Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 4

❖ 4 ❖

“Do be careful, you three,” Haqua cautioned us as she etched something onto a small sheet of paper. “Once this is affixed to the door, it should connect directly to Hell. It’s a painless transfer, but I need to ensure that we all cross one at a time, no holding hands or anything of the sort. If two people enter at the same time, why, who knows what might happen?”

Haqua couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. She was warning us about something dangerous, sure, but she still seemed to like the theatricality of it all. She knew none of us had never seen anything like this before, and was, it seemed, enjoying the awe on our faces.

“Ah, but don’t take too long. The gate will only be active for around a minute or so. We could come back and get anyone we leave behind, but that would be dreadfully inconvenient, wouldn’t you agree? I’m a pro at this, but etching these still takes arduous effort, so don’t let it go to waste, Rina.”

“Why me?!” I asked, knowing I’d get no answer.

Still, I didn’t expect everyone else to go silent alongside her.

“G-got it,” I awkwardly mumbled. “I’ll be careful…”

“Good girl!” Mio patted my head. “Well, I think we’re ready when you are, Haqua!”

“Are you quite certain?” Haqua asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Iori’s been dreadfully quiet all morning. Getting cold feet, dear?”

“Sorry,” she shook her head. “Just…I guess I’m not sure I can face the idea of going to Hell quite as casually as you all can,” she chuckled.

“I’ve been nervous too, Iori,” I assured her. “But a lot of things have started feeling really casual really easily lately, so I bet we’ll all shrug it off in no time, ahaha. Going to Hell’ll just be normal for all of us.”

“Having a hard time saying if that’s good or not, honestly.”

“Oh, Iori,” Haqua chuckled, placing the talisman she’d drawn on the door and opening it up, revealing what looked to be the courtyard of a grand manor right outside my front door. “I think you’ll agree it’s quite splendid in very short order.”

With a devilish smirk on her face, Haqua walked backwards into Hell, beckoning for us to follow.

“I’ll go next!” Mio nodded, giving me a quick kiss before darting through the door, wrapping Haqua up in an eager hug the second she made it through.

"Alright, after you then, Rina," Iori said with a smile, gesturing to the doorway.

I shook my head.

"Nuh-uh, you next. The longer you wait, the more time you'll have to think of an excuse to stay," I smirked. "But you need this vacation, Iori. You're gonna take some time off and relax, no matter what!"

Iori sighed, and smiled at me.

"Rude, saying all that when we're on a time limit. You know I'll feel too bad about running down the clock to argue."

"Mhmm, that's the point," I grinned. "So head on in! I'll be right behind you."

"If you insist," Iori jokingly complained, before taking a deep breath and stepping through the door.

Ahaha, good. I was worried she'd put up more of a fight than that. Iori must want this way more than she's letting on.

"Alright, just me then," I breathed, feeling oddly daunted to be the last one here. "Just a step forward, and you'll be in Hell…"

I bit my lip, annoyingly nervous about the whole thing.

"Guh, stop worrying, dummy! You're doing exactly what you'd said Iori would! So let's just go on through!" 

I bolted through the door and immediately rammed my face into something warm, firm, and just a little bit sweaty, barreling it over as I tumbled to the ground, where I found myself promptly sandwiched between a pair of thick, toned thighs, with my mouth smooshed up against a pair of extremely lacy panties, breathing in the scent of sweat, lust, and sake.

Fuck me, that smells good…

"Damn, that smarts! Meiko? Yer horns are way too friggin' sharp, ya know that?" A gruff, throaty woman's voice scolded…someone who distinctly wasn't me, but shared one crucial thing in common with me: Our horns were way too friggin' sharp.

Wait a sec, how's that what you're complaining about?! Don't you realize where my face is?!

"Mmph!" I tried to apologize, but only succeeded in breathing directly on the woman's crotch, rubbing my nose against her lips as I tried to wriggle free to no avail.

