Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 275: Whispers of The Dead

The sun was hanging high above the boundless sky while milk-white clouds floated gently toward the east.

Somewhere in the northern part of the Federation, a huge and vast desert was. It was so vast and massively huge that even if one flew up hundreds of miles above the air once they looked down they still wouldn't be able to see the end of it.

However, this sight became ridiculously tiny, almost trivial next to the scenery that went through this enormous desert; an endlessly long and miles wide canyon crawled through it that was filled with nothing more but eternal darkness.

It was the legendary Nether Canyon.

Everyone in the Federation knew that Nether Canyon had hundred years of past which put fear into one's mind and heart. Just the name alone made one feel a cold shiver sent through their spines that's how scary its reputation really was!

And because of this, no one dared to approach this place, yet, right at the very edge of this ravine, three figures could be seen standing at the moment, gazing down into the darkness with calm stares.

"So it should be down there?" asked Greg with a nonchalant face but inside he was nervous. Let alone him who just entered the God rank, even others stronger than him would start to tremble only by the sight of this place.

Just staring at the abyss that made one's complexion to pale and lose all color made Greg feel his soul was shivering in pure terror. It was a strange feeling that he never felt before.

"I couldn't pinpoint the specific location of the temple but my power indicates it should be in a radius of a few miles."


As Greg listened to Eliana in silence tilted his gaze to the side and looked at a small route that led the way down, but because of the insanely dense darkness, it vanished after a few hundreds of meters.

"Okay, can you please give me the pill?" asked Greg as he turned around to face Eliana and Zane.

Eliana knew that he was talking about the Flame Pill so nodded and flicked her hand delicately, summoning the red pill above his palm.

"Here. You must eat it right before you enter the darkness. Also, if you feel that its efficiency is about to vanish turn back instantly. We can find more Flame Pills and try again but once we lose you it is game over." 

Greg naturally knew that Eliana didn't mean that he was only an object but she talked sincerely from her heart. She was not Zane who only wanted to obtain the keys no matter what; she held every life dear to her let it be a weak person or a strong one.

"Understood." without saying anything else, Greg took the pill away from Eliana and walked toward the path that led the way down right into the unknown.

As Zane watched Greg swallow the pill and vanish in the dark, he crossed his arms before his chest and sneered, "That brat... He just broke into the God rank and thinks he can do anything. If it weren't for my pride I would have taught him a great lesson that he would not forget for the end of his life!"

"Don't say that. At such a young age breaking into the God rank is quite a huge feat. Not even we were able to do this so it's his achievement. Anyone at his age would become a bit reckless and arrogant so it is not a huge surprise. Instead, let's hope it's only temporary; if not, well then he will definitely find himself in several dire situations in the future."

Zane could only snort at that once again show inying his displeasure, but when he tilted his head to the side suddenly turned dead silent and lowered his arm slowly.


Eliana noticed the changes in Zane's behavior so glanced at the direction where he looked but her completion froze up too when she saw the silhouette not so far away from them.

"Who is that?" asked Eliana with squinted eyes but she knew Zane didn't know the answer either.

It was because the figure walking toward them was not human but a creature with the appearance of one. It was a humanoid creature dressed in a white robe while a single dragon horn was coming out from its forehead. He had a pale face and long black hair, while his red eyes peered at the two experts from the distance like he tried to learn their most protected secret.

But the most eye-catching trait of his wasn't his appearance or the way he looked but the sight around him; every step he took, the air... No, space itself turned and twisted like dragons around an eternal mountain giving the creature a terrifying aura even from such a distance. 

It felt like a single command from him could cause the surrounding space to collapse and get reconstructed in a split instant.

"Whoever he is, he is definitely strong." said Zane quietly and walked forward.

Zane and Eliana walked forward and when the distance between them and the creature was less than a hundred meters they stopped.

The humanoid creature did the same but instead of staying silent he glanced at Zane then at Eliana like boring animals and asked, "Your names?"

"Why should we tell you that?" knitted his brows tightly together Zane, visibly confused by the creature's question.

The creature on the other hand only closed his eyes and like he just lost his dearest one from this world, sighed endlessly.


After sighing for several seconds straight with helplessness, the creature opened his eyes slowly revealing a pair of ice-cold stares.

"You are right... Dead people don't need to have names."




Completely unaware of what was transpiring behind his back, Greg was walking in the darkness, taking each step with as much caution as he could.

Even though he reached the God rank and his powers reach unfathomable heights, Greg knew that this place marked not the body but the mind. Rumors said that once one entered the Nether Canyon, one would meet the souls from the other side. They whispered at the individual from the darkness, trying to influence their mind and turn them into a complete cripple.

And this is exactly what Greg was currently experiencing. Regardless that he couldn't see a thing in the darkness, the deeper he walked into the canyon the more and the louder the whispers would become in his head. At first, it was kind of tolerable, but only after 5 minutes, this turned into almost unbearable!

"If it wasn't for the Flame Pill that helps my mind to keep me sane I would have already lost my mind." thought Greg calmly as he walked in the darkness alone.

Walking for minutes on the path still descending into the canyon, Greg asked, "Hey, Alice. How deep is this place."

"I don't know it exactly but it's deep enough to fit a mountain into it so you should hurry up a bit."

"Understood." nodded Greg and without hesitation activated his wind element, enveloping his body with a gentle half-transparent light in a split second.


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