Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 6

❖ 6 ❖

After a weekend spent in nothing but what could be generously called a nightgown, I faced a huge problem the morning before my first day back at work.

“Graah! Haqua! What am I supposed to do about clothes?! I can’t even put on half this stuff anymore!” I shouted, desperately rooting around in my closet for anything that could be tossed together to make a work-appropriate outfit that would accommodate my new body, wings and all.

Haqua, meanwhile, seemed to be enjoying the show as she watched on from the bed, wryly smiling at my misfortune. Though she was, much like me, sad to see a weekend filled with fucking come to an end, work beckoned, and no matter how shameless I'd become, even I didn't have it in me to leave the apartment dressed in something this skimpy. I didn't think I'd ever be ready to show my nipple rings to the world at large, even if Haqua had shown me just how fun they could really be.

"You realize that you made the nightgown, yes?"

"So you say, but that doesn't mean a thing to me! I just woke up like this!"

“Ufufu, how fun… I might just have to dive into your dreams sometime soon. If that’s what you come up with to wear in your sleep, I bet you’re just wild in there. Absolutely feral…”

“You can do that?!” I cried, trying not to lose it over how good it felt to be called "feral."

“But of course! Feeding in dreams isn’t nearly as potent, but it is safer for the human involved—generally speaking—and usually lasts far longer. A lot you can do in dreams, you know? But, since you’re a succubus yourself, there’s no real downsides for us. It would just be like the real thing, only without the pesky restrictions in the waking world.”

“OK, look, I really, very badly want to find out more about that—and soon—but that has to wait. I've gotta get dressed!"

“The point I was trying to make...” Haqua laughed, rising from the bed while a tight, way-too-revealing suit that looked like it came straight out of some cosplay porn appeared on her body (fuck, she looked good), “is that you can make far more than just that. If you need something for work, all you have to do is clear that ceaselessly dirty mind of yours and picture whatever it is you need to be wearing for this job you care so much about. With enough practice, it should become second nature.”

I nodded, trying not to make the horny gulp I had to get down from being degraded too obvious.

Gritting my teeth, I closed my eyes and did as Haqua instructed, cleansing my mind of all of its impurities.

Which, as it turned out, left me with extremely little to think about beyond, well work. My suits had always been a little sexy since I'd been pretty proud of my figure and wanted at least something about my job to be fun, but that wouldn't quite fly on my new body. I could still look hot, but absolutely not in the same way. I'd look like a kid playing dressup if I tried my old fits.

So instead I focused on my body as it is now, feeling an energy swirling around me as-

"Become my bitch, Rina."


I let out a bark that turned into an incredibly desperate moan as Haqua's words instantly filled my mind, and something else entirely filled my ass.

My knees buckled and I fell to the floor, eyes opening to see my hands covered in goofy animal paw mitts, rendering my hands completely useless.

"Wow~!" Haqua grinned, walking over to me and slapping my almost completely bare ass, forcing another moan from my lips. "Paws and a tail! You shouldn't have, Rina dear!" She grinned, as I looked behind myself to see a tail buttplug, already firmly up inside me. "You mean I get a completely defenseless mutt who's already warmed up? What a tre~at."

"HaqUA!" I gasped, as she stuck a hand beneath the stupidly showy lingerie that I suppose technically qualified as a bra and pinched my nipples. "Gotta…gotta work…!" I cried, going against every instinct I'd ever had.

"Ufufu, yes you do, darling," Haqua cooked, backing off, but not before she snapped a photo of me on a phone she'd apparently picked up during my sleep, preserving the moment.

"This is your fault, Haqua! I was just trying to get dressed, and-"

"I said just a few small words. It's hardly my fault that my pet's so simple minded that a trifle such as that could affect her so profoundly."

Grumbling (but not-so-secretly loving every second of this), I slowly got back onto my feet, tried my very best to ignore how good the plug felt, and gave dressing another shot.

Thankfully, Haqua co-operated this time, and stayed silent.

I shut my eyes, and by the time I opened them again, I'd been clothed in something far more appropriate for the workplace.

I hadn't had a clear picture in my mind, honestly, but some part of me had filled in the gaps well enough to get the job done. It was a pretty different look, as it has to be, with slits in the right places to accommodate my wings and tail comfortably. The black vest over the white blouse was new, and my skirt was a fair bit shorter than the ones I used to wear, stopping just shy of the middle of my thighs. No tights, either, so I was showing a ton of leg, and the skirt really made my hips and butt look great. There was also the odd feeling I got that the clothes were of a way higher quality than anything I owned. I always made sure to dress well at work, but this felt and looked good enough to go toe-to-toe with Iori's ludicrously expensive suits. Though maybe that was just a succubus thing, considering how much more sensitive my skin was these days.

