It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 315 I think you are trying to hide your lies?

Chapter 315 I think you are trying to hide your lies?
The effect of the first experiment was obviously pleasing to everyone, and they fell into a brief silence for a while.

There is a saying, "Rust Mist", especially the most primitive gaseous "Rust Mist", it is very difficult to do anything with it directly.

Whether it is Night Sin City or the Hualan Empire, they mostly use other forms of "rust mist", such as ores, or eroded seawater, etc.

However, if this kind of experiment is not carried out on the original form of "Rust Mist", the effect will be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, Jiang Chengcheng is reliable enough and has made a simple instrument that can record the changes in the "rust fog" every moment, such as the tilt in concentration, or the jump in radiation value, in seconds or even milliseconds. .

It can also be regarded as visualizing the data of "Rust Mist".

Now, under Lu Baiyan's time review, the "Rust Mist" as a sample has changed to the data exactly three and ten minutes ago, exactly.

This also shows that this seemingly outrageous approach is really feasible!

"It's not in vain that Chengcheng and I have worked so hard for so many days."

Xie Qingyan, one of the leaders of the project, snorted, "Have some people figured out how to reward us?"

"Thank you for your hard work, ladies."

Xu Shi clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face, "You can make whatever conditions you want. As a husband, I will be satisfied with whatever you say."

"Hmph, that's nice to say. Can you agree to my request to send everyone else away?"

Xie Xiaowu glared at him and deliberately choked him with words.

"You wouldn't be so heartless, would you?"

Xu Shi showed his true nature as a scumbag and said with a playful smile.

"Then don't talk nonsense."

The fiancée shrugged, but there was nothing serious in her tone.

She still doesn’t know who Xu Shi is?She didn't really think about doing this...or maybe she hadn't tried it before, but the consequences weren't very good.

But it’s always okay to spend more time with yourself, right?She has no shortage of other things, but no one can have too much companionship.

"Okay, okay, Madam taught me a lesson."

Xu Shi smiled and apologized to her, so he had no intention of breaking up with her.

This kind of thing has its own time. The usual quarrel with her may have been a real quarrel at the beginning, but now it is more like a little fun between husband and wife. If they really treat each other like guests, either he has a brain problem or Xie Qingyan The fever made me dizzy.

But it's different now - the importance of conducting experiments at the moment is obviously much higher than temporary flirting. For such achievements, even if it is just a small step, it needs to be recognized and praised.

However, he also had to say that Jiang Chengcheng and Xie Qingyan were really indispensable and top-notch helpers by his side. Whether in life or career, he could not do without their company for a long time.

In other words, who around her is not indispensable?Without them, I would not be where I am today.

Everyone is prosperous, and there is no need for high or low.

Boss Xu was still very clear-headed at this point, and even felt a little lucky for a moment.

He himself didn't realize that as time went by, the initial cold-blooded disregard and the idea of ​​first trying to figure out how to use others when facing others gradually faded away.

All in all, it's great.

"Don't be in a hurry to open the champagne yet."

In contrast, Jiang Chengcheng, who loved Xu Shi to the core, was more clear, "The sample support for one experiment is not enough, and it must be repeated several times."

"Mr. Lu, please."

She looked at Nian Nian and smiled.

"……it is good."

By now, Lu Baiyan naturally knew what Xu Shi's purpose was.

From his point of view, it was actually crazy to do something like this, crazier than anything he had ever done before.

The most important thing is that it’s thankless, okay?There is a saying that everyone knows that using "rust mist" or "divine breath" has always felt like trying to steal the skin of a tiger, but in the face of the absolute power and the convenience and benefits it can bring, no one dares to say that they can Completely reject the temptation of "rust fog".

Or maybe even if you think about it, you can't refuse it. The "Rust Mist" has been around for who knows how long, and now it is everywhere. You can't even escape it every time you take a breath. How can anyone be truly immune to it?

Therefore, regardless of whether they are "upgraded" or not, everyone's attitude towards "Rust Mist" has long been finalized. It can also be said that everyone has long accepted the existence of this thing and is willing to develop and live on this basis.

The most intuitive ones may be the poor people in Sin City. Will they give up taking those blocking drugs because they don't accept "Rust Mist"?

Obviously not. Compared to holding on to those illusory things, surviving is a more important thing.

