Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 79

Chapter Thirteen Tang City! Break! Attack The Temple!

[The Lord of Unhappy Lord of the Dark Gold Secret Realm releases the power, and all players in the domain will suffer from the negative state! 】

[Ding! You are affected by the power of the monarch. In the next five minutes, you must confide a secret to a group of more than ten people before you can use the skill. Otherwise, you will randomly get the following states: anger, sadness, fear, happiness, Excited, calm; In the state of anger, the attack increases by 100% – every time you use a skill, you will have a 50% chance to discard a piece of equipment; Fear state skill power increased by 100% – every time a skill is used, there will be a 50% chance of a consumable item; in a happy state, HP will be increased by 100% – every time a skill is used, there will be a 50% chance of picking up a piece of equipment discarded by others; State mana increased by 100% – every time a skill is used, there will be a 50% chance to pick up an item discarded by others. In a calm state, all attributes will be increased by 100% – each time a skill is used, there will be a 50% chance to pick up a consumable item discarded by others. 】

Hearing the system prompt ringing in the ear, the players on the city wall immediately exploded.

“I’m sorry! What’s the situation? Ah? What’s the situation? Isn’t the Lord of Joyless dogbi in the imperial capital? Could it be that Mao Mao from the imperial capital lied to us?”

“What the hell, the imperial capital is so far away, the Lord of Huanhuan was still in the imperial capital more than half an hour ago, why did he come so soon?”

“Easy to say? It must be teleportation magic! A super BOSS like the Lord of Unhappy, it is reasonable to order teleportation magic?”

“But, what exactly does he want to do? Why did he suddenly come to Tang City?”

“I understand! Lord of Huan Huan is a bitch, he wants to attack Tang City! That plane channel is connected to the underworld, it is a gate to the underworld! It must be the Lord of Huan Huan, this bitch has awakened the ability to open a plane channel , trying to use the power of the underworld to capture Tangcheng!”

“The truth! But what about the players in Tangcheng? With so many top monsters, can we handle it?”

“What else can I do? Ask for help! Quickly send a message to other cities for help, and find the Conferred God player to summon the gods to destroy the Lord of Unhappy!”

In the Tangcheng headquarters, several top players are also discussing strategies.

They also came to the same conclusion. To solve this wave of crises, the only way to solve this wave of crisis is to rely on the Conferred God player to summon the gods.

Originally there were only six top-level bosses, but Tang Cheng could barely gain the upper hand.

But now that there are so many top-level monsters, players have no time to deal with these ordinary monsters, how can they have the time to pay attention to top-level bosses?

However, the top players in the headquarters thought well, but the actual situation disappointed them.

Because it is now the final stage of the monster siege, many top bosses are also entering and leaving their lairs to kill the nearest city.

In this case, each city is under great pressure, where is the time to support other cities?

The most important thing is that there are not many opportunities to summon the gods to kill the top boss. Killing the top boss may explode the magic weapon.

With current interests, who is willing to give up the magic weapon that may explode in order to save other cities?

So the top players in Tangcheng asked around, but none of the Conferred God players came to support them.

This made them dumbfounded for a moment, and they were a little overwhelmed for a while.

A guild leader said angrily: “Damn! It doesn’t matter if there are so many, let’s fight first! If you can’t fight, then retreat, stretch the ground!”

The expressions of the others suddenly changed, and someone couldn’t help but say: “But, what about so many ordinary people in the city? If we withdraw, they will die!”

Another person said: “Let them go through the teleportation formation first. It’s not that ordinary people can’t go through the teleportation formation. If it’s a big deal, just spend more gold coins.”

Everyone nodded: “That’s right, let them take refuge in the imperial capital first, and they should have time to evacuate if they hurry up.”

After reaching an agreement, a group of bigwigs acted quickly, some organized ordinary people to retreat, and some organized player teams to strengthen defense.

In short, no one was idle.

On the city wall, the players are no longer obsessed with why the Lord of Huan Huan came to attack Tang City.

Now there is a huge problem in front of them, and they must come up with a solution as soon as possible.

“Brothers, what should I do with this debuff called ‘Seven Emotions and Six Desires’ created by the Master of Unhappiness?”

“If you want to use a skill, you have to reveal a secret, and a secret can only be kept for five minutes! What on earth is he thinking, how can such a weird debuff be produced? What good does it do him?”

“Hey! Don’t worry about this now, think about what to do, the monsters are almost hitting the city wall!”

“Damn it! It’s said that the debuff of the Lord of Unhappiness has no solution. I don’t believe in this evil. I don’t want to talk about secrets and see if he can make me unequipped!”

“That is, the equipment on my body is all soul-bound. The Lord of Unhappy made a wrong idea this time. He must not know that the equipment on my body cannot be thrown away! Haha!”

“It makes sense, how do we lose the soul-bound equipment? We can’t lose it ourselves, but he, a BOSS, can make us forcefully discard the equipment?”

Many players don’t believe in evil, and start attacking directly as they talk.

