Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 25

Page 25

After a moment of silence, the vice president sighed deeply:

“At that time, Dr. Li was going directly to Lingale Canyon to complete his scientific research project.

We told him many times that it would be dangerous, but he still insisted.

Now that Dr. Zhao is killed, and the whereabouts of others are unknown, no one wants to see this result.

Xiao Chen, no matter what, you must find Dr. Li and the others, and live to meet people…”

The second half of the sentence, the vice president didn’t say it, maybe it was because he couldn’t bear it.

Chen Wenjin’s tone was a little more firm:

“Leaders rest assured that we will definitely complete the task.

It’s just that we have to know, what project is Dr. Li working on?

Only by knowing this can we be prepared for the unexpected. ”

At this time, in the vice president’s office, the leader of the provincial military command was sitting here. When he heard Chen Wenjin’s question on the phone, the leader nodded lightly.

After being instructed, the vice president was able to tell the content of the project, which shows the speciality and confidentiality of this project.

“Xiao Chen, Dr. Li and the others involved in the project are very dangerous, even, this is related to the extinction of the species chain, and even affects the safety of human life…”.

Chapter [*]: Suspected as a demon

Suddenly rising to such a height, Chen Wenjin felt a little surprised.

At the same time, she motioned to Zhuge Qing to let others leave this place to avoid hearing news that should not be known.

Zhuge Qing understood and quickly arranged for all the team members to leave, leaving only Chen Wenjin himself in the tent.

On the phone, the voice of the vice president came slowly:

“The reason why Dr. Li went to Lingale Canyon to investigate is because four months ago, a plague broke out in the Kunlun Mountains.

But it was only in subsequent investigations that we determined that this was not a plague at all, but a bug that had never been discovered.

The worms parasitize animals and even humans, and just a single wound is enough for them to invade the body.

And this kind of bug reproduces very fast, they will quickly start to multiply in the body, and rely on the flesh and blood of the host for food.

All creatures parasitized by this worm will die in a short time, and they will die painfully after the flesh and blood are eaten up.

The insects are very resistant to drugs, and we have tried many ways to get rid of them from the host.

And because their reactivity is too strong, once someone brings this kind of bug into human society, it will be a major accident.

Therefore, Dr. Li voluntarily led the scientific research team and entered the Kunlun Mountains to find this kind of insect for research.

After follow-up investigation, Dr. Li named the worm Puppet Corpse.

It is because once this kind of worm is parasitic, it will devour wildly, and all living things will die in a short period of time.

And when the larvae grow, they secrete a substance similar to phosphorus, which allows the organism to spontaneously ignite in the sun.

And Dr. Li found that these puppet corpses were only active in Lingale Canyon, so he was stationed there.

All important data will be sent to the Academy of Sciences for storage by Dr. Li, and all data will be destroyed later to prevent information leakage.

You should know how much panic it will cause people if it gets out. ”

Chen Wenjin finally understood what Dr. Li was studying here.

But at the same time, she was also surprised.

However, after finally figuring out the doubts, Chen Wenjin is no longer confused.

But at this time, there was one last doubt in her heart:

“Leader, in Dr. Li’s notes, there is a strange girl in Lingale Canyon, do you know what’s going on?


The vice president’s tone was obviously a little surprised:

“What girl? In the cruel environment of Linggle Canyon, even the nearby herdsmen are reluctant to go there. How could there be other people?”

Hearing this, Chen Wenjin didn’t say anything more, but she also understood that Dr. Li did not report this matter.

Perhaps it is also because Dr. Li has doubts about this, and he wants to investigate and report later.

At this point, everything that he wanted to know had been figured out, and Chen Wenjin wanted to disconnect the contact, but at this moment, the leader of the provincial military region took the call:

“Comrade Chen Wenjin, according to the stipulated time, you should have arrived at the station long ago. Why did you report so late?”

In the face of inquiries from the provincial army leaders, Chen Wenjin kept them in the garrison area, and Chu Jian repeatedly delayed the departure time to inform the provincial army leaders.

“Leader Chu forged some equipment for the coordinators…”

The provincial army leader’s brows furrowed when he heard the words, obviously it was something that should not have happened in his opinion.

