Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 78

Chapter 12 The Tang City Offensive And Defense Battle Begins! The Gate Of The Underworld!

Zhang Qian looked into the distance and frowned slightly.

The Chaos Dragon King and Xuanwu Emperor hadn’t arrived yet, so Zhang Qian was a little anxious waiting.

Although he harvested a lot of power of faith outside the imperial capital, Zhang Qian did not forget his fundamental goal.

He walked out of the secret realm this time, with only one most important goal – to break through Tang City and obtain the qualification to challenge the world boss.

But it is very difficult to break through a first-level city, not to mention the difficulty of attacking the city itself, just the wave after wave of players who can be resurrected is enough trouble.

More importantly, there is a teleportation array between the cities, and if a city is in crisis, it can ask for help from other cities.

Zhang Qian needs super bosses like the Dragon King of Chaos and Emperor Xuanwu to restrain the god players in the imperial capital. Otherwise, the god players will follow him as soon as he goes to Tang City. in crisis.

A city guarded by Conferred God players and a city not guarded by Conferred God players are two different things.

Conferred God players can communicate and summon gods in the temples in the city. If there are also Conferred God players in Tang City, then Zhang Qian will never have the possibility of capturing Tang City.

Faced with a real god, Zhang Qian doesn’t think he can win with his current strength.

It is precisely because of this concern that he has been waiting here for the arrival of the Chaos Dragon King and Emperor Xuanwu.

During the last period of monster siege, once the Chaos Dragon King and Emperor Xuanwu appeared, the players in the city would summon the gods without hesitation.

As long as they have summoned the gods here, then Zhang Qian can attack other cities without worry.

But there is not much time left for him, and the Chaos Dragon King and Xuanwu Emperor have not yet appeared, so he is a little impatient.

“Could it be that the Chaos Dragon King isn’t coming?”

Just when Zhang Qian thought so, a strong coercion suddenly swept over.

Even with the strength of Zhang Qian’s monarch rank, he felt tremendous pressure.

Even the Doomsday Demon Empress of the Emperor rank can’t help turning her head to look behind her.

At the same time, a slightly less powerful aura came from the north.

“Emperor Xuanwu! Chaos Dragon King!”

A look of joy flashed in Zhang Qian’s eyes, and his expression relaxed a lot.

After waiting for a while, a silver-gray oriental dragon appeared in the field of vision, leading a group of various dragons, flying dragons, dragonmen, and dragon-born monsters.

That cyan oriental dragon is the most powerful 12th boss around the imperial capital, the legendary Emperor Chaos Dragon King at level 300.

Legend has it that the Chaos Dragon Nest is the origin of all dragon species in the world, whether it is an eastern dragon or a western flying dragon, you can find it here.

Creatures that have lived near the chaotic dragon’s lair for a long time will gradually be affected by the dragon’s aura of the chaotic dragon’s lair, and gradually transform into tyrannical creatures with dragon blood.

Zhang Qian checked with the Eye of Chaos, and the creatures in the Chaos Dragon Lair were indeed very powerful.

Not to mention the Chaos Dragon King, just any five-colored dragon is an epic monarch boss above level 200.

Any ordinary dragon [is a legendary king boss above level 150.

And those western flying dragons are all dark gold king bosses above level 150.

As for the dragonmen and dragon-born monsters below the flying dragon, even the worst ones are the one hundred and five-level bronze lord bosses.

It is no exaggeration to say that all the bosses in the Chaos Dragon Nest!

Not even a top level common monster!

With such a powerful force, only the gods can resist it!

In contrast, the top-level undead creatures under the command of the epic emperor-level boss Doomsday Demon Queen are basically no different from miscellaneous cannon fodder.

Zhang Qian did not leave in a hurry, but turned his gaze to the imperial capital.

He had to confirm that the gods had descended into the world before he could leave the imperial capital with peace of mind.

On the walls of the imperial capital, the players also felt the arrival of the Chaos Dragon King.

“The old Dragon King is here again! The most powerful BOSS near the imperial capital always arrives late!”

“This is what is called force. Of course, the most important person enters the stage at the end!”

“Then, is it time for the real gods to appear?”

“It depends on the situation. If the Chaos Dragon King does not act, then maybe there is no need to summon the gods.

“Impossible, the Chaos Dragon King is here, how could he not make a move?”

“Be careful! The Chaos Dragon King has joined the battle! He has amplified his moves!”

“Damn it! I have such a bad temper, I don’t say a word of nonsense, and I just join the battle when I come up, how neat and tidy it is!”

“This guy does this every time, every time he kills a lot of players before leaving.”

“Hey! Why do those people from the top guild go to the Chaos Dragon Lair to fight bosses from time to time? Many of their equipment comes from the Chaos Dragon Lair. How can the Chaos Dragon King not hate players?

“Uh! Chaos Dragon King is really stingy, isn’t he just taking some pieces of equipment from him, as for holding grudges like this?”

Amidst the players’ discussions, the first wave of the Chaos Dragon King’s offensive came.

In an instant, the entire imperial capital was shrouded in dark clouds.

Thunder billowed in the sky, and streaks of thunder continued to wander among the clouds.

