It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 314 It is possible to purify the rust mist!

Chapter 314: Purifying "Rust Mist"... It's feasible!

Before Pan Ling could react, she suddenly felt her eyes go dark.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw a different scene around her - it was obvious that Xu Shi had brought her to her own "liminal space".

A place where you can talk easily without any risk of being eavesdropped or leaked.

"This is you?"

She blinked, shook her head to relieve the discomfort in her heart, and then asked.

"Stop pretending in front of my master. I don't know about your little tricks?"

Xu Shi smiled, "I think you should know what I'm going to tell you next."

Pan Ling pursed her lips. The master was right.

In other words, she has already figured out a lot of things.

After the Holy See war ended, Xu Shi's attitude toward her had always been a bit strange.

Mainly on matters related to "natural principles".

Except for answering questions at the beginning, Xu Shi never mentioned this matter in front of her. He just asked her to do the things she had been doing before, and even tried to prevent her from getting involved.

But on the other hand, he did not stop the silly disciple from conducting investigations through other people, such as Su Lin and the others, or Mr. Wen. It can be said that Pan Ling got absolutely nothing from them about "natural principles". Much more than from Xu Shi, a serious master.

On the contrary, Xu Shi calculated carefully that today might be the first time that he formally discussed the topic of "natural principles" with Pan Ling.

If you connect all this together, it's actually a bit like...

"Well, you guessed it right, you can understand all this as a test."

Xu Shi knew what she was thinking and nodded calmly, "Now the test is over. My evaluation was done very well."

"Well, it's not just good, I can give it 99 points. I won't give you one less point to make you proud."

He thought for a while and took the initiative to change his words. It was rare for him to give her such a high degree of recognition.


Perhaps because she had guessed this, Pan Ling was not particularly happy when she heard this. She just responded calmly, "Then the purpose of doing this is..."

"To have a backup plan."

Xu Shi smiled and said, "Or should I find a suitable person to take over?"

"I actually didn't expect that you could infer things about the 'Protagonist's Halo' on your own... To be honest, after so long, I myself have neglected this aspect."

He said seriously, "That's why I say you are excellent. I didn't teach you for so long in vain."

This was the truth. He didn't take the initiative to tell Pan Ling everything about "Heavenly Law", just to see how much she could learn through her own investigation and what she could analyze.

He didn't expect the final effect to be so good. To be honest, it was a bit beyond his expectation.

"If you can do this now, you may do better than your teacher in the future."

Xu Shi cleared his throat and continued, "There is only one thing I need to confirm with you now. In your heart... do you have the idea of ​​overturning the "natural law"? "

"I, I still have a lot of things I can't do well..."

Pan Ling still didn't understand what he meant, so she subconsciously waved her hand to refuse, "Maybe there is someone more suitable than me...right?"

"You're right, never think that you are the best."

Xu Shi was noncommittal, but he just shook his head when he heard this, "But I don't have the free time to find anyone else, let alone the intention to accept a second apprentice."

"You just need to answer me, do you have such thoughts?"


Pan Ling gave the answer without hesitating for too long this time.

It is said that during this period, she kept asking people around her about "Heavenly Principles" because the introduction she gave her at Xushi that day aroused her interest.

She was used to her master's wantonness and freedom, and she could no longer accept the fact that her life was being manipulated by others, and she desperately hoped to change everything.

"That's fine."

Xu Shi could hear that these were her sincere words, and his tone became a little more relaxed, "Then just remember, if something happens to my master, you will need to take over everything I have left unfinished." Things also need to be done by you.”

"Master, you can't say such things!"

Pan Ling was a little anxious when she heard this, and even subconsciously wanted to shut up the master.

Why does this sound the same as Tuogu?Does the master have any other plans?
"why not?"

Xu Shi held her wrist and said, "Don't think that being a teacher is so noble. I also cherish my life and will not die so easily."

"Then you..."

"Nonsense, what can you do without first preparing for the worst?"

Xu Shi rolled his eyes at her and said, "This is just an arrangement in advance. You are my disciple. If I don't entrust it to you, who will I entrust it to?"

"I have a hunch... the day when we face the "natural law" will not be too far away. Before that, we must be as prepared as possible. "

He explained, "Besides, your current level is still far from enough. This is just to give you a vaccination in advance."


Hearing what the master said, Pan Ling felt a little more comfortable.

After all, the atmosphere just now was a bit... to be honest, rather than fighting against the "law of heaven", she hoped that the master could always be safe. Even if she stayed with him as a young apprentice, it would be better than taking over his mantle.

But after thinking about it, she became a little unconvinced. Was she so far behind?How bad is it?She obviously studied hard and did everything her master arranged for her, right?I haven't seen anything go wrong so far.

"You're too far behind."

Seeing this, Xu Shi just smiled and said, "Until now, you have never been to the city-state where I was a teacher. The situation there is still very different from here. You need to learn a lot of knowledge from scratch."

This is true. If we only look at the form, the Hualan Empire is still in its infancy of industry. On the other hand, Night Sin City has already entered the era of information technology. To put it bluntly, the gap is not even a tiny bit.

Perhaps with Pan Ling's current ability, she would be able to handle matters here, such as the Cat Cult or the management of Silver Pine Island, with ease.

But expanding to the entire Night Sin City still requires more systematic learning.

and so.

"Starting from today, let your teachers and ladies start giving you a good class."

Xu Shi stretched his body and said, "If teachers are not good at this, they have to come."

Yes, it’s true that Boss Xu is strategizing, but it can’t change the problem of stretching his hips in his professional class. After all, he couldn’t be said to be uneducated or at least uneducated in the past.