After a skill, these players suddenly had many additional states.

Then, the second wave of skills was released, and various expressions appeared on the faces of these players.

Some are angry, some are sad, some are fearful, some are happy…

In these states, the combat power of these players suddenly increased significantly.

Next, the fun begins!

Among these unbelieving players, some were lucky enough to pass the probability judgment and receive a round of buffs in vain.

And the other part is more unlucky!

The player who was stubborn at the beginning suddenly threw his wand out of his hand with a look of anger, and even threw it directly under the city wall.

There happened to be a player next to him who was in a happy state and had never played the probability judgment. He laughed and jumped off the city wall to pick up the discarded piece of equipment.

Before he picked up the equipment, a group of long-range top monsters shot him in the air.

This scene happened in many places at the same time, some ran to pick up discarded props, some ran to pick up discarded blood medicine…

No matter where the discarded things fell, they rushed over to pick them up irrationally.

Many players jumped off the city wall and were killed by countless monsters on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the players who were lucky enough not to be recruited were dumbfounded.

“I’m going to die! Longevity! Soul-bound equipment can be discarded! Isn’t it outrageous?”

“What the hell, I was fooled. The equipment is not permanently discarded, but a short-term state similar to disarming. After the next wave of status refresh, the equipment will automatically fly back.

“This trick is so easy to play! The player who picks up things doesn’t really pick up things, he just got into a state similar to being out of control! It’s just that the Lord of Joy has designated a target for this state! Awesome !”

“This move is not very lethal, but it can create chaos first class!”

“No, I can’t do this. It seems that I have to tell the secret. I’ll come first! I didn’t wash my feet last night! I’ll wipe it! No, the secret judgment failed, I’ve been tricked!”

“Brother, it’s not a secret that you didn’t wash your feet last night. We were all defending the city last night. Who has the time to wash your feet?”

“So, it must be a secret that no one knows?”

“It looks like this, I’ll try it too. Let me tell you, Ang, I like to sleep naked. I have liked to sleep naked since I was a child!”

“How is it? The brother who likes to sleep naked, has the judgment passed?”

“Haha! Passed, it really must be something that no one else knows to be considered a secret.”

After simple exploration, the players quickly figured out how to deal with this debuff called ‘Seven Emotions and Six Desires’.

As a result, the players on the city wall began to confide all kinds of secrets crazily.

“I once drank a bottle of body wash overnight!”

“I have a wisdom tooth that has never been extracted!”

“I’ve liked Captain for a long time!”

“Fuck, you pervert! I’m a man, I didn’t expect you to be this kind of person!

“I like to secretly wear my sister’s stockings!”

“Okay, another pervert!”

“Ah! Damn boy! How dare you steal my silk stockings and see if I don’t beat you to death when I get home!”

As the secrets were revealed one by one, the players on the city wall finally resumed their normal battle rhythm, but from their gradually embarrassed expressions, it is not difficult to guess that they probably don’t have many secrets to tell.

Outside the city wall, Zhang Qian also kept the gate of the underworld open, while launching an attack on Tang City from a long distance away.

Elemental control consumes too much mana, compared to the consumption of dark flames, which consumes less mana.

As one of the few long-range attacks in Zhang Qian’s hands, the power of the Flame of Darkness has been strengthened a lot as he upgrades again and again.

In the beginning, Flames of Darkness only changed his attack mode to long-range, and later changed from a single player to a group, and his lethality also increased.

Now, after being strengthened many times, the Flame of Darkness can already cause twice as much damage to the target as Zhang Qian’s basic attack.

The most valuable thing is that when used for single-target attacks, this skill has almost no consumption.

With a thought in Zhang Qian’s mind, groups of flames of darkness immediately condensed into shape, and then flew towards the city wall ahead.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Groups of dark flames fell on the barrier, consuming a large amount of energy in the barrier, and then the remaining power did not disappear on the players on the city wall.

In an instant, hundreds of players were instantly blamed on the spot.

The players were shocked, obviously they didn’t expect Zhang Qian’s attack to be so sharp.

“What a high damage! After being filtered by the enchantment, he can kill so many people instantly. This Lord of Huanhuan is not much worse than the Blood Dragon Emperor!”

“The Blood Dragon Emperor is the Emperor’s BOSS, while the Lord of Unhappy is just the Sovereign’s BOSS. The level gap between the two sides is so big, why do the skill damage look similar?”

“No, it’s not the same. In fact, the skill damage of the Lord of Unhappy will definitely be much lower, but the results caused by the two are the same. Anyway, their skills can kill us instantly after being filtered by the enchantment, no matter who is higher What’s the point of who is lower?”

“Indeed, judging from the overflowing damage data, the skill damage of Lord of Unhappiness is indeed much lower than that of Blood Dragon Emperor. The two are not of the same order of magnitude at all.”

“Even so, the Lord of Unhappiness is scary enough. If he is promoted to Emperor BOS$, he will definitely be countless times more terrifying than the Blood Dragon Emperor!”

