Shi Yun also woke up.

“My neck is itchy, sleep next to me.”

She didn’t move, but raised her hand, her nails fell on his skin, and her fingertips scratched the surface of the skin. Her eyes were still closed, she didn’t look at it, and finally touched his Adam’s apple.

With a light touch of his finger, he said in a very cooperative voice: “Stop making trouble.”

The sun seemed to rise faster than yesterday, Shi Yun’s hands stopped moving, but they didn’t move away. She stood up and let the suspender nightdress slide over her shoulders.

Her expression was very serious, and she used the standard ancient costume movie move of turning over a horse: “I want to study your body structure.”

In the past, he liked to distort the classics of literati and poets to make ambiguities, but now she uses straightforward biological narration to fall asleep.

The silk nightgown **** his wrists, and now he had reason to suspect that she was sleeping with her arms pressed down as a step in this grand conspiracy, and her arms couldn’t use her strength.

The things I bought before came in handy.

With her back turned to Wei Congying, she sat on his lap: “If you don’t want to, you can sleep.”

Encircled and suppressed by heat and humidity, reason evaporates and conflicts with perseverance.

Wei Congying lay flat on the bed, just like when he helped her apply body lotion yesterday: “Listen to what you said yourself?”

But she really thought she was dead, she moved and shouted by herself.

The sea water in his body was evaporating, half blue and half hot sun, just like the sunrise on the Isle of Man at this moment.

In the next second, someone pressed the back of her neck and pushed her onto the bed, feeling suffocated, she tilted her head.

The sunlight shining into the room suddenly shone into Wei Zongying’s body at this moment.

He has no way to give up the racing car, because he has experienced the excitement brought by the racing car, and nothing else can give him such a mental stimulation.

He has no way to quit this mental stimulation.

However, the same type of stimulation for a long time, just like taking the same medicine all the time, will lead to drug resistance, and the soul stimulation brought by this kind of racing is gradually not as exciting as the first time.

But at this moment, that thrill hit again, sweeping his limbs and bones.

The source of the stimulus is her.

Even at the moment when I saw her rushing to the top, even if I didn’t arrive, I still felt satisfied.

He may not be a loser, but Shi Yun will always be a winner.

Shi Yun didn’t want to move, she hugged Wei Zongying, and the two sat on the bed facing each other, asking him if his ankle hurt.

He wants to smoke, but the cigarettes are not there. Playing with her hair, looking at the corner of the sky that can be seen outside the window: “It doesn’t hurt.”

She didn’t get up, didn’t move. Feeling his heartbeat calm down with the close skin, and letting him play with his hair, Shi Yun still likes to hug afterwards.

The summer in the Isle of Man is different from other places. Wei Cong should wrap the two of them in a quilt.

Feeling her kissing his neck delicately, he tilted his head and pressed her face against her.

The nurse, who was not used to knocking first, came to take care of Wei Zongying’s wash routine, and when he opened the bedroom door, although he didn’t see anything he shouldn’t have seen, the kissing scene seemed to be something that could not be seen by others.

The nurse immediately turned her head: “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect you to go on from yesterday afternoon to now. Sorry, sorry.”

“Are you satisfied now?” Wei Congying held her waist and patted her side.

Shi Yun looked away from the closed bedroom door: “Then am I also his boss wife now?”

However, without giving Wei Cong a chance to be stubborn, Shi Yun’s cell phone rang, and it was Jeff who called her, asking her to come to Grandma Katie’s house now, and to discuss something with her.

The person on the other end of the phone sounded very anxious, for fear of something important, Shi Yun didn’t dare to dawdle.

She put on her clothes quickly, and the quilt had fallen to the floor. She looked at the naked man on the bed, pulled the quilt a little, but didn’t help him put it on: “I’m going first.”

He is not deaf, and he heard the voice on the other end of the phone, it was a man.

Good guy, just a moment ago, he was still in love with him, and even kissed. At this second, he didn’t even cover him with the quilt, and ran away in a hurry.

The small blue bungalow was still so conspicuous, after Shi Yun rang the doorbell, Jeff opened the door for her.

What he discussed with Shi Yun was about Dawes.

At dinner with his aunt this morning, Jeff casually mentioned that he met Dawes yesterday.

