Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Chapter 7

❖ 7 ❖

The night that Rina had returned to work, Mio Ikeda had a strange, yet achingly vivid dream.

She dreamed of her first day at her job. She’d come in fresh out of college, determined to get her adult life off to an incredible start. Her parents had always called her childish and worried she wouldn’t cut it in the working world, but she was determined to show them how wrong that really was.

So she joined a big company, renowned, though with some rumblings of employee mistreatment. She was nervous, sure, but powered through it anyway. It’d be impressive if she could tell her parents that she was working at a company with a name that even they recognized, after all.

Of course, deep down, it wasn’t what she really wanted. Mio longed to be a writer, above all else, but since her parents disapproved of that, too, getting a corporate job seemed to be the fastest route she had to getting her parents off her back for good. She’d work her way back into writing one day, but for now, she was going to give this everything she had.

And yet, when she told them the news, they showed very little enthusiasm, only reiterating their worry for the poor girl. It was born out of concern, she got that, but she wished they’d ease up. They’d been treating her like a child for way too long.

Her day started well enough. She introduced herself to her (very tired) co-workers, promising to give the job her all. She gave a big, impassioned speech that was more than a little embarrassing, but she just had to declare where she stood. A promise to everyone there, and to herself, to not back down and show her parents how capable she really was.

She was met with little enthusiasm, though her boss, icy as she seemed, told her that she approved of her work ethic, so that was something.

When she took her first break, however, things immediately took a turn for the worse.

It wasn’t even my fault…

She hadn’t meant to spill her drink at all, she really hadn’t. But she’d just poured herself a piping hot cup of coffee, and…

“You little runt. Where do you get off pulling shit like this after that big speech, huh?” Her co-worker Kanon, a fashionable woman in her late 20s wearing heavy makeup, scowled at Mio, looking absolutely furious.

“I-I’m sorry!” Mio hastily apologized, dabbing at the coffee stain on her blouse with a tissue, to little avail. “I didn’t mean it, really! M-my heel broke, and I’m not really used to wearing heels, but I wanted to make a good first impression, a-and-”

“Does it look like she cares?” one of her other coworkers, seemingly a lackey of the one she’d spilled on, scoffed at her excuse.

“Yeah, does it?!” the third member of their trio asked, grinning cockily. Though Mio hadn’t had the time to get acquainted with any of them, it already seemed to her that the two that flanked Kanon seemed to have nothing on their minds but pleasing her. So now that she was annoyed, they were all too ready to share in her anger.

“I-I know an apology isn’t enough, but-”

“You’re right, it isn’t,” Kanon spat. “I can take this to HR, y’know? Call ‘em up right now and tell them that the new girl went out of her way to attack me on her very first day. How do you think they’ll feel about that, huh?”

“P-please, it was just a mistake…”

“So you say,” Kanon smirked, delighting in Mio’s worry.

“Sure looked to me like it was on purpose,” the first lackey grinned.

“Right! An attack aimed straight at Kanon!” the second agreed, nodding vigorously.

“Wh-what do you want me to do, then?” Mio asked, gulping slightly at whatever might lay in store.

“Buy me a new blouse, for starters. But that only covers the material damage. But I’m soooo scarred from your attack, I dunno if I’ll ever recover psychologically, y’know? It’ll take waaaaay more than just a blouse to fix that, so I hope you're ready be at my neck and call for a loooong time."


"Oh, and after that big speech you gave, I bet you're desperate to get stuck into your work, right? Good news! You can handle my workload too! I’m sick of working overtime, but you'll do suuuuch a good job, won't you?"

"I-it was just a mistake…" Mio shuddered. "I just t-tripped and-"

“Kanon, stop it.”

A cool, mature voice sounded out, and the three beasts and their prey all froze, before turning to face the new arrival.

Mio recognized her, though she couldn't recall her name. She was a tall, busty woman with extremely tired eyes and a constant calm smile, and, Mio noticed, looked incredibly sympathetic when she listened to her speech.

She seemed to know what Mio would be in for at this office. Had she been watching her? Ready to help at a moment's notice? If so…

That's so cool…

"What do you want, Rina?" Kanon scoffed.

"This is between us and the new girl, you know?" Lackey 01 asked.

"Yeah, so get lost!" Lackey 02 concurred, grinning like an idiot.

Rina just sighed, shaking her head like a disappointed teacher.

