Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 235

Page 235

“It’s not the first time that the deceased leaves a message for the later in the tomb.”

Speaking, Chen Wenjin looked at Professor Wu:

“Professor, do you remember the big tomb found in Hebei?”

Professor Wu nodded gently:


The owner of the tomb had long expected that his tomb would be discovered and stolen before he died, so he simply left a tomb key behind.

And the 600 in the tomb did not have any organs at all, only a sentence left on the coffin:

After the thousand gold is gone, the manpower is left, leaving a clear name to cross the autumn wind…”

The big golden tooth immediately went on to say:

“Also at that time, Liu Bowen entered Zhuge Liang’s tomb and found that the lamp oil was nearly there.

It is rumored that Liu Bowen saw a sentence left by Zhuge Liang in it, which probably meant Xiao Liu Xiao Liu, hurry up and refuel.

Although this must have changed the meaning of the word later, but the ancients left jokes and posterity, but it happened from time to time.

Does this jade axis mean the same thing? ”

Wu Sangou heard the words and sighed lightly:

“Just relying on the words ‘Welcome to the future generations’, it is indeed like a joke left by the ancients to future generations, which is understandable, but now the most troublesome thing is this thing, after this sentence, there are three The number 543, which directly changes the nature!

Can it really be such a coincidence? ”

Hearing this, everyone nodded. It was indeed as Wu Sangou said. If it was just based on the previous sentence, it would be similar to the jokes of many old people who had studied the classical hometown. on a number.

This combination changes the meaning immediately!

Professor Wu sighed and said helplessly:

“After all, there has been a saying of three talents, four images, and five elements since ancient times, and the ancients believed in it even more.

Therefore, it is difficult to speculate on the meaning of the words left on this jade shaft…

Coincidence or not, no one can tell! ”

After thinking for a while, Hu Bayi took the jade shaft in his hand:

“Master Dog, you take this thing first, maybe you can let the chief take a look after you go out, maybe there will be some clues.

At the moment we can’t tell if the 543 mentioned above is a number that points to something, or…”

Hu Bayi didn’t say anything further, but everyone else understood.

What puzzles everyone the most now is this 543. Does it mean the 543 exploration team?

Hearing this, Professor Wu asked in surprise:

“Comrade Colonel, are you going to take this jade shaft away?”

Hu Bayi immediately understood what Professor Wu meant, and then said:

“Professor, I know this is a cultural relic, but we do have to investigate first.

If nothing can be found by then, we will send this thing to the Cultural Relics Bureau. ”

Professor Wu nodded slightly.

Hu Bayi and others can actually understand this. After all, the military and the Cultural Relics Bureau are two departments.

This is the jade shaft in Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum, and out of this tomb gate, it is a valuable cultural relic.

The final destination must be the Cultural Relics Bureau, which will be properly handled.

But this is only in the case that nothing can be found. Once something is discovered, the 543 exploration team can fully intervene.

In other words, how to characterize the jade axis depends on the information recorded above and the results of the investigation.

Of course, this is just an ordinary object, but if it is a Lingbao, let alone, it is directly beyond the management scope and control qualification of the Cultural Relics Bureau.

Wu Sangou put the jade shaft into the treasure chest, and everyone checked the surroundings, still feeling very strange about this hall.

There are neither buried corpses nor any organs here.

It’s as if I’m really waiting for someone from the future to come…

This feeling made Wu Sangou and several others feel quite strange, but the investigation must continue after all.

Following the compass, Hu Bayi walked straight towards the largest pill furnace in front of him.


But at this moment, there was a strange sound in everyone’s ears.

The sound seemed to come from inside the tomb wall, the speed was extremely fast, and it sounded numerous.

“What, there are living things in here?”

Wu Sangou frowned and leaned towards the wooden wall, listening carefully.

But the sound soon disappeared.

Hu Bayi’s eyes were full of doubts. Although this place was really weird, they didn’t have time to investigate.

The archaeological team, of course, wanted to stay and investigate.

