Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 2

❖ 2 ❖

"I don't think I've ever had this much to drink in a single night before, you know that?" Rina asked, as she took a long sip of some extremely terrible sake that cost next to nothing and looked every bit like a juice box.

After getting kicked out of the bar, the two of them wandered aimlessly for a little while, hitting up shops, restaurants, and a beer festival in their pursuit to squeeze every last drop of fun out of the night.

And now, the two sat on a bench outside a bustling train station, watching the gradually thinning crowds pass by as the two of them savored the cheap booze and snacks they'd picked up from a convenience store.

"You're really pounding them back with the best of 'em, though!" Rina drunkenly giggled.

She'd been three sheets to the wind from practically the moment she'd started drinking, but, despite the fast onset, she hadn't actually gotten too much more inebriated from everything they'd indulged in after their first rounds at the bar.

Rina couldn't say for sure why that was, but if either of them were to guess, they'd chalk it up to one of the benefits of being a succubus.

"Seriously, you barely even seem tipsy! How're you holdin' it together, Ioriii?" Rina asked, her words slurring.

Iori swallowed at hearing her name, and even harder at the giggle that followed.

In truth, the formerly quintessential boss was extremely drunk, it just came through in a way that Rina, it seems, didn't know at all how to recognize.

And, if she couldn't tell, Iori certainly wasn't in any position to tell her, even with all the liquid courage coursing through her system.

But Rina was a succubus, and even if she didn't consciously realize it, it sure seemed her demonic body had picked up a trick or two, and had Iori in its sights.

Rina giggled some more, leaning in against Iori and giving her boss a view down the front of her blouse that perfectly exposed her small, perky chest and the ridiculously skimpy bra that cradled it.

It was all she could do to not do a spit take at the glimmer of Rina's piercings in the droning, halide light over their bench.

Even like this, you’re so sexy, Rina… They must be so soft…

Iori shook her head. She couldn’t say that. She just couldn’t.

“Maybe I’m some kind of demon too,” she joked. “I could go toe-to-toe with an oni, don’t you think?”

“Mmm! Yeah! Adri’s married to an oni, y’know? You’ve gotta come with us, you can drink her under the table!” she cackled.

God, say yes, Iori scolded herself. You know you want to. That's so much time you'll get to spend with Rina. You might even be able to tell her-

“S-surely I couldn’t. Nobody would want to take their boss out on vacation with them…” she shyly replied, screaming at herself on the inside.

“Ahaha, that’s a real cute face, Iori! Ya shy about gettin’ asked out? S’fine! You’re a friend! Just a little trip to hell, and- ah.”

“...Ah?” Iori asked.

“Shit, I don’t think I was s’posed to say that! My bad, Iori! I want you to come with, I really do, but I dunno if Adri’s got room, and- guh, sorry!”

Iori let out a small chuckle. No, she hadn't been able to accept Rina's offer in the first place, but she couldn't deny that she was still disappointed to have it taken away like this.

But she couldn’t let Rina see that, so she gave her a gentle smile.

“You’re fine, Rina. It’s nice to be thought of, all the same. I’ll find ways to keep myself busy while you’re away.”

“You mean it, Iori? S’okay if you’ll be lonely, y’know? I mean, it’s not, I don’t want’cha to be lonely, but you can say if you are… Talking’s nice!”

“And you’re too drunk to manage that,” Iori teased.

"Jerk," Rina chuckled, taking another sip from her carton of sake before handing it to Iori.

"C'mon, don't leave me the only one drinking!" 

"Still better than what I used to be like," Iori laughed, taking a sip of the bottom-tier alcohol through a flimsy, plastic straw.

In truth, the taste of the sake hardly mattered. She was savoring something far sweeter than any drink.

Look at me, Rina. I'm acting like a schoolgirl because of you. Getting this excited about an indirect kiss…

Iori shook her head, then tossed the empty carton in the trash bin next to them.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Rina."

"Mm, me too," Rina smiled up at her boss.

"We'll have to invite Mio and Haqua along next time."

"We've gotta, and I'm gonna," Rina nodded. "The second I walk in the door, those two are gonna beg me to tell them about tonight."

"That's not right," Iori shook her head. "Dogs are meant to beg, not their owners."

"Wan! Wan wan!" Rina helplessly barked, practically begging for pets that Iori was just a little too bashful to give.

Even if Iori was drunk and thirsty enough to desperately wish she could.

"Haaah, I'm glad you're you, Iori."

