Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 187: Western Region

"What... What should this even mean?", asked quietly Joe as he looked at information on Emma's device.

'Heritage: Immortal'

The moment Joe saw the word 'Immortal' he didn't know how to react. Like Greg's Heritage name, the Thousand Vision indicated that Greg's Heritage was associated with his vision.

This was also true about his Heritage. Like his Heritage 'Thunder Bird' showed, his power was associated with thunder. However, he still didn't find out how he could use it or what kind of requirements he needed to activate it.

As for Emma's Heritage, the word 'Immortal' was way too complex. It could mean she couldn't die, it could mean she would be able to obtain unlimited power for a restricted amount of time or even something else.

However, the biggest problem here was the name. While others could find out sooner or later what the requirements could be, because of the Heritage name, this single word didn't tell any clue to him at all.

"Is there a problem?", asked Emma confused from Joe as she saw his shocked expression.

Looking at Emma, Joe cleared his throat and after shaking his head gently he said, "No... Or yes, but no. I mean your Heritage is a bit strange, but that is all."

"Strange? In what way exactly?", asked Emma instantly.

Joe pointed at her device and started to explain, "Greg told me once that even though if you don't know what the requirements truly could be, you could somehow guess it from the name. Or at least that was what Russ and Wayne said to him. Also, the name 'Immortal' is quite dominating, don't you think?"

"And you find it strange because of that and because my Heritage name doesn't show any clue at all?"

"Yes.", nodded Joe and continued, "The world 'Immortal' is way too complex to understand. Also, there is no indication to help you find out what the requirements could truly be."

When Joe stopped talking, Emma sighed and with a smile, she said, "Well, time will solve everything, so let's not guess what we don't know. Instead, please. tell me where Greg is. Did something happen with him?"

Jay on the side leaned back into his chair and after crossing his arms before his chest he said, "He will come, but knowing you are completely safe, he said that he had some other things to do."

Emma hearing this nodded and without hesitation she lied back into her bed and said, "I see. Then I guess I will rest for a bit more."

The moment Jay heard this, suddenly his eyes flinched slightly, but still didn't say a word. Instead, he just looked toward Joe and Mila and said, "You guys can go. I will stay here with her."

Joe hearing this nodded and said, "Sure. I have to meet someone, so I will be back as soon as I have finished there."

"Well, I don't have anything else to do, so I guess I will stay.", said Mila with a shrug and after she sat back she closed her eyes and started to rest too.

Joe seeing this glanced at Jay and after a nod, he walked out from the room slowly.

While Joe left the room, Jay looked toward Joe's shadow on the ground and was a bit deep confusion, but after a small while, he just shrugged and said, "Well, nevermind. Maybe I have just imagined things."

With that, he turned back toward Emma and started to relax quietly just like Mila and her daughter.


Somewhere in a narrow alley between two houses, Joe walked slowly and after looking around he stopped and said calmly, "Will you stop following me?"

Instantly as he said this, the shadow below his feet moved and a person in a black robe kneeled before him.

"Young Master, I deeply apologize for my rudeness, but your father instructed me to follow you."

Joe looking at the kneeling man before him sighed and with a calm expression, he asked, "Since when did you start to follow me?"

"Since you left our Dia Mansion, Young Master."

Hearing this Joe's eyebrows flinched and said quietly, "I'm still careless. I only noticed him when we left the Forbidden Lands."

After he said this Joe looked at the man and said, "I see, then please stop your duty and go back to my father."

"But Young Master I was-.", started to say the man calmly, but suddenly Joe cut into the middle of his sentence.

"I know you were told to follow me, but I have a favor to ask from you.", said Joe calmly.

Hearing this, the man raised his head and looked at Joe with a confused expression.

" And what should that be, Young Master?"

"Go back and tell my father he can screw himself."


The moment the man heard this, his whole person froze up like he was just hit by a train.

What did he just say? Screw himself? Was this a joke? 

While the man was deep in thought Joe's expression turned serious and said, "I wasn't joking. I have had enough. Tell him I won't take Greg back, like it or not."

"But Young Master... Why?"

Joe looked at the confused man before him and stayed silent for a while.

He didn't want to say to this man who was loyal all the time that his boss only looked for people who were useful to him, while threw anyone else away who wasn't.

He could clearly remember the day when Greg wanted to join their family and his father gave him an almost impossible task. If it weren't for the mask he found there, he would be possibly dead for a long time ago.

Also, this wasn't the only occasion he did this. Anyone who wanted to join or help their family, his father would make them impossible tasks, which if they finished would get nothing back in return.

Sometimes he would even take the Soul Creatures obtained through Dimensional cores, energy crystals, and anything else that was found in the Dimensional Zones away without a second thought.

And now the moment he heard Greg had several treasures in his possessions he did want him back in the Dia Family instantly. Until that moment he looked at Greg like he was nothing more but a useless air.

Thinking about all of this and the fact that his father was starting to get power, Joe decided it was time to make that old fox to realize that not everything could be obtained through pure power. You needed respect too, no matter if it was your own son or anyone else.

Respect through pure power or respect through fear was two wholly different things. And his father was a person who would use the latter one than the formal one.

Also, it was also made Joe angry, that his father told him to do something, but still sent someone else to monitor him. It was like he didn't even trust in his son, which was extremely disappointing.

Seeing Joe's angry expression, the man lowered his head and after a small while stood up and said, "Understood. I will give him the Young Masters message."

As he said this, the man waved his hand, and like a phantom, his whole body turned blurry and the next second vanished into thin air.


Days passed slowly and after a week, Greg finally arrived at Mythbreak.

"Can't believe those two didn't show up even after a week. Maybe the problem with that artificial gate should be bigger than they have thought.", mumbled Greg quietly and arrived before a door.

Currently, he was inside the hospital where Jay took Emma. Finding them was not hard at all. With his Prey Sense ability which came from his Silver Wolf Soul Creature, he could sense other's presence from miles.

And the only place where several suffocating presences were was in the hospital.

Also, logically speaking the place where anyone could heal Emma's condition was the hospital.

"Moreover, as I can sense, It seems those three are here too.", thought Greg calmly and without any hesitation he opened the door.

The moment he did, the loud room turned silent instantly, making Greg see that, Zane, Cloud, Eliana, Jay, Mila, Emma, and Joe were sitting in the same room calmly.

"You have finally arrived.", said Eliana with a smile as she stood up slowly.

Greg walked in slowly and after bowing respectfully toward the three experts he looked at Emma on the bed and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"Much better.", said Emma with a bright smile as she looked at Greg.

Jay on the side seeing this didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In the past few days, his daughter acted ice cold toward him. Not even a sentence did come from her to him, which made Jay think she started to hate him for no reason.

However the moment Greg came in, her behavior turned 180 degrees, making him feel totally helpless. It hurt his feelings as a father which was hard to explain in simple words.

While Jay was on the verge of crying on the side, Zane stepped closer to Greg and asked, "Are you ready? Did you do everything you had to?"

Greg hearing this looked at Zane and after a small while he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I did.", said Greg and thought, "Maybe I did way too much."

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