Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 5

❖ 5 ❖

Haqua regarded the tall, modern-looking office building with a mix of excitement and disdain. This, it seemed, was the place that had ground down her adorable pet for years now. She couldn’t let that stand, of course, but she was, in a sense, grateful to it. She wouldn’t be with Rina without it, after all.

Still, she wasn’t just here to satisfy her curiosity. She’d come here with a goal in mind. One of the utmost importance.

As she gazed into her pet’s soul, one face, above all others, floated up as the cause of her distress. A strikingly beautiful woman by the name of Iori Kizaki.

A shame such beauty’s wasted on someone so foul. Still, I can’t say I’m not looking forward to our time together.

With a grin on her face and a spring in her step, Haqua strode into the office without a care in the world as her clothes shifted to match a particularly sexy suit Iori had worn in some of Rina’s memories.

It looks even better on me, of course. I’ll have to show Rina sometime. The poor girl won’t know what to do with herself…

As she reached the reception desk, she was greeted with a smile. A surefire sign that her glamor was working exactly as intended.

“Good evening, ma’am,” the cheery receptionist nodded. “Is there anything I can help you with today?”

“Good evening. You can, actually. I have an appointment with Miss Kizaki today. If you look up a Haqua Saeki, that should do it.”

“Saeki?” the receptionist whispered under her breath. Were she not in the presence of a succubus, it likely would’ve gone unheard.

“Mhmm, Rina’s wife. Come now…” she searched through her memories, recalling the receptionist’s name from what she’d seen in Rina’s soul. “...Saya, I’m sure you remember the times I’ve come here to share lunch with my darling, no?”

“But…Iori wouldn’t allow…”

“Oh dear, that’s not true, is it? After all, I’ve come to visit so many times,” Haqua asked, gazing into Saya’s eyes.

Saya looked dazed for a moment as Haqua spoke her words into truth, her voice dancing around the inside of her mind. It wasn’t hard to manipulate a human’s memories, thankfully. She needed this new truth to stick before her pet woke up, after all.

“R-right, Haqua! I’m so sorry!” Saya smiled, suddenly dropping a lot of her formality. “How’s Rina? Is she doing OK?”

“She’s quite sick, the poor thing. Still, I’m taking care of her as best as I can, and I’m sure she’ll be back on her feet in no time.”

“Aww, send her my regards, ‘K?” she asked, winking and smiling apologetically. She seemed to be a sweet girl. If she didn’t have a very specific goal in mind today, she’d be happy to spend more time with her.

“Of course, I’m sure she’ll appreciate that. Can I go up to see Miss Kizaki now?”

“Oh, umm,” she quickly pulled up a schedule on her computer. “I’m not seeing you mentioned anywhere. Maybe her secretary screwed something up, but…”

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll find the time,” Haqua smiled. “I’m her very best friend, after all, she wouldn’t turn me down in a hurry.”

Saya soon nodded, taking her words as absolute truth.

“Mm, right! Well, you’re in luck. She’s completely free for the rest of the work day. Go on up, Haqua, she’ll be happy to see you.”

“Thank you, Saya. Have a wonderful evening,” she said, smiling at Saya before heading for the elevator. Things were going great so far.

“You too! Good to see you, Haqua.” Saya chirped, waving happily.

“It’s great to see you, too, Saya,” Haqua grinned, stepping into the elevator and heading up to Rina’s floor.

Her expression immediately fell once she stepped inside.

It was a nice office, that much was clear, but everyone looked so…deadened in here, working themselves to the bone for a job none of them had anything more than a vague apathy for, at best.

And I’m the one who drains people?

Understanding her pet just a little better now, Haqua walked through the floor, smiling at the many, many stares she received on her way to find her target.

It didn’t take long for Haqua to find Iori’s private office. While almost everyone else toiled away at their desks, she had closed herself into a room that seemed almost as big as Rina’s apartment. It was ludicrously excessive, and yet it would undeniably make for a wonderful stage for everything that was soon to unfold.