"I hate to pull rank, you know I do, but I've been recording your conversation this whole time," she said, yawning softly as she pulled out her phone and hit play, Kanon's threats blaring out at an extremely loud volume. "Want me to see how Iori feels about this one?"

Kanon grimaced.

"Turn that shit off, dammit!" Kanon growled. Rina chuckled, and kept the recording going, her finger hovering over the volume up button.

"If you leave the new girl alone."

"What's it to you?!"

"Do it or don't," Rina shrugged, "just know that only one choice keeps Iori from hearing you threatening a co-worker. You think she makes life for you hard here? Just wait and see what she'll do to get you blacklisted. Good luck finding work anywhere if this gets out."

Kanon winced, then turned away, clicking her tongue.

"I get it! I'll lay off, just turn the recording off!"

"You promise?" Rina asked.

"Gimme a break!"

"I can make this much louder, y'know?"

Kanon gritted her teeth, then glared back at Rina.

"Fine! I promise she's free to go!"

"Good," Rina nodded, hitting pause on the recording. "Don't even think about pulling crap like this again, got it?"

"...Let's go, you two," Kanon spat, turning and leaving with her lackeys in tow.

Rina nodded at her handiwork, then turned to face Mio with a reassuring smile.

"Sorry you had to deal with them. Are you doing OK?"

Mio grinned, her heart swelling at the sight of the woman she'd instantly fallen in love with, and nodded warmly.

"Mm! I'm doing great thanks to you, Senpai!"


No no, it…didn't go that way, did it? That's…that's not Senpai, right?

The scene rewound, and Mio found herself face-to-face with the bully trio again.

"I-it was a mistake. I just t-tripped, and-"

"Kanon! Cut the crap, asshole!"

An extremely short woman with a dog collar around her neck forced her way between Mio and Kanon, shooting a fierce glare up at the bully.

Instantly, Mio recognized her, though she couldn't recall her name. She was a bratty looking girl with a cocky grin that never seemed to fade, and though she looked even younger than Mio, she was apparently a good few years older. During her speech, she'd seemed almost heartbroken, like she'd anticipated something like this happening to Mio, and rushed in to help at the first sign of trouble.

Was she looking out for me this whole time?

That's so cute! She's a sweetie!

Kanon just chuckled at the tiny girl.

"Aww, little puppy Rina's come to yap at us? Soooo scary, right girls?" Kanon asked, prompting loud laughter from her lackeys.

"L-little puppy…" the small girl mumbled, her cheeks starting to turn bright red.

Her savior also seemed to get flustered very easily, but Mio already felt like that added to her charm, not that she was brave enough to say that out loud. Not yet, anyway.

“Mm, a little mutt who does nothing but yap and yap. Get outta here, this doesn’t concern you.”

Rina bit her lip, but managed to compose herself enough to yell back at the others.

“Mm, that’s right, and I’ll bark about this to Iori if you don’t watch it,” Rina said, standing firm with her arms folded over her chest. “I’m not eager to get the boss involved, but I have the whole thing recorded, y’know? You wanna try and play this off as little Mio here lashing out? Fine, do what you want, but it won’t take a second for the truth to come crashing down on you.”

Kanon scowled, looking into Rina’s eyes. It became immediately clear just how serious Rina was about this.

“Friggin’ snitch,” Kanon scoffed, before turning around. “Let’s go, you two. This isn’t even a little bit fun anymore,” she called to her lackeys, who followed behind her glumly.

“Stupid runt,” the first lackey spat.

“Boooooring,” the second bemoaned, slumping her shoulders as she walked.

“Yeah, you better run!” Rina yelled, grinning triumphantly before Kanon stuck her middle finger up at her, which prompted a round of furious yelling.

Mio couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of her Senpai failing spectacularly to keep her cool.

“H-hey! I was helping you!” Rina cried.

“You were, and I’m really grateful for it, Senpai!” Mio smiled, looking down at the woman she’d been so thoroughly charmed by. It was silly, but she felt like she really understood love at first sight at that moment. 

She wanted, more than anything, to hug her tight and thank her, but something about the girl was so teasable that she couldn’t help but have some fun with her.

“You were adorable, Senpai! My tiny protector. Can I hire you as a bodyguard?”

“'T-tiny protector'… 'Adorable'…” Rina squirmed, prompting yet another giggle from Mio. “B-but it’s fine. Are you doing OK? I’m sorry you had to deal with Kanon on your first day.”

“Mm, I'm doing great thanks to you, Senpai!”

