Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 77

Chapter 11 Big Kill! Group Second Top Players!

The player is not a BOSS, so it is naturally impossible to fully understand the development mode of the BOSS, and it is already the limit to understand the general information.

In fact, let alone a player, I am afraid that even Zhang Qian, the person involved, may not know that he is stronger than other bosses of the same level.

Because when he first accepted the information from the rules, he only knew that his evolution would double his attributes, and his super-evolution would give him ten times his attributes.

As for how much improvement other BOSS evolutions or super-evolutions can get, he only speculates based on his own situation.

Getting back to the topic, Zhang Qian was not injured by a wave of impact, but was killed by many people. The top players of several major guilds were puzzled, but they did not stop attacking.

The silence and disarm state of the Doomsday Demon Empress is only ten minutes, they have no time to waste.

Seeing that they rushed within the attack range, everyone quickly released various skills at Zhang Qian.

“Nine Absolute Sword Qi!”

“Thunder Tribulation Technique!”

“Shoot arrows into the sun!”

“Thunderbolt Half Moon Slash!”

One after another skills, shining with dazzling brilliance, charged towards Zhang Qian with terrifying power.

Since the players did not compromise, although many people successfully released their skills in this wave, there were also many people who triggered the various states attached to the Braised Egg Superman debuff’.

Zhang Qian deliberately tested the players’ attack strength, so he did not use the Shattering Void skill to avoid the attack.

A series of data representing damage suddenly appeared on his head.





Out of hundreds of top players, very few can deal effective damage, basically no one can break Zhang Qian’s defense.

The reason why it can deal effective damage is also because there are skills and equipment with sacred damage that ignores defense.

What’s even more tragic is that someone gained the state of cynicism, and part of the attack was transformed into healing, not only could not hurt Zhang Qian, but also gave Zhang Qian a lot of “four three zero” blood.

Seeing this situation, the players were inexplicably sad and indignant.

I finally got some damage and was healed by my own people, can I still play?

What annoyed them even more was that the boss in front of them even ruthlessly laughed at them.

“That’s it?” Zhang Qian smiled sarcastically: “The so-called top players are nothing more than that. y

Having said that, he was very vigilant in his heart, and was already ready to slip away at any time.

Among the top players in this wave, two players have become gods. Both attack and defense have been transformed into sacred attributes, and the priority is very high!

Holy attack can ignore normal defense types, while holy armor is immune to normal penetration and ignores defense.

The two Conferred God players can deal full damage to Zhang Qian, and it is not known whether they have other hole cards in their hands.

Under such circumstances, Zhang Qian naturally did not dare to be careless.

Being ridiculed by a BOSS like this, all the top players were immediately furious, and had no choice but to contribute a wave of negative emotions to Zhang Qian.

The prince said coldly: “Continue to attack, just watch your own state, if it turns to increase blood, don’t attack.

In fact, there is no need to say this. They are all top players. It is enough to suffer a loss once. How can the same mistake be made again?

So, they played the second wave of skills.

And Zhang Qian didn’t show mercy either, launching a fierce counterattack as well.

The ultimatum of Elegy of the Soul is still useful, so Zhang Qian used the Dark Nine Slashes in this wave.

With a flash of his figure, he fell into the crowd instantly, not only dodged a lot of attacks, but also beheaded a player with a single blow.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining eight swords were stronger than one sword, and the tens of meters long sword light swept across all obstacles, and anyone who touched it would die!

Wang Hou, the president of the Magic Light Society, is a melee player. He has changed his job to become a god fighter, and his strength is extraordinary.

Seeing that Zhang Qian’s attack was so sharp, the prince immediately rushed forward with a roar, and started a close fight with him.

One player is one boss, and the weapons they use are swords, just like a duel between two top creators.

Every move and style is as invisible as an antelope’s horns, and it is indistinguishable in a short period of time.

Occasionally release a skill, which can cause a lot of damage to the opponent immediately.

In terms of attributes, even a Conferred God player can’t compare with Zhang Qian, Zhang Qian can kill the opponent even if he just hits the opponent with a general attack.

But behind the prince is a battle group of top players, with a variety of top occupations, and even many hidden occupations.

There are not a few players with shield skills, and everyone took turns to add shields to the prince, which made him successfully resist Zhang Qian’s output.

Often just as Zhang Qian broke one layer of shield, another layer of shield was immediately added to the prince’s body, which really annoyed Zhang Qian.

Other long-range output has been attacking Zhang Qian. Among them, Diao Long, the president of the Excalibur Guild, is a magician, and his output is extremely terrifying. Every skill can knock out more than 100,000 blood of Zhang Qian.

Fortunately, Zhang Qian has more than 70 million blood, and his life recovery speed is also very fast. Even if he stands still and let Diaolong hit him, he still has to use hundreds of skills to kill Zhang Qian.

But it was not Zhang Qian’s style to be passively beaten all the time. After fighting with the prince for a while, he suddenly released his majesty.