Before she could enter, however, she was stopped by a small, shaky voice calling out to her.

“U-umm, excuse me, are you a new hire, ma’am?”

It was a voice Haqua recognized clearly despite having never heard it with her own ears. After all, as she gazed into Rina’s soul, there was only one person she seemed to regard with full-hearted affection.

Haqua spun on her heels, and looked down into the adorably nervous eyes of Mio ikeda.

“Little Mio, it’s so good to see you,” Haqua purred. “Have you been keeping well?”

Mio furrowed her brow, clearly confused.

“Sorry, I…I don’t think I know you, do I?”

“Poor thing, you’ve been working far too hard lately, haven’t you? It’s me, dear. Haqua Saeki, Rina’s wife?”

Her eyes darted open for a moment.

“Senpai’s…wife?! No way, Senpai isn’t married, is she? She’d…she’d tell me about something like that, wouldn’t she?”

Oh? She must think very fondly of my pet. Her mind should have accepted that as truth without any trouble.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Mio stood firm, "but if that's your idea of a joke, I don't find it very funny. S-Senpai wouldn't hide anything like this from me!"

Poor thing, I don’t want you to struggle with this. You’re far too precious to Rina for that.

Smiling to herself, Haqua gently lifted Mio’s chin, gazing deeply into her eyes before leaning forward and kissing her deeply.


She seemed surprised for a moment, stiffening slightly at Haqua’s touch. Soon though, she seemed to relax, and gently returned the kiss, unaware of the new memories being implanted within her.

After a moment, Haqua pulled back, watching as Rina’s adorable kouhai wobbled for a moment before steadying herself, her eyes suddenly filling with clarity and recognition.

“Haqua! It’s so good to see you,” she smiled. “Did Senpai leave something important here? Oh, is she OK?! She’s not hurt, is she?! Can I come visit her?”

Haqua chuckled a little. Rina was a mutt, but Mio was undoubtedly the picture of a puppy. Small, cute, and endlessly lovable.

“Rina’s sick, dear. Best not to visit until she’s recovered. She misses you, though, as I’m sure you miss her.”

“Mm, it’s been too long since we’ve all gone drinking together, ahaha,”

“Indeed, we’ll have to rectify that as soon as possible. Not to spoil the surprise, but I do believe Rina had something special she wanted to tell you.”

I hadn’t planned this, but planting this particular seed while I’m here should be a great boon to my pet. It’s a bit of a push forward, at least.

“O-oh, really, ehehe…” Mio blushed, chuckling as she turned away from Haqua. “I’ll…umm, I’m looking forward to hearing it!”

“Let’s keep that between us though, alright?” Haqua chuckled, pressing a finger to her lips. “For now though, I have some business with Iori. We’ll catch up soon, alright?”

“Mm, I hope things go well, Haqua! Send my lo- er, send my regards to Senpai!”

Haqua nodded and smiled, waving happily at Mio as she turned and headed for the office, easily convincing Iori's secretary to let her inside.

"She just stepped out to use the bathroom, but she'll be back soon. Feel free to rest on her couch for the time being, and don't hesitate to ask if I can get you anything, Miss Saeki," the secretary smiled as she ushered Haqua into the office, before stepping outside and leaving her to her own devices.

Haqua spent her time looking around the room. It was stylishly decorated and surprisingly minimalistic, but there was a cold, impersonal touch to it all, like it was designed entirely for show. There were no traces of Iori's humanity to be found. If it didn't contribute to the working environment, it had no place in Iori's office.

At least, that was how it seemed, before Haqua caught a glimpse of a photograph tucked away in a desk drawer. Curious, Haqua picked up the photo, looked at it for a moment, and smiled.

My, Rina… Did you know your boss had something like this? You ought to spend some more time with her! I'm sure you'd find it to be a very illuminating experience.

