It’s No Use Calling Me Mom

Chapter 120

Chapter 125: Drunken Queen Mother 26

“Li Dafan has reported the list to the concubine of the few female officials that your Majesty was fortunate to a few days ago.” Wang Qingqing’s voice was soft and gentle: “Since the sisters have already served His Majesty, they want to There is a name, why don’t you promote a few younger sisters to be selected from the seventh grade first, what does your majesty think?”

“Good.” His Majesty the Emperor nodded slightly and agreed to Wang Qingqing’s proposal without any hesitation.

Any suggestions made by the Queen, His Majesty the Emperor has always been kind.

Crowded! Because of this reason, he can’t be drafted next year, and His Majesty the Emperor is in a super unbelievable mood.

Wang Qingqing didn’t care about the emperor’s ugly face, she continued bluntly: “Looking all over the palaces and halls, only one or two of the east and west halls of Zhongcui Palace are vacant. My sister is placed here, how can I…” Wang Qingqing’s face was embarrassed.

“The Seventh Emperor asked his concubine and said that his current residence was too small and he wanted to move there. The concubine was in a dilemma for a while, not knowing what to do.” Wang Qingqing and others It was at this moment that she finished speaking very quickly, bowing her head and waiting for His Majesty’s ruling.

“Seven Emperors?” His Majesty the Emperor frowned slightly, there were too many sons, and he was busy circling the beautiful scenery, and for a while he couldn’t remember which son the Seventh Emperor was.

“The Seventh Emperor’s Son is the daughter of the first noble concubine Zhao’s Baoyu sister.” Wang Qingqing was happy to remind His Majesty the Emperor. After receiving this reminder, His Majesty’s already ugly face became more and more cloudy to the point of dripping.

Zhao’s Baoyu! A foolish woman who was imprisoned in Ningfu Palace for the crime of witchcraft, and died of typhoid because of two dishes of vegetables.

Mothers are stupid and poisonous, and sons are not much better. The East Sixth Palace is my harem, and all my concubines live. Nowadays, there are many people in the palace and few rooms. No, as a son-in-law, not to mention sharing his father’s worries, he is still vying for a place with the concubines at this juncture? it is good! So good! Really my good son!

Eunuch Li, the emperor’s close belly, hurriedly stepped forward and bowed to promise: “The slave is here.”

“I passed my word: The Zhongcui Palace is too small to hold my seven emperors, so I will move to Yuqing Palace immediately. If it is still too small, you can leave the palace by yourself.” Xie Huo finally found a place to vent, and he immediately announced the disposal of the seventh prince.

These words are quite serious. From the words of His Majesty the Emperor, it can be heard that they are full of disgust for the Seventh Prince. Li Dahan lowered his head and repeated His Majesty’s oral order Once again, after getting the confirmation of His Majesty the Emperor, he raised his feet and was about to set off, when Wang Qingqing called to stop him.

Can you leave the care of the mother and concubine? And the princes only move to the palace when they are twelve years old, so it would be inappropriate for him to move to the Yuqing Palace at this time.”

“What’s wrong?” His Majesty the Emperor was still angry, so he was not so polite when speaking to Wang Qingqing: “A Qingxiu wants to talk again, I think it’s okay.”

Although he has vented on the seventh prince, His Majesty the emperor’s mood has not improved much. His dissatisfaction with the seventh prince spread to other princes. He stood up and waved his sleeves and ordered Wang Qingqing to : “Men and women are not seated at the age of seven, it is too late to move to the palace at the age of twelve, and the prince cannot be older than the hands of a woman, all princes who have reached the age of seven will be moved to Yuqing Palace, and you will take care of this tomorrow! ”

I can go to your uncle! Damn scumbag! Wang Qingqing complained wildly in his heart, even if the scumbag emperor put a high-sounding coat on this order, it could not hide that he drove all his sons away to make room for his women. Enough fuck|Egg!

Even if she despised His Majesty the Emperor in her heart, Wang Qingqing did not show a trace of it on her face. After listening to His Majesty’s words, she quickly stood up and bowed respectfully: “Concubine!”

After sending two orders in a row, His Majesty the Emperor still couldn’t get rid of the gloom in his heart. He didn’t bother to look at Wang Qingqing’s “old face”, and felt that he should find a fresh beauty to vent at this time. It was to vent the fire, so he flicked his sleeves and walked away.

Li Dabian, who received the decree, led several eunuchs to Zhongcui Palace to announce the decree. disgust?

The Queen! Must be her! Besides her, who else could speak ill of herself in front of her father? Why is she doing this to herself? Could it be that there is really some deep hatred between her and her own mother? It’s over, if she intends to take revenge on herself, will she be able to save her life?