In an instant, the attributes of all players in the field were suppressed by 20%.

Then, the nearby elements suddenly began to stir.

The berserk fire element and wind element combined together, driven by Zhang Qian’s dark mana, forming a black tornado.

Elemental Mastery!

starfish□consumption․ : The tornado takes shape instantly.

Nearby players will suffer elemental damage equal to Zhang Qian’s normal attack every second.

Hundreds of players were instantly killed more than half.

The other half were either locked at one point, or shivering while hiding in refrigerator-like defensive skills.

Top players basically have means to save their lives, even if it is a top boss, it is unrealistic to kill a group of top players with one move.

The fire tornado only lasted for more than ten seconds before disappearing.

Such a large-scale, indiscriminate, and dead-angle attack consumes too much mana.

Even if Zhang Qian had millions of mana points, he couldn’t hold on for too long.

He still has to save some mana to use other skills, and it is impossible to use up all the mana.

In just ten seconds, the surviving players felt as if they had experienced the end.

Since the start of the war, the surrounding monsters have been attacking the player. When the state is intact, the top players naturally don’t need to pay attention to the attacks of ordinary monsters.

Even if it is a top-level monster at level 150, it will be difficult to produce effective damage against players at level 200.

But now, many players use props or skills to lock their health at one point. At this time, the attacks of those top monsters cannot be ignored.

As the blood lock effect of skills and props ended, some players who hadn’t had time to increase their blood were unlucky enough to be hit by the top monsters around them and died on the spot.

In this way, there are fewer and fewer players around.

The prince was also gradually unable to support himself. Without the healing, shields and status blessings given by the team, it was impossible for him to last long under Zhang Qian’s sword.

“Death is your destination!” Zhang Qian looked down at the prince, and said flatly, “Why insist on it? You still can’t kill me!”

The prince’s face darkened, and he was a little angry when he was face-to-face with a BOSS.

As soon as Zhang Qian raised his hand, he released a large piece of flames of darkness, covering all players under the flames of darkness.




Another large area of ​​millions of injuries, because many people have surrendered their life-saving skills just now, no one will be spared in this wave.

In an instant, everyone was instantly killed by super high damage.

Originally, Wanghou and Diaolong, the two Conferred God players, could resist a wave, but unfortunately, some of the other players had the Blessed Sharing debuff on them, which directly shared a large amount of damage with them.

As a result, even the true gods couldn’t bear it, and the two Conferred God players knelt on the spot.

And at this time, less than two minutes had passed since the demon queen of the last days was silent and disarmed.

This shows how quickly the battle ended.

The top players and high-level bosses are both too fast, and both sides can resist each other’s output to fall into a protracted battle.

Once one party’s output has an overwhelming advantage, the other party will be defeated in an instant.

To kill high-level bosses, there is no other way except crowd tactics.

In fact, the success rate of this raid organized by the Grand Council of the Imperial Capital was not high.

What’s more, they also misjudged Zhang Qian’s strength and regarded Zhang Qian as an ordinary level 50 monarch boss.

In this case, their demise is already doomed.

Zhang Qian landed on the head of the Doomsday Demon Empress and continued to watch the city wall from a distance.

The resurrection point in the imperial capital.

Wanghou and other top players were silent, and the atmosphere seemed very solemn.

“Damn it,” Ran Zhi suddenly cursed angrily, “This wave is really a big loss! Not only did it fail to kill the Lord of Huan Huan, but it also wasted two key items in vain, damn it!”

The prince waved his hand and said: “It’s not necessary, let’s go back to the headquarters first, it seems that the matter of unhappiness can only be discussed in the long run.

Everyone walked quickly to the headquarters, but they couldn’t help discussing along the way.

The panda said with a serious expression: “This Lord of Unhappiness is more difficult to deal with than we imagined.”

Diaolong spread his hands and said: “No way, I was not prepared enough this time, and I didn’t test the Lord of Huanhuan before. It’s normal to be wiped out under such circumstances. Didn’t we come here like this before? Which one to fight? Have you ever wiped out a high-level BOSS? Keep your mind balanced and don’t make miracles happen just because of such a trivial matter.

Wang Hou frowned, disapproving of what Diao Long said, but he couldn’t say anything at this time.

In just over ten days, the former fallen dark sword master not only grew into a dark gold monarch boss, but also had terrifying strength.

If this BOSS is given a period of time to grow, what height will he grow to?

So the failure to hunt the Lord of Joyless this time is definitely not a trivial matter!

But in order not to affect morale, this matter can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

Otherwise, if the leader is panicked, what do the people below think?

Affected by various debuffs on the wide city wall, the defensive front of the players will be chaotic for a period of time from time to time.

There were players yelling all the time, and the entire defense line was as noisy as a vegetable market.

“Fuck! My skills have been interrupted again! A fireball technique, the CD has been extended to two minutes! How dare you believe this?”

