Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 3

❖ 3 ❖

I was…in an office. Mine, I think? It had to be mine. Nobody had private offices in our building except for me.

Things were foggy and indistinct. I looked outside my window and couldn’t see a thing, just a sheet of warm, fluffy white clouds, obscuring the world around me. Hell, that was a good approximation of how I felt right now. Like I was part of a soft, comfy cloud, resting far above the real world.

A dream? Am I dreaming?

I dismissed the idea. I was just worn out. Honestly…I was crazy tired. My shoulders felt stiff, tensed up after what felt like an eternity of hard work.

I stretched out my tired limbs, hoping it might get rid of some of my fatigue, groaning as I noticed the band on my bra feeling annoyingly tight. I needed to get it resized, I guess.

“God, I need a massage…”

The words practically spilled from my mouth, I wasn’t even sure I was trying to say them. Still, that sounded perfect right now. I just needed someone to take the stiffness out of my shoulders, maybe ease the tension in my legs, too, then work their way up, caressing me all over, engulfing me in their warmth, and-

“Not while you’re at work, silly.”

I shook my head as my cheeks burned. If I’m being completely honest with you, I felt crazy horny. My whole body burned with a desperate need, but I couldn’t do anything about that. Not here. What kind of boss would I be if I got off in my office?

Wait, what?

I froze, that…that wasn’t right. I was…who?

I chuckled and shook my head. My thoughts must’ve been full of clouds too. Nothing I’d said was unusual there. Embarrassing, maybe, but not out of place.

No no, something’s up here! This isn’t right, is it? I shouldn’t be here! But…I can’t really say why. This is my office, so…

More than a little muddled, I rubbed my temples, then reached to grab the nameplate on my desk. I couldn’t say why, but I just needed some reassurance.

And sure enough, clear as day, there was my name: Iori Kizaki.

I froze, wide-eyed with realization. Shyly, I looked down at my boobs and gave them a curious squeeze.


I muffled that moan as best as I could, but on the inside, I was freaking out.

Iori?! I’m Iori?! W-what the hell?! How’d this even happen!

I took stock of some things, I was, without a doubt, Rina Saeki. Or well, I should’ve been, but my body sure as shit didn’t look like mine. It wasn’t me when I was human, and it definitely wasn’t the way I looked as a succubus. Somehow, overnight, I’d turned into my own boss, and a part of my head was loudly insisting that actually, this was just how I always was.

Well I’m not giving in, ya hear! Iori’s gorgeous, but there’s no way I can be her! After all, I’m the one and only loser dog, Rina Sae-

“You wanted to see me, Iori?”

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of a deeply familiar voice, and suddenly saw her sitting at the other side of my desk. She hadn’t come in here, the door hadn’t opened, she was just…there.

That’s me?!

Sitting across from me was, against all odds, another Rina Saeki. Looking as tired and distinctly human as she had before a succubus walked into her life and made her a bitch.

Wait wait! The hell’s going on?! That’s…me, that’s gotta be. It’s the old me, but I know what I looked like, I know that figure. God, what a hottie. Those huge, heavy boobs, that skirt that I just know is holding a plump, gorgeous butt. Those tired eyes, that sleepy smile, that-

Gah! Am I really this horny for myself?! I’m hitting new levels of pathetic here!

…I’ll be honest, it’s good to know I’m still me on some level.

Cloudiness worked its way back into my mind. I'd…called Rina back into my office, so it would be rude not to talk to her.

Besides, I really did want to see her…

“How've you been doing today, Rina? The work’s not too much?”

“Hasn’t been for a little while,” Rina smiled. “Still, can’t say I’m not a little run down today. I need a break.”

“Take one, then,” I smiled back at her. “Your happiness matters far more to me than workplace efficiency.”

"Haaah, you’re the best, Iori,” Rina let out a relieved sigh.

God, my…er, Rina's? Yeah, Rina's voice is sexy too. Really smoky and cool…

I felt a wetness between my thighs, but squeezed my legs together and tried not to let it show.

“But the thing is, it’s the kind of break that’ll take more than just a bit of time away from my desk to fix, you know?” she asked with a grin, her eyes shining with a feeling I couldn’t quite place.


She flashed me a teasing smile, leaning forward and giving me a look at her chest as she squeezed it between her arms.