Honestly, I kinda liked the whole look. A part of me hated having to dress in workplace attire at all, but this was almost definitely the best way it could've shaken out, and suited my new body extremely well.

“Cu~te! Really eager to show off those thighs, aren’t you?”

“...You didn’t interfere at all this time, right? This was all me?”

“Mhmm. Doubting mistress's word, are you?”

“No! It’s just...I’m kinda surprised, I guess? The vest makes me look more like a personal assistant than anything else, and I’d have never gotten away with a skirt this short before…”

Of course, as I said all that, I realized that there was no way that outfit came from anywhere other than my own desires. Of course I’d default to something that made me look more teasable.

“Good. I’d certainly hate to have to dole out a punishment before your first day at work. It’s not a bad outfit, though. Covers up far more skin than I’d ever want, but-”

“-Humans are prudes, Haqua,” I sighed, interrupting her.

I had, much to my dismay, been having that exact same thought.

“They are!” Haqua grinned, nodding approvingly. “Haah...watching you begin to think more like a succubus is so much fun~!”

A-Am I?

I was a little troubled by the thought, but looking down at myself once more, the idea of covering up so much of my body with what I’d normally worn just didn’t click with me at all. I suppose it wasn’t that far off of a statement.

Gah...I really did want to show off something, and the short, tight skirt must have been the manifestation of it. I mean, my thighs were cute as hell, and it’s not like I had much in the way of cleavage, so it seemed my subconscious had really worked up a hell of a compromise in a shockingly short amount of time, focusing on my super cute butt, legs and hips.

“I really do look like a brat, though,” I sighed. I…liked that, deep down. Of course I did, or I wouldn't have turned out this way, but I guess a part of me still lamented the mature appeal I now entirely lacked.

"I barely even look like I belong in an office, damn."

"Outside of take-your-daughter-to-work day, of course," Haqua teased, sticking her tongue out playfully.

“I’ve gotta do something to look more mature…”

Brattily defying my own brattiness, I put my hands on my hips and closed my eyes, trying to think of something mature...refined...sexy...

When I opened them, I saw a pair of smart, sharp-looking glasses resting on my face.

“Way better!” I grinned, trying not to think just how punchably self-assured I looked thanks to my new face.

Then, of course, Haqua laughed.

"No dear, I promise that's by no measure more mature. You just look like a smug little bookworm now. Very adorable."

Dammit, she's right!

"I'm Rina Saeki, the newest member of the literature club! Make sure to stay quiet in the library, everyone's studying really hard for their exams!"

I grinned at my reflection, matching the mood of the thought, it was painfully easy to picture myself as a schoolgirl like this.

Fuck, Haqua'd have so much fun with that kind of roleplay… Ehehe, she could be a hot teacher, giving me a very special private lesson and-

"I-it's fine," I gave a weak thumbs up, brushing past how desperate I was to go at it. "It's…work-like, after all!"

"Whatever you say, dear," Haqua said with a smirk. "Still, as adorable as you look, you're not leaving the house without this."

With a snap of Haqua's fingers, I instantly felt a very familiar tightening around my neck, and looked down to see the same dog collar–nametag and all–that she’d given me when we’d first had sex.

“No way!” I yelled, trying to tug it off, even though I knew there was no point. “I can’t wear this to work, Haqua!”

“You can, and you will. You’re my pet, remember? As filthy as you may be, you aren’t some mere stray, and I want everyone who sees you to know that you have an owner: me. Besides,” she smirked, stepping behind me and cupping my chest in her hands, her fingers instantly finding my nipples, “it feels like someone kept their nipple rings in. I don’t think you have much say on what you should and shouldn’t wear at work...do you?”

My face was on fire and my knees felt like they were about to buckle under me. I’m not even sure how she’d known they were still in, but it was becoming clear I couldn't ever hide a thing from Haqua.

"Though if anyone else wants a piece of you, perhaps sweet little Mio, I'd be more than willing to let them share. As long as they promise to make my pet happy."

“Wh-What?! Why are you rolling over for that?!”

“Rolling over is your job, dear. Don’t get me wrong: I’ll always be in charge, but that poor girl’s been aching for your touch, and it only seems fair I throw her a bone. Besides, I bet you’d just lo~ve it if I watched. But, Rina…”

I gulped as Haqua leaned in close, her lips curling into a a devilish smile.

“Imply that I’m anything less than a perfect owner ever again and I’ll have you doing so much more than just rolling over. Understood?”

“W-Wan wan~!” I barked.

