Justice in the One Piece World

Charlotte Linlin

Chapter 70



It happened a few days later. I would assume the day of Sanji’s wedding but since I didn’t get the invitation, I didn’t know the exact date.



*ring* *ring*



Sis picked it up, but it was pretty obvious who it was from.



Diana: Hello?



Judge: Big Mom betrayed us! They were planning to kill us all from the start! I request an immediate pass of Justice on the Big Mom Pirates! A breach of contract!



Well, he definitely did his research before calling us. This was how we usually operated around people and organizations who broke the treaty, as shown with Dressrosa.



Diana: I will pass it on to our Prime Minister, though I believe you aren’t so clean in the deal yourself.



Sis passed the snail to Minister-san who was already with us. How convenient.



Minister: When I was going over the agreement with you, the details only included ‘Your Son’ as the wedding partner. What we were not warned of was that it would be Black Leg Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates. Unfortunately, we see some problems here that do not make you innocent in this agreement.



Judge: What are you talking about?! He’s my son! You better come quick! Big Mom is on a rampage to kill us all!



Minister: One at a time Mr. Vinsmoke. While Black Leg Sanji is indeed your biological son, you gave up your rights as guardian many years ago by definition. Thus, in other words, you forced a complete stranger into your mess and tricked one of the 3 Emperors of the Sea into forging an alliance with you. That is how Safe Haven views it and it will not change.



Judge: Fine! What do you want?!



Minister: For your part of the deal and your oath as well as agreement, the total comes to be 6.6 Billion Beri’s.



Unfortunately, we were not able to create our own national currency yet…but it was definitely getting there. Just need to properly account for every possibility and we can start the whole project.



Judge: 6.6 Billion? That’s ridiculous!



Minister: It was the amount you agreed to pay should either side break the agreement. Looking at how the only side that did not break it is Safe Haven, this is the amount you must pay.



Judge: Fine! We’ll pay! Just come and do your ‘Inspection’ on Whole Cake Island!






Diana: You all heard him. Minister, we’ll be off. Wish us luck.



Within 10 minutes, everyone was on board the Requiem.



Me: Here we go!



With that, we started to fly towards Wholecake Island.



Diana: We’re about to fight an Emperor.



Me: We can’t expect it to be on the level we’ve faced so far… this is going to be on a whole new level of Crazy.




We arrived On Whole Cake Island just in time to see it in ruins. The frosting was burned, the cake and structures itself collapsing or already collapsed. In the midst of it was the Germa Force retreating from…Big Mom herself.



It looks like she recovered from her rampage and returned to Whole Cake from Cacao Island.



Diana: Get us close, we need to talk with Big Mom before we begin.



Just as the Vinsmokes got on their giant snail ship, we floated right above them, facing Big Mom. In all her mad and crazed glory, she was about to jump onto the Snail ship to intercept them when.



Me: Sis, brace me. *Almighty Push*



Sis held me from behind while I fired the repulsive force against Big Mom. It wasn’t strong enough to send her flying but it pushed her back to the island.



As she was pushed back, everyone in the vicinity noticed us, flying high and the flag of Safe Haven (same as Equilibrium) flying high and proud.



Diana: Hello Charlotte Lin Lin. We’re here for an inspection of Totta Land. We believe you have broken multiple agreements regarding the treaty. Add that onto the fact that you have attacked the Royal Family of the Vinsmoke Family without an official declaration of War is an international offense. From paying the Germa Kingdom as well as the fee for breaking our agreement comes to a total of 27 Billion Beri. We expect this amount to be paid in 2 weeks. Or you can pay with your life as well as many around the world has done.



Linlin: 27 Billion Beri? That’s ridiculous! Why do I owe you that much money?



Diana: Your ambassador used the seal of the Big Mom Pirates which means all of you are in agreement with the contract. You should choose your representatives wisely Linlin, else something might this might happen.



While we were arguing, the Germa Kingdom was escaping. Probably to never be seen again in the One Piece Saga.



Me: Hey you guys, you have 1 week to pay up. If you don’t we’ll come find you after this.



They ignored me, but I felt their feelings change from relieved to panic. Well, at least we won’t have to worry about losing two factions in one day. Seriously, why do they even make agreements if they know they’re going to break it? Consequences, consequences, consequences.



Linlin: So it’s come to this eh? Fine then, Sweet or Life?!



Diana & Me: YOUR Life!