I swallowed, my breathing quickened, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I felt like a lovestruck teenager around her.

"You're playing coy, huh? It's about the time you'd normally call me in, isn't it?"

"I-I'm not sure what you mean…" I replied bashfully.

"Oh," she smirked, reached across the table, and took my hand in her own. "I think you do, Iori~"

Rina cooed, and gently planted my hand on her chest, forcing me to give it a shy squeeze.


Fuck me…

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a thirsty groan. The weight and fullness of her chest was just far, far too much to resist.

"You've been awfully tense lately, haven't you?" Rina teased, picking herself up and sauntering across the desk. 

"I…I've been working hard, so…"

I bit my lip shyly as I felt her hands come to rest on my shoulders, gently massaging them.

"Poor thing. Don't worry, I know you're doing your best to make us happy."

I-I am, yeah!

Her hands slid down to my breasts, and she began kneading them firmly as she whispered in my ear.

"But right now, I think it's time for me to return the favor, don't you?" she giggled, pinching my nipple firmly.


"Ehehe, you've gotta keep it down, Iori," Rina teased, reaching lower and sticking a hand down my skirt. "But I'd be lying if I said I don't love the sound of your moans…" she smirked, punctuating her sentence by rubbing my desperate, needy lips firmly through my pantyhose.

"Ah~! Ri-Rina…"

C-can't let anyone else hear!

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Rina cooed. "Poor thing, you're soaked down here. You've needed this for so, so long, haven't you?"

I shyly nodded my head, and Rina let out a teasing chuckle.

"Who'd have thought someone as serious as you could be so desperate to get fucked? But don't worry, I think that side of you is just adorable."

I couldn't deny any of it. I wanted this, I craved it, I needed it. My body was so, so very hungry, and Rina was eager to provide.

"All you have to do…" she whispered, slipping a pair of fingers inside my panties, "is say the word. Tell me everything you've wanted to say, and I'll make it all feel incredible, Iori."

Oh my god, you're so sexy…


"You?" Rina asked as she gently, so gently, spread apart my lips.

I shut my eyes tight, and whispered in a small, soft voice.

"I want it."

"You want what?" Rina asked. "Tell me clearly."

If I had any fight in me, any desire to stop what was about to happen, it crumbled with that question. How could I ever refuse her?

"I want you, Rina…" I muttered, looking her dead in the eyes.

"How wonderful…"

Her smile widened, and not a moment later, a pair of fingers plunged inside of me, stirring me up and flooding my senses with nothing but pleasure.

"Because I want you, too. Every inch of you, all those wants, all those needs, all this thirst,” she chuckled as she coated her fingers in my juices. “I want every bit of you, Iori.”


I stared up at the roof of my bedroom, trying to process whatever the hell dream I’d just had, the gentle rhythm of the rain outside making it a little easier to think about things.

Look, I was no stranger to thirsty dreams, and since I’d become a succubus, they’d become extremely vivid and infinitely dirtier. It’s fine, sex is just part of who I am, it makes sense it’d be so big in my dreams too.

But I was generally me in them. I had two versions of myself I could be, even! My head had plenty of options.

So why the heck did it make me Iori…?

It wasn’t bad or anything. Shit…I liked it, I really did, but it just came so out of left field. A dream involving her, sure. I’d had my thoughts about my boss, I won’t hide that. Shit, you’d get it if you worked with her…and had been turned into a succubus with crumbling inhibitions, and that ended up making her so much bigger than you, and that means she could do whatever she wanted to, no matter how hard she wanted to go, because my body’s just made to-

Whoof, no, losing focus.

But the point is, that dream could’ve played out exactly the way it did just there and I’d get it, but…I should’ve been me in it, surely, not her! The roles were all wrong! Even my thoughts and feelings there were weird. It was hard to forget that I wasn’t really Iori, and…really desperate to get fucked by me, honestly.

Shit, am I just really good at getting into character?

I guess with how easily my body changes, it makes sense I’d do such a great job acting different, too! Hell, I’m impressing myself here!

It was a sign, clearly.

“I should try more roleplay with Mio and Haqua. God, seeing those two get into character would be so much…”

“Is it gonna be hot there, Haqua?” I heard Mio’s voice coming from the living room. 

