Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 188: Find A Connection

"Perfect, then let's get going.", said Zane and started to walk toward the exit.

Eliana and Cloud did the same, but the moment Greg started to follow them, suddenly Emma jumped up from the bed and followed the four.

"Where are you going?", asked Jay instantly as he stood up.

Hearing the voice, Emma glanced at her father and said, "What do you mean what am I doing? I'm going to Iron City with Greg."

The moment the three experts heard this looked at each other not knowing what to say. Iron City was on the western part of the Federation, which was under the control of the most scariest family, the Voodoo Family.

Because the western region was under their control they monitored everything and whoever they thought not right there, they would kill them without a second thought.

Zane, Eliana, and Cloud were safe because of their power and title, but if Greg's friends will follow them, things could go dire quite easily. Just a small ruckus could end up all of their lives if they are not careful enough.

Knowing this, Cloud stepped forward and said gently, "Young Lady, I'm afraid you can't come with us. The place we will go is under the strict monitor of the Voodoo Family and also you need to rest for a while more. I hope you and the three of your friends can understand this."

Emma hearing what Cloud said glanced at Greg in silence, waiting for him to say something. 

"It would be not a wise choice to let her come with us.", said suddenly Alice in Greg's head.

Greg hearing this frowned and asked, "Why?"

"It is just a hunch, but since that incident, I feel like her Soul Stone and Soul is under unstable changes. If she starts to fight, it will be unknown what will happen with her."

Greg hearing this looked surprised and wanted to ask something, but seeing Emma's gaze he just smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry about me I will be perfectly fine. Also what Cloud said is true. It is still unknown what happened with you, so just rest."

Emma hearing this looked sad, but still, she nodded and said, "I understand."

"Perfect.", said Greg, but suddenly he realized something, and after a while he said, "Oh, before I forget it, here. I made these for you guys."




Throwing potions to Emma, Mila, and Joe, Greg smiled and said, "While you guys went away, I found that old wrecks notes, which contained a few potions, so I decided to make few."

"What can they do?", asked Joe calmly as he looked at the strange liquid in the bottle.

"I made an All-Rounded Potion. It is only a weaker version, but still, if you drink it, it will be able to boost both your attack and your defense, while also giving you a clearer mind. It's quite useful.", said Greg, but he didn't tell them that the three potions needed a whole week to create.

He needed a full day to obtain all the materials in the Forbidden Land, while two days to make only one potion. And what was even ridiculous that this was the only potion out of the dozen Greg saw in Russ's note that could be made under such a small amount of time.

"I don't know how did Russ come up with all of those potions, but as I could see, the stronger version of each potion is ridiculously strong. I don't think the Alchemist Family could contest with those potions at all!"

The moment Greg's friend heard this they were surprised because they have never heard about such a potion in the past.

There were some potions that could make your attack or defense stronger, but they could do that only separately. Just like why you couldn't mix oil with water, here was the same. Attack-boosting potions couldn't be mixed with Defense boosting ones.

The three experts hearing this looked just as shocked as Greg's friend, but they didn't say anything.

After a small while, Greg smiled and after waving his hand he said with a smile, "Well then, take care!"

With that said, Greg turned around, and with the three experts before him, he walked out of the room.


After walking out of the gate of Mythbreak, Cloud stopped before the three and waved his hand.

Instantly as he did that, a white cloud appeared before his body, gently floating above the ground.

"Jump up.", said Cloud as he jumped on top of the cloud.

Zane, Greg, and Eliana did just as Cloud said and hopped on top of the fluffy white fog, and under a second they started to fly toward the west with insane speed.

Greg was quite surprised because the speed they were flying was no less slow than his light element. Everything around him turned blurry and it was hard to see what was around them.

Greg glanced at the three experts before him, but seeing all three of them were in silence Greg decided to ask a question from Alice.

"Hey, Alice. How should I start creating connections between the flows?"

"Just try to find a point where two different Flow's cycle is close to each other. After that, consume energy crystals as much as you can and try to control the layer around both of the Flows. If you succeed to make a connection, the two elements will be under your control automatically, however only for a limited time. The more connection you can make, the more time you will be able to use the elements together.", said Alice calmly inside Greg's head.

Hearing this Greg nodded and closed his eyes, to feel the Flows inside his body with a clearer feeling.

His First Flow was the biggest and longest out of the six Flows. It went through each body part of his and it could be found everywhere. Even in the tip of his fingers! And because of this, it had several parts where he could create a connection with the other five elements.

However, he also noticed the fact that the later he created the element's Flows, the rarer it became to find a connection.

For example, while the First Flow had almost 30 places where he could create a connection until then his Fifth Flow had 10, while his Final Flow had exactly just 5.

"If I can feel it right, it's because each Flow is different in complexity and length. While my First Flow could be found everywhere inside me, the Final Flow is only around my chest part.", thought Greg calmly.

Yet, what Greg found very strange, that even though his First Flow could be found almost every inch inside his body, he could only find a maximum of 25 connections and each of them was near the Second Flow.

"Well, let's start with one and see what will happen.", said Greg and took it an energy crystal from his shadow and started to consume it.

The crystal which had a shiny sky blue color started to melt into his hand, making Greg to feel a pleasant feeling pass through his whole body.

However, just like Alice said, while consuming energy crystals, he needed to control the First Flow's layer to connect with his Second Flow.

Bit by bit, as the crystal started to melt into his skin, Greg felt that the layer around the First Flow started to lit up slightly and started to move slightly.

However, the movement was so small that if Greg didn't concentrate enough, he wouldn't have been able to see or feel it at all.

"And how the hell should I control it? It is not a part of my limb that I could move with a thought, isn't it?", thought Greg and concentrated on the layer, however, no matter how hard he tried, it didn't budge at all.

After a small, while later, the energy crystal which was from an Ascender ranked creature, finally melted into Greg's skin, and as a result, the trembling of the layer stopped completely.

'High-Class Energy Crystal Consumed."

Hearing the piece of information in his head, Greg sighed and said, "Such a precious energy crystal... What a waste."

With that in mind, Greg took out another energy crystal from his shadow and started to consume it.

Just like before the layer around his First Flow started to lit up and tremble, yet even after concentrating with every inch of his mind, Greg couldn't make it to move.

"This will be harder than I have thought.", said Greg and started another attempt.

Eliana before Greg glanced back and saw that Greg was consuming energy crystals one after another looked a bit confused but decided not to say a word and averted her gaze to the front.

Time passed slowly, and after half an hour later, Eliana glanced back at Greg again, but seeing that he was still consuming energy crystals, she looked confused.

"To rank up, you don't only need to consume energy crystals but need to practice with your own power too. Yet he is just mindlessly consuming those High-Class energy crystals one after another like they were nothing more but mere Low-Class ones. What a waste.", said Eliana quietly and after shaking her head helplessly she turned back around, leaving Greg there to make whatever he was currently doing.

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