Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 34

Page 34

There are many crises inside and the situation is complicated. We have not prepared any protective measures and cannot go any further!You don’t mess around.

Come out, this is an order! ”

Zhuge Qing’s remarks also expressed Chen Wenjin’s heart. At this moment, she also realized the abnormal behavior of the three.

However, for Zhuge Qing’s words, Hu Bayi just glanced at him calmly:

“Didn’t you hear what Head Chu said just now? We now have the power to investigate.

And the road ahead is dangerous, the next investigation is not something you can solve, so leave it to us.

Since we are in charge, your orders are meaningless. ”

With that said, Hu Bayi hardly hesitated, and pulled out the diamond umbrella supporting Shimen.


Chen Wenjin looked at the slowly falling Shimen in astonishment, and said with complicated eyes:

“You are sending death! Why do you have to go your own way!”

The trio looked at Chen Wenjin across the door from the investigation team, Hu Bayi looked at Chen Wenjin, his voice was calm but with unquestionable firmness:

“At the command of the chief, kill the demon and protect the country’s luck!”

The slowly falling stone gate, with only a gap of less than half a meter left, has completely isolated the three of them from the entire investigation team.

Zhuge Qing wanted to persuade again: “You will never come back!”

Wu Sangou smiled freely: “If you don’t come back, you won’t come back…”


As his last word came out, Shimen also slammed heavily on the ground, completely closed, without the slightest gap!


In the darkened secret room, looking at the stone gate in front of them, it seemed that the yin and yang had been cut off, and everyone in the investigation team fell into silence.

Everyone knew that they and others were rescued by three people, but from the moment Shimen fell, they might never come back.

For a time, everyone’s heart was a little uncomfortable.

I don’t know how long it took, but Chen Wenjin broke the silence.

She hurriedly looked at Zhuge Qing, and there was a rare panic in her eyes, no longer calm at the beginning:

“You can’t let them stay inside alone, you can see how dangerous the agency is just now.

You have to help them, or isn’t this watching them die? ”

Zhuge Qing looked at Shimen with a complicated expression, thinking about what happened along the way. He had been extremely contemptuous of them before, but they saved his life in the end.

Zhuge Qing sighed helplessly and said with hatred:

“It’s just too stupid to carry out such absurd tasks, even at the risk of dying? Why bother, why bother!”

Not only Zhuge Qing, but the other team members also looked complicated and whispered.

“Just now they said they were going to slay demons… are they crazy! I really can’t see them going to death like this!”

“That head of Chu is issuing orders at will! Such absurd words can be said, and they have to work hard for this, it is not worth it!”

“I have to check this Captain Chu when I go back. Is this how he treats his soldiers!”

“This commander of Chu is simply burying the soldier’s name!”

“Hateful! Why carry out such absurd orders. Why do you need to carry out such a foolishly loyal task even though you know there is something wrong with this task!”

The members of the investigation team were filled with righteous indignation and felt that Chu Jian’s order was completely nonsense, and even killed Hu Bayi and others.

Even the members of the Lone Wolf Special Team didn’t look good at the moment.

Captain Lone Wolf said solemnly: “It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders, but such absurd orders and such reckless officers, it is worth not to obey!”

The other team members also echoed: “I must report this when I return to the army!”

At this time, their mood was quite complicated. They felt that it was too absurd for them to have such a stupid and loyal behavior, but at the same time, they were moved by this attitude.

Especially Wu Sangou’s sentence: If you don’t come back, you won’t come back…

This sentence sounds so light, but how many people can have this firm attitude?

But they have just joined the army not long ago, but for an illusory order, they are willing to sacrifice their lives and move forward. Who dares to say that they are not worthy of being called soldiers?

The soldiers’ unrepentant death is vividly displayed in them!

It’s a pity that they have an irresponsible leader…

With mixed emotions, Zhuge Qing went to check Shimen, but in the end he sighed deeply:

“The tools I carry now are simply not enough to open the stone gate.

Because we didn’t expect the ruins to be hidden in this mountain, we didn’t carry any explosives either.