His aunt told him that Dawes’s stepfather was a strong man, sometimes eccentric, and that Dawes’s mother had left the Isle of Man to work in Manchester after she quit her fast food restaurant a few years ago. The son was left behind to work in the car dealership on the island. Not long ago, Dawes’ stepfather experienced the blow of being laid off and unemployed, and his life was a little tight.

“So, is there a problem?” Shi Yun was curious.

Jeff lowered his voice, afraid that his grandma, who was watching food videos, would hear: “It’s weird because the water Dawes poured for me yesterday. Dawes is not a person who likes drinks and sweets. He always only drinks plain water, but The water he gave me yesterday was his mother’s favorite salted lemonade. If Dawes’ mother went to work in Manchester according to what my aunt said, why would Dawes make salty lemonade that he doesn’t like? And you don’t think Dawes’s Is the stepfather scary? He actually issued such a ruthless order to expel us as guests.”

“Maybe he changed his taste, or maybe his mother suddenly went home to rest? Maybe his stepfather doesn’t like people coming to the house?” Shi Yun thought about it. Although he felt strange, he felt that there should be nothing particularly serious, ” If there is really something, like what Dawes’s father did to Dawes’ mother, do you think Dawes will not resist? I asked my ex-boyfriend yesterday, and he said that he hadn’t seen Dawes’s mother for a long, long time, Perhaps… she abandoned her husband and child?”

“Impossible.” Jeff rejected Shi Yun’s conjecture, “Mama Dawes can be said to be the most gentle mother I have ever met. At that time, Dawes and I were in a relationship. Some parents may not accept their children coming out of the closet. But Dawes’s mother is very kind to me, she even shared interesting stories about Dawes’s childhood with me. And Dawes’s mother is not in good health, do you think a woman with poor health will go to Manchester to work? If she really wants to work, that’s okay A strong and young man like Stanley should go to work.”

Two people who have only watched a few detective dramas really have no way to deduce the whole time.

Shi Yun thought of the red marks he saw in the bathroom at that time, and didn’t have any thoughts: “You care so much, why don’t you just ask Si?”

Jeff told her not to belittle her IQ: “Of course I asked, but what Dawes said was the same as what my aunt said. It was because my aunt went to Manchester to work.”

Shi Yun was taken aback for a moment, and a feeling of extreme fear came over him: “Tell me, could it be Daos and his mother…”

Jeff knew what Shi Yun wanted to say in the second half of the sentence: “Impossible, Daos’s mother is a very gentle person, and Daos is also a very good person. It is impossible for him to kill his mother.”

This kind of suspicion is useless even if the police are called. All of this is due to Jeff’s own suspicions and guesses.

Before lunch at noon, Shi Yun went home and managed to escape Grandma Katie’s cooking skills.

Maybe it was because he had talked about Dawes with Jeff. After Shi Yun returned to the place where Wei Cong should live, he subconsciously glanced at Xiefang Dawes’ home.

With a flicker of his gaze, Shi Yun saw half of a face appearing behind the window.

After looking at each other, the curtains shook, Shi Yun was also startled, pushed open the courtyard door, and walked quickly into the house.

Shi Yun changed his shoes at the entrance, and when he turned his head to look at the living room, only Yaoquan who was dozing on the sofa did not see Wei Zongying.

The nurse’s cooking is half done.

Shi Yun smelled a very strong smell of curry: “Has he not gotten up yet?”

The nurse turned down the fire and poked his head out from the kitchen: “No, I wanted to help him get up after you left, but he refused.”


Shi Yun went upstairs, knocked on the door symbolically, and opened the door without waiting for the answer from the person inside.

Just as she left after answering the phone earlier, the nurse also came upstairs.

It was a pitfall to gain wisdom, so the nurse knocked on the door first: “Sir, is it convenient for me to come in?”

“don’t want!”

No one cares about him, just let him lie naked in a room with a temperature of more than 10 degrees, it is so cold that he catches a cold.

Abusing herself made her feel guilty.

However, after lying down for a while, it was still me who was cold.

He pulled the quilt back again.

At this moment when Shi Yun entered the bedroom, he was lying on the bed without a quilt, his eyes were full of resentment.

