Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 21

Page 21

Wu Sangou looked at Zhang Qilin’s line of sight, and then nodded:

“Yes, the traces of lightning strikes over there are very dense, but how did this happen.

Is there something triggering lightning in this place? ”

Hu Bayi looked at the compass in his hand and nodded, then moved the compass to the side of the mountain, and then moved it away:

“There’s something weird about this place, whenever the compass gets close to the strata or rock formations, it gets very strongly disturbed.

I suspect that the thing that triggers the mine is in the rock formations and formations! ”

Having come to this conclusion, Hu Bayi quickly walked towards the depths of the hinterland with Zhang Qilin and Wu Sangou. With the strength of the compass being disturbed, he could determine where the core area that caused the lightning strike was.

The investigation team has almost ignored the three people. In their opinion, these three people are too amateur. What can they find with a compass?


At this time, no one expected that there was a faint sound of thunder in the sky.

Hu Bayi looked up at the backlog of dark clouds above his head, secretly thinking in his heart:

“Oops, it’s Leiyun, let them hurry up and leave the hinterland!”

Wu Sangou also realized the danger of the matter, and immediately turned around and shouted:

“Don’t stay there, it’s going to thunder!”

Chen Wenjin also noticed the faint thunder, and under Wu Sangou’s reminder, he immediately issued an order:

“Hurry up and keep the samples and speed up the passage through the hinterland!”

All the survey team members quickly packed the samples collected from the rock formations and soil layers, and then rushed to the depths of the hinterland one after another.


At this moment, a thunderstorm fell without warning, directly hitting the position where everyone in the investigation team was standing.

This shocked everyone, and immediately accelerated their pace, wanting to pass through this dangerous minefield in the shortest possible time.


A thunder fell on the mountain, the rock layer burst, and the rubble scattered like bullets.

In this case, what can even the fully armed special forces do?

Except for passing quickly, no one dared to stay here for a long time.

Chen Wenjin looked around with a dignified expression, and when she saw rocks scattered on the mountain, she immediately reminded:

“Everyone don’t get close to the mountain, take the road in the middle and quickly pass through the minefield!”

At this time, Hu Bayi had already put away the compass, and at this time, anything that could trigger thunder could not be taken out, otherwise, he would be looking for a dead end.


A thunder fell on the only way for the investigation team to pass, and a rock was directly chopped down, and below it were the three of Zhang Qilin.

Seeing that the rock was about to fall, the threat caused by such a size and impact was unbelievable.

Before he could think more, Zhang Qilin pulled out the black gold ancient knife with his backhand, but at this time the black gold ancient knife was still wrapped by a white cloth strip.

Facing the falling rock, Zhang Qilin raised his hand and slashed it with a knife.

In order to prevent the cloth strip from breaking, the black gold ancient knife was exposed and became the conductor of lightning.

Zhang Qilin deliberately reversed the blade and slashed the rock with the back of the blade.


A loud bang came.

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Zhuge Qing and others, Zhang Qilin actually changed the direction of the rock’s whereabouts and saved the people around him.

At the same time, the cloth strip on the black gold ancient knife was not broken in the slightest.

“How strong is this?”

“What did he take?”

This doubt filled everyone’s heart, especially Zhuge Qing, who despised these three people the most.

But just now, Zhang Qilin was able to react so quickly, and changed the direction of the rock’s fall by himself. How fast and how accurate was this response?

Moreover, what was that thing he was holding, why was it always wrapped in cloth?


At this time, another thunder fell, and in the gray sky, it was as if an angry beast was roaring.

And this thunder, followed by the people of the investigation team fell.

Even the few behind felt the splash of stone sand hitting them.

Watching this scene, Wu Sangou frowned:

“It’s not quite right, don’t you think that the lightning strike seems to be chasing after them?”

Hu Ba nodded after a while:

“Yes, it stands to reason that we are standing here and belong to the minefield, but the density of lightning strikes is not as much as they encountered.