"H-hey!" The voice cracked, sounding deeply flustered as it tried to yell at me. "S-settle down for a sec, Meiko! Now ain't a great time! We can fuck later, but right now, we've got guests!"

"Mmmmph!" I tried to protest, and…well, y'know how that went.

"Nn~!" the woman's thighs tensed, letting me really feel the considerable muscle of her legs. God, this girl was buff. "Listen, it's real tough ta pull ya out when yer horns are diggin' in! Settle down for- ah~! For just a second…"

I tried to do what she asked, but when I felt her panties grow damp, filling my nostrils with more and more of that incredible scent.

Holy shit, I wanna lick so badly!

I knew it was wrong, but you have no idea how turned on this was getting me. It was like catnip to a succubus: pure, untainted lust spilling out from between her legs.

D-dammit, keep it together!

Of course, there's a world of difference between saying something and actually doing it, and try as I might, I couldn't calm myself down. I had to free myself before things went past the point of no return.

Which, much to my dismay and delight, mostly just meant more rubbing against her crotch, with my tongue unintentionally lapping up a few stray drops of her juices.

And fuck me, they were delicious. Strong and hearty, I could get drunk off of them.

"Ahn~! M-Meiko~!" The woman cried, lust seeping into her words, as she placed a large, firm hand on my back. "Get offa me, OK?!" she shouted, grabbing me firmly by the scruff of my collar and tugging me free from her thighs.

"Puahhh! Shit, it was…it was getting hard to breathe in there…" I panted, while the woman held me aloft, just above her head. From up here, I could see that the crimson-skinned, wild-haired woman beneath me was strong, firm, and absolutely massive. Towering over me at what I could only guess must’ve been, shit, 9 feet? She had an impressively sharp horn of her own jutting out of her head, but I guess when you’re not a runt, you’re not in danger of ramming them into people.

But shit, all of that could only mean one thing…

Sh-she’s an oni?! Adri's married to one of those, right?! Dammit, I just got here! I can't get on an oni's bad side this fast!

"Wait a second! Oh shit, you're not Meiko at all!" The oni shouted, before her flushed, embarrassed expression gave way to a warm, friendly grin. "Ah! Yer that pup I keep hearin' about! It's real good ta meetcha!" she laughed heartily, before pulling me down against her impressively massive chest and holding me in a tight, warm hug.

"Bwha?! Y-y-you're not mad?! You're not gonna call me useless, or a mutt, or anything?!"

"Ahahaha! No way! Honest mistake!" the oni cackled, patting me on the back with so much force that it's a miracle I didn't pass out. “‘Sides, it felt pretty good! Ya wanna get married, pup?”

“B-but Haqua! I-I can’t, but…fuck, you’re really gorgeous, so…”

“You’re real honest, huh? I like you! I can tell we’re gonna get on great!” she grinned, ruffling my hair.

“Oh my, if you keep this up, mutt, you might just end up Adri’s 37th by the end of things,” Haqua chuckled, crouching down to face me. “Do you think she’d approve, Wakaba?”

“Haku!” The oni, apparently named Wakaba grinned, pulling Haqua into the hug with her free hand. “Oh, it’s so good to see ya! We’ve missed you ‘round here!”

“Indeed, I’ve missed you as well, Wakaba!”

I’d’ve thought she’d get mad at her, but instead, Haqua returned the hug warmly, smiling happily as she did.

It was cute, honestly. She seemed really glad to be back home.

“I’m dreadfully sorry I wasn’t able to eat the dorayaki you got me. It looked delicious, but I was whisked away by a loudmouthed bitch, you see,” she chuckled.

“Ahaha, an’ she’s a real cutie! Nice an’ fiery! I can tell we’re gonna get on great!” Wakaba grinned, squeezing me tightly.

“Owowowowowww! Cool it, cool it!” I yelled, trying to save myself.

“Oh? I heard ya liked pain though?” Wakaba looked at me, dumbfounded.