Suddenly, where the bratty Rina once stood, the taller, cooler one took her place, reaching down to take Mio’s hand gently.

“I’m glad to hear it. Things are tough enough here without bullies like her. I understand if you need some space, but if anyone ever gives you trouble again, come straight to me, OK? My name’s Rina Saeki. What’s yours?”

Mio instantly lost her cool. She couldn’t believe how gorgeous her senpai was. And to get treated like this on her very first day in the office? She felt every bit like the lead of a romance manga, gazing up into the eyes of her prince.


“Ahaha, if it’s difficult, don’t worry. I think I heard you mention it in your speech earlier. Mio Ikeda, right?”

Mio nodded, feeling ready to explode. She shut her eyes tight, and when she opened them again, the tiny Rina had reappeared in the tall one’s place.

Mio grinned at the sight of her, her desire to tease growing stronger by the second.

“Mhmm! Good girl!” she smiled, petting Rina’s head. “You listened to every word, didn’t you? You’re such a sweetie!”

“‘Good girl’?!”

“Mhmm! The loveliest! Ehehe, maybe Kanon was right calling you a puppy. You’re every bit as cute as one!” Mio said, happily wrapping Rina up in a tight, loving hug.

“H-hey! Mio!” her senpai squirmed a little, worked up to the point where she couldn’t stop a small bark from escaping her throat, which of course, only led to Mio hugging her even tighter.

Suddenly, Rina grew still, and Mio felt her head resting against a pair of big, pillowy breasts.

Looking past them to see big Rina gazing down at her with a serene smile, Mio felt like she was about to explode. She went to pull away, but before she could, she felt Rina gently hug her back, softly petting her head.

“S-s-s-sorry!” Mio cried. “I-I dunno what came over me! I-I just-”

“It’s OK,” Rina chuckled. “You were scared, right? If this helps you calm down, I’ll hug you as long as you’d like. Or, well, as long as Iori’ll let us stay away from our desks, ahaha…”

Ohhhh wow. I…she’s so nice. She’s so cool…

Mio was sure of it. Rina was the woman of her dreams.

“S-so lemme go for now! The last thing I want is for you to get chewed out by the boss right after all that!” the smaller, brattier Rina fussed, though Mio simply responded with more pets.

“It’s fine, it’s fine. This is good for employee morale,” Mio teased. “So don’t worry, senpai. Big sis’ll protect you from aaanyone who gives us a hard time for this, OK?”

“I’m older than you!”

Mio simply giggled. She’d never met anyone quite as cute as Rina. Truly, she’d fallen head over heels for her adorable little senpai.

As Mio woke from the dream in the middle of the night with a start, she gazed up at the roof of her apartment with a dazed look on her face.

“S-Senpai…?” she whispered into the darkness, the dream still fresh in her mind.

She’d undoubtedly seen two very, very different Rinas in her dream, and yet her head couldn’t seem to tell them apart from one another, and her heart swelled at the mere thought of both of them.

“But why were there two of you…?” she asked, furrowing her brow. “And why do I feel like I’ve met you both? Senpai’s…she’s tiny, right? But the way she protected me that day was so cool, and…”

Mio groaned, her head hurt just thinking about it.

Taking a second to clear her mind, she let out a small sigh.

“Tiny or not, I really hope I can tell you how I feel one day…”

Mio rolled over and pressed her face into her pillow, hiding her blush from nobody but herself.

❖ ❖ ❖

“Tough day chasing cars, dear?”

As soon as I walked in the door, Haqua greeted me with a teasing smirk. She’d made herself very comfortable while I was out, and was relaxing on the couch with one of the video games I desperately wished I’d been able to make time to play.

She spread her legs, and patted the spot on the couch between her thighs, beckoning me to sit with her. I’m not sure if the compulsion I felt to go along with her was related to the master-servant thing, or if coming home to someone else after work was just that comforting, but I had no qualms in joining her, and letting her guide my body back against hers, my head resting against her chest.

“It was work,” I corrected, not even capable of getting riled up with her petting my head like she was.

“There are many dogs that would consider that work, you know?”

“It was work at the office. You know, the one where things are completely different because of a certain someone?”

“I had to change things, dear. They had a no pets policy. They wouldn’t have even let you in the door otherwise.”

“Wan wan…” I flatly barked, enjoying the way her long, slender fingers were rubbing against my ears, gently scratching them.

It had been a bit of a whirlwind with her so far, and I’d mostly seen her acting completely confident and dominating, but this softer side of Haqua wasn’t without its charms. Succubi really are something, I suppose. Hard to not respect someone who can switch between dommy and mommy so freely.

