Just a Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor

Vol 2 Chapter 371: 2 irrelevant

Sherlock looked at Scrimgeour, who was looking at him.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he has no disgust or prejudice against the new Minister of Magic who succeeded Fudge.

This wizard is more than a star and a half better than Fudge in terms of ability and determination to fight Voldemort.

He didn't give an answer immediately, but after a moment of thought, he raised his head and met Scrimgeour's eyes.

"Although this question is a bit abrupt, can I understand, Mr. Minister, do you plan to deploy the mysterious man and the Death Eaters in the future?"

Of course, Scrimgeour wouldn't tell Sherlock, an outsider who didn't hold a "semi-official" position in the Ministry of Magic about the specific actions, but in general, he didn't mean to keep it a secret.

"Today's trial is a signal." Scrimgeour looked at Sherlock with a solemn expression, "Next, we will begin to deal with those wizards who have a history of tending to mysterious people, and these people who have been arrested have secretly kept secrets. They have confessed many of their accomplices, and we will follow this list."

"Those who can find actual evidence will be arrested directly, and those who have no evidence will be sent to follow up and observe, to ensure that the mysterious man will be further cut off before his next move."

Sherlock stared into Scrimgeour's eyes.

"And what about Voldemort? What about your plans for him?"

This time, he did not call out the title of mysterious man, but directly said the name that is taboo in the magic world.

Even tough as Scrimgeour, his face turned pale when he heard the name.

But at least he didn't tremble, which was stronger than most wizards in the magic world.

"At that time, he will become a bare commander. If he is alone, he will undoubtedly deal with it much better."

Sherlock looked at him deeply and shook his head.

"You are afraid of him, but underestimate him. The current danger in the wizarding world has never been on those Death Eaters. Speculators and criminals will never be lacking in any era. The crux of the problem is that Voldemort is a threat far more than On the madman who is almost a dark wizard in history."

"Even if you arrest all his men, Voldemort is still Voldemort, and only when Voldemort really dies, the so-called Death Eaters will be self-defeating."

There was silence in the minister's office, except for Scrimgeour's breathing, which was obviously much heavier than before.

After a long time, Sherlock spoke again.

"I actually know that choosing to target the Death Eaters is something you can't do, because the entire Ministry of Magic knows nothing about Voldemort. Even if your minister is hearing this When he has a title that is not even his real name, there will be fear in his heart, let alone other people."

"If you deal with the Death Eaters first, as you said, can you make sure that there are no undercover agents in the Ministry of Magic now? Even a director-level officer like Bagman can be turned against, even committing such a crime. Serious betrayal Karkaroff can be reactivated, dare you say that everyone at the Ministry of Magic can be trusted?"

"And to directly confront all of Voldemort's decisions, confidentiality is the most basic premise. If you can't even do that, let alone find a way to defeat Voldemort."

Speaking of which, Sherlock's tone became more serious.

"So, Minister Scrimgeour, if you really want to defeat Voldemort and let the wizarding world get through this crisis, the best thing you can do is not to interfere with any actions on the part of the Order of the Phoenix."

Gu Xi

"The primary goal of the Ministry of Magic is to eliminate the Death Eaters, and our only goal is one person. The core purpose of the two parties is the same, but the task is divided into two steps. Now the best situation is the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic belongs to the Order of the Phoenix, and the Order of the Phoenix belongs to the Order of the Phoenix.

"It is precisely for this reason that I have never promised you to come to the Ministry of Magic, and your focus should not be on me or Harry's influence, but on stabilizing the situation in the British magic world as soon as possible, The chain reaction of the subsequent conflict with Voldemort is minimized."

After all the words were said, Sherlock stood up straight from his chair.

He never thought Scrimgeour was a bad guy, or an obstacle on the road to defeating Voldemort, it was just that the two sides had different views that led to internal disputes.

Sherlock took this opportunity to speak so clearly, and then he could only see what Scrimgeour himself thought.

"I have to go back and prepare for the awarding ceremony tomorrow. Sorry, I can only leave first, Mr. Minister."

He walked to the door, and Scrimgeour seemed to be lost in thought, saying nothing about it.

Sherlock then left the Ministry of Magic and returned home.

It was not too late for him to go home. There were more than ten trials today. As an important witness, he stayed at the Ministry of Magic almost all day, and after talking with Scrimgeour, he was already home. dinner time.

Since Silke's cooking skills have soared, she has been studying those recipes at home almost every day.

The long time together also made her discover that Sherlock has a different love for Chinese food, so she bought a special copy of "Encyclopedia of Chinese Cuisine". She usually cooks it by herself when she is not at home It is also like a model.

Like today's dinner is tomato egg noodles.

The noodles are sliced ​​by Silke's magic, and the texture is very strong.

"Tomorrow, before you go to the award ceremony, go out with me first."

Sherlock sucked the noodles and said.

Shilk didn't eat. She usually ate very little at night, like just eating some fruit tonight.

"What are you going to do?" she asked suspiciously.

"Healing your eyes. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Sherlock said casually, "I found a relationship in the Ministry of Magic, and I met a former Time Hall mute, an old witch with a strange temper, she Should be able to give some advice on your eyes."

Because she didn't want to make Silke's hopes bigger now, and his disappointment bigger later, Sherlock didn't say with certainty that Mrs. Matthew would be able to heal her eyes.

Hearing his words, Shilk was stunned.

Her golden eyes hidden under the black ribbon stared at Sherlock in a daze, and after such a long time, she suddenly smiled.

"Then I'll go with you tomorrow."

"There is also a ceremony for the awarding of honors, and we will go directly to the ceremony site at that time."


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