Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 80

Chapter Fourteen Evidence Of Evil! Climb The Mountain Of Bones!

“What’s the situation? Why don’t these undead attack?”

Zi Fengling was extremely puzzled, but she didn’t waste this opportunity.

She came back to her senses and immediately yelled on the wartime command channel: “Don’t be in a daze, keep sending! Hurry up!”

The teleportation continued, and the number of ordinary people dwindled.

Zifengling sees hope, and it only takes a little time for ordinary people to be teleported away!

At that time, players can let go of their hands and feet and fight a battle!

Although the players in this battle were doomed to fail, there was a tragic ending, which was an explanation to Tang Cheng.

The question is, will that God-like BOSS give him this chance?

Zi Fengling stared at the figure quietly, feeling uneasy.

Finally, the last ordinary person was also transferred.

Zi Fengling’s heart relaxed, and a smile appeared on her face.

But at this moment, roars sounded one after another from all around.

“The undead are attacking, kill them!”

Zi Fengling turned her head to look, and felt a little confused: “It’s not that he doesn’t attack, but he is waiting for ordinary people to transfer?”

This idea is a bit absurd, but Zi Fengling feels inexplicably that the truth should be like this.

Zhang Qian watched those ordinary people being sent away, indifferent from the beginning to the end.

Killing ordinary people means nothing to him.

Undead instincts like to kill living people, and Zhang Qian is not a pure undead, so naturally he will not be swayed by that stupid instinct.

Slaughter all living beings, and make all the world fall into dead silence?

is that fun

I’m afraid only some middle school teenagers would think that way!

No, teenagers in the second year of middle school don’t think that way either, only a psychopath with an extremely destructive tendency would think that way!

After a lot of slaughter, all the players in the city were finally killed.

At this time, the monster siege had long since ended.

Except for Zhang Qian, all bosses have returned to their lairs.

During this period, players from other cities came to support through the teleportation array one after another, but they were often beheaded by a group of top undead bosses as soon as they teleported over.

After a while, no players come back.

At this moment, the only resistance force left in the entire Tang City is the temple located in the center of the city.

There are two powerful guards at the entrance of the temple, and the sacred attributes and skills are very restrained from undead creatures.

The skills of the bosses summoned by Zhang Qian hit the temple guards, causing very limited damage.

Compared with the upper limit of the opponent’s blood volume, although it is not insignificant, it is difficult to kill quickly.

Because he was worried that the Conferred God players from other cities would come to support him, Zhang Qian did not intend to delay, so he acted directly.

After a little estimation of the opponent’s blood volume, he used the most powerful single-target skill at hand.

200 Swords of Chaos!


Five times the damage factor of the skill plus crit!

In an instant, it dealt a second-by-second, second-by-second air damage!

Sacred power restrains the power of darkness, but conversely, the power of darkness can also restrain the power of the holy, it just depends on who is stronger and who is weaker.

There is no doubt that the two guards at the gate of the temple are not Zhang Qian’s opponents at all.

After killing a temple guard with his unique move, he rushed up to fight the remaining temple guard at close quarters.

“Roar! Evil undead, go back to the underworld!”

Zhang Qian responded indifferently, the long sword in his hand left scars one after another on the opponent’s body.

Every attack can knock out millions of HP of the opponent.

The attack of the temple guards hit Zhang Qian without pain, so he didn’t care much at all.

This temple guard is actually a model of a Conferred God player, but with more blood, and the attack and defense have been doubled.

To put it bluntly, a temple guard is equivalent to a level 500 god-blessing player who is blessed by the gods.

And no matter how powerful the player is, it is impossible to compare with the super boss in terms of offensive and defensive attributes.

Therefore, there is a huge gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides, but the temple guards have more HP, which is why they have resisted for so long.

After about a minute or so, the only remaining guard of the temple was finally emptied of his last bit of blood and fell to the ground.

Zhang Qian didn’t even look at the equipment unleashed by the two temple guards. He stepped over their corpses and walked straight into the temple.

After entering the temple, the first thing you see is a seven-meter-high statue.

The image of this god is not like the gods in Western mythology, nor the gods in Eastern mythology, but has a unique style.

Its majesty is many times stronger than the Chaos Dragon King.

Fortunately, coercion is just coercion and will not have any real impact on Zhang Qian.

Under the statue, there is an envoy praying devoutly, and it should be a woman from the figure.

She turned around slowly, revealing a delicate and pretty face, with divine radiance in her eyes, and her overall image looked relatively peaceful and gentle.

“The monarch of the underworld,” she said calmly, “You shouldn’t come here, this is the territory of the gods.

Zhang Qian said casually: “You are wrong, this will be my territory.”

After saying that, he raised his hand and released a cluster of dark flames, shooting at the envoy under the statue.


The weakness of the envoy was somewhat beyond Zhang Qian’s expectation. Just a single flame of darkness could wipe out all the lives of the other party.