“I take it work was still rough on you, then? Perhaps I need to get in touch with Iori again…”

“No no, you definitely don’t. Work was…crazy easy, honestly. I’ve never had a workday that relaxed in my life before. It’s like the whole culture there was flipped on its head overnight…”

“What is it that’s getting to you, then?”

“Mio,” I answered flatly.

“And not Iori?”

“No, her too. Seeing her so open and friendly was a lot to take in, but… I dunno, I guess it’s a little melancholic thinking of how much Mio looked up to me before. Now it’s…different. She still seems to like me, but it feels like our whole dynamic got changed up all of a sudden.”

“Aww, don’t pout, puppy,” Haqua’s petting got a little firmer and she held me closer against her body.

“I’m not… She just used to really melt around me, you know? All I had to do was wink in her direction and she’d get all adorable and distressed. I mean, the day I summoned you, she got all breathless telling me how cool I was!”

“Hmm…” Haqua hummed, chuckling softly.

I wasn’t going to address what was so funny to her.

“She’s treating me like a child now, though! She’s teasing me, calling me cute, asking me to call her ‘big sis’. She’s years younger than me, and she’s treating me like I’m her kid sister or something! I get it, too! She’s so short and cute, and now even she’s bigger than me!”

“And? How did that all make you feel? Was it fun getting bullied by someone so cute and innocent?”

“I loved it so damn much, Haqua. It was friggin’ incredible but it's so damn frustrating! I really liked what the two of us had going on, but I loved how things were today, too, and I just don’t know what to make of it!”

“Poor girl…” Haqua cooed, dialing up her mommy mode even further. “Don’t worry, sweetie. That girl still loves you, and, even if the dynamic’s changed, there’s no way I’d have done anything to change her feelings.”

Haqua had, apparently, read between the lines pretty clearly.

“So...why all the teasing? Is that something you put in her?”

“Not at all, dear. I altered her memories to better suit your new body and demeanor, but I didn’t touch anything that makes her who she is. No, all the teasing comes straight from her. There’s no way you could ever make someone melt from being cool, Rina. Your charms lie somewhere else, and her expression of her love happens to lean more into that. And isn’t that for the better, anyway?”

“What do you mean?”

“Rina… I didn’t know you much before making you my precious little bitch, but I highly doubt the woman who summoned me—who asked me to ‘really fuck her brains out’—is nautrally suave. You wore a mask at work and adjusted your behavior as you needed to survive what sounded like an utterly dreadful environment. Now, I’m not going to try and suggest for even a second that Mio didn’t love you for who you are. I’m sure that girl, with how sweet as she sounds, is more than capable of loving every aspect of that Rina. This Rina, though…” Haqua paused, patting my head, “is one that doesn’t have to put up any front. Take some pride in that, dear, for it means that she loves both each and every side of you. Could you say before that you weren’t worried she wouldn’t like your private self?”

That...was a lot to digest…

“I...I was worried about that...yeah…”

“And now that worry has been lifted, no? She’s seen who you really are, and she still loves you every bit as much as she always has.”

Shyly, I nodded. It still hadn’t really sunk in, but for as much as I told myself my workload was what stopped me from trying anything with Mio, the real problem was that I was convinced she’d take one look at me at home and hate me.

I still don’t know if I’d have been able to deal with that.

“So, can you admit now that your wise mistress was right? That things are better this way?”

“I guess… I still liked being able to tease her, though…”

“Oh, Rina… You might still be able to find some situation that breaks that poor girl, but breaking is the bitch’s job, and there’s no part of you that doesn’t say ‘bitch’ anymore.”

I felt a shiver run down my spine as Haqua started slowly snaking her tail up my leg, rubbing my thighs with the tip and causing the nerves in my leg to explode with pleasure.

Succubi tails were really something else, take it from me. Whatever it is that makes the tip feel so good is amazing, a real wonder of the demon world…

Hopeless mutt that I am, I was already becoming a sopping mess just thinking about where I wanted that tail to go.

Despite what her tail was up to, though, the rest of Haqua’s body was still in mommy mode, hugging me even tighter against her body. I could feel the warmth of her chest against my back, and could smell a soft, floral fragrance from her skin. All of this while I watched her tail sneak its way up my skirt, the point of the tip caressing my thighs before the broad side started rubbing against my panties. 

Fuck, it felt amazing.

