Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 22

Page 22

“The stones you sampled are magnets that attract lightning strikes.

Throw them away now or Ray will keep chasing you! ”

Hu Bayi’s words surprised Chen Wenjin. She immediately took out the rocks she had sampled earlier and checked them carefully. It was a little unbelievable.

Although the magnet exists, it does not look like this.

Just when Chen Wenjin was thinking, her feet staggered, and the rock in her hand was thrown out subconsciously.


Just when Chen Wenjin didn’t react, a bolt of thunder fell and hit the rock.

In an instant, Chen Wenjin realized that this was definitely not a coincidence.

Could it be that what they just said was true?

Chen Wenjin glanced at Hu Bayi and the others in disbelief, and then, without hesitation, immediately shouted:

“Everyone, hurry up and throw away the samples just now, hurry up!”

When the team members who were escaping in a hurry heard the words, they threw the samples away one after another.

Sure enough, after they were thrown out, although the lightning strike was still falling, it was obviously not chasing them.

Lightning strikes almost always fall on the nearby mountains, and no longer threaten their lives.

Chen Wenjin and the others finally escaped the danger temporarily, gasping for breath not far from Hu Bayi and the others.

“How do you know it was the sample that attracted the lightning strike?”

Chen Wenjin’s voice came, Hu Bayi looked at her, and her eyes were a little complicated at this time.

Immediately, Hu Bayi looked at the compass in his hand and said:

“After entering the hinterland earlier, I found that there was strong interference here.

But I can’t figure out what the source of the interference is.

Zhang Qilin’s reminder just now gave me a guess.

The reason why this is a minefield means that there are a lot of magnets in the mountain or underground.

You can see that after those lightning strikes hit the mountain, the energy actually enters the mountain, which is the magnet.

Over time, the magnet attracts the thunder, and after the thunder hits the magnet, the energy is hidden in the magnet, and the place becomes a large energy field. ”

Hearing this, Zhuge Qing immediately retorted:

“How is this possible, the magnet does not have the property of storing energy at all, even if the lightning strikes, the energy will dissipate quickly.

Besides, magnets don’t look like this, so aren’t you alarmist? ”

Wu Sangou heard the words, and his tone suddenly became a little cold:

“I said it just now, it’s just a guess, there’s no need to refute it in such a hurry, right?”

After all, there is a gap between the two sides, so the communication is not smooth.

But fortunately, the lightning strike will not hurt everyone for the time being, and it also gives everyone a chance to breathe and continue to move forward.

Hu Bayi and the others took the lead in walking towards the depths of the hinterland, in the direction of Lingale Canyon.

In Chen Wenjin’s team, many people were frightened. Although it did not affect their continued march, their faces were pale.

Looking at the backs of the three, Zhuge Qing frowned and said:

“They don’t understand the characteristics of magnets at all. Otherwise, according to what they said, this place has stored electricity for many years, and when we stepped in, it was already dead!”

Chen Wenjin said softly:

“After all, it is their reminder that we can get rid of the lightning strike. You should say a few words less.”

But in fact, Chen Wenjin also knew very well that Zhuge Qing was not targeting these three people.

It’s because the reasoning of the three people just now is really absurd and goes against the common sense of the world…

Chapter [*]: I don’t even appreciate it

In fact, at this time, even Hu Bayi and the others were very puzzled by this.

The reason why we can draw the inference just now is because we discovered the lightning-inducing property in the rock.

But if so, why is it so?

Why are there magnets hidden in the rocks here? If it attracts lightning strikes for many years, as Zhuge Qing said, this place may have become a huge energy field.

In other words, what really puzzled several people was that the minefield in this place did not seem to have been formed innately.

It feels more like an invisible big hand embeds a magnet in the rock, and the magnet is hidden in the mountain for many years.

And the lightning strikes keep falling, where does the absorbed energy go?

If it is true that the lightning strike is caused by a lodestone, as guessed, then the lodestone should absorb the energy of the lightning.

In that case, the magnet cannot store this energy for a long time, and there will be a relationship between the magnet and the magnet. Coupled with the energy of lightning, this place will become a huge energy field. Any creature who steps here will almost die. No burial place.