【Ding! You killed the servant of the celestial god Qingkong, this action has been regarded as a declaration of war by the celestial god Qingkong!】(bcbe)

The god made the illusory soul float out of the corpse, and slowly flew towards the heaven.

After that, her body also turned into bits of light and disappeared, leaving only a rectangular token on the spot.

Zhang Qian didn’t stop the spirit of the envoy from leaving, as soon as he waved his hand, the rectangular token flew straight over.

This token is exactly the main goal of his trip.

Proof of Evil: You proved your evilness by killing an innocent envoy in an unforgivable way! Now, you have the qualification to compete for the ultimate evil!


Symbol of evil!

The world boss, the most evil symbol!

With this certificate of evil, Zhang Qian has the qualification to challenge the world boss.

But obtaining the challenge qualification is just the beginning, it is impossible to challenge the world boss with Zhang Qian’s current strength.

Any world boss has the strength not weaker than the Chaos Dragon King.

Every time a world boss comes, it is necessary to gather the strength of all the top players in the entire human world to destroy it.

The world boss will not only drop 100% of the artifact components of the growth suit, but also drop the key material law fragments that ignite the divine fire.

In addition to these two top-level resources, the world boss will also release a large number of various rare props and materials.

In addition, the experience given by the world boss is also very rich. No matter how many times the player dies, as long as the world boss can be killed, the participating players will gain a lot of experience according to the ratio of damage and damage received.

That is to say, even if you can’t hurt the world boss, you can get a lot of experience as long as you are killed by the world boss.

All these factors lead to the fact that every time a world boss appears, there will be countless players risking their lives to besiege it.

Under such circumstances, if Zhang Qian wanted to kill the world boss, he would not only have to withstand the attack of the world boss, but also have to fight for it from countless players.

Its difficulty can be imagined!

“It still needs to continue to develop for a period of time. It is not enough to super-evolve to the emperor level, and the level must be raised as soon as possible.”

Zhang Qian silently opened the attribute panel and took a look. After these three days of harvesting, the Power of Faith has increased by more than 100 million, but the next super-evolution is still more than 700 million Power of Faith.

The task is daunting!

However, it should be possible to gather together during the next time when the secret land comes.

“It’s time to leave.”

Zhang Qian waved his hand to close the gate of the underworld, and then cast Shattering Void, crossing a long distance in an instant, and returning to the monarch’s hall in the secret realm of the dark labyrinth.

With the closing of the gate of the underworld, those undead summoned to the human world were also expelled to the underworld by the rules of the human world.

To keep those undead forever in the human world, there must be a permanently open door to the underworld, so that the laws of the underworld can always bless those undead.

Zhang Qian didn’t have the energy to maintain the gate of the underworld for a long time, and there was no need to do so, so he simply let those undead creatures be expelled.

When you have time in the future, you can go to that valley from the underworld and completely include it in your own territory.

Back in the dark labyrinth, I don’t know if the players were physically and mentally exhausted after repeated battles, or someone outside blocked the entrance.

After more than ten hours, not a single player came.

Zhang Qian didn’t care either, he leaned on the throne and closed his eyes to meditate until the entrance of the dark labyrinth was closed.

This nine-day advent time is finally over!

Not long after Zhang Qian returned to the Dark Labyrinth, groups of players came from all directions.

Since the teleportation array was destroyed, players from other cities who came to support could only rush to the nearest town first, and then gather in Tang City through other means.

But after arriving in Tang City, all the players realized that the entire Tang City was dead silent.

Not only could there be no trace of any undead in the city, even a single corpse could not be found.

“What’s going on? Didn’t it mean that Tang City was attacked by a large number of undead? Didn’t it mean that it was invaded by the undead plane? What about the undead? Where did they go?”

“Tangcheng was indeed breached, but the undead disappeared. Did they go to attack other towns?”

“No, there are no calls for help from any town at this time.”

“Look carefully to see how much Tang City has been destroyed.”

“I have already sent people to investigate, and the reinforcements from other directions are the same. No one has found anything. Oh, the central temple has been breached.” The envoy was also killed.

“Gone? What about the loss of other functional facilities and various buildings?”

“There is no loss. Only the central temple was breached and the envoy was killed. Apart from that, a section of the city wall was breached, and there is no other loss.”

“Hiss! This is really weird, what on earth is this dogbi, the Lord of No Joy, trying to do? He captured Tang City but didn’t occupy it, just for fun?”

“This…..It’s really possible. With the personality of the Lord of Huanhuan, it’s really possible that it’s just a joke.”

The leaders of the reinforcements who had figured out the situation were all at a loss, and no one could think of the purpose of the Lord of Joy.

However, they are in a good mood.

Because Tang City is still largely intact, it will soon return to its original prosperity.

Soon, after repeated searches to confirm that there were no traces of undead nearby, and that no other places had been attacked, the leaders of the reinforcements finally breathed a sigh of relief, and informed all parties of the situation here. .

