Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 276: Temple Of Void

The difference between his speed on the Ascender rank and the God rank was like comparing heaven and earth. The activation time and the momentum he could travel distances increased so great that Greg felt like he was using a wholly different power.

The vortexes vanished from around his body and what appeared to envelop him was only a gentle white light, yet, this light gave him a greater connection with the wind element than ever before; it felt like he was one with the air itself.

In a split second, Greg crossed almost a mile like it was nothing while the mellow light on his body lit his surroundings a bit.

"This is deeper than I first have thought." said Greg as he still descended, forming the voices in his head to become louder and louder with each passing second.

After running for minutes, which meant he already passed several hundreds of miles, he finally reached the bottom; but as a result, the voices in his head became so loud that not even his own thought could be distinguished among them.

"Where... is the temple?" asked Greg with his tightly knitted brows as he looked around, but realized it was useless because if he closed his eyes he would still see things in the same way.


Yet, even after he waited for minutes in 'silence', Greg didn't get a reply at all.

"Alice? Are you here?" asked Greg but because of the volume of sound in his head, he started to doubt if he truly asked it or not.

"This is not good at all." Greg realized the problem instantly; it seemed Alice was there but the voices made it impossible for them to communicate properly.

"What should I do?" asked Greg but it was then as a light flashed and Alice's figure materialized before him.

"Alice?" exclaimed Greg happily but the strange thing was that he didn't hear his own voice; just like in his head, the whispering sounds made his voice to vanish.

Alice naturally knew what was happening and that is why she didn't bother to speak nor reply. She simply pointed at the ground and golden flames in the shape of words appeared one after another before Greg's feet.

"Use your darkness element." was what Greg read and with a nod instantly activated it.

In a single instant, the gentle half-transparent light vanished and what replaced it was an abys black mist, which unfortunately couldn't be seen because of the already dark surroundings.

However, as that happened, Greg felt a slight change in his mind and surroundings; the whispers started to become quieter and in the end, vanish completely giving way to utter silence.

"Just like this?" Greg blurted out with surprise and tilted his gaze at Alice.

"Now that you are finally in the Mind Grade, using each of your elements shouldn't pose a problem."

"But how did my darkness element nullify the whispers? Wouldn't it be easier if I used the mask?" asked Greg but Alice just simply shook her head as a reply.

"No. Your mask truly has the power to abolish and repeal almost every power, but the Devil's Whisper is not any ordinary ability that can be erased."

"Devil's Whisper? The voices and whispers in my head are in fact someone's power?" 

"Someones? Devil's Whisper is a specially created ability from the Creator himself. He created this power to prevent unwanted guests into the final Temple's proximity. Anyone who enters this place without a darkness attribute will end up dying, no matter what. Even if one used a pill such as the Flame Pill you ate to prevent going insane, once they leave this place and the effect takes off, Devil's Whisper will appear on their mind and affect them even outside of Nether Canyon. No one can leave this place alive once they enter."

Greg breathed in a mouthful of cold air as he heard this and stayed silent for quite a while. To think that the Creator could create such a vicious power just to deter others from entering... It was complete madness!

"I see, but should I fear too? After all, I traveled in this place and was affected by the Devil's Whisper without using my darkness element."

But luckily Alice just shook her head, "No, you don't need to fear. Once you use your darkness element the curse will vanish from you so you will be fine."

As Greg heard this he sighed with relief and asked, "Then, where is the Temple of Void?"

However, the moment he asked this, Alice's only reply was a slight smile as her pink lips curved and said, "You are already in it. This IS the Temple of Void."






Huge dust clouds, shattered and split the ground, and flying sand; explosions one after another sounded all over the place, turning the surrounding into complete chaos.

And right in this chaos where even a cultivator on the Ascender rank would die in a flash, 3 individuals could be seen flickering here and there while different powers broke out the place they appeared.


"Interesting. I heard rumors of two individuals that were said reached great heights even though their race, but I would have never thought their power would be this great." the humanoid creature who was in fact Ecron, avoided a vigorous attack from Zane as curiosity flashed in his eyes.

Since the very start of their battle, they exchanged hundreds of blows with each other, but none of the others had what it took to injure the other one. It wasn't because they were too good, but because they didn't fight seriously; all three of them attacked the other one to study the other's fighting style, skills, and thinking way. It should be called as a spar to get points, but anyone below the God rank would die just from the shockwaves!


After avoiding another synchronized attack from the two before him, which in fact melted a hundred meter-deep crater into the ground in the distance, Ecron halted his movements and crossed his arms behind his back.

"Both of you are exceptionally powerful and have great potential. Unfortunately though... You will never be able to surpass your current rank."

"What should that even mean?" asked Zane with a frozen face and waved his arm toward Ecron sending hundreds of purple lights toward him.




Avoiding the attempts that could kill even an individual on the God rank with ease, Ecron glanced at Zane and shook his head lightly.

"It means no matter what you will try to do in the future, because your defective body, reaching the Evolution Step will be impossible. Your Soul Stone simply do not has what it takes to fuse together with you and that is why the human race is considered weak.

As those words reached the mind of Eliana and Zane, both expert's faces turned dark and ice cold. They already understood that surpassing the God rank for humans was close to 0 possibilities, but after seeing Russ and Wayne, they believed they had also what it took to reach the Evolution Step.

But these words from Ecron were simply a cold dagger pierced right in the middle of their heart. It hit a point that hurt the most for those who tried and wanted to become stronger.

"But don't worry," grinned Ecron with a cold smile and raised his hand, "I will put out of your misery so you won't need to feel sad about this matter."

And instantly as his words fell, the space above his raised hand twisted and turned, giving Zane and Eliana a bad hunch immediately.

"Dimension Abolisher!"


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