So this is an unjustifiable result for Hu Bayi and the others.

No wonder Zhuge Qing reacted like this, such an inference does seem quite absurd.

But now, apparently no one cares about this.

Really disagreed with crossing the minefield, and Chen Wenjin’s heart became more and more bottomless.

As soon as he entered the hinterland, he was struck by lightning, which made it clear that continuing to go deeper on this road must be full of crises.

However, there was no turning back when the bow was opened, so Chen Wenjin could only give an order to walk through quickly. Only after seeing Dr. Li’s station before, could she temporarily stop and rest.

However, Chen Wenjin was obviously a little more curious about the three figures of Zhang Qilin in front.

From the incident just now, it is not difficult to see that these three people do not seem to be useless as they thought before.

To be able to think calmly in such a crisis situation, even to risk experiments, and to be able to describe the key attributes of magnets in one sentence, at least he has a little understanding of this aspect.

Although this is not enough to impress Chen Wenjin, after all, the recognition of the three people was too low before, so it is inevitable that they will be a little surprised now.

But at this time, Zhang Qilin and the three of them could completely ignore the investigation team behind them.

“Old Hu, there were frequent lightning strikes in that area just now because there were magnets in the mountain. Where did you get such a guess?”

Facing Wu Sangou’s question, Hu Bayi pointed to the compass in his hand and said:

“Actually, I wasn’t quite sure before, until after we left that area, the compass that had been seriously disturbed suddenly returned to normal.

I think the reason for the strong interference is because of the magnet. ”

“But it’s true that it can draw energy at this time, but it can’t store energy, right?

So where does the energy from lightning strikes go? ”

Wu Sangou asked with a puzzled frown.

In this regard, Hu Bayi can’t say why:

“That’s where I find it odd, and one more thing, I’ve never been quite sure.”

After speaking, Hu Bayi looked back at the direction of the hinterland he just passed, and said:

“I always feel that the minefield was not formed naturally, it was more like someone deliberately did it…”

Zhang Qilin, who rarely expressed his opinion, nodded silently at this time, expressing his approval.

“You all think so?”

Wu Sangou was a little surprised:

“This inference is a bit too bold. Who has the ability to create a minefield in the hinterland?”

However, Wu Sangou’s remarks did not get any response, because at this time, Hu Bayi and Zhang Qilin stopped one after another and looked in the direction not far away.

The three people in front suddenly stopped, and Chen Wenjin and others who were walking behind were naturally a little puzzled.

Zhuge Qing followed the gaze of the three, and then a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes.

As everyone slowly stepped forward, they also clearly saw the terrifying scene.

On the ground not far away, the carcasses of animals were lying on the ground.

Cows…sheep…horses…you can almost see them here.

Some of the corpses had been badly decomposed, apparently they had been here for a long time, and then they were frozen here because of the sudden drop in temperature.

But what really surprised everyone was that there were still many corpses that seemed to have just died, without any wounds all over their bodies, and the deaths were very strange.

Chen Wenjin glanced, and the two investigators immediately put on gloves and masks and went to examine the body.

Hu Bayi and the other three entered the corpse group without any protection, and looked at the animal corpses everywhere.

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin felt a little worried about the unprofessionalism of the three:

“You’d better stay out of the way, the cause of the animal’s death has not been determined yet.

But judging from the fact that there are no wounds on their bodies, the possibility of infectious diseases cannot be ruled out. ”

However, the three of them turned a deaf ear to it, leaning over and squatting beside one of the horse corpses, and even Zhang Qilin touched it directly.

Zhuge Qing looked at it and said with some contempt:

“For their sake, they still don’t appreciate it.

When the cause of death is unknown, rashly touching the dead body is unprofessional. Once it is an infectious disease, their behavior may endanger us and even all those who come into contact with it! ”

Chen Wenjin didn’t speak, but obviously agreed with Zhuge Qing’s opinion.

Looking around, this place has basically entered the Langele Canyon, but the surrounding area seems to be lifeless.

There was still unmelted snow on the bare ground.

Where the light is visible, bare ground is exposed.

These corpses lay scattered there, forming the first impression of the Langler Canyon…

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