It’s Scary When Things Work Out

Chapter 15

Following the instructions on the webpage, I briefly glanced and began to follow them. The website provided step-by-step instructions, and by doing the same, users could feel like hackers.

With some modifications to enhance immersion, such as using fictitious names and passwords.

I started following the instructions because I still had some doubts. As a complete novice, I managed to gain skill by simply mimicking the actions. So, assuming that all I needed was to sympathize with what was shown or replicate it precisely, I could acquire the skill. And that's what I did, and it worked.

Now, technically, I will break into an example website, or else I will be a pseudo-hacker. By replicating the actions of the master, I will acquire the skills.

As I focused on the task indicated on the website, I gradually became engrossed. Eventually, when I finally found the password for the virtual account, it took almost half the time.

The tasks were not difficult if you had some logic. However, paying close attention was crucial and greatly helped me.

Once I finished replicating everything and gained access to the account, a notification flashed before my eyes.

In the blink of an eye, I saw the description of a new skill.

New skill!

I gained an unexpected skill. I thought it would be hacking, but I guess I didn't fully consider it.

However, this skill is still valuable, as I attempted it again after acquiring it. Surprisingly, it took less time to obtain the password, and I could skip some steps as I gradually understood what to do.

Looking at the clock and confirming that I still had time, I started repeating the same action, repeatedly hacking into the virtual account. As I persisted, the skill level increased to the second level.

Raising the skill level

Immediately after, I began to grasp what was previously inaccessible to me. Each time, I experienced a mild shock. In a way, I felt like a genius.

Looking at the computer again, I had a thought. The difference is that this skill is clearly not physical in nature. If I create a program that automatically hacks, will I gain experience for it?

Unlike skills that require physical movements to be repeated, computer work is clearly different.

If I manage to do that, it is likely that I can quickly level up my skill.

As I started writing code for it, utilizing the newfound knowledge, I suddenly froze. I finally noticed the time. Glancing outside, it was quite dark.

Moreover, I realized that the owner of the internet cafe was approaching me.

"Miss, I'm sorry, but your time is up. If you want to continue, you'll need to pay..."

It was a chubby man, and as he came closer, he began to speak. I noticed that when others' time ran out, the computer immediately locked until they paid."

As I pondered, I guessed the man's intentions when he looked at me evaluatively.

With lowered eyes, I left the café under his reluctant gaze. Looking around, I noticed that several clubs had already opened.

Faint music could be heard from inside.

It's a pity that I couldn't come up with a quick method to improve my skill level. But now there's also a crucial mission that needs to be accomplished.

Checking my appearance in the reflection of a window and making sure my face was concealed, I finally headed towards the club.

Approaching closer, through the neon-colored lights, I could see a few guys and girls entering inside.

It seems like a quite popular place, as there were already many visitors. Observing the security from a distance, I noticed they had some kind of scanner, most likely for weapons or something similar.

Sighing, I looked around, trying to find a place to hide my weapon. There was nothing in the immediate vicinity, so I took out my phone and started searching for nearby shopping centers.

There was one within a five-minute walk. Along the way, I wiped my fingerprints just in case, took a bag, and discreetly placed the gun inside. Quietly, I entered the shopping center and soon found a store with lockers.

Leaving the weapon there, I exited and headed towards the first club. Besides the pistol, I also took a bag and hid it inside my bra. Familiar with such tricks, I approached the door guards.

Naturally, they stopped me, as they did with everyone else.

"Newcomer, show me your pockets," one of them said, while the other scanned me.

Showing empty pockets, except for the money I had left, I thought everything was fine and wanted to enter. But the guard stopped me and said, "Show me, I need to check other places too."

With those words, the guard took a step forward, intending to pat me down. But I quickly stepped back and spoke up.

"It seems you didn't check others using these methods."

In response, the guard just smiled and said, "You're a newcomer, and it's mandatory."

Looking at his smirk, I sighed and turned towards another club.

"If those are the rules, it seems I should just go to other places."

With those words, I walked forward, ignoring them.

Although I needed to see everything, I could do it later as well. With such thoughts, I went to other clubs. However, compared to the first one, there were noticeably fewer people in the others.

Getting inside was easy, but I couldn't find the person I was looking for. Finally, showing the photo of the person I needed, I had to go back since people said they saw him in that club.

Although I felt joy from obtaining some news, it seemed that the case was also becoming more complicated.

All of this took nearly an hour. Looking at the familiar building, I approached the entrance.

Fortunately for me, the two from before were not there. It also confirmed that one of the guards had definitely crossed paths with me before, as he let me in very easily, just scanning me.

As soon as I climbed the stairs and opened the door, loud music could be heard. Walking through a long corridor, there was another door. Upon opening it, the volume of the music reached its peak.

Before my eyes, a scene unfolded. On the right was a large bar. In the center, there was a huge dance floor.

The crowd rushed onto it like mad, and there were a few people resembling DJs on the stage.

To the left, near the wall, there were many seating areas. Upon closer inspection, I could see many young people engaged in lively conversations. In some dimly lit spots, guys passionately danced.

Under the bright and flashing lights, I quickly scanned the surroundings. To my disappointment, I couldn't spot any familiar figures.

But soon the mood changed, as there was a second floor as well.

Without thinking of anything clever, I decided to wait a bit. Approaching and sitting on a stool near the bar, a bartender approached me. She was very energetic.

"Newcomer, what can I pour you?"

Under the loud music, she had to speak louder for me to hear. Words escaped my lips.

"Something lighter."

Nodding in understanding, she went back and started doing something. Soon, a green-colored cocktail in a large glass appeared in front of me.

Just as I was about to try the cocktail, even though the place seemed quite suspicious, a figure sat next to me.

Subconsciously turning my head, I saw a man who appeared to be a guard and wanted to frisk me.

"Hey, newcomer, you seem quite clever,"

He leaned towards me and started speaking loudly, smirking and showing his teeth. His appearance wasn't striking, but a small scar on his temple made him look somewhat dangerous.

Looking at his face for a few seconds, I pretended to be confused and gave him a shy smile.

"It seems you've caught me. Heh-heh..."

Although I didn't make much sense in my acting, some things still work. And it seems the appearance of this body played a role in that.

But as soon as I turned my head to hide my emotions from him, a notification flashed before my eyes.

Subconsciously, I opened it, and what I saw made the corners of my mouth twitch.

New Skill!



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