Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 234

Page 234

However, it can be seen that the person buried here should be a person who understands alchemy very well.

Maybe this is also a hope for him more than [*] years ago…”

With doubts, the members of the archaeological team soon began to inspect these elixir furnaces, and even found some rotten elixir inside.

Looking at these elixir, Professor Wu sighed:

“It seems that when Qin Shihuang died, he never forgot his longevity.

It’s a pity, no one in the world can practice the elixir of immortality, otherwise the world would not be in chaos? ”

Professor Wu did not notice that when he said these words, several team members subconsciously glanced at Zhang Qilin.

Regarding things like longevity, it seems that Zhang Qilin has more say.

Wu Sangou’s attention was completely on the pure gold chair.

He turned around the chair a few times, and couldn’t help but praise again and again:

“It’s pure gold, what a luxury.

If I can go up and sit, I don’t know if it feels the same as a normal chair. ”

Saying that, Wu Sangou tried to do it.

Seeing this scene, Hu Ba suddenly said sharply:

“Master Dog, be careful, if you touch the mechanism, it will be bad!”


However, as if responding to Hu Bayi, the moment Wu Sangou sat down, a sound of an organ sounded.

This sound really caused everyone in the archaeological team to suffer a lot, so they all looked around nervously.

However, there are no arrows in the sky, no mercury, and no poisonous insects.

Instead, the coffin in front of Wu Sangou suddenly opened a gap.

In an instant, Hu Bayi and the others focused their attention on the red coffin.

And Wu Sangou stood up in fright, not knowing what happened.

The ancient coffin from thousands of years ago actually opened by itself. How to see this scene makes people feel a little scary.

If you didn’t know it, I thought someone pushed the lid off the coffin…

However, there seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. After the coffin opened a gap, the surroundings became calm again.

Hu Bayi looked at each other and walked towards the coffin.

After checking around to make sure that there were no other organs, the members of the archaeological team also came forward to help, and everyone joined forces to open the red coffin.

I thought that after opening it, I would see decayed bones and remains, and at worst, there would be a foul smell.

But after really opening the coffin, everyone was surprised to find that there was only one set of clothes inside.

“Is it the Tomb of Clothes and Crowns?”

Professor Wu pushed his glasses in surprise:

“What’s going on? It stands to reason that in the Qin Dynasty, there was no such custom as a tomb.

Who is the person buried here?Why are there no bones? ”

This is indeed a problem faced by many people.

It is not difficult to see that this Immortal Fang Palace was built for this person.

But in the end, there were no bones in the coffin, which means that he was not buried at the time.

Who is the owner of this tomb?It became a little confusing.

The clothes in the coffin have long since been weathered, and it is almost impossible to tell what he looked like before.

However, it was soon noticed that there were no other funerary items in the coffin except for the clothes.

Since Qin Shihuang completely re-engraved Xianyang, the capital of the country at that time, it means that there must be a hall at that time called Xianfang Hall.

At present, this should be the place where the elixir was specially refined for Qin Shihuang.

This also means that the coffin placed here must be prepared for one person.

From the chair made of pure gold, it can be seen that this person must have an extraordinary identity, otherwise Qin Shihuang could make a golden chair for him?

But why is there no funeral goods in the coffin?

That doesn’t make sense!

In doubt, Wu Sangou carefully observed the coffin with only clothes on it, but found that there seemed to be a scroll of jade looming under the clothes.

Out of curiosity, Wu Sangou took out the jade shaft, but found a few lines written on it.

But when he read these lines carefully, Wu Sangou’s expression changed in an instant, and he couldn’t help screaming.

“¨〃This…this…this is really a ghost!”

Seeing Wu Sangou’s reaction, Hu Bayi and the others quickly came to his side.

Then they found out…they couldn’t understand the words on it at all.

The only professor Wu who knew the ancient characters came over, but soon the expression on his face turned out to be exactly the same as Wu Sangou’s, full of horror.

“This…what’s the matter?”

Yang Xueli asked anxiously:

“What the hell is written on it? You say it! What a riddle here!”

Wu Sangou’s face changed after another, he was hesitant to say anything, and it was difficult to speak. It was not until everyone asked for a long time that he slowly opened his mouth and said:

“It’s written on it: Welcome to the next generation of experts!”

Speaking of which, Wu Sangou couldn’t go on, and his voice began to tremble.

“Who is it to greet? You make it clear!”

Hu Bayi increased his tone and asked.

But it wasn’t Wu Sangou who answered him, because when his lips were trembling, he was speechless.

And the one who answered Hu Bayi was also in a state of shock, Professor Wu who answered instinctively:

“Three numbers (of the king’s) are written in Qin Xiaozhuan under the jade axis…”

Hu Bayi frowned and urged, “What number?”

Professor Wu swallowed hard and replied:

“Five! Four! Three!”


In an instant, the scene fell into a state of dead silence. Only the heartbeat of everyone came from the quiet environment, but it beat extremely fast, which seemed to indicate the mood of everyone at the moment!

At this moment, everyone understood why Wu Sangou and Professor Wu were so shocked that they were speechless!

Because, in the jade scroll left over a thousand years ago, the three numbers ‘five four three’ are actually mentioned!

Moreover, this was already expected. After a thousand years, the person who came to Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum and opened the coffin with his own hands was the 543 exploration team?

Otherwise, why would you welcome future generations of experts?

Or is this just a coincidence?

For a while, even Hu Bayi and the others were a little confused, and fell into a state of confusion…

This is the first time that I have encountered such a situation beyond control, or even beyond understanding.

It seems that the deeper you go into Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum, the more unexplainable things are.

Why did the scrolls from thousands of years ago say that they would welcome future generations of experts?The three figures of five, four and three were even mentioned.

Doesn’t this coincide with the arrival of the 543 exploration team?


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Chapter 268: Ancient and Modern 543! ! !

The prophecy of Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum coincided with the arrival of the 543 exploration team.

But this is simply impossible. After all, the 543 Exploration Team was established in 1974. It has only been half a year since its establishment, and it has been more than two years since the Qin Dynasty!

Even if Qin Shi Huang was surrounded by experts, it was impossible to predict the future and understand what would happen after a thousand years, right?


“What the hell is going on? It’s too mysterious…”

“Could it be just a coincidence? Maybe the ancients were just a joke at the time? But I didn’t expect it to happen?”

Around the red coffin, everyone looked at each other.

Apart from that, there was nothing else to discover, but it was this jade shaft that made everyone puzzled.

Who was the person who was supposed to be buried in this coffin?

What did he mean by leaving this jade shaft?

What does the number 543 mentioned on the jade axis represent?

The doubts that filled the minds of the members of the exploration team lingered for a long time.

It was like a conversation after thousands of years, and the members of the 543 Exploration Team broke out in a cold sweat.

Even Professor Wu couldn’t help being at a loss. He had never encountered such bizarre things in his archaeological life.

Inside the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, there are really countless secrets…

Everyone has no clue about all this, but the investigation can’t stop here and not continue.

Chen Wenjin looked at the jade shaft in front of her, frowned and said:

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