Justice in the One Piece World

The Youth Operation

Chapter 62



Back in Safe Haven, we informed our crew and Prime Minister that we were going on an unofficial break and that no one other than they should know that we were gone. They protested a bit at first but they relented in the end.



Besides, we didn’t want anyone to follow us this time. The actions we might end up taking were not really aligned with our Justice as well…but sis and I deemed it as necessary for us. In the end, there would be no one hurt or dead… but the action will result in a lot of pain in injustice.



We had to leave the Requiem here since we didn’t want anyone knowing something was off so we took off on our personal ship. It used to be called the Ark Maxim, and then I called it Enel’s Golden Ship for a while before I renamed it: Ark Midas. I think its pretty fitting judging that it’s made out of gold and all.



We flew high and above the clouds to that old spot where Aokiji and Akainu fought. It’s been over a year but it was still looking like a damn Pokemon symbol. I stopped the ship and just let it stay floating in the middle of the sky.



Me: Sis, we can jump down now. We’re above the facility. I can sense the Harpy, Law, and the clown.



Diana: Let’s just wait a bit before going. We want to just be here at the end of all of this. Unless you want trouble with Smoker and Doflamingo about how we’re not supposed to be here…also there’s Aokiji to worry about. He’s a Wildcard here. Let’s be careful



Me: Alright then, we’ll stay here until it’s all over. It’ll take a day until the Straw Hats arrive and probably even longer for Smoker to realize that they’re here.



Diana: We can’t be seen by them. Our safest bet is staying up here.



We stayed up on the ship and watched the arc played out. Mostly through observation haki as most of them were far away to see with the naked eye. It played out just like how it did in Canon. With Smoker, Law and the Straw Hats coming to an alliance against Caesar and his goons. Eventually, I tapped into a Den Den Mushi call that was headed for Doflamingo and knew that he was going to get involved.



Near the end of the arc, Law cut off Buffalo and Baby 5’s heads and sent them off on a raft and told Doflamingo to resign as a Warlord. During this short time, he was alone. Away from Straw Hats, the Marines, or anyone.



Me: Sis, we have to go now. It’s now or never.



Diana: You get him, I’ll follow right after.



Before Law had a chance to even notice, I teleported right behind him and struck him in the neck with as much force without killing him. He was instantly knocked out without even having a chance to fight back.



Me: Sorry Law, but we can’t afford to cause attention right now.



Sis jumped down right next to me.



Diana: Alright, I’m ready, do it.



I forcibly opened Law’s eyes and made him look at sis.



Diana: *Mangekyo Sharingan* *Genjutsu!*



The unconscious body of Law suddenly stood up at attention to sis’s words.



Me: Sis, you do it first. That way if anything goes wrong I can resurrect both of you.



I took out a small cherry from my inventory and signaled to her that I was ready as well.



Diana: *Genjutsu* Perform the Perennial Youth Operation



As I stepped out of the range of Law’s room, he started to perform the Operation. Truthfully, it was a gruesomely cruel operation. As both sis and Law’s hearts were opened, skull opened, every blood vessel, every muscle, all the bones, were rearranged…at the cost of Law’s life.



Surprisingly, this only took 10 minutes but it was done. As the room disappeared and Sis looked better than ever and felt much stronger than before, Law collapsed. Seconds later, the cherry changed and took the form of a small cherry.



Me: My turn, *Rinnegan!* *Art of Rinne Rebirth!!*



The ground shook as the King of Hell responded to my call. From his giant head, a single light shot out and into Law’s chest. As the light entered, I cancelled my ability as the King of Hell returned.



Me: Sis, he’s no longer under your Genjutsu, you’ll need to do it again.



Diana: *Mangekyou Sharingan!* *Genjutsu!*



Once again, Law was under sis’s control. She forced him to eat the Ope Ope no mi. Once he did, she did a quick check to make sure he was able to use it like before, which he was.



Diana: *Genjutsu* Perform the Perennial Youth Operation



Law didn’t move.



Diana: What?! *Genjutsu* Perform the Perennial Youth Operation



Law still did not move.



Me: Sis, wait a minute. I’ll check what’s going on. *Rinnegan* *Human Path*



I put my hand on Law’s head as I began going through his subconscious thoughts…and I found the answer to why he was not performing the Perennial Youth Operation.



Me: Sis, it’s not that he won’t or that he doesn’t know how to…It’s that the fruit remembers Law already performing the operation once. He quite literally cannot perform it again. We’ve already created an anomaly by keeping him alive. We shouldn’t push him.



Diana: But…but what about you? I don’t want to be young forever without you!



Me: You won’t be. I’ll find a way. Remember? There’s more than one way for eternal youth in the One Piece World. We’ll just have to wait a little longer.



Diana: Yes… yes, we’ll do that. Even if it means burning down that island. We’ll get you your eternal youth as well.



I smiled at sis’s words as she hugged me.



Me: You should release the hypnotism on Law before the others start looking for him



As we walked out of sight, I felt sis release her control over Law. He wouldn’t remember a thing. As I said, definitely an action not justified, but in the end, nobody is really hurt.




Diana: We only have one more thing to do here, don’t we?



I felt the ever closing force of a specific string pulling villain get closer to the island.



Me: Yes, just one more thing to do.






Ow… something hit me in the head really hard. What was it? Don’t tell me that Doflamingo’s already here…he’s going to kill me.



I feel like something important’s happened…but I can’t remember. Hopefully it’s nothing major.



With that, I started walking towards where Straw Hat was.

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