Job Transfer For All: From Bronze Lord To Immortal Demon God

Chapter 81

Chapter 15 Exploring The Dead Bone Mountain! Huge To Explosive Earnings!

Dead Bone Mountain soared into the sky, and at least half of it was shrouded in the dark clouds of the underworld.

On the top of this majestic mountain, there is a platform covering only a few acres.

But on this platform with only a few acres of land, there were two corpses exuding terror and coercion overlapping each other.

A corpse with silver hair, wings growing from its back, wearing silver and light full-body battle armor, pierced the forehead of another corpse with a sharp sword.

The other corpse was wearing a black robe. Under the black robe, there were only bones. The flesh and blood seemed to have disappeared. He was holding a huge scythe in his hand.

The other hands of the two are holding an hourglass at the same time, each holding one end, as if neither of them wants to let go.

“God!” Zhang Qian’s pupils narrowed slightly, his eyes were full of shock: “A god of death? An angel?”

The underworld is vast and boundless, and there are countless undead creatures. The highest status is none other than the ruler of the underworld.

The so-called master of the underworld is the legendary king of the underworld.

Pluto is not a king boss, but a god king B-OSS.

Even with Zhang Qian’s current power, it is not clear how many ranks there are from the emperor boss to the god king boss.

And every undead knows the existence of Pluto from the moment of birth.

It is no exaggeration to say that the spirit system of the underworld is imprinted in the soul of every undead.

Every undead creature automatically swore allegiance to Hades from the moment it was born.

In other words, Zhang Qian’s dove occupies the magpie’s nest, so he cannot be regarded as a pure undead creature, otherwise he would have to kneel down and worship Hades the moment he saw Hades.

And under Pluto, there are also a large number of gods of the dead [some of them like to call themselves black and white impermanence, some like to call themselves bull-headed horse faces, some like to call themselves hell messengers, some like to call themselves soul ferrymen, and some like to call themselves A Nubis…

But for all living beings in the world, they have a unified name—the god of death.

Of course, in this era of job change for all people, in this plane of the underworld, they are all just incredibly powerful BOSS, and they have no duty to lead creatures into the underworld

Among the two corpses on the platform of Dead Bones Mountain, the skeleton wearing a black robe and holding a scythe is the god of death!

The reason why Zhang Qian was able to recognize him at a glance was because the other party still had a little health, and he could also see the other party’s information.

On the other side, the angel’s secondary sexual characteristics are very prominent, it is actually a female angel, and it also retains a little life value.

So in theory, these two corpses are not real corpses yet.

They are not completely dead yet.

Zhang Qian frowned, puzzled in his heart: “Why are they still alive? And each of them only has a little blood left?”

He took a closer look, but saw that the sharp sword in the angel’s hand only pierced the eyebrow of Death.

This sword should have hurt the soul of Death God, which is considered a fatal injury.

And the sickle of death also penetrates the heart of the angel, which is also a fatal injury.

The two gods were both fatally injured, but they both retained a little life value, which is really strange.

Zhang Qian was thoughtful, and finally his eyes fell on the hourglass in the other hand of the two.

However, although there is a lot of sand on the upper end of the hourglass, not a single grain of gravel has fallen, and it is completely still.

“Could it be that… the state of these two gods is related to this hourglass? The hourglass is related to time. Could it be that their time is in a static state?”

Thinking of this, Zhang Qian suddenly felt a little excited.

Treasures related to time, if they can only speed up or slow down time, are fine, but if they can stop time, they are definitely divine weapons.

If such an artifact can be obtained, what kind of benefits will it bring?

“But, can I take this artifact?”

Looking at the two gods who seemed to be in a state of static time, Zhang Qian hesitated for a while.

Will touching this hourglass freeze time? Stay in this moment forever?

“I’m developing right now. If I’m trapped in this moment forever, won’t I never be able to improve my strength? And once I’m trapped in this moment, can my thinking still move? It’s fine if my thinking can’t move, but If the mind can move, wouldn’t it be equivalent to being imprisoned in this body forever once it’s trapped?”

No matter what kind of situation, it is not a good thing for Zhang Qian, and he is terrified when he thinks about the consequences.

“How much power do these two gods have left? Do they still have the ability to kill me?”

“To take, or not to take?”

Zhang Qian thought about it, but he still couldn’t resist the temptation. He slowly stretched out his hand and approached the hourglass gradually.

Finally, he touched the hourglass.

At this moment, the angel and the god of death turned their heads to look at Zhang Qian at the same time.

In the next moment, their remaining life points completely disappeared, and then they all released the hourglass feebly, and fell to the ground.

Zhang Qian stared at this scene in a daze, his silver-gray eyes reflected countless grotesque scenes, and finally fixed on the scene in front of him.

When he came back to his senses, he couldn’t help but fall into ecstasy.