Haqua smirked as she gently placed the picture back where she'd found it, determined to see if the room hid anymore like it. She didn't get very far, however, before she was interrupted by the office door suddenly opening up.

Haqua looked to the door, watching as the tall, strikingly beautiful, busty, and seemingly completely dispassionate boss who'd made Rina's life so hellish stepped inside. As her eyes met Haqua's, they narrowed curiously, utterly baffled by what they saw, yet determined to not let that show.

"I don't believe you have an appointment."

Haqua chuckled, her cold professionalism just felt quaint.

"I don't, but I hardly see why that should stop me from visiting my very best friend, do you?"

Iori's eyes narrowed further, before she turned away from Haqua entirely, taking off her jacket and hanging it on a nearby hook, exposing her tight, somewhat sweaty blouse to the air.

"Is that what you told my secretary?"

"Mhmm, and the receptionist."

"And they both believed you?"

"As far as they're aware, it's completely truthful. You can ask your secretary about me now, if you'd like. I'm sure she'd have a great many stories to share about brunches you've spent in my company."

A small, dismissive chuckle escaped Iori's throat. Her expression blank all the while, she made her way to her desk, got into her chair, and crossed her legs, as if doing so might somehow intimidate Haqua.

Instead, she swept away a small stack of papers and took a seat on the desk, regarding Iori with open amusement.

"And how, pray tell, did you manage that?" Iori asked.

"A woman's got to have a few secrets, wouldn't you agree?" Haqua giggled, patting the space above the drawer she'd checked earlier.

Iori scowled, realizing exactly what Haqua had seen.

"Are you here to blackmail me, then?"

"Oh, dear, of course not. I found it so very sweet, after all! No, I'm merely here to guide you down a better path."

"A word of what you've seen to anybody, and-!"

"Hush, dear," Haqua grinned, snapping her fingers.

Iori ignored her and tried to speak, her calm facade already starting to slip.

And when she realized that no matter what, she could no longer utter a sound, it cracked right in half. She was yelling now, or at least she should've been, her eyes filled with a vibrant anger.

"I'll give you another chance, dear. Your voice is far too lovely for it to suffer a fate such as this. But let this show you who truly holds the cards here."

Iori took a deep breath, then steadied herself, her eyes returning to their dispassionate, almost hollow gaze after a moment.

With a chuckle, Haqua snapped her fingers once more, and Iori quickly found she could make sound again.

"How on earth did you…hmm?"

Iori froze, noticing something.

The air was still, somehow. The low sounds of the staff just outside her office having vanished entirely.

"We're…alone, aren't we? Well and truly alone."

"Oh my, you noticed so quickly! I'm earnestly impressed!" Haqua giggled. "Indeed, though I love the thrill of knowing we could be interrupted at any time, I thought a sealed space might serve us well. Nobody can hear us, and nobody will disturb us. The world, as it exists to you and I, might as well be nothing more than this room until I release the lock I've placed on reality."

Iori's eyes widened. She wasn't calm, but she kept her voice low and steady.

"...How? How is any of this possible?"

Haqua chose not to answer, instead asking Iori a question of her own.

"Where did it all go so wrong, dear?"

"What do you mean?" Iori asked, earnestly confused.

"Rina doesn't seem to remember, but in her first year of high school she was quite taken with one of her seniors. Her first love. Can you believe she forgot all about it?"

Iori swallowed nervously, but stayed quiet.

"I can't blame her, of course. She never did manage to tell her how she felt, and the next time she saw her, she'd become a tyrant who steadily eroded her optimism, one awful workday at a time. Perhaps she erased the memory from her mind, protecting herself from having to accept what had happened to the girl she'd so admired. Her soul remembers, though. Once a memory is etched within, it remains there forevermore, always ready to resurface."

"You're…some kind of devil, aren't you?"