“Rina loves it, but it’s gotta be the right kind, ehehe!” Mio giggled, wandering over and waving at Wakaba. “Hi! I’m Mio, and this is Iori! It’s great to meet you!”

“Oh-ho! Remember the days when you had trouble findin’ one partner, Haku? Now you’ve got three! Damn, our family just keeps gettin’ bigger.”

“W-Wakaba, dear,” Haqua started, her smile looking strained. “You’ll take care to watch what you say, no? I’d so hate to quarrel with you…” she whispered, her voice dropping to a deathly low tone. Oni or no, it was the kind of voice that’d terrify anyone. Wakaba would back off, I knew it.

“Oh…?” Wakaba smirked. “I like the sound of that, Haku. I was worried the human realm might defang you, but I see you ain’t lost a bit of yer bite. You wanna go, Haku? You wanna show me a good time?”

Well, fuck me, I guess. Wakaba looked excited by it, if anything.

Haqua stared at her for a moment, her own smirk not fading for an instant.

“Brute,” she scoffed, and gently lay against Wakaba. “It’s wonderful to see you again.”

“Ahaha, that’s right! I missed you a ton, ya damn snake!” Wakaba cackled, cradling her gently. “But I’m real glad you found some folk who understand you, Haku.”

“Still, I’d best correct some things. Only Rina and Mio are my partners. Iori is just a dear friend.”

“I-Indeed. Sorry for being so quiet,” Iori nervously chuckled, clearly having a hard time taking in the fact that we were standing in Hell itself. “I’m Rina and Mio’s boss-”

“She’s our friend!” Mio grinned.

“Yes, and their friend too,” Iori happily sighed.

“Well shit, two humans! Most demons don’t get to meet one, but now I know two! Damn, I’ve got some stories to tell back home!” Wakaba grinned, as she stood up and lifted Haqua and I to our feet. 

It was the first chance I’d had to really take a look at my new surroundings and it was a lot, y’know?

I mean, yeah, it was always going to be, it’s Hell, but I guess that’s when it really sunk in for me. Adri’s home—a massive, opulent baroque manor with a bevy of statues that looked like they could’ve come straight from a horror game lining the path to the front door—was situated atop a tall hill, looking down on a city that, at first glance, resembled something I would’ve seen back home. The more I looked, though, the stranger it all seemed, with the cityscape itself looking like nothing so much as a jagged maw. The buildings all seemed to be constructed of some sort of black metal, giving them a sharp, aggressive appearance that was a far cry from the high-rises I was used to. It was almost like an art project, taking a cityscape and distorting it just enough to catch anyone off guard.

And yet, despite that, it was hard to say it felt all that threatening. The hill we were on was lush and filled with nature. Red, where earth would be green, yes, but…it was oddly beautiful, especially with the gentle summery breeze blowing through the area. It seemed some of the local wildlife agreed, as birds happily chirped overhead, and what looked like a particularly large rabbit with a large, pointed horn munched on the petals of a huge flower.

It was a weird first impression, surprising and comforting all at once. Maybe it wouldn’t have seemed that way if I hadn’t met Haqua, and now Wakaba, but it was hard to imagine that the place they came from was all that bad.

And honestly, there was a kind of pleasant feeling in the air that made me feel surprisingly relaxed. Everything felt oddly familiar. I guess it made sense, in a way. I was a demon now, this would be where I’d feel most at home.

“No way! A human! Oooh, and who’s this cutie with the killer rack?!” a peppy, eager voice called out, and a girl with pale blue skin, wavy, ice-white hair done in a pair of loose twintails, and a flashy fashion sense that wouldn't have been out of place on the streets of Shibuya, threw her arms around Mio and Iori. “Hakucchi, you brought some real hotties with you!”

“I-I’m here too…” I grumbled, getting a chuckle and a firm petting out of Wakaba.

“Indeed I did, Yuuki.” Haqua said, completely ignoring my complaints. “Be nice to them, OK?”

