Justice in the One Piece World

Some Private Business

Chapter 61



Diana: So anyway, what are you going to do now? I recommend staying here for a few days and following a Merchant ship out for safety. They’ll be used to this sea so it’s a safer bet. Nami, I believe you also know about the new Log Poses?



Nami: Yes, I need to get them. The triple Log Poses.



Diana: Good, then it looks like you guys are set for the New World. I can only wish you all good luck. We might be meeting each other more than once during your journey. But for now, should we check how much you’ve grown?



Ussop: NO THANK YOU! I think only Luffy should do so.



Me: Luffy, want to test yourself against your brother? Hopefully it’ll be better than last time? It was honestly kind of sad to see you like that. Getting beat up into the ground and eating dirt…



Luffy: *humpf* I’m much stronger than I was a year ago! I demand a rematch!



Diana: I know a place where we can tussle, come on, follow me.



We arrived at the arena that Fishman people built for training. It was mostly just an open stretch of sand. It wasn’t much but it was the best one they had that was not submerged in water.



Diana: Well, who wants to start?



Spade and Luffy walked to each end of the Arena and stood facing each other.



Diana: You two are brothers so I’m not worried but no killing! The fight will end when one side gives up or I judge that you are no longer in condition to fight.




Luffy rushed forward, casually activating his second gear and decreasing the gap between him and Spade to zero. Spade, however, was prepared for this and causally let his brother punch him…which went through as Luffy didn’t coat his fist in haki.



Spade: Remember Luffy, I’m a Logia. Attacks like that won’t work on me. Heat Haze!



Instantly, a burning flame poured over Luffy who tried to run away.



Luffy: Gear 3rd!



What came out of the fire was an incredibly large fist…not coated in haki.



Spade: Fire Fist!



Bursts of hot flames hit Luffy’s enlarged arm and burned it. As the smell of burning rubber reached my nose, Luffy emerged from the fire looking very burned.



Luffy: I wanted to save this for later but… Gear 4th!



Luffy pumped himself up as he suddenly became bigger and muscular. He started to float in the air and much of his body became coated in Haki.



Spade: Now that does look quite dangerous… BLUE FLAME!



Spade’s entire body became coated in a burning blue aura and his fists turned black as he prepared to meet Haki with Haki.



Luffy: Kong Gun!!!



Spade: Mirror Flame Fist!



As both of them directly punched each other’s fist… there was an incredible explosion that pushed everyone back. Smoke covered everything as Spade’s flames exploded outwards and ended up burning a lot more than we were supposed to. The result of the bout was… Spade remained standing while Luffy was down, with his Gear 4th cancelled.



Spade: You’ve really grown Luffy. I’m proud of you. Only thing is… I’ve been training like hell under those two monsters—-



Diana: Who’s a monster?!



Spade: Under our captain. I’ve also grown beyond what I thought possible with my powers. But I’d say you’re ready for the New World.



Diana: Anyone else want a shot?



In the end, Franky, Zoro, and Sanji tried against our members. Of course, the winner was still our crew (even without me and sis participating), but we could tell they really improved a lot.



Diana: I don’t think you’ll need to worry with your amount of strength if it isn’t against a Warlord or a Yonko.



Luffy: We’ve beat multiple Warlords already! Also Jimbei is around my strength now.



Diana: There are those who’s strength surpasses what you’ve seen in Warlords up till now. For example, Doflamingo is a force to be reckoned with for you…not to even mention Mihawk.



Sis looked at Zoro who just lost his match against Sarah.



Diana: I trust that you know exactly how powerful that man is?



Zoro nodded. After all, he spent 2 whole years under the tutelage of that man.



After spending one more day, connecting King Neptune and the Princess to the Straw Hat crew under our recommendation as ‘Reliable and Good natured people’, we decided to call the vacation over and decided to return.



Me: Good luck all of you. Don’t run into too much trouble!



After a few more last minute advices, kicking off Sanji who was trying to hit on Alisha (who debuffed Sanji’s strength, speed, and even Libido as punishment) we set sail back to our island. Safe Haven.



Back in our room aboard the Requiem, sis and I talked about our future.



Me: So what do we do now?



Diana: We wait. We wait until we have an excuse to attack the emperors and Doflamingo. I’m sure they did some illegal things that we can use as an excuse…but we’ll need the Straw Hats to expose it for us before we can take action officially.



Me: Can we be part of Punk Hazard? It was one of my favorites.



Diana: No…not officially.



Me: Then that means…



We smiled at each other as I understood what she meant.



Me: We’ll be there, but not on paper.



Diana: Time to meet the Surgeon of death. It’s time we also do what we’ve always planned to do as well.

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