"I'm not "some kind" of devil, I'm a succubus, dear. A very powerful one, though that's undoubtedly clear to you already, I imagine," Haqua said, dismissing the glamor and allowing Iori to see her true appearance.

Iori’s eyes widened for a moment. She’d thought the woman who’d walked into her office was beautiful from the second she first laid eyes on her, but seeing her now…she was stunning.

So she nodded at her words. She wanted to argue that none of this was possible, but what good would that do in the face of all of this?

"And you're here to punish me?"

"Oh dear, of course not," Haqua smirked, lifting Iori's chin until they were gazing into each other's eyes, giving Haqua a clear view of all that she was. "I'm here to fix you."

Iori understood what she was doing, and yet she accepted it without a fuss. Any resistance she might offer would only make this more difficult for herself.

Satisfied, Haqua picked herself up off the desk and circled behind Iori, before gently wrapping her in a warm embrace.

"What…what does that entail, exactly?"

"Poor Iori, trying to stay formal even now. You know that I know that that isn't you, is it dear?"

Iori's cheeks reddened, but she stayed quiet.

"This position was the product of nepotism. Iori Kizaki, the youngest daughter of a very wealthy family, handed the reins to a company your family wanted to wash their hands of before realizing it might serve as a way to keep you busy. They never cared for who you really were, and believed that any path you might take for yourself would be little more than a mistake."

Iori still stayed silent.

"So you wanted to prove that you were capable of forging ahead. You cast aside all feeling and resolved to turn an ailing business into a powerhouse, ruling it with an iron fist so that your parents might see how capable you really were. And when you succeeded, what did they say?"

"'Don't get cocky, Iori. It was our decision that gave you that position. Any of your successes are owed to us,'" Iori spat bitterly.

"You were so dejected, poor thing. When you saw Rina, the girl who so clearly loved you all those years earlier, you thought she might be your salvation. A way for you to find some joy in a life that had become so cold. And yet, what really happened?"

Iori shut her mouth, too frustrated to say.

"You made things worse, dear. Your heart grew so filled with worry over what your family might think if you showed signs of affection towards one of your employees. A workplace relationship? Why, that might be grounds for them to tighten their grip, and we couldn't have that, could we?"

Iori shook her head.

"I didn't want her to struggle. If they caught wind of my feelings, I don't know what they'd do to her…"

"And so you took an active role in a girl as bright and vibrant as Rina becoming a shell of her former self. It tore your heart to shreds as you watched her memories of you fade under a mountain of overwork, but you told yourself there was no other choice. Of course, you're well aware that there was, no? You're well aware that for as weak as your family makes you feel, you have more than enough power to overturn things, at least for yourself and the people here, aren't you?"

"What would you know?!" Iori snapped. "I've done everything I could to-!"

"Iori, I gazed into your soul. All I'm doing is giving voice to feelings that have filled your mind for years."

Iori stiffened, unsure how to respond in the face of what she knew to be true.

“But there’s no need to fret, Iori. I’ll give you the strength to do what you truly want. I’ll show you a better path. I’ll take all that hurt away,” she cooed as she started to unbutton Iori’s blouse, before whispering in her ear. “If only you’ll allow me in…”

Iori knew, she just knew, that this strange woman was being honest. She’d done so much that seemed impossible already without so much as breaking a sweat. If anyone could fix this, if anyone could clear the rot in her soul, it would be her, surely.

“And Rina…she’ll see that-?”

“What Rina does is solely up to her. I trust you’ll agree that you want nothing more than for her to live as she pleases, no?”

Iori bit her lip, then nodded. She knew that her guest was right. Still, she had one question.

“Will she be happier?”

“But of course. She’s my wife, after all,” Haqua cooed, giggling softly. “All I want is for the two of us to be happy together, and if she’s always as drained as she was when we met, that can’t happen, can it?”

Iori’s eyes widened. Rina…knew this woman? This demon?

