Justice in the One Piece World

A Wild Flamingo appeared!

Chapter 63



As Law and the Straw Hats left the island, the G-5 Marines stayed. From far away, I sensed Doflamingo flying towards the island carrying the severed heads of Buffalo and Baby 5. On another side of the island, we sensed a very familiar presence.



Me: Aokiji… Sis, we’re going to need to split up.



Diana: I’ll prevent Aokiji from coming to your location. You take care of the Joker.



Me: I will.



With that, we split up.




POV Diana



I ran towards where I felt Kuzan’s presence. I was correct in finding an extremely tall but skinny man.



Me: Hello Kuzan, long time no see.



Kuzan: Hello Diana. Indeed, it has been a while.



Me: Funny how fate is, it seems like we’re both in the same boat. We both see the World as it is…no longer through any filters. There is no more duty or obligation that is holding us back.



Kuzan: Yes… I’ve heard about your situation as well. In truth, it’d be hard NOT to hear about the Twin Monarch of the Seas. You’ve made quite an impact on the New World.



Me: Do you think so? Well, impact we may have made but the sea is still not at peace. There will be war sooner or later. I think I already know the answer but… Kuzan, for old time’s sake, why don’t you come to Safe Haven and work with us?



Kuzan: You already expected the answer. Unfortunately, I don’t think I will. If you could excuse me… I need to meet a special someone.



Me: If you’re talking about saving Smoker from Doflamingo, you need not worry. Kara is there right now. She’ll save Smoker for sure so you don’t need to worry.



Kuzan: Is that so? Then I guess I didn’t need to come here then… Well then, I think it’s about time for me to go.



Me: Before you go, I need to ask you something. Is it true that you joined the Blackbeard Pirates? There are some bad rumors after all…



Kuzan: …



Me: I won’t force you to answer but I hope the answer is no, even when my conscious is telling me that it is not so. Still, I trust that you have your sense of Justice. I know that you aren’t one to do harm without a purpose. Goodbye Kuzan, I hope we meet again.



Kuzan: Farewell.



Well, that was simple. With that, I started walking towards where Kara was.




POV Kara



When I was nearly to where Smoker and Doflamingo were, the fight between the two was almost over… well if it could even be called a fight.



Doflamingo sat on top of Smoker and said his threats.



Doflamingo: Don’t worry, I’ll kill you all! I can’t look inside your minds to understand who knows what…and within today, I’ll definitely find Law and StrawHat too!



By the time I reached Doflamingo’s back, Smoker was seriously bleeding. Ignoring that for now, I walked straight into Doflamingo’s back, catching him off guard.



Me: Hello Doflamingo. It seems you’ve broken a number of our treaties we agreed upon in Safe Haven. I hope you’re prepared to compensate for your actions.



G-5 Marines: Kara Fujitora??!!!



Doflamingo ignored my words and began to use his string attack…was what I foresaw in the future with my observation haki.



Just as his finger tip began moving to use his Devil Fruit…



Me: *Rinnegan* Almighty Push



Doflamingo didn’t even have time to react as he was pushed off as near the Sound Barrier and crashed into the Building complex. I knew that wouldn’t be the end of it and teleported right above him.



Me: 50G



I braced myself as Gravity pushed down on both myself and Doflamingo as we pummeled to the ground. Me standing on his back. As we reached the ground (which was only 2 meters above ground) I clearly heard his back crack.



I cancelled the gravity on myself but increased the level of gravity acting on Doflamingo. At this point, I was essentially standing on top of a downed Doflamingo.



Doflamingo: Kuh…!!



He tried to get up and he almost did. He tried to use strings to catch something above him so he can use it to get himself up… but I wasn’t going to let that happen.



Me: *Rinnegan* *Petra Path* Absorption



I felt Doflamingo’s Devil Fruit powers be neutralized as all the strings he created lost the connection. They literally turned into normal strings… nothing more. He tried to activate his armament Haki but I quickly absorbed that too.



Doflamingo: What?! How…



Buffalo & Baby 5: Young Master!!!