Of course, a similar situation exists in the Hualan Empire. Although they have changed places, these common things remain the same.

Therefore, compared to the previous full affirmation and even admiration for Xu Shi, he actually did not understand this matter.

But if he doesn't understand, he won't raise any objection.

There was no other reason. This child was too deeply AFKed by Xu Shi, especially the previous wave of conversational therapy, which made him firm in his thoughts of following Xu Shi.

As for whether it is as a partner or as a tool, it doesn't seem to matter.

That was the bitter consequence of his own indecision, and it was not at all the fault of others.

Hey, CPU.

But this was only part of the reason. The more reason was that he wanted to follow Xu Shi to see the wider world outside the empire. The city-state he described in Xu Shi's description had never even been there with squinting eyes. Woolen cloth.

Even for this reason, he would not give up.

And he could actually guess that it wouldn't be long before Xu Shi and his party would set off to return home - the scientific research conditions here were still too crude in comparison, this was an indisputable fact.

There is no problem in getting started, but if you want to conduct deeper and more detailed research, you still need the environment of Night Sin City - more sophisticated instruments and the assistance of a more professional technical team.

Fortunately, he could play a certain role in it. After hearing what Jiang Chengcheng said, after a moment of rest, he continued to look back in time on the sample in front of him.

Once, twice, three times...

Each re-experiment proved that the previous success was no coincidence, and the exact data never lied.

"Let me just say, Brother Lu is indispensable in this plan."

Looking at the experimental results, Xu Shi smiled happily and did not forget to give his good brother a top hat.

"My ability has always been there."

Lu Baiyan was very modest, "Brother Xu deserves a lot of credit for being able to come up with such a thing."

The two began to talk to each other in daily business.

"Have you seen what your master is like?"

Seeing this, Xie Qingyan couldn't help but tease, and poked Pan Ling, who was an audience member.

"I already knew..."

The young apprentice whispered, "How dare you hit me on the head just because I said you were a bad person?"I see that you are trying to hide everything.But she didn't care and asked another question.

"Then... what's next?"

It is certainly gratifying to make progress in research, but it seems that all they can do is stay at this stage.

Because as Lu Baiyan once said, the "rust fog" half an hour ago was still "rust fog", and there will be no change in essence.

In order to fully realize Xu Shi's long-cherished wish, it would take at least hundreds of years to go back.

Regarding the "Rust Mist", the chronicles of the City of Night Sin recorded nearly 300 years, and the Hualan Empire was even longer, starting in 500 years.

Naturally, Lu Baiyan cannot do this at his level. It is not at the same level at all, right?
"That's true."

Xie Qingyan was noncommittal, "Do I need to forcibly improve Lu Baiyan's superpower effect?"

His implication is naturally to use medicine, or use brain-computer chips to increase the opponent's power level. S level is half an hour, what about SS?If nothing else, it will definitely be longer.

But the next second, she apologized for her unrealistic thoughts.

This statement is too stupid.

The reason is very simple. Lu Baiyan's ability is very rare, but the upper limit may not be as high as imagined. Only S level can achieve half an hour of backtracking. No matter how much you think, SS can't have a qualitative change. It spans from minutes to years. as unit.

What? SSS?

Find an SSS. I also want to see how perverted the level that only exists in theoretical data can be.

And there is another problem involved here. Lu Baiyan's ability is not only limited in depth, but also in breadth.

At his level, he can restore an area the size of a mansion at most at one time. Ordinary people might just say wow when they see it, but compared with the "rust fog" that envelopes the world, it still seems too small.

Under such circumstances, even if Lu Baiyan is really blind and can enter the realm of SSS-level gods, will he be required to clear the "Rust Mist" area by area like this?
If that were the case, the fact that he didn't die from exhaustion would be considered the last tenderness the world gave him.

Similarly, the same principle applies to Cheng Gujian.

Xu Shi had actually considered before, whether to let Cheng Gujian become the experimenter - time regression can trace back the "Rust Mist", so why can't the destructive ability destroy the "Rust Mist" itself?
But the risk of doing this is actually greater. If you are not careful, it may affect and involve many things. It is also unfeasible in the long run. It is even difficult to say whether the destructive ability can be effective against "Rust Mist".