After learning that it was just a false alarm, the social platform suddenly became lively.

—Damn it! Why are things so confusing? Has Tang City been breached?

——Tangcheng must have been breached, and the teleportation array can’t be used anymore. There is no option to teleport to Tangcheng. During the non-national war, players could not control the intercity teleportation array, and there was no option to teleport to Tangcheng, so it could only explain the teleportation of Tangcheng

Array was destroyed. If even the teleportation array is destroyed, then the city must be broken!

-Could it be some guild in Tangcheng who did it?

— Probably not? The cost of repairing the teleportation array is very high. What are the benefits of destroying the teleportation array?

—Why is there no benefit? What if any guild wants to dominate the city?

——This is ridiculous, those big guilds are too late to develop their own secret realms, who has spare resources to build a public city?

—Okay, let’s not talk about these unreliable guesses, let’s think about why the Lord of Huanhuan broke Tangcheng and gave up. From this battle in Tangcheng, it can be seen that the Lord of Huanhuan has already

He has the qualification to launch a plane invasion, so the question is, will he launch a plane invasion again? This time he just broke Tang City, will he break other cities next time?

And will breaking Tangcheng be a rehearsal before a large-scale invasion?

———Hiss! With that said, it seems that the Lord of Unhappy is really dangerous!

——Not necessarily, it is reported that the Lord of Wuhuan seems to be a little merciful. After he broke through Tangcheng, he did not attack ordinary people, but killed all the players in the entire city

Has. As for ordinary people, he obviously had the opportunity to massacre, but he didn’t do it in the end, which is obviously very abnormal.

True or false? There are undead bosses that don’t kill people?

——It’s true, I was one of the last people to evacuate from Tangcheng, and there were still tens of thousands of people who hadn’t had time to evacuate when the city was broken. The Lord of No Happiness besieges but does not attack, watching all ordinary

When they were evacuated, many people were scared to urinate! As a result, they urinated in vain!

——God, what a white pee, are you going to laugh at me to death?

Although Tang City was rapidly rebuilt after the war, the aftermath of Tang City’s breach was far from over.

This wave of raids by Zhang Qian shocked all the players, and also made the player guilds in other cities vigilant.

Player guilds are divided into ten levels from low to high. Levels 1 to 3 are low-level guilds, levels 4 and 6 are intermediate-level guilds, levels 7-9 are high-level guilds, and level 10 is the top-level guild.

Public cities are often jointly managed by members of guilds above the seventh level in the city. The shops and various facilities in the city can only be rented, and the resulting revenue can be shared equally by the management guild.

Half, and the remaining half is urban development funds, which can only be used for urban development and construction, and cannot be withdrawn by anyone.

So once the city is breached, the management guild will suffer huge losses.

The development direction of public cities is often divided into two aspects: people’s livelihood and military affairs.

Not to mention people’s livelihood, mainly to increase urban income.

When players usually level up, they can get blueprints of facilities such as wonders, playgrounds, cinemas, and brothels.

With these blueprints, corresponding buildings can be established in the city to improve the attractiveness of the city and attract people to consume.

The military aspect is mainly to expand the city wall, add defensive towers, strengthen defensive barriers, and create puppet guards.

Earlier, when the player level was low and the human environment was harsh, urban development mainly focused on improving the military level.

Later, there were more and more high-level players, and the military level of cities in various places was sufficient to deal with most crises, so the military development of cities in various places stopped, and began to upgrade economic

economic level.

This time Zhang Qian breached Tang City, which really sounded a wake-up call to the management guilds of each city.

Because it is not known whether Zhang Qian will attack the city, let alone which city he will attack, the cities in various places have to suspend economic development and start to improve their military level again.

And while the player guilds were working hard to defend the city, Zhang Qian was not idle.

After returning to the underworld, due to the substantial increase in strength, Zhang Qian is more sensitive to the coercion from the top of the dead bone mountain.

He felt it carefully for a long time, and finally decided to climb up the Dead Bones Mountain to find out.

At this moment, he was walking alone among the white snow, his eyes were looking at the top of the mountain, and he was also guessing in his heart what was there.

The coercion from the top of the mountain is getting stronger and stronger, and there is also a mysterious force suppressing the spirituality of all creatures within the range.

So even though countless corpses were buried under the white snow, none of them could be revived into an undead creature.

Zhang Qian wanted to fly up directly, but was firmly sucked to the ground.

He tried to use Shattered Void, but the space crack closed just after it opened, and it was too late to travel through the void.

With all these restrictions, even though he has all kinds of abilities, he can only move forward step by step.

As it got closer and closer to the top of the mountain, the coercion from there became more and more tyrannical.

After walking for two full days, Zhang Qian finally climbed to the top of Dead Bones Mountain.

After seeing the situation on the top of the peak clearly, even though he had seen countless big scenes, he couldn’t help showing a deep look of shock.

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