“Not particularly. Adri lives in a very pleasant region with a lovely climate. It’s very relaxing, in truth. Humans have such a strange view of hell, but I know we’ll all have a wonderful time while we’re visiting, won’t we?” Haqua replied.

“Mm, definitely!”

Their conversation was as good a sign as any to get my horny butt outta bed and go spend time with my partners. So I put the dream out of my mind and headed out to see them.

They were, as it turned out, relaxing on the couch together, Haqua was playing some old RPG while Mio lay with her head in her lap, watching eagerly.

“Morning, Rina!” Mio waved.

“Mm, good to see you’re finally up, pet.” Haqua smiled, barely looking away from her game. “No hangover, I trust?”

“Nah, I feel totally fine,” I answered, plopping myself down next to Mio, who happily started petting and kissing me, squishing her boobs against my body. She was always affectionate…well, anytime of day, but especially in the mornings. It’s nice though, her body’s so cuddly these days, I could get lost in her curves, honestly. “Do succubi even get those?”

“We don’t, but there’s always room for you to fall short of expectations, dear. You’re so adorably pathetic, after all.”

“W-wan~!” I shakily barked.

“Ehehe, you’re so cute, Rina,” Mio giggled, gently nibbling on my ear to tease me. “I’m so glad you had fun though! We heard you got kicked out of a bar!”

“Sure did. I was helping Iori with some stage fright and some asshole got mad at me for it, so I threw a bottle at him.”

“Did it hit? Who am I kidding, of course you’d have missed.” Haqua asked and answered without missing a beat. God, I love her.

“W-well! It’s the thought that counts, y’know? I was sticking up for Iori!”

“And I’m sure she was very grateful!” Mio grinned. “Oh, that new weapon looks super strong!” she said, fully captivated by the game once more.

“I bought this game years ago and just never touched it. Sad, right?” I asked.

“You could play it now though, no?” Haqua asked. “I’ve put a lot of effort into ensuring you have ample free time, dear.”

“Mm, and I’m really grateful for it, but it’s fun watching you,” I smiled. “Besides, if I tried to take it from you, I’d probably get punished, right?” I asked, unable to hold myself back from sounding extremely excited by the prospect.

“Oh, your tail’s wagging!” Mio laughed.

“Ufufu,” Haqua laughed, licking her lips as she looked at me. “Try something like that, and you might forget how to do anything but bark. There’s a lot more I can take from you than just your humanity, you know~?”

A shiver ran down my spine and a shy, flustered bark escaped my throat.

Oh my god, I don’t deserve you, Haqua!

“But right now I’m not in the mood for that, dear, so you’ll have to tend to any deeply pathetic feelings I’ve left you with yourself,” she said, leaving me squirming.

“Ehehe, geez, you’re already so~ wet, Rina!” Mio smiled at me, giving my pussy a playful pat.

“I…w-wan~!” I barked again, not even trying to explain myself. In the face of Mio’s earnestness, I was less than nothing.

“It’s OK, I’ll take care of you, sen~pai!”

With a lusty giggle, Mio lowered herself down to my chest and tugged on my nipple rings with her teeth, while she plunged a finger inside of me and bullied my eager clit.

“WahHN~! Wan wan~!” I barked.

“Good girl,” Haqua chuckled, petting me before getting back to her game, playing without a care in the world while Mio and I fucked on the couch.

It was shaping up to be a good day, all in all.

“Gotta be honest, I’m kinda anxious about the vacation.”

Mio and I had been watching Haqua game for a few hours now, alternating between rapt attention and fits of passionate sex, but things had mellowed out now. We were all taking it as easy as we could. It was a deeply lazy start to a hopefully equally lazy vacation. It was comfy, I lay on Mio’s lap while she happily petted me and just got to relax with the women I so dearly loved. This was the kind of day I’d have killed for when I was human.

“Oh?” Haqua cocked her eyebrow. “Is my mutt scared of new places?”

I shook my head, and held back a bark.

“Just hard to imagine actually going on one, y’know? I basically forgot what time off even was for a while, I’d written off the idea of ever taking a vacation again, and now we’re about to leave for one and…it’s to Hell. We’re going to Hell. Doesn’t it feel weird to you, Mio?”

Mio shook her head.

“Nuh-uh, we’re demons, after all!” she smiled proudly.

