Justice in the One Piece World

Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 69



We left the meetings to our Prime Minister. We made sure he was a competent man at things like this anyway. Also, since he doesn’t know what’s going on and the relationship between the 2 factions yet, he’ll be able to pull our ‘neutral’ card and be done with it.



As we docked on Safe Haven, I went back into my room and took out God’s copy of “The Economy of the World” and “How Banks should work”. It was going to be a busy couple of days.



The meeting between all 6 factions ended and I was called to lower ‘Society’ back to sea-level. Which I did and all those who were involved either returned to their homes on Safe Haven or back to their territory. It seems our Prime Minister did a good job at getting why, who, and how they were getting into an alliance. We went over them and got enough to know that the data given to us were utter BS that both factions agreed upon. With this, as long as we have evidence to back it up, we can openly announce Big Mom & Germa’s fraud agreement. If push comes to shove and they refuse to make reparations for breaking or tricking us, then we can declare war as well.



I wonder how things are going with the Straw Hats right now? Hopefully they’ve met each other at Zou by now.



POV Nami, at Zou



Me: Wait, Franky, what’s that?



Franky: What?



As Franky turned around rapidly, the little nut thingy flew out of his back compartment…into my mouth.



Me: *cough* *cough* That was disgusting! What was that?




POV ??



??: This’ll make the story more interesting.





POV Kara



After a painfully long meeting with the ministers on the establishment of a National Bank and our own currency, I was free for the day. I put on a hoodie and put the hood over my face before walking out.



It wasn’t like I wasn’t recognizable with this on, but if people had the decency, then they would notice that I didn’t want to be disturbed. I was going to a Cheesecake place down the street when I found myself facing 4 very familiar Pirates and a few others.



First, anyone who set foot on Safe Haven was a free man. No matter what he/she did anywhere else, unless the committee decides to investigate or pre-ban a few specific members, anyone is allowed to come on the island as long as they pay their fees and register that they are on the island.



If, by chance, another country wishes for us to catch or apprehend criminals that they think are on Safe Haven, then all they need to do is hand in a report of their crimes and evidence of them and once caught, must pay. This process is very short and soon a search is conducted for the criminal.



If the country wishes to come themselves to take care of the matter, then they need to get a warrant from us which takes a much longer time. Any damage done must be paid back in full and more. Also, this was never granted on the capital island of ‘Society’ for safety reasons. In a way, it was safe for almost everyone in Safe Haven as long as they followed to rules here. After all, security was VERY tight and the elite soldiers here were not to be messed with…even for New World Standards.



So, back on topic. It wasn’t weird to see Pirates walking through the streets. Most of the time, people actually welcomed them like anyone else since these people often meant business. Those who caused trouble were quick work of anyway. Despite this, I never expected that some of the Straw Hats would dock here.



I would guess this is the Wano Team since the 4 were comprised of Robin, Franky, Zoro, and Ussop. If they were here, then that would mean that Luffy and the other half of his crew went to Wholecake Island (and it’s surrounding islands) to crash the wedding.



If God really wanted me to meet them this much, I guess it would be impolite to ignore them. I put my hood down and waved at them which the 4 of them (and one samurai) responded.



We were in the Cheesecake Cafe and I bought them all a nice big cake which they dug into.



Ussop: When we were leaving Dressrosa, was that really you?



Me: Do you mean raising all the debris and the broken pieces that were in Dressrosa?



Ussop: Yeah



Me: Mmmhmm, that was me.



Ussop, after hearing my answer, just slouched down and started complaining about how the world was so unfair.



Me: I see a few unfamiliar faces but I won’t ask about them. I believe your group is just here to restock before going on to…



I looked at Kin ‘emon



Me: Wano?



Robin: Yes. To get to where Wano is on this sea we must either go North and through Big Mom’s territory or go South and through Safe Haven. We decided to go the safe path and not risk bumping into any Big Mom Pirates along the way.



Me: That’s nice. I hope you’re all enjoying Safe haven. We put in a lot of work to make this place thrive. By the way, where are the others?



I feigned ignorance. Besides, if they tell me all the information I need here and now, then I can just tell the Prime Minister about it and then take action against both Germa and Big Mom.



Zoro: Our idiot cook was called in for a marriage by his family and Big Mom.



Me: Vinsmoke? Vin smoke Sanji?