"Good girl," Haqua grinned, petting my head. "Still, even though I’m certain you wouldn’t dare misunderstand me, you’ve pushed your luck far too much for a mere warning to suffice. Perhaps I’ll have to see just how well you did with that outfit, and really break it in for you…”


I was, it goes without saying, going to be late to work that day, my first day back in over a week.

It was worth it, though.

❖ ❖ ❖

Despite Haqua telling me she'd "handled it", I was still confident I'd get chewed out when I arrived at work over an hour late.

And yet, that just didn't happen. Instead, Saya, the receptionist, happily welcomed me back and told me how relieved she was to see that I wasn't "sick" anymore before sending me up to my floor, where…things were every bit as pleasant.

People seemed cheerier, I saw less dead eyes behind desks. My coworkers were chatting happily without fear of being reprimanded, and yet, if anything, more work was being done than before, handled by staff who didn't look too tired to string together a coherent sentence.

It was surreal, Haqua had told me all about what she'd done, and I still couldn't believe it had led to this. And shit, nobody seemed to notice that I looked any different. Haqua told me that my demonic traits were hidden by a glamor, but everyone would still see me as a cocky shrimp, and apparently they thought that was A-OK. Still, I felt a bit antsy, convinced that someone would somehow see through the whole thing.

Barely a minute after I'd sat at my desk, I heard a familiar, chipper voice-

"Wan wan~!"

-bark at me as her hands slid over my eyes.

“Guess who~?”

The question was dead easy and impossibly hard all at once.

There was no way that voice didn’t belong to Mio. There was also no way Mio would ever greet me like that.

But with everything else going on, I decided to trust my gut.

“H-Hi there, Mio…?”

“Pin-pon!” she chimed. “You got it!”

I could hear her clap as I turned to face her, catching her cheery smile as she took her own seat next to me.

“I’m so glad you’re back, Senpai! Feeling better? And wo~w, that new collar's cute! Was it a gift from Haqua?"

I stared at her blankly for a moment, unsure how to respond to literally any of that.

C'mon dumbass, don't bug out now! Mio looks up to you, remember? You're her cool, composed role model, so act like it.

"It's lovely to see you again, Mio. Being with you makes everything feel better. How about you, have you been keeping well?"


I sounded awful doing the whole suave thing. My cocky, nasally voice did me zero favors, lending itself to brattiness, swearing, and little else.

Still, if Mio likes it, that's fine.

Did...she just smirk at me?

“Oh, Senpai’s acting all formal! Cu~te! But what about the collar, hmm?”

"Y-yeah, it's from Haqua," I sighed, realizing that whatever Haqua had done had wiped any traces of "cool Rina" from Mio's mind.

So shit, did she have any reason to like me anymore?

"Well tell her she's got good taste! You look adorable! And don't worry if you wanna keep doing the formal thing! Big sis Mio thought it was really fun!"



I felt ready to implode. I had so much to unpack.

Part of me worried that she really had lost her crush on me, but considering what Haqua said, messing with her feelings for me felt very out of step for her. But…I'd surely lost my main appeal in her eyes, so what was left? This big sis thing came outta nowhere, and I doubt she saw herself that way next to my old body.

And shit, she called it a "new" collar, didn't she? So I have a reputation for wearing them around the office now, I guess?

Dammit, does everyone think I'm a mutt now?! That'd…that'd be awful, uehehehe…

"Ohhh, Senpai's thinking naughty thoughts," she giggled. "What a pervy laugh! What's on your mind, Senpai?"

Instantly, I forced my jaw shut.

How much of that did I say out loud?!

I think what's most amazing about Mio is that even though she'd now taken to teasing me, she still looked every bit as sweet and lovable as ever. I shoulda been arguing as loudly as I did with Haqua, but I just didn't have it in me, not when she was treating me as warmly and playfully as you would a…puppy…

Fuck, that's how she sees me, huh?

"N-nothing, Mio! I'm good! Just a little sleepy, I guess."

"Sure, Senpai," she winked, reaching forward and petting my hair. "Let's go with 'sleepy'."

“B-but anyway, Mio. Do you umm, notice anything different about me? Anything at all?”

I knew I was testing fate, but I felt like if anyone would see through any part of this, it’d be her.

“Hm? You mean besides the collar?” she pondered, idly tapping her lips with the end of a pen, clearly deep in thought. “The glasses are new, I guess. Have you been wearing contacts this whole time, Senpai?”

Yeah, thought so…

“No, no, my eyes are good. I’m just trying something different, is all. Good catch, Mio!”