“This is said as if he is not scary now. To be honest, I would rather face the ten-headed blood dragon emperor than face the Lord of No Joy!”

“Heroes see the same thing!”

Apart from Zhang Qian’s side, the other bosses are also launching their final onslaught on Tang City.

Tang City’s defensive barrier is already in jeopardy, and it seems that it may run out of energy at any time.

Before Zhang Qian came, the siege bosses basically fought on their own, some attacked this section of the city wall, some attacked that section of the city wall, and some attacked the barrier…

The power point is different, which is why Tang Cheng has been supported for so long.

After Zhang Qian arrived, he brought all the long-range undead creatures under his command against

Launch a fierce attack on a point of the enchantment.

In this case, the energy consumption of the enchantment will naturally increase significantly.

There is no way to fight the undead in melee, they can only spread out and hit wherever they can.

But even so, it is very difficult for players to deal with it.

After all, the number of players in Tang City cannot be compared with that of the Imperial Capital, and the city itself cannot accommodate as many players as the Imperial Capital.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally difficult for Tang Cheng to resist the current high-intensity attack.

As time goes by, more and more undead creatures emerge from the underworld.

The valley chosen by Zhang Qian is very large, and it can accommodate at least hundreds of millions of undead.

And what comes to the world at this moment is only an insignificant part of it.

Waves of top-level undead rushed in, overwhelming the entire city of Tang, and the pressure on the city defenses was also increasing.

In the city, the player commanders are busy with their feet not touching the ground, and they are still transporting ordinary people at the fastest speed.

Those ordinary people were terrified, but under the organization of the players, there was not much chaos.

Waves of ordinary people boarded the teleportation array in an orderly manner, and were transported by the teleportation array to the nearest imperial capital.

Several major player guilds are very heartbroken, and each wave of teleportation costs a lot of gold coins.

Obviously, ordinary people simply cannot afford such a large consumption.

Therefore, the gold coins consumed by teleportation can only be paid by several major player guilds.

They had to do this, because the players belonging to the guild were also related to ordinary people, and it was impossible for ordinary people to be slaughtered by monsters.

If ordinary people are ignored at this critical moment, then after this battle, the entire True Dragon Kingdom will not have a foothold for several major player guilds in Tang City.

Just the verbal criticism of players from all over the country is enough to wipe out the player guilds in Tang City.

“How many people have not been transferred?” The player guild responsible for the transfer of ordinary people is called Fenglinghui. It is a first-class guild in Tang City. The guild members are mainly female players.

Since there may be debuffs on the city wall at any time that the female players are more resistant to, the leaders of several player guilds decided after discussion that Fengling will lead the female players.

The experts are responsible for the transfer of ordinary people.

At this moment, Zi Fengling, the president of the Fengling Association, is urging desperately in a roaring voice on the guild channel: “Hurry up, hurry up!”

The subordinate said with a bitter face: “President! There are tens of thousands of people, there is no way to go faster!”

Zi Fengling was anxious in her heart, and said in a hurry: “Let the public (Li Nuozhao) gather everyone and build a defense line around the teleportation array. Once the city is broken and enters the stage of street fighting, we will do our best to block the monsters.”

Things are approaching the teleportation array! Send out all the resurrection coins, and you must persist until everyone is sent away!”

Suddenly, a big star and white light appeared from the resurrection point next to it.

Some players walked out of the resurrection point in a panic, and ran towards the city wall like crazy.

Someone ran and shouted: “The city wall is broken! Monsters are coming into the city!”

Zi Fengling’s heart felt cold when she heard the words, and only one thought remained at the moment: “Tang City is over!”

She seemed to have seen the picture of Tangcheng being reduced to ruins after the war.

As time passed by, more and more players appeared at the resurrection point, and rushed to the front line without stopping.

Indistinctly, in the distance, the extremely condensed black breath of death can already be seen advancing towards the center of the city.

What is in the center of the city?

The temple, resurrection point, and teleportation array are all here!

“The goal of these undead is very clear, that is to occupy Tangcheng!” Many people thought so.

“Look, it’s the Lord of Huan Huan, he’s in the battle himself!”

A player pointed to the sky in the distance, where there was a figure suspended in mid-air, throwing black fireballs at the players from time to time.

All the players who saw this scene hated and feared this figure.

Since the arrival of the era of changing jobs for all, Tang City has never been breached for nearly two hundred years.

As soon as the Lord of Wuhuan came, he directly captured Tangcheng Yang.

This kind of powerful aggressiveness makes everyone terrified.

This kind of terrifying executive power also made it impossible for everyone to resist.

Finally, he is here!

Like a high-ranking demon god!

Attacking and killing all the way, the temple, resurrection point and teleportation array have been surrounded.

Zi Fengling’s heart was full of despair, there were still tens of thousands of people who hadn’t moved away! They were doomed!

But soon she was stunned, because the undead did not attack directly, but watched the ordinary people being transferred away not far away.

What’s the situation? Why don’t these undead attack?”

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