Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 24

Page 24

“It stands to reason that this should not be the case, we have all seen it, the hinterland is the only way to the canyon.

This road is extremely dangerous, and a minefield alone is enough to persuade people who stray here.

Why are traces of human activity mentioned so many times? ”

Hearing this, Hu Bayi asked curiously:

“Could it be that there are nomads living here too?”

Wu Sangou shook his head:

“It’s possible in other places, there are some small tribes living in many mountains.

But here, Linggle Canyon is absolutely impossible.

Because it is not suitable for human habitation, and there are many herdsmen living near the Kunlun Mountains, if people really live here, it is impossible that they have not been discovered until now. ”

While the two were discussing, a member of the investigation team walked in.

Looking at the three, the team members said angrily:

“The team leader said, let the documents be compiled.”

With that said, the team members turned around and left unceremoniously.

The two looked at each other, but didn’t take it to heart. They put away the doubts in their hearts for a while, and carried the documents to the tent where Chen Wenjin and others gathered.

On the other hand, Zhang Qilin has been standing outside since just now, sitting on a stone not far away, staring at the way he came with a solemn expression.

After Wu Sangou and Hu Ba put down the documents, they did not leave immediately.

Chen Wenjin saw it, but didn’t say much.

Looking through the many documents in his hand, Chen Wenjin said with a puzzled face:

“It was mentioned in the document that Dr. Li led the team into the Kunlun Mountains this time, and the project to be carried out was actually a top secret? Is it classified as a red document s level?”

The red file means that it has been approved by the upper level, and the s-level is one of the encryption levels, which belongs to the high-strength confidentiality level. Many agents cannot reach this level.

Zhuge Qing also said doubtfully after reading several documents:

“There is no research log here, there are some unburned scraps of paper in the brazier.

Could it be that Dr. Li will not leave any paper documents after reporting the relevant important information? ”

Such a mysterious research project aroused the curiosity of everyone present.

A biologist, why come here, what is there to study in such secrecy?

“Team leader, this seems to be Dr. Li’s notes!”

A team member found it, and soon handed a cowhide book to Chen Wenjin.

Chen Wenjin opened the cowhide book, and it turned out Dr. Li’s handwriting on it.

[Today, we officially entered the Langele Canyon in Kunlun Mountains.This research project is very dangerous, leaving this note may be used for emergencies…]

This is the beginning of the note, which is enough to see that Dr. Li made a very high assessment of the danger of this project.

Even, prepared to leave a note.

Chen Wenjin frowned and continued to look down…

[It has been four consecutive days of thunder, and there is a magnet area in the heart of the canyon, which is suspected to be caused by human beings.

As long as the thunder cloud persists, it is impossible to get in touch with the outside world, and the research continues.

Dr. Zhao is injured, they are terrifying, they must be investigated, otherwise, once they leave Kunlun Mountain, it will be a bloody storm! 】


Zhuge Qing, who was watching from the side, was a little puzzled:

“What is it used here?”

Chen Wenjin shook her head, but the note made her feel more and more puzzled.

Continuing to look down, Chen Wenjin’s eyes widened in astonishment.

[In the middle of the night, I saw that girl again.

Who is she?

Why does it always appear quietly and disappear without a trace? ].

Chapter [-]: Special Research Projects

“Lingle Canyon, is there anyone else?”

Chen Wenjin looked at Zhuge Qing in astonishment and asked.

However, Zhuge Qing couldn’t say why, he just looked back in doubt.

Sure enough, Dr. Li mentioned the girl many times, and even described the girl’s appearance after that.

He looked like a teenager, always wearing a white dress and bare feet.

Every time she wanted to ask, she always disappeared at a very fast speed…

For the record of the mysterious girl, although there are only a few words, but the time span is very long.

This means that the girl has been in the canyon and bumped into the scientific research team from time to time.

In the middle of the line, Dr. Li’s doubts about this girl were also revealed.

He felt very strange, and clearly mentioned in his notes that Lingale Canyon is not suitable for human habitation, and he has not found a place where human beings live.

And after preliminary analysis, it can be basically determined that the traces of human actions recorded previously were left by this girl.