“‘Kaaay~!” she smiled, whipping out a phone and snapping a selfie with the both of them as she donned a cute, kissy expression that Mio eagerly mimicked. “Mm! This one’s gonna blow up, I can feel it! You cool with me posting this?”

“Go right ahead!” Mio grinned.

“I-i-it’s fine, but-”

“Oh, did I make you nervous~? Ehehe, I know I’m a catch, but there’s no reason to be shy around little ol’ me, we’re just vibing!” Yuuki smiled.

“C-cold…” Iori stammered, and Yuuki burst out laughing.

“Ahahaha! Oh yeah! My bad~! Humans don’t handle yuki-onna super well! I’ll be totes careful from now on, promise!” she said, backing away from her before tapping away on her phone. “Aaand there! I texted all the girls, so they’ll be here to greet you any second now! Oh! Right on cue~!”

Yuuki gestured at the front door of the manor, watching as they opened up to reveal a veritable swarm of demons, all led by a tiny, blue skinned succubus with…very familiar features.

No way that’s who I think it is.

“Dearest sister!” the tiny succubus cried, rushing over to Haqua. The frills on her dress bobbed too and fro, and the tiny top hat atop her head looked ready to topple at any minute, but her appearance stayed completely impeccable as she threw her arms around Haqua in a tight, loving hug. “I’ve missed you so much!”

You’re kidding.

“Adri, dear, it’s lovely to see you~!” Haqua cooed, gently cradling her sister in her arms.

THAT’S Adri?! That’s the berserker?! That’s the one with THIRTY SIX wives?! She’s even smaller than me!!!!!

Every image I’d ever had of Haqua’s sister crumbled to dust, as I was confronted with the reality of the adorable gothic lolita in front of me. Somehow, a girl as cute and sweet-looking as that was actually nothing less than a bonafide ladykiller, irresistible to the woman of Hell.

And damn, what a collection of wives she'd racked up. Wakaba and Yuuki were a lot already, but just a look at her entourage introduced me to more species of demon than I could've even guessed there'd be. Slimes, plant girls, tengu, arachne, sheep girls, harpies… You name it, Adri's married them.

And…if I can be me for a second, holy shit they're all so pretty! Hell is amazing…

"Your hugs are every bit as reassuring as they've ever been, dearest sister. I've tended to the manor every day, you know? I wanted to ensure that anytime you might want to return home, it would be exactly how you left it, without even the slightest hint of dust or disrepair. I even maintained your golem maids myself."

"Did you now? That's incredibly kind of you, Adri. You're such a darling."

Adri shook her head.

"I'm undeserving of your praise, dearest sister. Beyond your own comfort, I was motivated by a simple, selfish desire: to feel even the slightest trace of your warmth in your absence. Now that I'm in your arms, however, I see that there's no substitute for the real thing," she smiled, nuzzling her cheek against Haqua.

Damn, she was even cuter than first impressions let on. Was that what did it for her wives? They wanted to protect her? Can't say I didn't get it, even I wanted to pamper her after hearing all that.

Look, I know I sound judgy here, and yeah, I probably am, but honestly, I'd be baffled by the reality of anyone with that many partners. There's no human or demon who I could see in that position and say "Yup! That checks out!"

Then again, I'm me, and I'm the last person who should point fingers here.

"Then we'll have to make up for lost time, won't we? Hug me to your heart's content, Adri," Haqua smiled down at her, and held her closely.

"Ohhhh, this sweetie's got tons of mana coming off of her, she's so strong!" A tall, pale, motherly looking woman who stood at what I'd guess was a mighty 8 feet cooed, petting Mio's head warmly.

“Ehehe, thank you! Haqua says I’m really capable!”

Oooh, yeah. Give my girl lots of praise. Mio’s a sweetie, she deserves it!

“And wow, is that another human! Ohhh wow, she’s so handsome!” a bookish looking Lamia cried, eagerly taking Iori by the hand.

“‘Handsome’? That’s a new one, but thank you,” Iori bashfully smiled.