“You made the right bet! The supreme artifact, the Sands of Time! It will be mine from now on!”

Zhang Qian suppressed the excitement in his heart, and his expression gradually returned to calm.

Although there was an element of gambling, he actually had some confidence before he acted.

The two gods are both holding the hourglass of time, and both have only a little life left, which seems like a coincidence!

How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

Therefore, Zhang Qian guessed that this should be a tacit agreement between the two gods, and they jointly used their final strength to keep themselves immortal through the hourglass.

So stalemate, spent a long time.

The reason why the two have been able to maintain this state should be to maintain a certain balance.

Based on this inference, Zhang Qian believes that as long as there is a third-party force to break the balance, the static state of time can be ended.

And since the two gods have only a little life left, it seems that their strength is also very little left.

Even if they are pulled out of the static state of time, they may not still have the ability to fight.

Judging from the results, Zhang Qian guessed correctly after all.

Even, the result was better than he imagined!

Due to the influence of the hourglass, the two gods have actually been trapped in a certain period of time in the past.

As the balance is broken, their lost time is made up.

But this is not a good thing, because according to the normal development track, they should have fallen completely long ago.

When the lost time is made up, then everything that should happen will happen.

They deserve to die or they will die, and what happened after death will continue to happen.

This can be seen from their corpses.

The god of death holding a scythe completely dissipated his soul after death, but his bones have been nourished by the dead energy and dark power of the underworld, and a new spirituality was born.

Under Zhang Qian’s gaze, he stood up staggeringly, broke free from the sharp sword nailed between his eyebrows, and pulled out the sickle stuck in the angel’s body.

Then, He just stood there blankly, not knowing what to do at all.

On the other side, the same is true for the silver-haired female angel. After the time stillness ended, the sacred aura on her body quickly disappeared completely, and there was a strong death and blackness in the next city.

The pure white wings turned into pure black, and the golden eyes turned into silver gray.

The armor on his body and the long sword in his hand were also completely eroded by death energy and dark power, completely transformed into dark attribute equipment.

All this seems to happen in a blink of an eye, but in fact it is the accumulation of long years in the past.

There is no trace of the erosion of the years, but as long as the accumulation time is long enough, it can show a frightening influence.

Looking at the two brand new undead creatures, Zhang Qian felt a little suspicious about the power of time.

Can time really change destiny?

I’m afraid it won’t be that easy!

Thinking this way in his heart, Zhang Qian couldn’t help but look at the hourglass in his hand.

Sands of time: the manifestation of the law of time, mastering the sands of time is easy to master time.

As Zhang Qian expected, this treasure is indeed a treasure that allows people to control time, and it doesn’t even have any other superfluous attributes.

Without any hesitation, he directly forced out a little soul fire and imprinted it on the sand of time.

The whole world suddenly stood still for a moment!

Zhang Qian seemed to be in a big river with no end and no shore, and let the river wash away for countless years.

I don’t know how long it has passed, it seems that it has only passed for a moment, and it seems that 10,000 years have passed.

When Zhang Qian opened his eyes again, there was a flash of vicissitudes in his eyes, as if after countless years, his mentality became even more calm.

“It turns out that this is the power of time!”

After Sands of Time recognized its master, Zhang Qian basically understood how to use the Law of Time.

He originally thought that after mastering the law of time, he could go directly to the past and kill the weak enemies like in some online articles he read in his previous life.

But now I know that that kind of thinking is simply the brainless obscenity of ignorant people.

Time is like an endless river, any external force can only stop part of the river from flowing, and when the external force disappears, the surrounding river will quickly fill the gap.

When you swim upstream, your future self ceases to exist.

Just like Zhang Qian, although he has mastered the Sands of Time at this moment, he can go back to the past to a certain extent.

But after going back to the past, I can only make myself younger.

However, the power that grew after that time point cannot be brought back, and the memory between the two time points will also disappear.

This means that going back in time will have no effect on the future.

What should happen, everything will continue to happen.

What shouldn’t happen, still won’t happen.

Therefore, the greatest significance of controlling time is to explore the past and predict the future through the long river of time, and then influence the future through everything you do now.

When the law of time is applied to combat, there are only three moves: time acceleration, time slowing down, and time standing still.

Using time to help oneself speed up, slow down the speed of the enemy, and imprison the enemy all require great energy.

The stronger the target is, the more mana it consumes.

With Zhang Qian’s current magic power, an ordinary person can be stopped in time for a lifetime, but it can only stop a powerful person like the Chaos Dragon King for a few seconds.

All in all, although the law of time is powerful, it does not depend on the strength of the user.

As a metaphor, the law of time is an engine, and it must be provided with enough energy to generate enough power.

Zhang Qian put away the Sand of Time, but in his heart he wanted to completely absorb the power of this artifact as soon as possible.