"I've always been me, though," Iori replied, "and that's hardly been a good thing. I-"

"Nah," Rina drunkenly interrupted. "That's not true. Maybe s'wrong of me to say this since we only know each other through work an' stuff… But the mean Iori I've dealt with, that's not you at all. It's a role you play. The real Iori's the one who's been gettin' nice and wasted with me tonight," she grinned. "The one who started singing enka like a pro, who's doing her best to be accoco…accomming…account…"


"Tha's how you say it! Damn, sake's hittin' hard now…" Rina chuckled. "Anyway, yeah! You've been crazy accomomo… nice even while I get pervier and pathetic-er by the day, and you spent allllll night with me even though I got us kicked out of a bar. You said your family's really focused on image, but you clearly stopped giving a shit a while back, didn't you?"

Iori shook her head, and said nothing.

"So that's the real Iori. Super sweet and crazy fun! And you've got a helluva voice, Iori!"

"...You mean that, about my voice?"

"'Course I do! That's why that asshole at the bar got mad at me, ahaha. They wanted to hear your voice. And y'know what, Iori, you've got this gorgeous smile when you really get into it, too! I didn't see that at all when you were acting mean, but damn…"

Rina cracked open a can of chuhai, pounded it back, and let out a deeply satisfied sigh.

"I don't want that smile to e~ver go away, ya hear me?!" the pint-sized succubus loudly declared, standing up straight and wobbling on her feet. 

"Ohhhh, the floor's movin' real fast…" she mumbled, dropping right back down to the bench and landing with her head in Iori's lap. "Good catch, Ioriii…" Rina murmured, as she tried to steady her dizzy mind.

God, you're so drunk, Rina. 

Iori smiled, looking down at the demon on her lap.

You can barely string a sentence together, you definitely can't stand up straight, and if you had even the slightest bit of grace, you drowned it under bottles and bottles of booze now.

…And I love you so, so much for it!

Iori barely held it together. She couldn't help but think about how light Rina felt pressed against her thighs. How delicate she was to the touch and how the light sheen of sweat coating her crimson skin made her look so deeply erotic. 

She'd spent years agonizing over when and how she'd say this, but it didn't matter now. The drink was going to force it out of her, no matter how much she didn't want it to.

"I love you, Rina. I always have, ever since high school, and- Hm?"

Iori froze, as she heard the gentlest snoring sound beneath her.

With a sigh, she looked down to see Rina's adorable sleeping face, smiling gently as she nestled in against Iori's legs.

"Ehehehe, you got a leash just for me? Ohhh, and a new vibrator! Haqua, you're the best…" Rina mumbled in her sleep.

"Mm, yeah, that figures."

Iori couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, more than a little relieved that she hadn't heard any of that.

Just wouldn't have been right like this, would it?

Gently, she hoisted the succubus she'd fallen in love with onto her back, taking a deep breath as she felt her perky, squishy chest press against her.

Not while we're both drunk. Not until I'm really ready, and it's not just alcohol speaking for me.

Iori gathered up her belongings, made sure Rina was secure, and headed off for Rina's apartment.

And if that means I never say it, well…

She smiled, listening to Rina's delicate snores by her ear.

As long as we get to have more nights like this, I think I'm okay with that.

"Iori, dear, so good to see you! I take it your date went well? Mio and I have been terribly excited to hear what you got up to." Haqua, the demon who'd changed everyone's lives, greeted them with a typically devilish smirk, halfway between genuinely warm and frighteningly hungry, eager to make a few secrets spill from Iori's lips.

"Well," Iori gestured to the loser dog on her back, "take a look at Rina's smile. That should tell you everything."

"My~! How coy! Dear, you and I both know that if my pet isn't snarling these days, she's probably grinning. Why, some days I wonder if there's anything but air between her ears. She's a simple woman of simple pleasures, a smile like that could mean anything from chasing cars, to getting her brains fucked out, as she'd put it," Haqua laughed.

"W-well, I-"

"Ehehe, don't tease her too much, Haqua," Mio, the newly-minted succubus smiled, as she took Rina into her arms and gently petted her sleeping partner's head. Though she, too, had discarded her humanity, she hadn't lost even an ounce of the sweetness that had always made her a ray of warmth and sunshine in the office. "Rina's not drooling, see? That means she had a nice, comfy night out. She'd be a mess if Iori fucked her! But that's OK, I'd clean her up ve~ry thoroughly!"