Who is this girl?

Why is it here?

This is a question that has been plaguing Dr. Li and his research team, but never got an answer, because they never talked to the little girl, and she left quickly every time they met.

And now, this question is also plaguing the investigation team.

I originally wanted to get some answers from the notes, but I didn’t want to record them, which made everyone more confused.

Chen Wenjin took a deep breath, and then turned to the content of the last note:

[Preliminary progress has been made in research, and it can basically be confirmed that they are a great threat to animals and even humans.

According to scientific testing, they are a prehistoric species frozen in the Kunlun Mountains. They last appeared around [-] years ago, and it has been thousands of years since they disappeared.

It is suspected that due to the changes in the crust of the Kunlun Mountains, the species that were frozen deep in the ground were able to see the light of day again, and after a series of rapid evolution, they regained their vitality and became one of the biological chain species in the Kunlun Mountains. a huge impact.

This situation is common in the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. It has also been caused by thawing of the ice sheets due to climate change, and ancient bacteria have recovered, causing the destruction of species in the Antarctic and South Pole.

This is the first time that Kunlun has discovered this situation. At present, the reasons for the changes in Kunlun’s crust are temporarily unknown, but after geological testing, the reasons for the changes in the crust have not been found, so things are becoming more and more strange.

And in the research a few days ago, it was suspected that their nest was discovered.

We have to set off and go deep into the canyon to find out.

If all goes well, the investigation will be officially concluded.

But if it doesn’t go well, maybe we won’t be able to go back.

Dr. Zhao passed away due to serious injuries.

In addition, due to the constant lightning strikes, it is impossible to get in touch with the outside world, and their characteristics do not allow us to place Dr. Zhao’s body.

It can only be buried nearby, perhaps this is also a good home.

Maybe we will have no burial place…]

Seeing this, Chen Wenjin couldn’t help but be moved.

“Dr. Zhao, sacrificed…”

Leaving this sentence, Chen Wenjin quickly ran out of the tent, and the others followed, but saw Chen Wenjin stopped behind the tent.

In front of her is a small raised mound, and there is a wooden board with the words: Zhao Shuoqi’s tomb.

Chen Wenjin looked at the wooden board in front of her, and said in a depressed voice:

“Their scientific research was in danger. It took only 4 days from the time when Dr. Zhao was injured in the notes to his subsequent death.

What the hell did they encounter?Why even burn all relevant documents? ”

Naturally, no one could answer the questions in Chen Wenjin’s heart, and even everyone present had the same meaning as her.

Looking up at the sky, the thunderclouds have dissipated.

Chen Wenjin immediately ordered:

“Contact the superior immediately, we must first find out what Dr. Li and the others are studying here, and clearly inform the situation here.

Dr. Zhao has been killed, and Dr. Li and the others are in a precarious situation, so there is no longer any delay! ”

Although Chen Wenjin was very sad at this time, she did not forget her mission. She had to find out what happened here.

Back in the tent, the two team members quickly began to debug the communicator in the tent, which was the only communicator brought by Dr. Li’s scientific team to communicate with the superior at that time.

However, it can be seen from the notes that because of the constant thunderclouds, there is no way to set up the signal receiver, which makes the scientific research team and the superior lose contact.

The two team members quickly set up the signal device. After debugging, the voice of the superior finally came from the signal device.

“Leader, I’m Chen Wenjin!”

Hearing Chen Wenjin’s voice from the communicator, the vice president of the Academy of Sciences was a little excited.

After Dr. Li and his scientific research team lost contact, the Academy of Sciences had to ask the military for help, and then mobilized professionals from various departments, such as Chen Wenjin from the archaeological team, Zhuge Qing from the Geological Bureau, and others. The investigation team went to Kunlun Mountain to investigate Reason for disconnection.

And Chen Wenjin’s voice came from this frequency, obviously they have found Dr. Li’s station.

“Xiao Chen, how are you? Dr. Li, how are they?”

In the face of the vice president’s inquiry, Chen Wenjin’s voice was a bit heavy:

“Leader, we just found Dr. Li’s station now, but they are not there.

And we saw Dr. Zhao’s tomb at the station…”

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