Today Lei is chasing them! ”

Wu Sangou looked up at the sky and said thoughtfully:

“How is this possible, could it be that Lei couldn’t have eyes this day?

Otherwise, why would they chase after them? ”

Zhang Qilin didn’t speak, his eyes looked at the panicked people who were avoiding lightning strikes.

He was thinking, what caused the lightning strikes to continue, and even where they ran, where did the lightning strikes go?



A thunderstorm fell, and a member of the investigation team fell to the ground with a soft leg, his face ashen.

“Xiujuan! Get up, you can’t stay there!”

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin immediately wanted to turn around and pull her back.


However, another thunderstorm fell, and if Chen Wenjin had just taken a step forward, she would have been hit by a lightning strike.

Seeing more and more lightning strikes falling, Zhang Qilin seemed to notice something, and suddenly frowned…

Chapter [*]: Absurd Inferences

Just now, Zhang Qilin suddenly thought of it.After entering the hinterland, there was only one thing that the investigation team did, and the three did not.

To investigate the cause of the minefields, they sampled rock and soil layers.

Is this the key?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qilin immediately looked at Chen Wenjin and others:

“Throw away your samples!”

Zhang Qilin’s voice attracted everyone’s attention. He didn’t speak often. At this time, they suddenly let them throw away the samples they finally collected, which naturally surprised Chen Wenjin and others.

At this time, Zhuge Qing finally pulled up the team members and led her through the minefield quickly.

But this lightning strike seems to be aimed at him, always chasing him, and he may be struck by lightning if he is not careful.

In this case, no one will take it lightly.

You must know that the high-voltage effect of lightning current will generate impulse voltages as high as tens of thousands of volts or even hundreds of thousands of volts.

Enough to break down insulation, short out any equipment you carry around, and cause a fire and explosion.

And this is still in the case of not hitting people. Once accidentally struck by lightning, the water in the human body will be instantly evaporated, and basically there is no possibility of survival.

And, for them now, it’s not foolproof not to be hit.

They also have to be on guard at all times. Lightning strikes will not be transmitted to the human body through the ground, which is impossible to prevent.

Hu Bayi thought about what Zhang Qilin said just now, and then he thought of something, and immediately took the risk and took out the compass, and moved to the side of the mountain.

Looking at the severely disturbed pointer, Hu Bayi immediately shouted to Wu Sangou:

“Is there any tool, I’m going to knock down a rock!”


Wu Sangou immediately unlocked the treasure chest behind him and pressed a switch.

Just listening to a few clicks and clicks, there seemed to be some gears running in this treasure chest, and the mechanism seemed to be triggered, and then the treasure chest actually opened to all sides, and the volume expanded under the change, revealing layers of hidden compartments. !

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes widened, they couldn’t think of a box, and it was so ingenious!

“Amazing, I thought it was just an ordinary suitcase…”

Hu Bayi cried out in surprise, and then saw Wu Sangou open the first hidden compartment of the treasure chest, with three words clearly engraved on it – Escape Pavilion!

If you look down, you can still see other unopened hidden compartments engraved with names such as ‘Tianji Pavilion’ and ‘Five Elements Pavilion’, and I don’t know what tools are hidden inside.

And as Wu Sangou opened the first hidden compartment of the treasure chest, he quickly took out a special crowbar from it.

It is only the size of a palm, but with a slight twist, the crowbar suddenly becomes longer!

Before he could think about it, Wu Sangou directly handed it to Hu Bayi.

One end of the crowbar was reinforced, and Hu Bayi took the crowbar and immediately struck the mountain in front of him.

Soon, a rock was knocked out. Hu Bayi immediately picked up the rock, looked up at the sky, and then threw it up.


A ray of thunder suddenly appeared and smashed directly on the stone, completely turning into powder.

This scene also confirmed Hu Bayi’s guess. He immediately shouted to Chen Wenjin and others:

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