“R-right, I get that…” I murmured, grabbing the tip of my wing and rubbing it between my thumb and forefinger. She’d adapted way faster than me. If I’m being honest, I still-

“You still feel somewhat human, dear?” Haqua asked.

I gave a small, shy nod.

“Being like this feels more natural every day, and I’m way happier than I was as a human, but I guess the idea of going to hell and meeting more actual demons is…I dunno, do I measure up?”

“Oh Rina,” she smiled sweetly. “Of course you don’t.”

You already know how good that hurt me.

“Wan, wan wan!”

“Mhmm, wan wan~!” Mio giggled, scratching my ear. These two were a deadly combination, god.

“But you’re still an actual demon, dear. Only Mio and I are allowed to make you feel lesser. If anyone else tries, I’ll ensure that they never see the sun again.”

“Haqua, that’s sweet, but please, don’t actually murder anyone for my sake.”

She let out a small chuckle, and petted my head.

“Don’t you worry about my methods, dear. I’m just looking out for my mutt.”

I smiled all the same. It really was a relief to know that she’d be looking out for me.

“I’m looking forward to meeting Adri, though!” I grinned, as Haqua got back to her game.

“Mm, she sounds so nice!” Mio agreed.

“I know you two will just love her and her partners, they- hmm?”

A knock at the door pulled us out of the conversation.

“Either of you expecting company?” I asked, and both Mio and Haqua shook their heads. “Yeah, thought so. I’ll go see who it is.”

I got up off the couch, willed on a more presentable outfit than the nightgown I’d been wearing all day, and headed for the door.

“Hello?” I asked, opening the door to see…Iori, absolutely drenched from the rain. “Oh shit, Iori, are you OK?!”

“I…I wasn’t really sure where else to go…” she mumbled. She looked…miserable, honestly. “Can I come in?”

“Yes, yeah, of course! Shit, those clothes are soaked, are you OK?” I asked again as she stepped inside. She was shivering from the cold.

“I’m f-fine, it’s just…just…”

“Don’t worry about answering if it’s tough. Let’s just get you into something warmer, OK?” I said, shutting the front door behind us.

“Iori? What happened?!” Mio asked, stepping through to the entryway with Haqua in tow.

“It’s…it’s been a tough day, that’s all…”

Iori’s voice sounded practically lifeless.

“You’re in quite a state, dear…” Haqua replied, ushering Iori through to the bathroom. “Rina, sweetheart? Could you and Mio make us all something warm to drink?”

“Y-yeah, you got it,” Mio and I both nodded.

Neither of us were really sure what to say to each other as we did as Haqua asked. We both knew something was up, but talking about it while she was just in the other room felt…wrong. So we worked in relative silence, and a little while later, brought out a cup of strong coffee for everyone. Haqua, it seemed, had conjured a simple tracksuit for Iori. I normally would’ve expected something more revealing from her, but we all knew that this really wasn’t the time.

"Thanks, everyone," Iori shakily smiled as she slipped her drink. "Sorry if I'm interrupting anything…"

"You're not," Mio shook her head. "You're always welcome to come by, Iori! Ehehe, I was happy to hear it was you at the door, honestly. The circumstances aren't the best, but still!"

"Mm. We're friends, Iori," I nodded. "Don't think of yourself as just our boss or whatever. There's no reason to put distance between us like that."

"Indeed, the way everyone else sees it, you and I are the best of friends, and I intend to make that into a reality, I'll have you know," Haqua smirked, getting a small chuckle out of Iori.

"It means a lot to me, really. I'll be out of your hair soon though, I just needed to catch my breath."

"We all know that's not true, dear. You looked painfully sad walking through our door. We can't very well ask you to leave if all that awaits you outside is more sadness. Stay as long as you like."

Mio and I both readily agreed with that. Whatever had happened to her, it was clear that she needed to be in friendly company right now.

"But hey, Iori? If opening up will help, we're happy to listen," I smiled at her. "It's not a burden on us or anything, we just want to make sure you feel OK soon."

Iori stared into her cup, as if trying to divine some solution to her problem. Apparently seeing nothing, she let out a small sigh, and gave us all a nod.

"I knew it'd happen sooner or later, but my family caught wind of how I've changed things at work, and they're…extremely displeased, it seems."

Ah, shit.