In comparison, people like Su Lin, Tang Shuang, Xie Qingyan, and the rising star Lin Yue, Queen of Sin City, may all be more suitable to be Pan Ling's masters than him.Teaching from professionals is always better, and he will not pretend to be a big-tailed wolf and take the initiative to take over everything, which will harm his good apprentice.

Oh, by the way, there is also my grandpa.

"Then it's better to let the ladies directly..."

Pan Ling murmured in a low voice. It was obvious that she still didn't want to hear Xu Shi's words of entrustment.

"There always has to be a backbone."

Xu Shi shook his head and interrupted her, "An army cannot be without a commander. You should understand this very well."

In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about Pan Ling's proposal. If he didn't have his little apprentice, his other choice would be Xia Keyan.

The old aunt has extraordinary abilities and was originally a "refraction" eldest lady. She is best suited to lead others to do something.

But she has a problem, that is, she is too hostile to "the law of heaven".

This is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is that she will definitely put 120% of her energy into this aspect. The bad thing is also obvious. She is very likely to make some emotional mistakes, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Therefore, in comparison, Pan Ling, who was brought up by herself, is less likely to have this problem. Her childhood experience also allows her to maintain her rationality in various situations.

"……I see."

After hearing what he said, Pan Ling nodded seriously. She knew very well that her master had high expectations for her.

She didn't feel that she didn't study hard enough with Xu Shi, but it was obvious that she needed to work harder from now on.

"It's good to know."

Xu Shi nodded slightly, "In that case, from today on, just stay by my teacher's side. It's time for you to understand some of the core things."

"Also, what we talked about today cannot be told to anyone else, not even your sister. Do you understand?"


Of course Pan Ling won't tell anyone, she knows very well that this needs to be kept secret - it's true to prepare for the worst, but it can't be made known to everyone, otherwise it's not a good thing to denounce it before anything is done.

Otherwise, the master wouldn't have specially brought her here to talk.

But well...

"Master, do you really believe me so much?"

She still had some doubts about herself.

"You are my disciple. If you don't believe me, don't you mean I don't believe in myself?"

Xu Shi was happy, but he actually didn't expect that the apprentice he had accepted on a temporary basis could bring him such a big surprise.

of course.

"It's not that you don't have problems, that is, you don't have to pretend to be too unconfident in the future, do you understand?"

He still gave an extra warning, "I know you are deliberately lowering your posture by doing this, but if you do it too much, it will form a habit. This is not the posture a leader should show."


Pan Ling was dumbfounded. She really didn't expect that her master would see such subtlety.

Indeed, since she followed Xu Shi, she would show an attitude of "I haven't done enough yet" from time to time.

But sometimes she does it deliberately, especially in front of a few relatively close people, such as her sister, junior sister, and master.

She didn't have any bad intentions in doing this. It was more to take care of the feelings of the people around her, such as her idiot sister, so that she couldn't make her feel that the gap between her and her was too big.

Facts have proved that this approach works well, and everyone also likes this modest and humble little girl.

Only Xu Shi could see that his disciple actually had a sense of arrogance in his heart.

The dissatisfaction she showed inadvertently many times was because of this arrogance, but she just didn't want to show it.

Or maybe she doesn't want to show it in front of people she's close to, but that's not the case with people she's not close to - like Lu Baiyan or Qin Yiyan, when facing these two, she's completely He completely took the lead, just like he did back then.

Now that he proposed it, he also hoped that the other party could grasp this degree and not appear overly modest, but he must not become a conceited boy.

Still needs a little tapping.


The secret conversation between master and disciple ended, and within a few days, Xu Shi officially focused on the most important part.

He has made a lot of preparations for the plan to completely eliminate the "rust fog".

During this period of time, the two experts, Jiang Chengcheng and Xie Qingyan, have done a lot of preliminary experiments, and they have a rare collaboration.

Yes, for a special existence like "Rust Mist", it is certainly not enough to rely on the efforts of either party. Even if both parties cooperate, the results obtained are not as good as imagined.

It’s not that it’s impossible to purify “rust mist”. In fact, in recent years, both in the military industry and the medical field, there have been similar methods to deal with “rust mist” – this thing is difficult to use directly and often requires pre-processing. , reduce the risk as much as possible, otherwise if it is used directly on machinery or the human body, the effect will be very poor.

But it only reduces the risk. Until now, no one dares to guarantee that these things are produced without any problems - the medicines for "upgraded people" still cannot guarantee 100% safety, and many people have lost their lives because of this. exist.

Not to mention a complete cleanup.

To give a very simple example, this is like purified water. Treated dirty water may be drinkable, but it is not uncontaminated clean water. There is still a difference in nature.

And this crucial step cannot be separated from the important person Lu Baiyan.

"...So Brother Xu, what you mean is that you want me to use my ability to retroactively restore the "Divine Breath"? "

Hearing Xu Shi's crazy thoughts, he narrowed his eyes and was shocked.

It was obvious that he had never considered such a thing - it would be easier to restore tables, chairs, benches, broken walls and ruins, but restore "divine breath"?
How did you come up with such a thankless thing?Besides, "Divine Breath" has existed for so many years. With his restoration ability for half an hour, it may not be effective even if he uses it. Wasn't the "Divine Breath" half an hour ago still "Divine Breath"?

"How can you know if you don't try?"

Xu Shi smiled, "You have to try anyway. If you don't take this step, who knows what the result will be?"

"OK then?"

Lu Baiyan was actually a little unsure, but he still followed Xu Shi's instructions and activated his ability on the gas tank carrying "Rust Mist" in front of him.

I saw a flash of light.


Jiang Chengcheng, who was staring closely at the dashboard, exclaimed.

"This method... works!"

(End of this chapter)

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