Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 35

Page 35

Zhang Qilin held the handle of the knife and looked around:

“Over there, there may be a way out…”

The direction Zhang Qilin pointed was exactly the direction in which the human figure was discovered and the animal footprints were extended.

Although the three of them didn’t know what the animal was, and they weren’t sure whether there really was medicine in the world, since the animal would disappear, it must be because there was some hidden channel that was not easily detectable.

At this time, the three of them could not take a rest, and immediately walked in that direction.

From the beginning, when they were defending against organs and poisonous snakes, Hu Bayi and the others noticed the thinness of oxygen.

Now they must hurry to get out of here, otherwise they really can’t get out.

Before coming to the footprints again, Hu Bayi asked with some doubts:

“Can you tell what animal it is from these footprints?”

The well-informed Wu Sangou answered almost without any hesitation:

“The rhombus-shaped footprints are generally of carnivorous canids.

But what it is, it’s hard to say…”

While the two were talking, Zhang Qilin groped for something on the wall with his slender fingers without saying a word.


Without warning, Zhang Qilin’s two fingers were inserted into the stone wall again, and the two of them were stunned for a moment.

Wu Sangou swallowed deeply:

“These fingers are made of iron?”

Hu Bayan looked at Zhang Qilin and joked:

“I take back what I said earlier, few people can stand this finger…”

As Zhang Qilin slowly withdrew his hand, the ground behind the three actually opened a new mechanism, revealing the road leading to the underground.


Hu Bayi frowned at the newly appeared entrance in doubt:

“Judging from the murals, Yingxiantai should be built on a high place. How can this place go underground?”

“Isn’t this the road to Yingxiantai?”

The passage leading to the underground made Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou very puzzled.

Previously, they could clearly see in the murals that Yingxiantai was built at the highest point of the entire facility.

Therefore, I instinctively felt that the channel opened by the organ should be parallel or extend to the outside.

Moreover, the shining stone gate was not opened because Zhang Qilin found the mechanism.

Instead, an unexpected entry channel appeared…

Wu Sangou reluctantly walked to the bright stone gate, and after checking it up and down, he walked back decadently:

“There is no way we can only go this way, the stone gate is sealed, and it seems that it is not opened by the agency.

I suspect that this should be the entrance and exit used by those craftsmen at that time.

Later, because of the complete completion, those craftsmen were silenced, and the stone gate was completely sealed and no longer opened. ”

Wu Sangou’s speculation was very realistic. Hearing this, Hu Bayi could only nod his head:

“There is no other way, if you stay here, the oxygen will only get thinner and thinner.

Why don’t we take this opportunity to see if we can get out of this road…”

Immediately, Hu Bayi stepped forward and walked down the stone steps leading to the underground.

Wu Sangou followed closely, and Zhang Qilin was at the rear.

The three of them went to an unknown place along this unexpected passage.

However, they didn’t know that when they triggered the mechanism, it was not just the tunnel leading to the underground that was opened in front of them.



There was a sound of an organ, which was particularly harsh in the silent stone room.

The members of the investigation team had already entered a semi-conscious state due to the lack of oxygen.

With the sound of the organ, the tightly closed stone gate was slowly opened.

The inflow of new oxygen caused everyone to breathe subconsciously, and finally gradually recovered a little sanity.

Chen Wenjin leaned against the wall and stood up with difficulty, unable to believe her eyes.

Shimen…how did it open by itself…

Zhuge Qing, who searched around and couldn’t find an exit, opened his eyes after being called for a long time under the dual effects of exhaustion and thin oxygen.

Greedily breathing the new inflow of oxygen, Zhuge Qing finally had hope in his eyes.

“Have you found the agency?”

Facing Zhuge Qing’s question, Chen Wenjin shook his head:

“Shimen, I opened it by myself…”

When Zhuge Qing heard the words, he subconsciously looked back at the stone gate at the entrance of the second stone room, which was still closed, and frowned slightly:

“Perhaps, they touched the organ…”

Chen Wenjin also looked back a little worriedly. Until now, she doesn’t know what the situation of the three people is, or even whether they are still alive.

But Chen Wenjin had to choose to be responsible for the people in front of her. If she stayed here again, once the stone gate was closed, everyone here would be buried with her.

Thinking of this, Chen Wenjin pressed the sadness in her heart:

“Let’s go out first and report the situation here, maybe it’s still too late…”

In fact, Chen Wenjin didn’t believe it herself.

Can you make it?

Maybe when I enter here again, I can only see a few corpses…

Chapter [-]: Chief Niubi!

Under Chen Wenjin’s order, the team members supported each other, the wounded was carried on their backs, and walked slowly towards the exit.

After exiting from Shimen, it was the cave that we passed through when we came.

After passing through the cave, it can be considered to escape.

At this time, this team no longer had the arrogance of the previous one, and everyone was downcast and quite embarrassed.

For the first time, Chen Wenjin faced her vulnerability.

She realized that with her own abilities, the ruins could not go deep, let alone investigate.

She had never had such a sense of powerlessness, especially after those three people showed their strength.

Zhuge Qing did not say a word along the way, his eyes were filled with extremely complicated emotions.

This investigation and rescue mission… failed.


On the other side, the trio is still moving forward.

Wu Sangou gave the other two high-power flashlights, so that they would not be affected in the underground corridor.

Going down the stone steps, several people realized that they had entered a complicated maze.

The surroundings here are made of magnets, and Hu Bayi quickly understood the situation in front of him.

“This is the underground magnet field that conducts electricity…”


Wu Sangou was obviously a little surprised:

“Doesn’t this mean that once electricity passes through, we…”

Hu Bayi nodded solemnly:

“That’s right, here is the magnet conduction field that spreads all over the ruins, pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

Once there is lightning in the minefield, we will all be affected! ”

In just a few words, Hu Bayi made the other two realize the danger of the moment.

Although long-distance electrical energy conduction will greatly reduce the power of lightning.

But if you are unlucky, there are frequent thunderstorms falling in the minefield, and there is only one result waiting for the three of them, and that is to become the black carbon that will stay here forever.

Knowing this, the three of them couldn’t help but quicken their pace.

But this magnet field has many forks, forming a very complicated labyrinth, and it is impossible to pass through in a short time.

Wu Sangou looked around suspiciously, but at this moment, Zhang Qilin suddenly grabbed Wu Sangou’s shoulder and pulled it back.

Wu Sangou only felt a strong wind passing by in front of him, and almost at the same time, Zhang Qilin stepped forward, and the ancient black gold knife slashed straight down.


The black gold ancient knife smashed to the ground, and the transmission of power made the sound very violent.

But beside the blade, Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou widened their eyes, and an iron spear shot out from nowhere.

If it wasn’t for Zhang Qilin’s quick reaction just now, although Wu Sangou had chain mail to protect his life, injuries at this speed were inevitable.

Hu Ba saw it in his eyes, and vaguely held the handle of the King Kong umbrella.

“There is actually an agency here…”

Wu Sangou looked at the iron spear not far away in surprise, and also understood that if there was no Zhang Qilin just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

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