By all accounts, Iori's family was awful. A bunch of ultra-wealthy assholes with more money than sense, the kind of ambient unpleasantness that you hear about near-constantly no matter how badly you want to ignore them. If they had a problem with Iori, then…

Shit, it's not good, I'll say that much.

"Everything about the way I've acted all this time, it's all been for them. They made me feel like a reject in my own home, so I kowtowed to every single one of their expectations, and ruined my life in the process," she sighed. "Ruined all my employees' lives, too. Did it all in the hope that they'd see I was worth something, and it all went to waste."

"That's awful, Iori…" Mio frowned, resting a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't blame anyone but myself," Iori shook her head. "I was too weak to stand my ground when they first gave me my position. I could've done what I knew was right, then and there."

"But you didn't, dear," Haqua replied.

"H-hey, Haqua! You can't just-" I yelled, but was quickly cut off.

“And no, it’s not something we can just wipe away, but none of us, not I, not Mio, and certainly not my ever-so-loud mutt, want that to drag you down today. If you want to truly keep making amends, then you’re already well on the path to doing so. Keep your head held high, and do what you can to be a better person. You’ve clearly recognized where you went wrong, we know you regret it, but if you let the desire to self-flagellate erase the efforts you’ve made lately, then you may as well have not grown at all, dear. Come now, I helped put you on this path, so make an effort to stay on it.”

I kept my mouth shut at that, I’d worried Haqua was going to kick her while she was down, but that hadn’t come to pass at all. She really did want Iori to be happy.

"Rina said something similar at the bar," Iori chuckled. "Succubi sure are sweet…"

"Did she now?" Haqua smiled and gently scratched my ears. "Even a mutt can grow well in the right hands, it seems. Could you have ever imagined her saying that as she was before?"

“H-hey! I’d…think it. Speaking from the heart’s hard as hell when you’re tired as hell!”

“Ehehe, you’re such a good girl, Rina!” Mio laughed. “But yeah, Haqua’s right! I don’t want you to be miserable, Iori! Keep being you! You’re on the right track.”

“But…all the ways I’ve changed, they’re just…they’ve led to this,” Iori sighed. “My parents believe my behavior doesn’t suit our ‘esteemed family’, and that if I don’t start conducting myself more strictly, they’ll take the company from me. Shit, they talked about disowning me entirely. I hardly even care, they can take my last name, for all it matters, but…everyone who works there’ll suffer again, and it’ll all be my fault.”

“But the company’s doing way better, right? Employees are happier, more work’s getting done without any need for overtime, and you told me that profits were up! That doesn’t matter to them?” I asked.

“Not even a little bit,” Iori spat. “It’s not about the money, to them. They’ve got more of that than they know what to do with. The whole building could crumble tomorrow and they’d barely see a dent in their bank accounts. It’s all just keeping up appearances, to them. They want a portfolio they can brag about, pointing to dozens of companies all ruled with an iron fist. It’s…it’s cartoonish, honestly. Hell, they practically see miserable, too-tired-to-argue staff as a feature. Proof that they’re respected and unchallenged.”

“And now you don’t feel comfortable in your own apartment?” Mio asked.

“Not in the slightest. They own that, too,” Iori grimaced. “I…I just can’t be anywhere where they might show up right now, I’m sorry.”

“No, no, you’re fine, Iori,” she smiled. “You’re here with us. This apartment’s under the protection of two demons and their loyal hound, you know? It’s totally safe.”

“W-wan wan~!” I shyly barked. I get that things were serious, but Mio so casually putting me lower than her was so good.

Iori, thankfully, seemed to appreciate it.

“Well thanks for being such an earnest pup, Rina,” she smiled, and petted my head.

Haqua crossed her arms and smirked at Iori. I knew that look: She had a plan.

“Take it from them, Iori.”

Iori looked up at her, obviously confused.

“Take it from them. The company, I mean. Remove it and yourself from their grasp, and ensure they hold no more power over you. It’s clear that they are nothing more than a millstone around your neck, so let’s set you truly free, hm?”

“Y-you’ll do it for me? You’ll manipulate them into just…giving up?”

“Oh, of course not!” she scoffed.

“H-hey! But you could help her, HaquaHHN~!” I tried to argue, before a vibrator suddenly appeared in me, whirring like crazy. As I fell to the ground in ecstasy, I could just barely see Iori’s cheeks turning bright red.