Me: Doflamingo… not only did you break the treaties we’ve agreed upon but now you ignore my words as well?



I unsheathed ‘Bob’ and put it right above his neck.



Me: I hope you have a good reason for why I shouldn’t kill you right now. You already know I will if you don’t give me a good reason..hmm?



Doflamingo: Name your price…I’ll pay for it.



Me: 10 Billion Beri, or 1 Billion Beri with a Devil Fruit of my choice, delivered to me by Next week.



Doflamingo: What Devil Fruit…



I smiled wickedly at him before I say the words that would surely cut deep into his heart.



Me: The Hobi Hobi No Mi. Bring me the Devil Fruit that allows the user to change people and things into Toys.



Doflamingo: You…!



Me: What is it? Is there perhaps a problem? Do you want me to visit Dressrosa and check it for you? You can take it as a free service, it’s on the house.



I provoked him. He was going to be beaten by either me, sis or Luffy anyway. There wasn’t a reason not to provoke him.



Me: I’m not sure what I’ll find. Hopefully I won’t find something labeled SAD or SMILE that is connected to either ‘Caesar Clown’ or, heavens forgive, KAIDO?!



Doflamingo: How… how do you…



Me: I’m not going to turn a blind eye to what you did Doflamingo. Safe Haven always finds out. The Society was watching you…from the beginning. But for now… this world still needs your Underground Network. There are innocent people who rely on it just as much as people who misuse it for their own gain.



I looked at Doflamingo who had started panting by now. The gravity starting to bend his body into shapes a human body shouldn’t be in.



Me: So what’s it going to be Doflamingo? The money or the fruit?



I half heartedly hoped he would say the fruit even though I already knew the answer.



Doflamingo: Forgive me… kekeke… I didn’t want to draw your anger of all people. I’ll send you the money by next week.



Me: 2 days. I’m not waiting any longer than 2 days. If you don’t, we’ll issue an ‘inspection’. You know what that means, don’t you?



Doflamingo: Very well…



With that, I stepped off of Doflamingo and cancelled my gravity attacks on him. He didn’t even say goodbye or anything. Instead, he quickly signaled Buffalo to change into his Biplane form and they were off.



I walked back to Smoker who was being treated by a healer. Sis also just arrived on the scene as well.



Me: Sis, the situation is under control. Unfortunately, he chose to give us the money instead.



Diana: It’s no problem. We’ll get it either way. Besides, you’re not looking so good Smoker. Want a hand?



Sis didn’t wait for an answer and instead started closing and mending Smoker’s wounds.



Me: Smoker, when will you listen to us? You over rely on your Devil Fruit. Logia fruit users aren’t invincible.



Smoker: *grunt* Look at what state I’m in right now, you think I don’t understand that?!



Me: Well, you understood too late. What’s the use if you understand when you’re about to die?



Smoker: You girls always make me have a headache



Diana: Shut up, you’re starting to sound like Sengoku.



Me: Also, congrats on your promotion, though are you really strong enough to be called a Vice Admiral? You were beat in like…20 seconds from what I remember



Smoker: And what were you doing in that 20 seconds??



Me: Slowly walking towards your location



Smoker: Let go of me you punk! I’m going to mess up this little — *thud*



The last part was because I increased the gravity on Smoker and he was back on the ground.



Me: Thanks for being a good and obedient patient Smoker. You’re a real role model.



Smoker just decided to grind his teeth instead and ignore us.



Me: You heard what Doflamingo said right? Or was it me that said it? Anyway, go back and tell Sakazuki that the Haven is going to get involved with this. We’re going to Dressrosa.



Diana: If Sakazuki continues to let this happen, Doflamingo’s going to be a real problem. Maybe not directly but you heard Kara, he might be supporting Kaido build up his troops. Tell Sakazuki to send an Admiral to help…preferably dad. It’s been a while since we met him.



Smoker: Will that be all? If that is…I guess I owe you one. You saved my life after all.



Diana: Looks like you understand. Alright then, enjoy your painful wounds and see you around Smoker.



With that, I used reverse gravity on sis and I as we floated back up towards our ship, to return back home.

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