Chen Wenjin also took this opportunity to complain about the three people that Chu Jian sent to assist her.

“These three assistants are also very strange. They don’t look like veterans. According to rumors in the station, two of them were recruited into the army recently… and their words and deeds are too strange…”

“Okay, I understand, I will verify this matter.”

Finally, the provincial army leader left a sentence and hung up the phone.


After hanging up the phone, Chen Wenjin stood there and thought for a long time.

At this time, she already knew that the research project Dr. Li and others were conducting was a terrifying parasite called corpse.

Could it be that Dr. Zhao’s death was because of this?

What’s up with that girl?It’s the only problem that can’t be explained right now.

With doubts, Chen Wenjin began to look through all the materials on the table, wanting to see if there was any record about the girl.

But this person only appeared in Dr. Li’s notes in other legacy materials, and did not mention it at all.

Just when Chen Wenjin was about to give up, she suddenly saw a ball of paper in the trash.

At a glance, Chen Wenjin knew that the paper ball was torn from the notebook, because the paper style was the same.

Out of curiosity, Chen Wenjin slowly spread out the paper ball, with only one line on it:

[That girl is suspected of being a demon?But… do demons really exist? 】

Looking at the notes, this is also written by Dr. Li, but the handwriting is very frivolous. Obviously, when I wrote this line of words, I was a little dazed and very unconfident, so I didn’t have the strength to write.He also seems to think that his reasoning is too absurd, so he tore it down and discarded it?

Chen Wenjin looked at the piece of paper in her hand with some doubts, and then she felt that the sky suddenly darkened.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Then came the sound of gunfire, and Chen Wenjin immediately put the piece of paper in her pocket and ran out of the tent.

Then when she came outside, she found that everyone was looking in horror at the direction when she came.

That half of the sky has become dark and dense, and the dense black flying insects are overwhelmingly attacking this side.

The guns of the special forces are simply not enough to deal with such a huge swarm.

Chen Wenjin looked at the insect tide in astonishment:

“what is this?”

At this moment, Wu Sangou’s voice hurriedly came:

“Don’t be stunned, this is the dog’s fire boil poisonous insect, run!”

Now that everyone didn’t have time to ask what this was, they immediately collected all available documents and quickly evacuated the station.

Wu Sangou immediately took out a dark object from the hidden compartment of the ‘Dunge Pavilion’ in the treasure chest.

Then, in the eyes of everyone’s doubts, Wu Sangou lit the black thing and threw it at the insect tide.

Strange to say, thick smoke came out from this black thing, and the insect wave seemed to be very afraid and refused to approach.

“Don’t stand still, it won’t last long, run!”.

Chapter Thirty-Three: Kanyu’s Legal Life

The overwhelming black flying insects in the distance covered half of the sky.

Fortunately, in front of the smoke ignited by Wu Sangou, the black flying insects seemed to be a little afraid and did not approach for a long time.

This also bought some time for everyone to quickly evacuate from the station.

Zhuge Qing looked back and asked with some doubts:

“What was that thing you set on fire?”

Wu Sangou gave Zhuge Qing a blank look:

“You disciples, of course, don’t know about us natives.

Those are black donkey hooves, which are used to prevent corpses from turning into corpses, but the smoke produced after burning can also disperse poisonous insects.

But it’s better to leave quickly, the smoke won’t last long. ”

Chen Wenjin hurriedly looked at Wu Sangou and asked:

“You said just now that it was a fire boil poisonous insect? Why have I never heard of it?”

Wu Sangou was obviously dissatisfied with Chen Wenjin and others, so he didn’t have a good tone:

“You don’t know this, and you dare to say that you are a professional?

Fire boil poisonous insects, also known as red flame beetles, are about the size of flies, but they can penetrate into people’s bodies. Has grown into an adult.

Once the body fluids of the adult worms are contaminated with any creature, it will cause the creature to spontaneously ignite! ”

A hint of consternation flashed in Chen Wenjin’s eyes, and she suddenly thought, isn’t this similar to the creature that Professor Li named a corpse?

Or are the two originally the same thing, except that one is an adult and the other is a larva?

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