And everyone can see what Lu Baiyan has become like a grandson in just such a short time. In the face of sheer numbers, stupid methods are definitely not feasible.

Quantity doesn't work at all in this kind of thing.

"I do have an idea."

Xu Shi pondered for a moment and said, "Only fools would really use the human sea tactic. No matter how much effort you put in, there is no guarantee of success...or it is simply impossible."


He changed the subject and said, "Would it be more feasible if the power itself could be used to directly destroy and remove the "Rust Mist"? "

"What do you mean?"

The girls were a little confused when they heard this, and for a while they didn't quite understand what Xu Shi was talking about.

But when Xu Shi roughly explained his thoughts, their eyes lit up.

Xu Shi's meaning was very simple. This was inspired by the conversation with Pan Ling just now.

It is absolutely impossible to clear the "Rust Mist" with personal abilities, but they have the technology of "extracting superpowers" at their disposal.

So, is it okay if the extracted superpower samples are used in this plan?

At the beginning, no one thought of this. Everyone subconsciously felt that things like superpowers could only work under the control of "upgraded ones". The extracted superpower samples were just Superpower samples.

But after having a heart-to-heart talk with Pan Ling just now, Xu Shi also discovered that this long-standing truth does not seem to be correct.

Because it is impossible for "Tianli" to find an "upgraded person" who can use his ability to affect the "protagonists" in different regions around the world at the same time and provide them with a "protagonist halo". If that is the case, there is no need to go to all the trouble. It’s an experimental field. With such a heaven-defying existence, can we just greet him?

They must have used some kind of technology to spread such abilities over a large area through "Rust Mist" to achieve this.

Of course, it's possible that this was just a random analysis between him and his stupid apprentice, but how would you know if you don't try?It’s not necessarily impossible, right?
"Rust Mist" itself is the source of superpowers for "upgraded ones" in the world. In other words, it is indeed the most natural communication medium.

"I really haven't thought about doing this... I'm not sure if it's possible, but I can try it from this angle."

Jiang Chengcheng said seriously, "But I'm not good at this, so I can help Qing Yan."

Xie Qingyan does not deny that the technology related to superpower transplantation is of course her best, including extraction, storage, and implantation. She and her team worked through every link day and night.


"Even if this method is feasible, it will only solve the transmission problem and the effect will not change."

She knew this very well, so she continued her analysis, "It's still half an hour's lookback time, unless..."

"Unless the extracted superpower sample is directly catalyzed or enhanced."

Xu Shi expressed his thoughts, "Putting aside the factors of human adaptability, your hands and feet should be able to open wider?"

"Or is it possible to directly fuse different samples using superpower implantation? I remember that one of Xu Ying's abilities is to bless the abilities of others. Combining the two may have an effect."

"A layman has a lot of ideas."

Xie Xiaowu smiled with crooked eyebrows, obviously coincident with Xu Shi.

Just do it, she immediately decided to try it from this angle. Anyway, all kinds of samples are ready, she can do whatever she wants.


Since mastering the technology of power transplantation, once she captures or encounters a valuable "upgraded person", she will find a way to make a backup copy of his power, such as Xu Ying, Lu Baiyan, and Cheng Gujian , including other people, while they are unconscious, this is a necessary process.

On the one hand, it is to expand the sample library, and on the other hand, if you do this...even if you don't get this person, his ability will be preserved at least, right?No matter how you think about it, you won’t lose money.

Lu Baiyan on the side shuddered, always feeling like he was being pinched in the waist in his sleep, and couldn't help but feel scared.

Xu Shi didn't say anything more, but suddenly remembered something and looked at Jiang Chengcheng.

"By the way, Chengcheng."

He asked casually, "Speaking of all the records of monitoring "Rust Mist" and "Snake Ring" over the past few years, or the past ten years... you should have it, right?" "

"of course."

After returning to the sea, the fact that the second wife is the director of the "Snake Ring" engineering department will not change. Since the communication was restored, she has never neglected the related work and has been controlling it remotely.

Such as monitoring and recording data, etc. This is the daily routine of the engineering department. Of course, there is this part of the information.

"But what do you want this for?"

"I want to make a comparison."

Xu Shi pondered, "In other words... it confirms a conjecture I have always had."

(End of this chapter)

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