It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 119

Chapter 124: The Drunken Queen Mother 25

In the case of the confrontation between the two sides, the seventh prince who did not pass the national jade seal hastily ascended the throne.

The first thing the seventh prince did after he ascended the throne was to secretly imprison the king and queen who discouraged him from rushing to the throne and refused to order the “cleaning” of the harem in the Ningfu Palace.

His throne is unstable, and the harem has been dominated by the noble concubine for many years. God knows how many secret children she has arranged in this huge harem?

For his own safety, and for the throne, of course, the harem must be “cleaned” several times to feel at ease.

Empress Wang is merciful and refuses to order the “cleaning” of the harem, which is purely a woman’s benevolence! The seventh prince used the excuse of concubine Gao to cause the queen to be poisoned. Under the banner of “the queen mother is angry, I want to avenge the queen mother”, he raised the butcher knife and started a **** killing in the harem.

Although the ministers criticized him for his murderous behavior, but for the sake of his filial piety, they did not criticize him too much.

The seventh prince did not have a big wedding. The queen was “bedridden” after being poisoned by ‘secretion”. The palace affairs could not be left unattended. “In charge of the harem.

After cleaning up the side of the couch, the seventh prince had the heart to deal with the third prince. Sora fired his mouth.

The seventh prince said that he had the edict of the first emperor, and there were ministers who could testify.

Goulian wanted to gain a merit from the dragon, but he was different. The royal father handed over the jade seal to the king himself on the sickbed, because he wanted the king to take over as the king.

People at that time paid attention to having a famous teacher when they went to war. The third prince and the seventh prince never fought, that is because they never had this “name”.

The domestic climate has been smooth and there has been no war for a long time. Except for a few ambitious people, whether they are ministers or common people, they are reluctant to start the war lightly. Come up with a poisonous plan to settle it.

Could it be that it is still dragged to the seventh and eighty years of the palace? She gritted her teeth and came up with a trick: “If there is no ‘name’, Aijia will create a ‘name’ for him.”

She sent messengers to secretly contact the new emperor, and told the new emperor that she and the third prince had been through more than half a year of hardship, and she had long regretted it. It’s hard to ride a tiger now.

Now that she and the third prince have remorse, although she wants to go back, she is only worried that the queen dowager who has always been at odds with herself will take this to trouble. If the new emperor can sentence the queen dowager to bone drunkenness, Their mother and son are willing to present the jade seal of the country with both hands!

When the Seventh Prince heard this, he was immediately disillusioned by the passing of the National Jade Seal.

Empress Wang did not help him win the crown prince position for a long time, and he has been dissatisfied for a long time. Now that he has ascended the throne, he can only wait for the jade seal of the kingdom, and he is the emperor who is given by God.

Because of “cleaning” the harem, she imprisoned Queen Wang in Ningfu Palace for half a year. If she is released, I am afraid that not only will it not be able to help me in the slightest, but it may even hinder me everywhere, so this person should be removed!

With this idea in mind, he agreed to Gao Guifei’s request without stumbling.

Murdering the adoptive mother with the torture of bone drunkenness is too vicious. If the ministers and workers know about it, it will definitely not be good. The seventh prince knows this well, and he dare not let outsiders Knowing that, he found his own mother, the Queen Mother Zhao, to discuss it.

Poor Empress Dowager Zhao, who worked hard in the harem for more than ten years, was only promoted to the position of concubine. Lord, became the most honorable woman in the world, the Queen Mother Zhao was dizzy, for fear that the glory and wealth in front of her were just a dream.

After listening to the words brought by the emissary sent by the concubine Gao Guifei, the newly appointed Empress Dowager Zhao agreed without thinking. Her identity is already extremely noble, but there is still a woman pressing her head. That is the Queen.

After coaxing them back, can’t you help yourself how you want to play with them? Empress Dowager Zhao’s wishful thinking made a “pop” sound.

The mother and son made up their minds, and in front of the secret envoy sent by the Gao family, the original body was “drunk on the bones”, pitiful the original body of this generation of sages, upright and kind After a lifetime, he was ordered to be executed by the child he raised by himself. After cutting off his limbs, the original body was soaked in a wine jar, mourning for a day and a night before he died.

The secret envoy sent by the Gao family took away the jar of wine that had been seasoned. The mother and son of the Zhao family, with their hands full of blood, were still anxiously waiting in the palace for Concubine Gao to send back the imperial jade seal. Who would have known that an order calling for benevolent and righteous people to go to the capital and crusade against “rebels” has spread all over the country.

No…” The over 2,000-word arrondissement was written so brilliantly that one couldn’t help but be amazed.

The wine jar contains the skeletons of the late king and queen, the adoptive mother of the “pseudo-emperor” seven princes.

The seventh prince who knew that he was fooled was of course unwilling to be captured. He argued that the former king and queen were sent to the palace by the third prince and his son, and his mother and son killed the king by brutal means. The queen just wanted to put the blame on herself. He rewarded high-ranking officials and wealth like flowing water, and summoned the generals of the imperial court to guard the capital, so the whole country was suddenly caught in the flames of war.