She shook her head, dismissing the worry in the corners of her mind. That was a good thing, it meant that Rina was always in capable hands. She had nothing to worry about.

“There’s no faustian bargain here, if you’re worried,” Haqua smirked, unclasping Iori’s bra and gently teasing her breasts, forcing a small moan through her lips. “No grand price to pay, and I certainly won’t take your soul. No, leaving people hollow was your job, dear, but it shan’t be for even a single day more, if only you’ll accept.”

“I…I…” Iori trembled beneath Haqua’s touch. Life hadn’t felt real in so very long. She’d felt as if she was watching some awful play where she’d been cast in the worst role of all. She knew what she could be doing, what her heart yearned for.

And yet, as she sat in the grip of something that surely couldn’t have been real, she knew that this was the greatest opportunity she’d ever have to tear up the script for good, to truly take control of her life.

How could she ever say no to that?

“I accept. Do whatever it takes.” Iori nodded, her eyes shining with clarity for the first time in years. “May I ask your name? I don’t want to forget the woman who’ll free me from all of this.”

Haqua smiled softly. She hadn’t even done anything, and already, Iori’s sincerity was beginning to shine through.

“Haqua, dear,” she whispered. “But the woman who truly released you is Rina Saeki.”

Iori couldn’t help but smile at that.

They kissed, deeply and passionately, savoring each other’s taste. As Iori gave herself up to her lust, she knew that when she next set foot outside of this office, she’d be a changed woman. A better one, assured that her future wasn’t quite as gray as she’d feared it to be.

❖ ❖ ❖

“You made her a succubus too?!” Rina cried, completely shocked by what she’d just heard.

“Of course not,” Haqua chuckled. “I don’t just go around doing that to anyone, you know? I merely delved into her soul and released everything that held her back from following her heart.”


“Merely, yes,” Haqua repeated, enjoying her pet’s frustration.

“And you kissed Mio?! Shy, sweet little Mio?”

“Mhmm, she was adorable. Her tongue was very eager. Still, I should think fucking Iori to be the bigger surprise, no?”

“What am I meant to do with any of this?!” Rina groaned, burying her head in her hands in frustration.

“Still, as adorable as Mio is, I think she hardly compares to you. Such a darling little pet,” Haqua giggled, watching as Rina lost herself in the surprise of everything she’d just heard. “To think, a succubus, flustered by something as small as this. We’ll have to do something very fun to calm your nerves, no?”

As Haqua chuckled to herself, Rina let out another exasperated cry about how none of that was small, her words growing devolving into little more than yaps and barks with how incoherent she sounded.

She’d be sure to show her a fun day, that would straighten out her head in no time. Haqua knew that her pet would make a fine succubus, she wouldn’t have made her one otherwise, but for now, her lingering human innocence made her almost startlingly cute. How was anyone meant to resist teasing her when her reactions were so much fun?

Of course, Haqua kept some parts of her story hidden from Rina’s ears. It wouldn’t do for her to tell Rina about Iori’s feelings. That was something she’d need to address firsthand, after all, and she was certain that when the time was right, her pet would do a wonderful job.

“Rina, dear. Do you know what day it is today?”

“I don’t,” she groaned. “You said I slept around a week, but succubi are so intense that that could mean years, for all I know.”

Haqua chuckled, as she snaked her tail around Rina’s leg, tickling her thigh with the tip.

“It’s Saturday. Quite convenient, no?” Haqua asked, moving the tip ever closer to her moist, needy slit.

“Y-yeah…” Rina nodded, swallowing hard. “Won’t have to go into work until Monday…”

“I wonder, whatever could we get up to in that time, hmm?”

Before Rina could give an answer, Haqua plunged her tail inside of Rina.

Immediately, Rina let out a loud, desperate bark of a moan, though it was quickly silenced by Haqua leaning in and kissing her deeply, exploring every inch of her mouth with her tongue.

Haqua was so very happy to have found such a wonderful pet.

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