…Though she'd gained a truly staggering amount of lust in the process, boobs to die for, an ass to kill for, and an attitude so peppily horny that it'd likely end up actually killing someone one day. Probably Rina.

No, definitely Rina.

Mio made for such a good succubus that Iori would have readily believed it if she heard that she'd secretly always been one. She took to it so well that the idea of her having ever been human felt wrong, honestly.

"Mio, you smell really nice…" Rina sleepily mumbled.

"Ehehe, if she's going to be such a sweetie, I might have to clean her up anyway…I was just thinking I could go for some milk," Mio licked her lips, her eyes brimming with desire.

Iori shyly cleared her throat and looked away from the succubi, unsure what to do or say after hearing all that.

"My, and you told me not to tease," Haqua smirked, leaning in and kissing Mio deeply before she headed deeper into the apartment to drop off Rina. "But really, dear, did you have a good time?"

"We did," Iori nodded. "She got us kicked out of a bar, you know? She can't wait to tell you about it, she's wearing it like a badge of honor."

"She would," Haqua chuckled. "I suppose I've done a fine job raising her after all. I'll shower her with praise when she's awake. It'll make it that much more enjoyable when I put my mutt back in her rightful place. Why, you've never seen someone get as drenched as she does when she crumbles. It's quite a treat~!"

"I-I'll take your word for it..."

"Still, while I expected to see you here tonight, I must say I thought that it might be a touch more romantic, dear," Haqua leaned in close, dropping to a whisper quiet enough to ensure Mio couldn't hear them. "A solo date, and still no confession? I thought you'd have moved faster, in truth."

"It wasn't a date," Iori corrected her. "Just a night out with my employee, that's all."

Haqua let out a deeply disappointed sigh, the sound burying itself deep inside Iori's soul.

“Oh, shut up,” Iori groaned. “I’m trying, I just-”

“You’re being terribly passive, dear. That’s anathema to a succubus.”

“I’m not a succubus, Haqua.”

“But you love one.”

“I’ve hurt her so much, I’ve taken years from her. There’s no way I deserve her.”

“But that’s not who you are now, dear.”

“I’m still me, though…”

Haqua stared at her a moment. Iori had made great strides, but it was clear there was still plenty of work to be done.

You’ll get there, dear. I know it.

“Well, I won’t push it. You’ve waited more than a decade at this point, what’s another couple more?” Haqua teased.

“I get it, I get it,” Iori said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Look, I need to head home. Should we get lunch together before your vacation? You can roast me then.”

“But of course, I’d be delighted. Still, it sounds so very different when you say that, you know? I must say, I prefer what it means when it leaves Rina’s lips. I think Mio would agree.”

“Mhmm…” Iori grunted, ignoring the excited fluttering in her belly. She and Haqua had spoken a handful of times since she’d come to the human realm, and every single time she did left her deeply, deeply frustrated, something made a thousand times worse by the alcohol coursing through her system, flooding her mind with images of just how wild three succubi might get together.

Shyly, she desperately wanted to be a part of that. As Haqua looked at her, she averted her gaze, determined to not allow her to see into her soul.

“Your time will come, dear. If you’re ever feeling lost though, know that I’m always here. I’ve released so many of your constraints already, I’m sure I can still do plenty for you.”

“I’ll…consider it,” Iori nodded, swallowing her lust as best she could. “See you around, Haqua. Bye Mio!” Iori called a little louder.

“Take care, dear. Thank you for looking after my pet this evening.”

“Oh, goodbye Iori!” Mio popped back out into the entrance hall, licking what looked to be milk off of her lips. “Have a really great night!”

“You too,” Iori awkwardly smiled, waving at the both of them before heading on home.

In the dark and quiet of the earliest hours of the morning, Iori stopped at a vending machine, bought a can of strong coffee, and made her way home to the solitude of her apartment. It’d be a lonely walk, but every journey home she’d ever taken had been lonely. So she got used to the company of herself, and filled the silence with idle chatter.

It was a great night, she thought. Rina made sure of that. I know she doesn’t remember any of it, but…cutting loose like that with her, it felt like we were back in high school. Not a care in the world, enjoying life entirely on our own terms.

God, I miss that.

“Succubi sure have fun,” she sighed. “Haqua’s always so in control, Mio’s so energetic, and Rina…”

Iori’s mind raced, no matter what form she took, there truly was nobody she could ever find quite as lovely as Rina.