As if they were accumulating strength, it took a full three minutes before the first thunderbolt fell.

Then, endless pillars of thunder followed closely, continuously bombarding the imperial capital.

Despite the weakening of the defensive enchantment, players who were struck by the thunder column were still not immune.

In just an instant, countless players died tragically under the lightning.

And facing the defensive barriers of countless thunders, the energy is also rapidly consumed.

If he keeps resisting like this, it won’t take long for the defensive barrier to be completely broken.

City Defense Command.

The prince of the Magic Light Society said in a deep voice: “The Chaos Dragon King has appeared, and the gods can be summoned! As usual, our Magic Light will summon a god to hold back the Chaos Dragon King, and the Excalibur Guild will summon a god to destroy other bosses and drop artifacts share with me.

Diao Long, the president of the Excalibur Guild, nodded and said: “Let’s do this, let’s go to the temple together.”

Not long after the two Conferred God players left, an infinite divine light suddenly burst out from the temple in the center of the imperial capital.

Two stalwart creatures with halos on their heads, one facing east and the other north, all drifted out of the city.

They are all wearing dazzling golden armor, one holds a gun in his hand, the other holds a sword in his hand, exuding infinite majesty, majestic and majestic, it is impossible to look directly at them.

Wherever they went, countless brilliance fell, causing the players’ attributes to skyrocket.

They looked indifferent, as if nothing in the world could make them care.

“Fuck! What a powerful buff! My health has increased from 80,000 to 8 million! Is this the power of the gods? The attack and defense have also increased tenfold! I am invincible!”

“What are you still doing? Go out of the city and kill the boss!”

“Chong Chong! Kill the Lord of Huan Huan! I want revenge!”

“Just a buff, let us get such a huge improvement, how powerful is the real power of the gods? Incredible!”

“Don’t speculate on the power of the gods. If there is no such powerful power, how can a dog fight against the monster of the Chaos Dragon King?”

“Stop talking nonsense, kill monsters quickly! The time for the gods to come into the world is limited, don’t waste the opportunity!”

【Suppressed by the holy power, the surge of magic energy on your body has disappeared! Your attributes are suppressed by 20%!】

When Zhang Qian heard the system prompt from his ear, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The gun-wielding god had already fought with the Chaos Dragon King, and the two sides frequently dealt tens of millions of damages. Zhang Qian was dazzled and longing to see it.

But he just took a look, then turned and flew towards Xuanfang.

Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs.

Instead of watching others show off their skills, it is better to find ways to improve their own strength.

Wouldn’t it be a thousand times more enjoyable to fight against those peerless powerhouses in person one day than to worship on the sidelines?

Due to time constraints, Zhang Qian did not hesitate to use Shattered Void to hurry.

Finally arrived outside Tangcheng after a quarter of an hour.

Compared with the outside of the imperial capital, the density of monsters outside Tang City is much sparser.

Zhang Qian took a closer look and found that the level of monsters here is generally relatively low, and their attributes are not very good.

Basically, there are no monsters above level 120.

The main force of the siege is the six bosses. Although the blood dragon emperor who is the leader is a legendary emperor boss, his level is only 180, which is not as outrageous as the Chaos Dragon King.

Although the level is only one hundred and eighty, the Blood Dragon Emperor is still not something that a small number of players can deal with, so it is qualified to be called a top boss.

Because the pressure from ordinary monsters is relatively small, the players in Tang City can focus on dealing with the Blood Dragon Emperor.

However, the offensive and defensive battle that lasted for more than two days has reduced the blood dragon emperor by about half.

The blood dragon emperor has lost half of his health, so the situation of the other bosses can be imagined.

According to the normal development, when the monster siege ends, the bosses who came to attack the city will not die, and Tang City will not be destroyed.

As for whether the follow-up players can chase down the bloody BOSS to death, it will be nothing to do with the monster attacking the city.

This was the situation in Tang City when Zhang Qian arrived, and now there are still six hours before the end of the monster siege, and he doesn’t have time to study any strategies.

The first big move – the gate of the underworld!

Since Zhang Qian came here lightly, Zhang Qian did not bring his direct troops, so he could only choose to press the gate of the underworld to summon the creatures of the underworld to attack the city.

With the vast amount of mana emptied, he successfully established contact with the underworld.

But this is only the first step. To establish a plane channel, you must choose a suitable location.

If there are not enough undead in the location where the passage is opened, then even if the gate of the underworld is opened, there will not be much troops.

After establishing contact with the underworld, Zhang Qian’s consciousness seemed to be one with the underworld, as if he had obtained the vision of God, and could observe every corner of the underworld.

Of course, there are powerful underworld creatures in some places, and if the other party insists on not letting him observe them, they can also use means to cover them up.

In other words, Zhang Qian can only carry out the public areas at will, and those private areas may not be visible.

His gaze scanned one area after another, and it took a long time before he found an area suitable for establishing a passage to the underworld.

This area seems to be extremely hidden. In a vast valley, ordinary top-level undead monsters can be seen everywhere, and there are also a large number of undead bosses of all levels who have not been born with wisdom.

Even the weakest skeletons have grown to more than one hundred levels.