“Of course! Ehehe, I know a lot about Senpai, so nothing like that could ever pass me by. I even know all about the beauty mark on the inside of your thi-”

Mio froze, suddenly realizing what she was saying out loud.

“I-I mean, umm, they’re right on your face, y’know? Anyone would notice a new pair of glasses! Th-they look great on you, Senpai!”

Oh. Yeah, that’s still Mio.

She’s never said anything like that out loud before, but the spirit was undeniably there. 

Shit, is my beauty mark still there? I had one on my old body, but…

I couldn’t check right now, so I let it slide.

“Thanks, Mio, that’s nice of you. Has work been going well? I figured I’d get chewed out for coming in late, but everyone seems really relaxed today.”

“Ehehe, you noticed, huh?” she asked me, smiling warmly. “Mmm, Iori’s really turned over a new leaf, it seems. Not sure what happened, but she’s had a spring in her step all week, ahaha. She’s been making sure nobody’s overworked and that everyone’s getting home at closing time, bumped pay, is giving everyone plenty of time off…”

As Mio listed off dozens of changes that felt like nothing less than an absolute dream, my head started spinning like crazy. Out of all of the completely impossible things I’d been party to lately, this felt the most unbelievable, by far.

“She actually singled you out in a meeting yesterday, y’know?”

“Guh, there it is…” I shuddered. I’d been waiting for a catch, and now I’d found it.

“No no, it’s a good thing, really! She pointed out how hard you, in particular, had been worked, and wanted to make amends for how she’s treated you over the years. Telling us to really hold her feet to the fire if she didn’t properly apologize to you personally.”

“Well, Mio, am I about to be scorched?”

The voice I heard behind me was cool, mature, and…warm. It shouldn’t have been warm, not at all. It should have made my blood run cold. I should’ve heard it and instantly known that my day was about to become terrible.

But as I spun around to face Iori, I saw something so incredible that I knew only one thing for sure: I knew nothing about how work was going to shake out from here on out.

Iori, my steely-eyed, ever serious boss, was smiling.

“Good morning, Rina,” she happily greeted me, pulling up a chair and taking a seat with the three of us.

Wait, you always used my last name? Why…whuh?

Just looking at Iori felt like I was gazing into a parallel dimension. She still looked as stylish and pretty as ever, but it was like every wall she’d ever built up over the course of her life had just crumbled. Her eyes seemed gentler now, like she was letting herself emote, she wore a gentle smile that looked so gorgeous, and her long, black hair had been cut down to shoulder length and dyed a fiery red. Even her clothes looked a little more casual, ditching her jacket entirely to show the crisp white blouse beneath it, like she was trying to cast off the armor she’d donned all this time.

It…it was oddly nostalgic, honestly. Something in me kinda stirred seeing her.

“G-good morning?”

“Morning, Iori!” Mio grinned.

“Mm, good morning Mio. Thanks for getting Rina up to speed. She’s had a hard week, I’d like her time reacquainting herself with the office to be as smooth and comfortable as possible.”


No no, you don’t look out for people. You don’t look out for me, especially!

“Ohhh, Senpai might’ve broken.”

“Oh no! Are you alright, Rina? Do you need to go home?” she asked, quickly hopping up and holding a hand to my forehead.

I was burning up, but I promise it wasn’t because of any sickness.

“I-I’m fine?”

“Ahaha, sorry, sorry,” Iori apologized, quickly pulling her hand away. “I might be worrying a little too much. Still, if you feel unwell today, go home immediately, Rina. Your health should always take precedence.”

“Right…yeah…” I mumbled, talking slowly to avoid spinning out and exploding.

“I’m glad Mio’s explained things to you, but I really do owe you an apology after all this time. It’s not enough, not by a long shot, but I’m going to do everything I can to show you that things will be different going forward, Rina. I’ve put you through far too much, and I want to make amends for that however I can. Still, for now, I’m sorry Rina. You don’t have to forgive me, of course, but I couldn’t leave that unsaid.”

I blinked a few times. I wondered if, right after becoming a succubus, I’d died and become a ghost. Haqua fucked me so hard that my soul up and left my body. That had to be it, right?

Still, I responded as best I could, taking a deep breath before speaking.

“Thanks, Iori,” I smiled. “Let’s…let’s keep talking about this, OK? I’ve got a lot of feelings to sort out, but that means a lot.”

She smiled so radiantly. Fuck, she looked…really gorgeous, actually. Startlingly handsome and cool, like a prince gazing into the eyes of her-

Nope! Not finishing that thought!

“That’s more than I could ever ask of you, Rina. Thank you for being so kind.”

“Aww! Senpai and Iori are buddies now, that’s so cute!” Mio giggled.