The seventh prince, who usually behaves very docile in front of the original body, has such a savage side, which makes people can’t help but stare at him.

The right to drive people crazy! Lying on the couch tossing and turning, Wang Qingqing couldn’t help but mutter silently.

Working when she can’t sleep, she closed her eyes and silently took stock of the residences of the concubines and concubines in her heart, striving to put more people in the limited space.

At this time, Emperor Jianguang’s harem was completely different from the previous life. The last king and queen lost most of the rights of the harem due to a long illness. More beauties come in and more die.

Since Gao obtained the right to control more than half of the harem with the support of His Majesty the Emperor, Emperor Jianguang had few children born, and there were countless babies and concubines who died in the palace. , At that time, the harem did not have the “overcrowded” grand scene that it is now.

There are too many people in the harem! There are many people, and the expenses are high. Wang Qingqing, who studied economics, is extremely sensitive to numbers. She can’t help but be shocked by the huge daily expenses.

Whether it is for the sake of the mission or for the sake of the national treasury, I have to incarnate as a “virtuous queen” to discuss this matter with His Majesty the Emperor.

Having made up her mind, Wang Qingqing set out to read through the various accounts of the harem over the years, and with the help of the six Shang Gongs, she personally produced a statistical data.

After finishing the statistics, Wang Qingqing ordered the emperor to come to Changchun Palace for dinner.

After eating, I will report the good news to His Majesty the Emperor: “Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty, today’s hospital, Song Jieyu, Zhang | Bao | Lin Bingzheng are all happy. pulse.”

Wang Qingqing was beaming with joy, His Majesty the Emperor held a teacup without even raising his eyelids, and responded with a very flat “um”, which made people look at it and thought that the children were Wang Qingqing’s seed Woolen cloth!

Expect less.

“Why don’t you add more?” His Majesty the Emperor asked in confusion, “Could it be that there are not enough people in the inner court?”

Aqing is not such a mean person, perhaps because of her own infertility, she has always valued her children. Every concubine has been pregnant since she was found to be pregnant. Supplies have been added, why are these few not added?

“No.” Wang Qingqing shook her head slightly: “There are still enough manpower, not adding people to them is because there is no place for the palace people to live.”

“Song Jieyu is fine, she occupied the main room of Jingren Palace and Jiaxuan.” Wang Qingqing sighed: “It’s just three rooms, she lives with six maids. , If you arrange a few more people in, I’m afraid it won’t be able to hold it.”

“How could this be so?” His Majesty the Emperor was inexplicably surprised: “Why don’t you give them more rooms?”

“If there are extra palaces and palaces, how can the concubines not divide them?” Wang Qingqing defended herself: “Now the harem is overcrowded, not to mention the spaciousness, it is almost impossible to live. ”

“Has it reached such a point?” His Majesty the Emperor was a little unconvinced.

He really didn’t realize how crowded the harem was. No matter which concubine he went to, the house was clean, neat, fresh and elegant, with one or two dignified-looking maids standing by the side, let alone crowded , and even redundant people will not appear in front of him.

“Your Majesty please take a look at it.” Wang Qingqing picked up the statistical data that she had personally organized and gave it to His Majesty the Emperor.

His Majesty the Emperor turned over the rice paper full of statistical data from the beginning to the end with ten lines at a glance, with the good eyesight he had cultivated from reading memorials for many years.

Wang Qingqing’s data is intuitive and comprehensive. There is a comparison of the historical data since His Majesty the Emperor took office, and a comparison with the data of the previous emperors.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at the booklet and became more and more frightened, his brows gradually furrowed. Judging from this data, it is necessary to spend a lot of materials and silver to feed so many masters and slaves in the harem every day. From Tai | Ancestor Taizong to the first emperor, no one can compare with the present.

How can this be good? His Majesty the Emperor held the pamphlet and was worried, but he wanted to stand side by side with Tai | Ancestor Taizong and the first emperor, and only hoped to be praised by the world in a hundred years as “You Wei Ming Jun”, as “You Wei Ming Jun” “, that must not be able to spend so much money from the state treasury to support the harem.

How can this be good? Is it possible that the harem has to be dismissed? His Majesty the Emperor suddenly felt an incomparable headache.

Wang Qingqing asked His Majesty softly: “Your Majesty, the concubine thinks that if you want to cut expenses, the first priority is to not add people to the harem, and the general election next year will be stopped. Bar?”

The emperor was a little reluctant, but thinking of his own reputation and the old face of the Minister of the Chamber of Commerce, which looked like withered tree bark, His Majesty the emperor had to reluctantly nodded.

After nodding his head, His Majesty the Emperor’s mood began to become unpleasant. Wang Qingqing glanced at the emperor’s gloomy face, and his heart was full of joy.

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