Nngh...she’s babying me while still being totally pervy… Dammit, she’s just bullying me twice over this way. I’m not...that submissive!

Okay. Stupid thought, I know. But, after the day I’d had, I wanted to assert myself in any way I could. So, even though my body was aching for more of Haqua’s touch—just thirsting to be a bottom, to be a bitch, to be a pet—I felt like I just had to try and reverse the situation.

I pulled myself out of Haqua’s hug, and spun around to face her, mustering the most confident grin I could as I did. One that I hoped didn’t falter when I realized that, even kneeling like this, I was still lucky to be eye-level with her.

“Oh? Is my mutt showing off a new trick?”

Yeah, just you watch! I’m a succubus too, dammit! You’re not the only one who’s good at this stuff!

Either way, I didn’t give her a chance to take the upper hand back from me. I lunged forward, locking my mouth with hers and quickly forcing my tongue past her lips, while I pushed my legs out from under me to wrap them around Haqua’s waist. Never breaking the kiss, I pulled myself up tight against her body, my arms draping over her shoulders while my legs locked behind her.

Haqua’s hips raised up beneath me, so I willed away my skirt and panties, leaving her to wriggle beneath me and rub up against my pussy. Soon, she willed her own pants away, and I could feel her moist lips gently rubbing against mine. She wrapped her arms around me, as if she was desperate to get as close to me as possible.

Then I felt a hand wrap around the base of my tail and I realized just how colossally I’d misread Haqua.

I let out a gasp and felt my tongue slip from out of her mouth as she lifted herself up and pushed me forward, one hand guiding me down to the sofa while the other stroked my tail from base to tip.

“Cute~! Just precious, really. But, as adorable as that misguided display of aggression was, it’s far better like this, isn’t it?” Haqua purred, her eyes narrowing and her lips curling into a smirk as she towered over me once more. “Yes, this position suits you far better.”

Her face moved closer to mine for a moment as she reached down and gripped my thighs, before she slid a hand between my legs and teased my desperate, soaking wet lips.

“You know what makes you really cute, Rina?” Mistress Haqua asked, quickly sliding a finger inside me, the deft movement causing me to whimper. “When you really lose yourself in the moment—truly embrace just what a perfect loser dog you are—two incredible things happen.”

I tried not to lose my mind as I watched her slide back a little, clearing enough room to dip her head between my legs while her tail started snaking its way up my blouse, popping each button as it slowly made its way toward my chest.

I could feel her breath against my pussy. It felt so warm, and so good.

“First, those eyes of yours change. They get brighter, almost like they’re glowing, and your pupils become these adorable little hearts.”

“Wh-What?!” I gasped, my head bolting back as Mistress Haqua started licking me.

I hadn’t noticed that when I’d first looked at myself in the mirror (and I’d been extremely excited then), but considering the womb tattoo above the pussy Mistress Haqua was eating out that was pulsing with a faint, otherworldly light, I had no reason to doubt what she was saying.

“The second…” she paused, sticking her tongue inside of me and lapping up my juices, making sure I could hear both the slurp and the sound of her tongue licking her lips, “is that eager little tail of yours. It wags so happily when you’re in your rightful place: serving your mistress like the bitch you are.”

That one was easy enough to check, at least. I didn’t even need to move my head; I could see it in my peripheral vision, wagging around as Mistress Haqua ate me out, then going positively crazy as the tip of her tail finally finished with my blouse, leaving it free to poke against my nipples and slip between the rings, snaking through both of them before tugging my tiny titties upwards.

“Ahn~!” I moaned, my whole body shuddering with pleasure.

“Haah… I’ve never seen a succubus quite like you, you know? So perfectly built to serve instead of feed. But that’s what makes you special, isn’t it? It’s what makes you mine. And, luckily for you, there’s nothing I love more than making my pet happy,” she cooed.

I felt Mistress Haqua’s tongue plunge back inside me, the length of it reaching deep inside my body as she licked every inch of me. Her tail, meanwhile, continued to bully my chest, lashing against my breasts like a whip and tugging at my rings.

I’d tried. 

Whether it was some lingering remnant of my pride as a human, or the raw ego of a succubus, I wanted to at least try to be in charge for a change. Mistress Haqua was right, though.

This was what felt best, and Mistress would never let her loser dog forget that.

I loved her for that, with all my heart, with all my soul, and absolutely with all my body.

“W-Wan~! Wan wan~!”

I barked happily, losing myself in the sheer ecstasy of it all.

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