Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 370: Scrimgeour's invitation

Since the beginning of July, although the mood of the wizards in the magic world has gradually stabilized, and many people are no longer panic about the resurrection of the mysterious man, the internal public opinion in the British magic world still revolves around the Death Eaters.

That is, the day after Sherlock visited Mrs. Matthew, the Ministry of Magic opened a trial to interrogate the captured Death Eaters.

The subjects of the interrogation were the former head of the Department of Magic and Sports - Ludo Bagman, the former headmaster of Durmstrang - Igor Karkaroff, and a dozen others at the scene where Sherlock and Voldemort fought after the incident. , the Death Eaters captured by the Aurors.

Sherlock, who was an important witness, and Dumbledore, the chief wizard of Wizengamore, of the Great Wizarding Court, naturally attended all trials today.

Scrimgeour was a tough wizard, and he hated evil, and of course he would not cover up these Death Eaters who had already been proven guilty.

Karkaroff and Bagman were sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban because of their extremely vile nature. Other Death Eaters were also taken away by Dementors after the trial and were sentenced to varying degrees. 's sentence.

But with the exception of Scrimgeour and the rest of the Ministry of Magic who felt that all was well, Sherlock and Dumbledore frowned.

They know very well that after Harry was attacked by the Dementors a few days ago, the jailers in Azkaban have a high probability of being unreliable, and now the safest way should be to take senior prisoners like Bagman first. Locked up in a secret prison guarded by wizards, to prevent the possibility of a rebellion by the Dementors and the complete fall of the entire Azkaban.

But Scrimgeour obviously didn't take Dumbledore's advice into account. Everyone at the top of the Ministry of Magic knew that Dumbledore didn't trust those Dementors, and he always maintained that as a magical government, there should be no involvement with such monsters.

So of course, they also regarded his advice this time as a very conventional means of opposing Dementors.

Dumbledore couldn't do anything about it. After the trial, he seemed to have other important matters. He didn't talk to Sherlock more, but just said that he would attend the ceremony about Sherlock's award tomorrow, and then he was in a hurry. left.

Sherlock happened to meet Mr. Weasley when he came out of the Inquisition and had a few conversations with him. He didn't want to stay in the Ministry of Magic and was about to leave when an emotionless voice suddenly rang from behind him.

"Mr Forrest."

Sherlock and Mr. Weasley turned back together.

It was Percy who stopped him, and instead of calling Sherlock a professor as he used to call him, he used the title of Mr.

After seeing his third son, Mr. Weasley's smile when he talked with Sherlock before, he turned a blind eye to Percy and nodded to Sherlock.

"Then I'll go to work first, and try your Aunt Molly's craftsmanship when I have time."

"I'll be there."

Mr. Weasley turned and left without hesitation. Percy also seemed to have not seen his father at all. Father and son were strangers.

After Mr. Weasley had left, Percy spoke softly to Sherlock.

"Minister Scrimgeour has business with you and wants to invite you to the office."

Sherlock thought for a moment, but without rejecting Scrimgeour's invitation, he nodded and walked side by side with Percy towards the Minister's Office.

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The two of them didn't talk much along the way, Percy obviously didn't want to talk, and Sherlock didn't have any intention of persuading him to turn back.

Even Mrs. Weasley could ruthlessly refuse to shut the door. Sherlock didn't think that just two or three words of his own could make the third son of the Weasley family, whose ambitions had already overwhelmed family affection, change his mind.

Taking Sherlock to the door of the minister's office, Percy knocked gently on the door, and when there was a sound inside, he opened the door and asked Sherlock to go in, while he stood outside the door.

Sherlock walked into the minister's office. There was only Scrimgeour sitting at the desk. His desk was piled with documents from various departments. This wizard, who looked like a lion in both character and appearance, looked different. Not easy.

But he didn't mean to show a little tiredness in front of outsiders.

As a strong-armed, steadfast leader, Scrimgeour's personal character was unquestionable.

When he saw Sherlock come in, he didn't have the slightest intention to make a face, and a chair jumped out from the wall.

"Please sit down, Professor Forrest."

As he spoke, he waved a decree in the air that he had just written in his hand, and the piece of paper turned into a paper airplane, and then fluttered through the door of the minister's office to the department it was supposed to go to.

Putting down the work at hand, Scrimgeour looked at Sherlock, who had already sat down. His expression was always that unsmiling.

"This should be our first official meeting, Professor Forrest. I'm still very impressed with your performance that night. I cut out the photo from the Daily Prophet and posted it right across the door of my house. The wall. Let me see every time I go home, the so-called Dark Lord is not that invincible."

He didn't mean to condemn or get angry at the fact that Sherlock ignored the decree of the Ministry of Magic and forcibly brought Harry to Dumbledore a few days ago. Instead, he made no secret of his admiration for Sherlock in his tone.

"It was just my luck that time. You have overrated Mr. Minister."

Sherlock said neither arrogantly nor arrogantly, he was not a child, of course, he could hear that Scrimgeour was not simply complimenting him when he said these words.

Scrimgeour's expression turned serious.

"Then let's not gossip today. I've never liked to beat around the bush. I'd like to hire you to the Ministry of Magic as an advisor to the Minister."

Sherlock frowned.

"I think I have said my thoughts before, Mr. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Minister, I have no intention of coming to the Ministry of Magic, and I have no intention of resigning as a professor at Hogwarts."

Hearing his face-to-face rejection, Scrimgeour's expression didn't change, but he waved his hand and said.

"I know you don't want to leave Hogwarts, so I just want you to come to the Ministry of Magic as an advisor to the Minister. This position has no actual work, just an identity, and it has nothing to do with you being a professor at Hogwarts. influence."

Sherlock immediately understood Scrimgeour's thoughts, and after knowing that neither Sherlock nor Harry could win over the Ministry of Magic, he chose to take a step back.

If he can have an identity that can represent the Ministry of Magic, he can also do more articles on this.


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