But after the 543 exploration team leaves, no one knows if they will encounter any danger.

Professor Wu couldn’t allow the team he led to take this risk.

So in desperation, everyone can only focus on the 543 exploration team, follow their actions, and grasp as much clues and information as possible.

(cfcb) The more information they can bring out, the more they can gain when doing archaeological reports later.

Looking at the huge pill stove in front of him, Hu Bayi thought for a moment, and then gently pulled the armrest next to the pill stove.


The entire Pill Stove suddenly turned in a circular axis, and soon a tomb passage was revealed inside.

The archaeologists seemed to be surprised, but they still admired it.

The 543 always seems to find the most important mechanism to break the deadlock and open up a new way out.

If this were to replace them, I’m afraid they would really be trapped here.

Even if you are lucky enough to find the organ, it will definitely take a lot of trouble.

What they didn’t know was that what really played a crucial role was the humble compass in Hu Bayi’s hands.

Hu Bayi doesn’t know anything about the internal structure of the tomb.

The reason why he can always identify a feasible path is because the compass in his hand can guide him.

Eight people and eight doors, the world’s feng shui will also find its reason.

Since it is very likely that the person who built this place is an alchemist, it is naturally feasible to find a way out with the technique of empathy.

After all, even an alchemist with a means of reaching the sky will definitely leave after it is completed.

There is no way to set up a dead end and trap yourself in it.

It is based on this point that Hu Bayi can always determine the direction, and in that direction, as long as he finds the mechanism.

A group of people entered the tomb passage one after another, and they were getting farther and farther from the Immortal Fang Palace.

Since there is no time to investigate in detail, they can only make a basic judgment at present.

The Xianfang Hall should be the place where Qin Shihuang reappeared in the capital of Xianyang to concoct alchemy for himself.

However, there are still too many questions unanswered.

Who was supposed to be buried in that empty coffin?

Why is there a jade scroll in the coffin, with the words “Congratulations to future generations of experts” and the handwriting of 543?

Standing on the 99th floor of the jade steps and looking down, why does the appearance of Qin Shihuang bend over and salute?

Who are the blurred figures on the opposite side?

These have become a mystery in everyone’s mind. If it wasn’t for the emergency of the dragon vein, I’m afraid even the 543 exploration team couldn’t help but want to stop and investigate.

Not to mention Professor Wu and the others, it’s like there are mountains of gold and silver around them, but they can only look at it.

Professor Wu wanted to stop and solve the doubts of thousands of years ago.

But he didn’t know that after leaving the 543 exploration team, they would be unable to move here.

Therefore, Professor Wu had to suppress this impulse in his heart, and could only collect as much information as possible, and then entered the second time with professional equipment.

Of course, Professor Wu at this time did not know that this was not the only time he had entered the depths of Qin Shi Huang’s mausoleum.

Even for the next few decades, no one dares to take half a step.


At the same time, on a dirt road a few kilometers away from the Shaanxi Provincial Military Region, a military truck was slowly driving towards the military region.

Because this is already a restricted military area, other than this truck, no other vehicles or pedestrians can be seen.

Sitting in the co-pilot is Wang Zhiguo, the political commissar of the Kunlun Garrison Area. At this time, because of the fatigue of the boat, Wang Zhiguo’s face is full of exhaustion.

The driver was Wang Zhiguo’s security guard, and even a well-trained veteran was exhausted.

The truck in the back was a giant object covered by a red cloth.

It is several meters high and wide, occupying most of the truck’s position.

Several hemp ropes firmly fixed this thing in the truck body. Even so, Wang Zhiguo still reminded from time to time:

“Xiao Zhao, drive slowly, be careful of what’s behind…”

Guards will also wonder about this:

“Sir, what exactly is in this car? Why do you have to bring it in person?”

Wang Zhiguo shook his head wearily:

“I don’t know either, Head Chu said that this thing can’t see the light.

Even if it arrives, you can’t lift the red cloth that covers it.

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