Her breasts are so perky now…I could feel her nipple rings pressing into me…

Iori gulped.

And that adorable butt, so squishy and round. It looks incredible in a pencil skirt. It’s so hard not to stare these days…

She quickened her pace, desperate to get home soon.

Those horns, those cute wings, that naughty tail, that bratty smile… It’s all so different from how you used to be, but…fuck.

Iori bit her lip, breaking into a jog as she got closer and closer to her apartment. She could feel her arousal deepening, the fluttering in her belly growing ever more intense. As she reached her building, the elevator ride up to the penthouse floor she resided on felt like agony. A drop of pure, concentrated lust trickled down her thigh. If anyone saw her now, they wouldn’t see so much as a trace of the formality and composure she used to pride herself on.

I still love you so much, Rina!

She wasn’t a succubus, but in that moment, Iori Kizaki was nothing more than a being of pure desire. She scrambled into her apartment, kicked off her shoes, and leapt onto her bed, eagerly sticking a hand beneath her skirt and teasing her lips through her drenched panties.

“All three of those girls are…they’re so vulgar…” Iori bit her lip, tugged down her panties, and plunged a finger inside herself. “Ahn~! They’re…they’re so free, so happy, so sexy…”

She thought about Rina leaning against her, the sight of her breasts filling her mind. She quickened her pace, plunging her finger deeper and deeper, moving faster and faster.

Rina, she…she’s so unguarded, she doesn’t care what anyone thinks about her anymore. I…I wish I could be like that…

She got rougher with her clit, teasing it with her fingertip and gently flicking it.


I wish I could share these feelings with her, I wish it was her between my legs, I wish I could make her feel good…

She stuck a second finger inside, filling herself up as best she could. Her mind kept wandering, picturing Rina’s head between her thighs, eagerly lapping up her juices like the dog she so happily said she was.

“Good- Nnnn~! Good girl…” she breathed, imagining Rina getting ever more vigorous, sticking her tongue inside her and tasting everything she had to offer, the thought taking her pleasure to new heights.

She shut her eyes, she couldn’t, in truth, say if she was picturing Rina as a human or a demon, but that hardly mattered. All she needed was her touch.

Iori squeezed her breast firmly, reaching beneath her bra and pinching her nipples. Those weren't her hands making her shudder and buck her hips, no, they were Rina's. Rina was caressing her, holding her close, and drowning her in lust.

"Who knew you had such a cute side, sen~pai?" The bratty image of Rina teased, as she gave Iori's clit a firm flick.


"I did. I always knew. From the moment I met you, senpai, I knew just how cute and fun you could be."

Iori teased her lips, and imagined Rina taking a long, slow lick, coating her tongue in Iori's juices.

"You're so tasty, too!" 

"I-it's all my love for you, Rina…" Iori breathed, imagining her crush looking down on her as she stuffed Iori's pussy with her tail.

God. I need that, I need it so badly… Iori moaned, her fingers moving faster and faster still. She could tell she was close, now.

She aggressively worked her clit, bullying it as she imagined Rina’s tail filling her up. She was a woman with needs, she’d taken care of herself plenty of times, but lately, things had drastically ramped up, becoming far more intense as her feelings for Rina spilled out between her thighs. Faster, faster. She had to move faster. She had to match a succubus’ pace. She had to prove to Rina that she was capable.

“RinahH~!” she cried, her voice cracking with pleasure.

Every muscle in her body tensed all at once and her vision flashed white. This was it. She couldn’t 

“Ahhn~!” she loudly moaned, just barely managing to muffle the sound with the back of her hand. Slowly, her body relaxed, and a soft pink blush crept back into her cheeks. She’d surely stained her sheets, and her clothes reeked of alcohol and desire, but she was far too tired to do anything about that.

The spot where Rina once lay was empty now, but then again, she’d never truly been there at all. Iori was alone, basking in the afterglow, yet wishing for more.

“If I…I became a succubus then…”

Her eyes began to feel so, so heavy. After a day like this, she just couldn’t keep going any longer.

“Would I finally be able…to tell you…?”

Iori shut her eyes before she could finish that sentence, a wistful smile remaining on her face til the morning.

I wish I had the strength to say it all, Rina…

I'll normally release a chapter each Friday, but since the opening chapter of this volume was pretty short, I decided to upload two at the same time today. Please enjoy! If you like my work, please consider kicking me a tip on Ko-Fi! Any support is extremely welcome, but if you can't or aren't interested, that's totally OK!

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