Moreover, even if it is carried, the consequences of using explosives in such a closed space are unimaginable. ”

Chen Wenjin frowned and approached Shimen, as if she wanted to hear the voice inside.

But when Shimen fell, the surroundings became dead silent.

Shimen not only isolated the two teams, but also isolated all sounds.

Under Chen Wenjin’s order, the investigation team searched for a long time without giving up, but could not find any mechanism that could open the stone gate.

She could not see anyone dying in front of her eyes, although her job was always accompanied by fatal dangers.

But after all, it was the trio who took the shot just now, and they were able to escape from the stone room.

If you don’t care about it, you’ll feel bad about it.

After a while, when the investigation team gathered again, everyone shook their heads in disappointment.

They searched the entire stone room, but couldn’t find any mechanism that could open the stone door.

The stone room where everyone is currently is the one where they were trapped in the formation after entering the ruins.

The two stone chambers are connected by a passage, but now the stone door of the stone chamber outside has also been closed.

The people in the investigation team seemed to be out of danger temporarily, but in fact, they just avoided being pierced by an agency or bitten to death by a poisonous snake. What they really had to face was still being trapped in the ruins.

Moreover, when someone first began to show signs of dizziness and chest tightness, Chen Wenjin realized a very serious problem.


The stone gate is closed, and it becomes a closed space.

Originally, the ruins traversed the mountain, and the oxygen was thin and limited.

Now that so many people are gathered in confined spaces, and some people are injured, there is definitely not enough oxygen.

Seemingly seeing Chen Wenjin’s worries, Zhuge Qing glanced at his watch:

“Oxygen is only enough for ten minutes. If we can’t find a way out within ten minutes, we…”

In the following words, Zhuge Qing did not say any more, but got up again and began to grope around.

But this obviously did not inspire hope for others. After all, everyone had searched the stone room just now, and they had never found any mechanism to open the stone gate.

The stone chamber became more and more dull, and the reaction caused by the thinning of oxygen became more and more intense.

People with weaker constitutions gradually began to lose their breath.

Chen Wenjin, who was slumped on the ground, looked at the others with some decadence.

She is the commander of this operation, and in Chen Wenjin’s view, it is her responsibility to let everyone end up in this situation.

Now trapped in this mountain, the closed stone chamber is surrounded by hard stone walls, like a prison specially built for them.

As time passed by, even Chen Wenjin’s consciousness began to blur.


At the same time, in the stone room of the second room, Hu Bayi and the three were breathing heavily, supporting each other…

On the surrounding ground, the stone walls were filled with hard and highly poisonous traps.

Among them, there are many dead snakes.

The three of them finally held out until all the needles were fired, and they were exhausted by this time.

Wu Sangou leaned against the wall, grabbed the tail of a dead snake and looked at it, then a smile appeared on his pale face:

“I almost fell into the hands of this thing, thanks to the chain mail given by the chief, otherwise I would have to stay here today.”

Hu Ba gasped, put away the diamond umbrella, and patted Wu Sangou on the shoulder:

“Don’t talk nonsense, with us, it’s impossible for you to be in trouble.”

“Come on……”

Wu Sangou smiled and shook his head:

“It’s clear that you are also very embarrassed, but Zhang Qilin doesn’t seem to have changed.”

Indeed, as Wu Sangou said, at this time Zhang Qilin didn’t seem to consume much physical strength except that the blade was covered with snake blood.

Chapter [*]: I take back what I said before

After the investigation team evacuated from the stone room, the three of them no longer had any burdens and worries.

But even so, it took a long time to finally get over it.

These organs are very ingeniously established, and they are hidden in the stone walls and cannot be destroyed at all.

Only after the stored poison needles are all shot out, the mechanism will lose its function.

The three of them could only continue to resist the elusive poisonous needles and the poisonous snakes that gathered from all directions and glared at them.

In this stone room, the three of them became each other’s backing, each responsible for one direction.

Wu Sangou, who was a little weaker in combat, could not be underestimated, relying on his chainmail and the Luoyang shovel in his hand.

I don’t know how long it took, the last poisonous needle was shot, and all the mechanisms finally failed.

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