Mm, boost Iori’s self-confidence too! I want her to feel like she’s on top of the world when we head back!

“Oh! You’re Haqua’s partner! So cute! I bet you were adorable as a human, but gosh, those wings are lovely!” called a girl who looked to be part rabbit, cozying up to Mio and snuggling against her.

Oh, back to Mio, huh?

“Have you ever thought about a career in theater? My troupe could use someone of your radiance,” a flamboyant, boyish looking Minotaur asked, taking Iori by the hand.

A-and now Iori again…

I-I’m here too, y’know?

“Ohh, you’ve gotta let me possess you sometime! I wanna try having boobies as bouncy as yours!” An eager looking ghost girl giggled, gently making an attempt to poke Mio’s chest, which she seemed surprisingly into.

“You’ve gotta tell me about human world tech! I bet a classy lady like you’s got tons of cool gear, right?” A tiny, nerdy looking gremlin of a girl with big, catlike ears grinned as she clung to Iori.


A-anyone wanna say hi to me? N-not that it doesn’t feel good but…a bit of attention might be nice…

“Oh, you poor thing. Did nobody notice you, puppy?” a delicate voice asked, before I felt a hand gently petting my hair. I-it wasn’t degrading in the slightest, so you’d think I’d get nothing out of it, but it felt…warm, comfy. I looked up to greet whoever’d taken an interest in me, only to have to pull my vision back down to see Adri’s warmly smiling face, looking me right in the eyes.

Seeing her this close…god, Adri’s a looker. Every bit as pretty as Haqua, but in a decidedly gentler way. I felt, I dunno how to explain it, but safe around her. Secure, seen, appreciated.

“I-it’s OK, Mio and Iori are gorgeous, y’know, so I get it. They deserve all the attention.”

“You’re a sweetheart, puppy. I’m sure your constant support is why those two are able to shine so brilliantly today. Though we’ve only just met, I’m certain that you’re an earnest girl who would do anything to make those you care for smile. No wonder my dearest sister fell in love with you.”


“But it would be nice to get some attention of your own, would it not? To be pampered and loved? Fret not, puppy. I shall always love the woman who brought my sister so very much joy,” she smiled, before wrapping me up in a gentle hug. “I’m so very glad that you’re a part of our family, puppy. Our lives are so much richer with you in them.”

I couldn’t stop it. I couldn’t hold back a small, doglike whine from leaving my throat as my eyes welled up with tears. All I saw when I looked at Adri was a veritable saint. The sweetest, most loving person in this or any other realm. All I needed was her praise.

“M-Mistress Adriiiiiii!” I wailed, hugging her tightly. I must’ve sounded every bit like a child crying for their mother, but I didn’t care about that at all. Adri was warm, soft, and sweet, why would anything bother me while I was in her arms? I’m…I’m super-duper happy here!

“There there, precious puppy,” she cooed, scritchy-scratching my ears. Mistress Adri’s just the best! “Hold me for as long as you want.”

“Wan!” I barked, cuz that sorta thing always makes my mistresses happy!

Ehehe, scritchy scratch, scritchy scratch!

“Oh my, what a cute little bark! A purer expression of joy I’ve never heard.”

Oh! Mistress Adri’s giggling! She must be sooooo happy, ehehe!

“Wan wan!” I barked twice. One bark made her feel good, so two just had to be better!

“And your tail wags, too! A wonder that anyone could become as delightful as you, puppy.”

Mhmm! It does that when I feel good, and Mistress Adri was making me feel extra good!

“Wan wan wan!”

Three happy barks. Wanted to say something but words hard. Rina's just Mistress Adri’s puppy!

“Oh! I wanna get in on this! Addy, I want pets too!”

Fluffy girl snuggled up next to Rina. Everyone loves Mistress Adri!

“Mm, you also deserve no end of love, Inumi.”

“Ehehe! Your scritches are the best, Addy!”

Mm! Fluffy girl understands! Mistress Adri’s the best ever!