…ask for flowers…

For the BOSS, the equipment is not important, only the power that can be controlled as you like really belongs to you.

Although Zhang Qian is now bound to the Sands of Time soul, if he is killed by the player, this artifact may still be exploded, just like the armor he wears and the long sword in his hand.

Thankfully, the boss can absorb the energy of the equipment and turn it into his own power.

It’s just because low-end equipment has no conversion value, so Zhang Qian has never used this ability.

In addition, the equipment in his hands is the manifestation of the power of the territory. In the final analysis, it is the power he differentiated, and there is no need to absorb it back.

The Sand of Time is different, this artifact is not only an accidental gain, but also possesses the highest power in the world, so it must be completely transformed into one’s own power.

After making up his mind, Zhang Qian cast Eye of Chaos on the two newborn undead around him.

【Death Remains Thanatos】

【Level: 30】

[rank: legendary monarch]

[Evolution: 9kw/100 (evolution attribute growth rate: 2)]

【Super evolution: 9kw/10e (super evolution attribute growth rate: 7)】

【Life: 2352w】

[Mana: 235w]

【Attack: 235w-282w】

【Defense: 235w】

[Skills: Harvest, Death, Soul Hunger]

【Territory: None】

【Death Angel Lucifer】

【Level: 20】

[rank: legendary monarch]

[Evolution: 3kw/100e (evolution attribute growth rate: 2)]

[Super evolution: 3kw/10e (super evolution attribute growth rate: 8)]


【Life: 2048w】

[Mana: 204w]

【Attack: 204w-286w】

【Defense: 204w】

[Skills: Advent, Dark Resurrection, Dark Judgment, Element Control]

【Territory: None】

After seeing the attributes of these two newborn undead, Zhang Qian couldn’t help being surprised.

As expected of the resurrection of the bones of the gods, the initial rank has reached the legendary Zaijun!

Zhang Qian thought for a moment, and suddenly realized that these two new undead had already evolved to the stage of gods before they were alive.

Resurrected after death, the strength has not advanced but retreated. The current panel should be the result of degradation.

Zhang Qian casually released the Dark Pact, trying to subdue the two newborn souls. He didn’t expect much at first, but he didn’t expect to succeed at once, and he actually got along with the two newborn souls.

The spiritual monarch established a master-servant relationship.

“Huh, is it so easy?” Zhang Qian was a little surprised.

Dark Pact, a common skill for undead creatures, needs to be compared with the ranks of both parties when using it.

There is basically no possibility of failure for high-level undead to use against low-level undead.

However, when low-level undead are used against high-level undead, there is a high probability of failure, and the success rate is infinitely close to zero.

Therefore, if a low-level undead wants to subdue a high-level undead, it must beat the opponent half to death and weaken its soul power to a certain extent.

But under normal circumstances, it is impossible for low-priced undead to beat high-level undead.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for low-level undead to surrender high-level undead.

Zhang Qian guessed that the fact that he was able to subdue these two newborn undead monarchs might also be related to the fact that they have been trapped here and experienced a blank after recovery.

No matter what, this wave not only harvested a powerful artifact, but also subdued two powerful subordinates, which is called double happiness.

One can imagine the joy in Zhang Qian’s heart when he suddenly obtained such a huge profit.

However, he quickly noticed a problem.

“Why, there is an extra evolutionary attribute growth rate on the attribute panels of these two subordinates, but the super-evolutionary attribute growth rate of the two is different. What’s going on?”

Comparing the growth rate of their own super-evolutionary attributes, it is obvious that the growth rate of the super-evolutionary attributes of these two subordinates is much lower.

How low?

You may not be able to see anything in the early stage, but the gap will become bigger as you go back.

Even in the later stage, compared with the same level, the attributes of the two parties may differ by tens or hundreds of times!

Such a terrifying gap is enough for Zhang Qian to instantly kill them!

“But,” Zhang Qian was puzzled: “Why is there such a big difference in the growth rate? Is it related to their respective aptitudes? These two are revived gods, and their aptitudes are so different.

Not as good as me? Then what kind of terrifying existence was this body I occupied in life?”

He thought for a moment, and then took out the Sands of Time that had been put away.

All mysteries have nothing to hide in front of the law of time.

Since he couldn’t guess the truth, he went back to the past to witness it with his own eyes.

As mana poured into the hourglass, the nearby time and space suddenly began to distort.

The figures of Zhang Qian and his two subordinates also gradually changed, like dream bubbles floating in the air.

I don’t know how long it took, and some visions disappeared.

Zhang Qian’s expression was shocked, and he regained consciousness in an instant.

“It turns out that my predecessor was so terrifying?”

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for full orders, and ask for automatic subscriptions!

It took a long time to delete, delete, modify, and edit this chapter. Time artifacts are too difficult to arrange, and if you are not careful, your combat power will collapse! So I dare not make it too perverted!.

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