Shi Yun walked over and picked up the quilt on the ground: “It’s come out, the quilt is still warm. The reaction is quite fast, and I kicked the quilt when I heard the sound of me going upstairs.”

She didn’t expect to be discovered by her, and she didn’t save him any face, so she directly exposed it: “Where have you been?”

“Jeff has something to do with me, don’t dry the meat.” Shi Yun put the quilt on the bed, “Lunch is almost ready, should I help you or call the nurse?”

“What did he want from you?”

It was all two people’s guesses without any real evidence, and it was hard for Shi Yun to tell him that lying to him was about renting a house, and the landlord had something to discuss with them.

There are indeed many problems when renting a house abroad. Wei Zongying also met a wonderful landlord when he had not bought the house in the first year, but he expressed some doubts about Shi Yun’s excuse.

“Then do you have a place to live when you go back to London?” Wei Congying put on his clothes, and stretched out his hand to her, letting her give him a hand.

I didn’t succeed in selling it, and she sold it all: “With a salary of 8 pounds, I can’t rent any house in London, and I can’t even afford the air ticket to go back to China. After you recover, I guess I’ll go swimming right away.” Go back, maybe we can catch up with the New Year’s Eve dinner.”

She was serious, but she also made jokes.

“If you are poor, I can open up another job, such as sewing toys for Yaohuan.” Wei Congying stood by the sink and brushed his teeth.

Probably hearing the sound of Wei Zongying getting up, the nurse went upstairs to help tidy up the room.

Shi Yun leaned against the door frame of the bathroom and called him, “By the way, how much does he pay you?”

The nurse couldn’t speak directly, so he took a sneak peek at Wei Zongying and found that he didn’t respond before opening his mouth.

“So much?” Shi Yun turned her head and shouted to Wei Zongying in Chinese that the nurse couldn’t understand. She was a little envious, “I’m still sleeping with you. I don’t even have as much money as him.”

“I’ll provide you with food and shelter.” Wei Congying washed his face rough and had already wiped his face with his face, “And figure it out, I was the one who was used these few times. I haven’t asked you for money in reverse. “

Shi Yun handed him the face towel, and then raised his hand like helping a lady in a Qing palace drama: “You also figure it out, you are the one who refuses to end it in the end, right?”

Fortunately, the nurse couldn’t understand Chinese, so Wei Congying wanted to cover her mouth with a washcloth: “Can you bring a handle when you talk? Say everything out.”

“Would you still include food and lodging in the future?” Shi Yun avoided his hand holding the washcloth.

It’s like asking him if he has a future.

Wei Congying threw the face towel into the trash can, and put some wet hands on Shi Yun’s arms: “Do you want to?”

“I definitely want to.” With a sincere tone, she looked forward to it, and added, “We haven’t tried the sun room yet.”

Wei Congying took back the hand that was on Shi Yun’s body, and asked the nurse to help him: “You can swim back tomorrow, don’t miss the reunion dinner on New Year’s Day.”

But Wei Congying still cared about her. He cared about Shi Yun’s renting a house, and asked her about her studies. She answered the latter honestly, but the former was a lie, so she played a blind eye and said that the landlord allowed them to continue renting together.

However, it was Jeff who slapped her in the face.

The next afternoon Jeff came to the place where Wei Congying lived to look for her.

It happened that Shi Yun came out and picked up the parcel and letters from the mailbox at the door.

The letter box was filled with a pile of discount coupons from the nearby supermarket.

Shi Yun saw a man coming in full armor from a long distance, if he didn’t know that no one would rob the bank wearing a purple sweater with big flowers, Shi Yun almost screamed for the people around to grab this man wearing a mask, sunglasses and a hat , strikingly sneaky people.

“Jeff?” Shi Yun looked at the people who squeezed into the yard.

Jeff took off his hat and mask and made a silent gesture: “Bring me a place, I want to monitor Dawes’s house.”

“This is not my place, it’s my ex-boyfriend’s place.” Shi Yun told him to stop.

Jeff was really worried about the Dawes family: “Please, in return I will help you adjust the relationship.”

“He will regard you as a rival in love.” Shi Yun wanted to hold him back.