Other zombies, ghosts, undead knights, dark knights, death knights… the level is even more incredible! One hundred and fifty levels abound!

These ordinary monsters can be upgraded to such a level, it can only be said that they have lived in the underworld for too long, nourished by the infinite death energy and the power of darkness for a long time, even if they do nothing, they can still be upgraded.

Compared with this canyon, the wasteland of death can basically be regarded as a new burial place.

The gap between the two is like a chasm between heaven and earth!

“Here it is, the gate of the underworld! Open!”

Following Zhang Qian’s thought, a door opened in the middle of the vast valley.

At the moment when the huge space channel connects the two worlds of Yin and Yang, life and death collide instantly, forming a strong storm.

Ultimately, death in the underworld

Qi prevailed and turned into infinite Yin wind and blown into the world.

The undead creatures that had been silent in the valley for countless years smelled the vitality from the human world, their eyes all lit up with a bloodthirsty light, and then frantically rushed into the space channel.

The dead, innately hate the living.

Chasing anger and killing the living is what the dead like to do most.

After opening the passage to the underworld, Zhang Qian basically doesn’t need to do any unnecessary things, and he doesn’t need to command at all!

The undead from the underworld will take the initiative to launch the craziest attacks towards the nearest city.

This is the so-called natural disaster of the undead!

On the walls of Tang City, players killed wave after wave of monsters, and each player gained a huge amount of experience points.

While many players die time and time again, the level never drops.

This kind of income made the players feel very happy, and even the tense atmosphere of the city defense battle could not have the slightest effect.

“Excellent! If monsters attack the city every day, the level will not be soaring?”

“That’s right! It’s a pity that such an opportunity is only available once a year, otherwise level 300 is just around the corner!”

“Level 300 is too difficult! Even if monsters attack the city every day, I’m afraid it will take decades to get up!”

“That’s right, what’s more, we are not machines. It is impossible to just brush monsters and level up every day, and we must do other things!”

“I can’t get to level 300, it’s good to get to level 200! Unfortunately, this is an extravagant hope, monsters only have three days to attack the city!

“It’s true that you can’t be too greedy, seize the opportunity to upgrade as many levels as possible.” 747

While displaying their skills unscrupulously, the players chatted relaxedly.

Suddenly, a strong death energy surged in front of the city wall, and the sky and the earth were also surging, as if something earth-shattering was about to happen.

Someone with sharp eyes accidentally saw a huge eerie portal appearing in the distance, and couldn’t help exclaiming: “Look! What is that? There seems to be a gate!”

“It’s not a gate, it’s a space channel! Damn it! It’s a plane invasion, and a high-level alien plane boss has launched a plane invasion!”

“What’s going on? Why did a high-level alien plane boss suddenly launch a plane invasion?”

“The monster siege is not over yet! How could there be a plane invasion? Is there such a precedent before?”

“No, this has never happened before!”

“What should we do? The monster siege and the invasion of the planes, Tang City will not be breached, right?”

“It’s hard to say, just wait and see what kind of monsters come. Plane invasions are also strong and weak. If it is an invasion of a second-level plane creature, it should not threaten a first-level city.”

As the creatures of the underworld got closer, the players gradually saw their levels.

For a moment, all the players on this city wall gasped.

“Skeleton! What a high level! It’s the invasion of the underworld!”

“Skeleton warriors with more than one hundred levels, what’s the matter? Skeleton warriors can still be upgraded to more than one hundred levels?”

“Hiss! There are also a large group of top-level monsters, and there are so many Liches at level 150. This is a super fort!”

“Look! Bone dragons! And ghost dragons! They are all legendary king bosses above level 200!”

“There are so many, more than the monsters that came on the first day of the monster siege!”

“Quickly call other people on the city wall to come over and support them. We are the only ones who won’t be able to stop these dead beans!”

After just a short moment, the sea of ​​undead was already approaching the city wall.

Under the blessing of various auras, the speed of the undead creatures is extremely fast.

Compared with the main city of the imperial capital, the height and durability of Tang City’s walls are far inferior.

In terms of the height of the city walls, the city walls of the imperial capital are as high as 30 meters, while the walls of Tang City are only 15 meters high, so the height is directly cut in half!

The durability of the city wall is even lower. The durability of each section of the city wall in the imperial capital is hundreds of millions, while the durability of the city wall of Tang City is only more than 30 million.

The same is true for the defensive barrier. After suffering continuous attacks for more than two days in a row, the energy of Tangcheng’s barrier was not satisfied.

If it continues to suffer intensive attacks, it is really hard to say whether it can persist without being breached.

The players didn’t dare to be negligent, and quickly released their skills. The skills fell one after another, and a large number of undead creatures were killed, but the vacancy was filled by the ones behind, and there was no end to killing them!

At this moment, a system prompt once again brought a heavy psychological blow to the players.

[The Lord of Unhappy Lord of the Dark Gold Secret Realm releases the power, and all players in the domain will suffer from the negative state! 】

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I saw some bigwigs say that the author only updates once a day! It’s more wrong than Dou E! There are two updates every day, and more than 10,000 words every day, okay!.

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