“Ohhhh, yeah! Right there, Addy! Ohhhh wuff wuff!”

Oh! She's barking too!

“Wan wan!”

“Wuff! Wuff wuff!”

Rina likes the sound of fluffy girl's bark! Nice and strong, very happy! Mistress Adri will love it!

So Rina decided to look at fluffy girl to give her a hug, and-


I stopped dead.

Wh-what the heck was I just doing?!

I knew fully well what had happened. Adri had shown so much warmth and kindness that I'd just…melted down, went full doggie mode. Loved it so much I forgot how to speak! Wan wan wan! Fuck, on many levels, I still desperately wanted it. I could be Adri's puppy forever if she wanted.

But right now definitely wasn't the time, because the girl I'd known entirely for fluff, it turns out, is an actual dog girl, covered in bristly, gray, wolfish fur from head to toe, with large, pointed ears atop her head that eagerly wiggled as Adri went scritchy scratch, scritchy scratch! Ehehe, Rina wants Mistress Adri to-!

No! Dammit, keep it together! Shit, Adri's dangerous! I really might end up her 37th if she does that again! OK, Rina, keep it together! You used to be composed, so just…pretend that's still you for a sec here!

"I-i-it's a pleasure to meet you!" I leapt back and curtsied, holding out my hand for a formal handshake with the girl who I now saw had actual paws, pads and all. "I hope the day finds you well, milady!"

Goddammit! Did I forget how to act like a normal person? I try to be serious and go straight to maid?! Guhhh, my head's mush these days…

"Ehehe, you're so funny!" The dog girl, Inumi, giggled. "Ooooh, yeah! Right there, Addy! Ohhhh, that's a great spot…" she let out a canine whine, leaning into Adri's petting. Fuck, I was jealous.

"Ohoho! I do believe my humors are in working order, yes!" I grinned.

C'mon!! What are you even trying here? An ojou voice?! Get it together, dumbass!

I was burning up in shame now, but I'd bear it. I didn’t care how I came across, I couldn’t act like a mutt in front of an actual dog girl! That’s gotta be crazy insensitive! What if she thinks I’m mocking her?!

“Hmm, are you trying to be fancy? That’s nice, but I like it best when you’re being a puppy!” she giggled.

I-is that a joke? Are you teasing me? I-I deserve it, yeah, but-

“Ah, are you worried you’re upsetting my dear Inumi, Rina?” Adri asked me with a smile.

“I…well, yeah!’ I tried to hide it, but I was caught, there was no point now. “That’s gotta be super insensitive, right?! I-I mean you’re a dog, and I’m pretending to be one! I-I’m so sorry for any offense!” I apologized profusely, mustering up my OL instincts and bowing deeply. If Inumi wanted to give me hell, then I deserved it.

But instead, she started petting me.

“I’m a hellhound, silly! Not a dog!” Inumi giggled. “But you’re a doggie at heart, huh? Your tail’s wagging and everything! So we’re kinda alike that way!”

Dammit, why can’t I get you to stop?! I cursed out my tail, wishing it could be even 10% less honest.


“Nuh-uh, no buts!”

Inumi, coupled with Adri, deployed the most lethal weapon they could, more scritches, taking me right back to doggie mode.

“Ohhhh wan wan!”

I get it. I know. I’m sorry, I can’t stop myself from being me.

“Mhmm! Keep that up!” Inumi giggled. “Ehehe, I know we’re gonna get on great, little pup!”

“Indeed, I look forward to weeks of petting,” Adri smiled, and gently kissed the top of my head, removing all worry from my mind.

Ehehe, Mistress Adri’s the best!

"I knew you two would get in wonderfully, Adri."

"Indeed, dearest sister."

Mistress Adri sounded happy.

"I couldn't ask for a lovelier first meeting than this."

Very excited to introduce some of the wider cast that makes up this volume! Adri and Wakaba showed up briefly in the first volume, but they're much more prominent here, along with a couple more of Adri's wives who I had a blast writing! I hope you all like them too!

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