“That bastard stole my attack again? Can you show some face? Huh? My attack is almost stolen!”

“Brother, can you stop scolding! You didn’t do it on purpose, why bother? If you want to blame it, blame the Lord of Unhappy, it’s all his good deeds!”

“Damn it! The attack has turned into increasing HP again. I have never fought such a disgusting battle!”

“Look, the top players are back…”

“Hey! The situation is not good! The debuff of the Lord of Joy is still there, he is obviously not dead, and the faces of the top experts are not very good. It seems that they

It’s back from death!”

“Horror! Gathering so many top players to kill the Lord of Wuhuan failed! How strong is the Lord of Wuhuan? It can’t be stronger than the demon queen of the last days, right?”

“I have farsightedness skills. I saw clearly just now. The demon queen of the end of the world was silenced and disarmed, and the other bosses are also far away. From the beginning to the end, the Lord of Joy and a group of top players

The blame is attacking the bosses, the group attack of the Lord of No Joy is too terrifying! A few moves will kill the bosses!”

“It’s so terrifying? The top bosses are all in a wave of seconds. It seems that we people don’t even have the qualifications to participate in the war!”

“That’s not enough. Fighting high-level bosses requires crowd tactics, and we can act as cannon fodder. Each person can contribute a piece of holy damage, and so many people can accumulate

Killed the boss. The most important thing now is that this lord of unhappiness obviously does not play cards according to common sense, and he likes to use various debuffs to torture us.

Hai tactics to deal with him, I’m afraid we will have to fight first before we rush in front of him. ”

“No way? How could we fight ourselves?”

“Who knows? Maybe it will or it won’t. Facing the Lord of Unhappy, the crowd tactics will become Schrödinger’s crowd tactics. No one knows what will happen until that moment.

The monster siege continued, and many players couldn’t bear the torture, and even shaved their hair off.

Zhang Qian looked at the players shaving their heads on the city wall from a distance, and couldn’t help but want to laugh in his heart: “If players who are not afraid of death are forced to shave their heads, I should be the only one in this era, right?

However, just shaving your head is not enough.

Since that debuff is called Braised Egg Superman, there can’t be a single hair on the head, and the eyebrows must be shaved to be considered a perfect braised egg.

Many shaved players didn’t realize this at first, and it took a long time to wake up, and they had to shave off their eyebrows as a last resort.

Anyway, the hair has been shaved, and the eyebrows are also gone.

There are points rewards for killing monsters during the monster siege, and the points for killing monsters can be exchanged for many good things at the angel.

For some players who focus on improving their strength, if they can improve some attributes, kill more monsters and get more points, let alone shave their heads and eyebrows.

Nothing else matters.

The Doomsday Demon Empress became even more frenzied after being attacked by a wave. It advanced several hundred meters, and even entered the range of the players and the defense facilities.

In order to avenge the players, it constantly uses all kinds of terrifying big moves.

The players on the city wall are killing one after another, and the resurrection coin reserves of the major guilds are being consumed rapidly.

Many players couldn’t resist launching a counterattack, but the attacks they played couldn’t cause effective damage to the Doomsday Demon Queen at all.

Commanders 1.2 had to yell loudly to prevent players from continuing to attack the Doomsday Demon Queen.

Now even if all the players focus their fire, this super boss cannot be killed in a short time. The current situation does not allow players to go out of the city to pursue it.

Even if the BOSS is beaten with residual blood, the opponent can still run, what’s the point of fighting?

It’s a waste of output!

The promotion of the Doomsday Demon Empress also gave Zhang Qian more benefits.

As the distance advances, Zhang Qian’s domain covers a wider area and affects more players.

In this way, the growth rate of the power of faith will naturally increase.

In order to maximize the benefits, Zhang Qian will respawn a wave of debuffs every once in a while. The players in the field can be described as miserable.

Chaos broke out on the city wall again and again, resulting in loopholes in the defense line, and many top melee monsters could occasionally charge up the city wall.

Although the top melee monsters that charged up would be wiped out soon, the east wall still looked a bit precarious.

But Zhang Qian and the player commanders all know that as long as the city walls and barriers are not broken, “the imperial capital cannot be breached.

Even if a few monsters rush in, they can’t turn up any big waves. Only by completely tearing down the city wall and breaking the barrier can the city be completely destroyed.

Time flies, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

As Zhang Qian expected, although the eastern city wall looked more and more dangerous, after more than forty hours, the situation was still in a stalemate.

Although more and more monsters invaded the city, the city defense was still as strong as before.

In fact, there are too many players in the city.

The city wall cannot accommodate all players, and there are a large number of players in the city waiting to change defenses to earn points.

They were already bored, and the monsters rushing in couldn’t even interpret their dreams, so how could they threaten the safety of the imperial capital?

PS: Beg for flowers, beg for evaluation, beg for monthly pass! Beg for full order! Beg for automatic subscription!.

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