The trembling Seventh Prince stood still on the ground with affection and sluggishness, all kinds of thoughts were madly spinning in his mind, and he was so frightened that his face turned pale.

Eunuch Li doesn’t care about the dazed seventh prince, as the number one confidant of His Majesty the Emperor, he only concentrates on carrying out His Majesty’s orders.

His Majesty the Emperor said it was “immediately”, even if it was the end of the Xu time (1), he still shouted at the little eunuchs who were serving the seventh prince, asking them to quickly pack up for the seventh prince, Try to get the Seventh Prince to Yuqing Palace before the key of the palace gate falls at the beginning of Hai Shi (2).

A group of young eunuchs were pushed by **** Li to panic and slammed around like headless flies. Several teacups.

The concubines who accompanied the Seventh Prince to receive His Majesty’s decree couldn’t stand it, and called the palace servants under him to come to help. , with a wave of his hand, he will ask the Seventh Prince to set off immediately.

Concubine Duan made a decisive decision: “I will bring the daily orders first, and I will let the palace servants pack the rest tonight and send them to His Highness tomorrow.” Eunuch Li urged urgently, There was nothing else to do but the Seventh Prince nodded in agreement.

The seventh prince said: “Duanmu Concubine, and open the warehouse to carry out my box and cage, I will take it with me at the moment.”

Humph! Am I still ignoring your stuff? Duan Concubine felt that the seventh prince was suspicious of himself, and was immediately full of displeasure.

But she didn’t bother to say anything more to this mean and ungrateful villain. She called her confidant maid to open the storeroom, and then urged the palace that packed things for the seventh prince. People quicken their hands and feet.

In the urging of three and four, the cage belonging to the seventh prince was carried out, and all the things in his room were tidied up, Duan Concubine said with a cold face: “Your Highness, the cage It’s better to open it up and count it, if you accidentally leave something behind, I have nowhere to find it for Your Highness.”

What does Duanbi mean? Does it mean that from now on, she will cut herself clear? What a scumbag! The seventh prince cursed at the concubine Duan in his heart. This lowly servant saw that his father and emperor hated him, so he didn’t take himself seriously anymore!

Bitch! Let you be free for a while, but one day you fall into my hands, and I will avenge today’s humiliation! The Seventh Prince secretly swears by gritted teeth.

“How dare you bother Concubine Duan.” The seventh prince who had swore his oath also had a cold face: “The left is just some dead things, even if one or two are left behind, it is not worth letting Mother Duan. The concubine is worried.”

After saying this, he smiled at Eunuch Li: “I have already packed up, let’s go now.”

Even if there was a lot of panic in his heart, the seventh prince still forced himself to smile and smile again and again. Even if he moved in the middle of the night, he could not lose his arrogance as a prince. Not a bereaved dog driven out of the house.

This way through the palace and through the palace, the seven princes soon stopped laughing, because of the order, it was a little late, because the people below them took a while to pack their things, anyway, wait for them to recover from Zhongcui When the palace came out, it was past the time for the key to be dropped.

On the way, Eunuch Li’s waist card can only be called to open the various levels. Every time you reach a level, you not only have to explain to the guard why you still walk around after losing the key, but also have to Asking someone to check the gift box and cage he brought, all kinds of tediousness need not be repeated, and the strange eyes cast by the people along the way make the Seventh Prince feel ashamed.

Bitch! Poison woman! Stupid! In his heart, the seventh prince scolded Queen Duanbi and Eunuch Li to the bone, and thanks to the joint actions of these three people, he must not wait until tomorrow morning. It is to spread all over the palace.

Choose your own place to live.

Yuqing Palace is used for the temporary residence of the princes before leaving the palace, so it is different from other palaces in that it has a main hall and a side hall and various annexes around it. It is divided into separate small courtyards, each of which is separated from each other by low walls, and small doors are opened on the walls to make them interconnected into one.

The Seventh Prince stood behind the gate of Yuqing Palace with a gloomy face and looked at the small courtyard in front of him.

What are you staying for? Is the door in front of the courtyard not enough? It just doesn’t make sense!

No matter how dissatisfied the seventh prince was with this courtyard wall, the matter had come to this point, he had to hold his nose and settle down, picking a courtyard farthest from the third prince, the seventh prince hurriedly settled down .

The tables and chairs have been transferred from the warehouse to place them properly for His Royal Highness, and I would like to ask His Highness to forgive me today.”

This is the end of the matter, what can I do if I don’t forgive? The seventh prince looked at the empty room and nodded reluctantly.

The exhausted seventh prince fell asleep on the floor prepared by the little eunuch. He only felt that as soon as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, someone poured a glass of cold water on his face. !


Xu Shimo (1): 8 p.m.

Hai Shi Chu (2): 9pm.

Children’s hour (3): midnight, early morning

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