“Ehehe, do your best, Rina!” Mio giggled and started gently petting my horn, which only made things that much harder to bear.

“Do ignore her, Iori dear. My mutt sometimes gets a little too excited. She’ll calm down soon enough.”

“Easier said than done…”

“But you’re strong, no?” Haqua asked, placing a finger beneath Iori’s chin and lifting it to look her in the eyes. I could just barely pay attention to what they were saying though, because fuck me, that thing was strong. “Which is why I know you’ll be able to handle this. Thankfully, I’m not familiar with the particulars of human business. Still, I could easily manipulate your family in any way I see fit if need be, but I think you’d agree that it would be far, far more meaningful if you managed this by your own hand, no?”

There were a few moments of silence, then Iori spoke up.

“...I-I want to. I want to stop them from reigning over me, I want to get away from everything they’ve done to me, I want to make sure everyone in my employ is happy and safe, and I want to-”

Iori looked at me, cleared her throat, then spoke again.

“I need to take my life into my own hands.”

“There you go!” Mio exclaimed. “So you’ve got this, Iori! We’ve all got your back!”

“But…I just don’t think I have it in me right now,” she sighed, drooping her shoulders. “I felt awful talking to them today. I-if I go back right now, there’s no chance I’ll be able to say anything I need to.”

“Then you need a break, yes? A getaway from the rigors of your daily life.” Haqua said, punctuating her sentence with a snap of her fingers, as the vibrator vanished from my body.

“You…you’re…” I gasped, my body was having a hell of a time remembering how to carry itself, lemme tell you. “You’re saying she should come with us, Haqua?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

“I-I would, yeah,” I nodded.

“I couldn’t intrude. You’re visiting family, and if I’m around, Rina and Mio won’t be able to relax at all!” Iori protested. “Adri might not even want me around, and-”

“I cleared it with her a few days ago.” Haqua said, willing a file out of nothing and tending to her nails. “Mio and I both agreed it was the right thing to do.”

“Wait, you did?! You didn’t say anything to me about it, though!” I yelled.

“We were rooting for you, Rina! We thought you’d ask her to come with us last night, ehehe. I was gonna give my sweetie doggie a treat for being so brave, you know?” Mio said, pouting playfully.

“I suppose the fault lies with us. Rina’s nothing less than an expert when it comes to being pathetic, we were wrong to expect anything from our mutt,” she said, with a loud, intensely disappointed sigh.

“W-wan! Wan waaahn~!” I dropped straight back to the floor, laying on my back and holding up my hands like paws.

Look, I’m nothing if not honest…

“Doggies just aren’t used to stuff like that, are they?” Mio giggled, rubbing my belly.

“Wan~!” I barked happily.

“Mm, they just wanna get petted and fucked and milked when they’re in the mood to be my cuddly moo cow~!”

“Wan wan~!” I barked again.

“I…should I leave?” Iori asked.

“Of course not, dear. We’re asking you to come with us to Hell.”

“I-I just mean step into the other room for now, and… Y’know what? Never mind. It doesn’t matter what Rina’s doing.”

“Wahn~!” I let out a loud, flustered bark. Oh, this was a whole new way to be demeaned!

That’s right, just pretend I’m background noise!

“But I’ll say that she did ask me to come with last night. She only backed out because she thought she’d be overstepping her bounds with Adri. She was drunk, but she got there in the end.”

“Oh my! I’ll have to reward her later, really see just how loud she can bark for me,” Haqua giggled, and a desperately thirsty whine left my throat. “So we’re in agreement then. We’d all like you to come with us. Use it as a chance to decompress and figure out what you really want, Iori. You can return whenever you feel ready to face them, too. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”

“And you’re sure it’ll be OK? I won’t ruin things for all of you by being there?”

“Of course not!” Mio grinned. “Rina’d say the same if she knew how to speak right now! It’ll be tons of fun!”

I let out a bark that probably sounded like it agreed with Mio. Look, I dunno if it actually did or not, I’m just a mutt, wan wan wan~!

Either way, Iori chuckled and smiled.

“I guess I can’t refuse that, can I?” she sighed happily. “Thank you, everyone. Let’s have a wonderful vacation together.”


The night had taken a few unexpected turns, but I think, in the end, the three of us were grateful for them.

I had every faith that by the end of it, Iori would be ready for anything her family could throw at her.

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