Jeff wriggled into the yard: “Please, I will only be your rival in love?”

The expression of the person on the sofa is a bit bad. I don’t know if it’s because of Jeff, or because he was shocked by the purple sweater with big flowers on Jeff’s body, or maybe it’s because of Jeff wearing such shocking clothes. Double buff.

After Jeff explained the problem of orientation, Wei Congying’s complexion improved a little. Glancing at Shiyun, she asked her to give the reason why Jeff came to the door today.

Jeff didn’t know about Shi Yun’s lying, so he told Wei Congying about Daos when Shi Yun came to his house to discuss with him before. He was really worried and wanted to borrow Wei Congying’s house to observe the family opposite .

“So it’s not the landlord’s problem?” Wei Zongying snorted, his tone threatening, and he smiled.

Shi Yun coughed and straightened his back. A person with bad deeds can’t stand being suspected again: “We’ve discussed it, and if you didn’t say it, it doesn’t mean you’re lying. I don’t care about other men’s business with me. Too lazy to say.”

The nurse politely made a cup of black tea for Jeff, and then took Yaoquan who had had lunch for a walk.

The doors and windows on the opposite side are closed, and I don’t know what Jeff can observe here.

He was drinking black tea, standing behind the living room window, staring at the opposite house, chatting casually with them: “Handsome guy, did you buy or rent this house?”


“Rich man, but why did you come to the Isle of Man to buy a house?”


“Like the Isle of Man TT?”


Excited as if the secret signal was on the top, Jeff watched for a long time without seeing anyone coming in and out of Dawes’s house, so he ran to Wei Congying and sat down next to him: “I really like it too. One thing, did not catch up.”

Seeing Jeff approaching suddenly, Wei Zongying quietly moved to the side.

Jeff noticed this movement, he knew that many people are not very tolerant of homosexuality, especially men.

“I don’t like every man, don’t be afraid. I have a personal aesthetic problem. I don’t like Asian and African men very much. It’s not discrimination. They are also very good. But the cultural gap between countries is still a bit big, so I won’t look for these places. Don’t worry, I don’t like you.”

But it seems not so convincing.

Shi Yun glanced at him: “He is the second in the supercar group this year.”

“Fuck!” Jeff didn’t connect the person in front of him with the racing driver, so he immediately turned his back and put his hands on the waistband of his trousers, “I can.”

Shi Yun picked up the package box that he had just brought back from the table and threw it at him: “You want to die by stealing a man from me? Come here and sit next to me.”

Rival in love turned into admirer, faster than racing car, Wei Congying couldn’t keep up for a while. Jeff reluctantly returned to the window and continued to watch.

However, the suspicious target did not appear, but instead saw a woman walking to the gate of Wei Zongying’s courtyard, and then opened the door familiarly.

“someone is coming.”

Jeff had just finished speaking when the doorbell rang.

The person who came was Li Te, and the factory had sent a package addressed to Wei Zongying to the depot, so Li Te came to deliver the package.

When visiting the Isle of Man with Shi Yun before, Jeff heard from Shi Yun that there was only one woman around Wei Congying who was not in an affair with him.

It seemed to be the woman in front of her wearing a slim sweater and leggings.

The proud figure is outlined by the clothes that cling to the body, making people’s blood spurt.

Jeff’s eyeballs were about to fall off, and he walked behind Shi Yun, with his arms resting on the back of the sofa chair, his chin drooping: “I finally understand why you can’t deal with your ex-boyfriend, you have a good figure, but in front of this person Vulnerable.”

After finishing speaking, Jeff didn’t look back, and sighed, “It’s so big.”

As soon as the words fell, Shi Yun’s murderous eyes also came.

Jeff’s back felt cold, and his hairs stood up: “Ahem, I mean, the strength of the discount.”

He pointed to the discount coupons that Shi Yun had brought back from the mailbox on the coffee table: “What a great discount.”

The author has something to say:

It will be updated at seven o’clock in the evening

You don’t have to wait for morning!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-2517:19:12~2022-06-2618:21:13~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Hehehe 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: here is Jing Jing, 10 bottles of fat people who don’t like meat; 9 bottles of inkstone; barbaraz21, 5 bottles of alu; ;lsp, Evildoer.1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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