“B-buddies?!” I cried, my face turning an even deeper shade of red.

“Th-that might be a bit…” Iori stammered, scratching her cheeks as they dyed themselves a soft pink.

“Ehehe, you’ll get there! This is a big first step, at least!”

“I…well, I’d certainly like that, ahaha…” Iori chuckled, the gap between her appearance and her sudden shyness killing me with how cute it was.

“L-let’s put a pin in that for now! We’ve got work to do, right Mio?”


“You actually don’t,” Iori started. “I made sure to keep your tasks as clear as-”

“We’ve got work to do, right Mio?” I repeated, louder this time, knowing that both Iori and I needed a break to clear our heads.

“Ehehe, right!” Mio winked, picking up on what I was doing.

“B-but,” Iori tried to protest, before shrugging her shoulders and sighing. “Well, if you insist,” she smiled. “I’ll fetch you two some coffee, then. Please, reach out if you need me, OK?”

“Got it, Iori!”

“Mm, thanks!” I nodded and grinned.

“And by the way, Rina,” Iori said as she got up to leave, “Your new collar’s lovely, it suits you wonderfully.”

Instantly, my brain shut down again.


“Senpai’s happy for the compliment!” Mio beamed, waving at Iori, who chuckled softly as she turned to make coffee.

Determined to think about anything else, I flipped open my work laptop to see…nothing. Iori really wasn’t lying, I had nothing to do.

This is Shangri-La, right?! I’ve found my paradise after all this time!

Even in the face of all the day’s strangeness, it was hard not to smile at that.

“Senpai?” Mio called, smiling warmly at me.

“What’s up, Mio?”

“I missed you, y’know? A ton. Maybe that’s embarrassing to say, but…I’ve been pretty lonely here without you, honestly,” she said, turning her eyes away shyly.

“Because it meant you had more work?” I teased, my impish side showing in full.

“Geez, of course not, dummy!” Mio pouted, looking every bit like a hamster as her cheeks puffed out. “You saw what Iori’s like these days! But even without that, that absolutely wouldn’t be why! I missed being with you, Senpai.”

“My bad,” I chuckled, instantly wanting to protect the poor hamster in front of me who was, I needed to remind myself, now taller than me.

But I am a demon now. Runt or no, I can still protect my cute kouhai! She’s too precious to not want to! Even if petting her head was now way harder!

“I missed you too, Mio. It’s great to see you again,” I smiled.

“Oooh, but I bet you didn’t miss me too much, right? All that quality time with Haqua must’ve been really special,” she teased.

If only…

The weekend was as packed full of Haqua as I was, but I was conked out in bed the whole week…

There was no way I could say that, but...I still didn’t want to lie to her or anything.

“N-Not too much… I mean, I was sick, remember?”

“Su~re, Senpai. Big sis believes you…” Mio said, patronizing me with a wink.

“I-It’s true!”

“Mmhmm…” she hummed, typing away at her keyboard. “But it really is nice to have you back, Senpai.

I was, it appeared, entirely out of my element now.

“I mean it, though! What I get with you and what I get with her are completely different, and I wouldn’t trade either for the world.”


Shit, that almost sounded like a confession. Hell, that was kinda cool, wasn’t it? A little bit of the old me coming through!

“How about you and I go get lunch in a bit? It’ll be nice to spend some quality time together.”

I truthfully expected to see some shade of the behavior I was used to from Mio.

“S-S-S-Senpai?! You’re s-serious?! You want to have lunch with...me?!”

That’s how it would’ve gone in the past, at least. She’d turn about as red as I am now, then it would take her a good few minutes to remember how to breathe again.

She snorted instead.

“I like it, but where’s this suave act coming from, Senpai? Gosh, you’re even cuter than usual today!”

I froze, feeling the last shreds of my pride crumbling into dust.

“Oh my,” Iori said, returning to our desks with two cups of coffee in hand. “Mio, is she broken again?”

“Mhmm,” Mio happily nodded. “But don’t worry, I’ll make sure she’s back up and running in time for lunch! We’ve got a date planned, you know?”

“Oh, how lovely,” Iori smiled down at her. “Be sure to pamper her in my stead, alright Mio?”

“Will do!” she winked, giving a playful salute.

I take back everything I’ve said about Haqua.

Mio’s the one who’ll really kill me, and Iori would be the one to hand her the weapon.

I really like writing Mio with Rina, same with Iori. When I first wrote this story, Rina's boss was completely nondescript and never really popped up at all, she wasn't even given a name, but I think making her into a full character really paid off. Her being around also gives me a lot of ideas for how to take things after the first volume.

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