Robin: You knew?



Me: Of course! Don’t underestimate the information network of Safe Haven. That would explain the sudden alliance between Germa and Big Mom pirates that they made here…I heard it was through a marriage but I never knew it was going to be Sanji’s. Wait… I might need to check this again.



I took out a Den Den Mushi and called the Prime Minister. It wasn’t really needed but if we could get at least a ransom out of Germa for this, this would leave them financially crippled for a bit. Honestly, I don’t want a Strong Germa 66 after this arc anyway.



Me: Minister, look up Vinsmoke Sanji in the database. Compare it to the family record of Royal blood in the Germa 66 and Straw Hat Luffy. If they Vinsmoke family declared Sanji dead or not their son, or even did not perform his duties as guardian, then inform me right away understand? That means that Germa deceived us to forge an alliance with Big Mom.






I ended the call before our Prime Minister could even respond. Sorry Minister-san but this was why you ran for the position anyway.



Me: Sorry, looks like we might be getting involved. Possibly after the whole event and confirm the wishes of both the Germa as well as your crew mate and see if there are any legal connections between the Royal Family and Sanji.



Ussop: But wait…you’re like…super strong aren’t you? Why can’t you just go there and bring back Sanji for us?



Me: Because that is not Justice…also that’s going to get me into a lot of trouble. If Sanji is being put there against his will, then it is his duty to make that known. Only then will I even think about responding. Second, Safe Haven is a neutral country that is recognized for it’s fair actions without bias in any International conflict. If I charge in there without a good reason to back me up, Safe Haven will lose the respect, reputation, and dignity that I spent so hard to built. So unfortunately, no Ussop.



Ussop put his head down. In a way, I could relate, after all, life of a Pirate may not be easy…but it was free.



Me: Besides, what happened during the last week? After I chased you out of Dressrosa I mean.



Robin: We came upon a really old elephant called Zou



Me: Heard of it but never been there. I’m amazed that it’s even still alive.



Robin: And Nami accidentally ate a Devil Fruit



Me: WHAT?! Nami? Your navigator?



They nodded



Me: Oh my… well I hope it was a good one. If not, tell her that there are no useless Devil Fruits…except Chopper’s fruit. His was a lucky case I’d say.



Robin: She ate Kan Jurou’s fruit. You can say the talent is in better hands.



Me: Quite literally huh… I felt sorry for all of his creations.



Robin: But weren’t they cute…?



Me: No, I’ll show you what cute things are. Get up, we’re going to the arcade. Let get some Plushies!



Why? Obviously I’m not going to ‘make’ someone into plashes or toys. I’m not that mean…unless I meet a World Noble. I’ll be very tempted to turn them into a toy.



After about a day of shopping and helping the crew find things, I watched them leave for Wano. It’s going to be a very different place from here. While I understand the importance of the Wano arc and it’s significance on the entire story as well as its origins and connections to countless important One Piece characters…I just can’t find the appeal of it. I think my problem with it is that it’s too long…somewhere in the middle I lost focus and couldn’t remember why Luffy and his crew was doing what. In other words, if Wholecake Arc goes as planned, then sis and I will be jumping into Wano blind.



(Author Note: That’s the setting I save Kara and Diana, not me. I actually quite like the arc)




As I returned back to the VIP Area of ‘Society’ which was where I lived and much of the meetings took place, I met our Prime Minister waiting for me in front of my office/game-room.



Me: Hello Minister-san, what do you need?



Minster: You were right. The Vinsmokes have only declared that their children are their commanders. There was never an official mention that Vinsmoke Sanji was their brother just recently.



Me: That means we can take legal action and this alliance they’re making through the Royal Blood of the Vinsmoke family is…void.



Minister: We can take legal actions against them.



Me: I don’t want to make war with the Germa unless it is necessary. Just make them pay the fee. Calculate how much this will cost them.



Minister: Yes Miss Kara



With that, he was off.



*sigh* So much work to do. If the Straw Hats are already on Wholecake island, then things have progressed a lot faster than I expected it to. Did Nami’s new ability accelerate their conflict on Zou? Regardless, there’s work to do.



I contacted the Den Den Mushis of our crew and sis



Me: Big Mom will betray Germa 66. Prepare the ship, be on standby. We must be ready to leave the moment the confirmation falls.



I’m not going to miss out on the action against an emperor!

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