Me: Sarah, take this ship as far away as possible, stay away from the fight ok? We can’t look out for you guys when we’re fighting an Emperor.



With that, sis and I jumped off the ship and towards the pissed Big Mom. As we flew towards here, I changed ‘Bob’ with ‘Yang’. A normal sword would never even be able to scratch her skin. If even her normal skin is harder than steel…I feared what her armament haki would be like.



In truth, this battle could be finished easily with me just touching Big Mom’s skin somehow. Teleporting somewhere where she hasn’t covered herself in haki and turning her into a Toy. Despite how easy that sounds, unfortunately we couldn’t do that for a couple of reasons.



First, that would expose my powers to the rest of the world too early. I wanted to hide it at least until facing Kaido or Blackbeard. Secondly, Big Mom is still the secondary antagonist in the Wano arc. She plays a pretty important role in the Wano arc so we can’t kill her or erase her here. Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t beat the shit out of her first.



Me: Sis, does it work?



Diana: No, her soul manipulation allows her to be free of Genjutus. I can’t trap her in any illusions for longer than a second.



Me: So I guess we’re going to do this the traditional way then.



Big Mom took off her hat and held Napoleon, ready to face us, sword for sword.



While I knew armament haki, tekkai, and other defensive skills that allow me to tank most attacks, I wasn’t going to risk it with Big Mom. I turned myself completely into lightning as I teleported right in front of her and…



Me: El Thor (50 Million Volts)



It wasn’t very affective against Big Mom but it earned the time I needed. While Big Mom grunted from the shock and pain, Sis caught up with me and used her Aura Projection to cut her in the torso, then quickly on her right shoulder before Big Mom recovered.



Sis’s attacks didn’t really have much of an effect but she was definitely bleeding. Much more than what any of the Supernovas had been able to do.



Diana: Earthquake! *Small*



The very island trembled as sis punched her vibrating fist into the ground. The Earth shook and cracks appeared under Big Mom’s feet. As she tried to jump away from the opening ground



Me: 200G, Please stay for just a second…!



It worked, she was brought down onto her knees just long enough for her to fall into the ground.



I extended the gravitational field up into the sky and grabbed one of the smallest meteorites I could find. I knew this wasn’t going to work, but a burning piece of rock falling faster than the speed of sound makes for a great distraction.



It worked, Big Mom no longer tried to move away but rather focused on her defense against the meteorite.



Me: Sis, we’ve got to use Seawater if we even want to hurt her. We can cut her here and there but it isn’t having much of an effect.



Diana: Take out her sword and we’ll see from there.



Linlin: Prometheus!



A giant burning ball with a happy face on it appeared on Big Mom’s hand. Using it as a gauntlet…



Linlin: *humpf!*






Me: You better be kidding me. I expected her to bounce the meteor away or something…not punch it!



Diana: It’s big mom, what did you expect?



Me: I guess you’re right. A Child in the body of a God indeed…



I stole a bathtub’s worth of water from the sea and let it float around me. It was Shiki’s strategy but it has proven quite effective against Devil Fruit users from my experience. I know specific powerhouses developed a resistance against Water and Seastone, for example the admirals all went through training like that, but that didn’t mean the effect was nonexistent.



As Big Mom jumped out of the hole and rushed at us again, we began our attacks again. It went on for over an hour before Napoleon finally started to crack. It was crying for a while because of the pain but it finally started having effect.



Me: Finally…a Big Mom soul enhanced blade truly is frightening.



We didn’t lose this opportunity and continued battering the sword with our own blades. It took countless strikes but finally…



*crack* *crack…*






Napoleon was broken. Just as Big Mom put the hat/blade back on her head, she pulled out her soul from Napoleon.



Diaan: Kara!



Me: I know! *Rinnegan! *Summoning the King of Hell!*



The Giant Ugly head quickly sprung up from the ground and began a tug of war with Big Mom for the soul.



Diana: All things die eventually. All souls without exception goes to him!



Ok, maybe not ours but still.



We grabbed our swords and continued to stab and slash the hands that Big Mom was using to hold onto her soul. Her Haki coated hands her were on another level of durability but in the end, they too started to bleed.



Sis just held her sword with one hand and put her other on one of Big Mom’s fingers.



Diana: Superheat!



Enhanced with vibrations, Sis’s hand turned red from the heat. By One Piece logic, sis wasn’t burned at all but Big Mom’s finger was starting to burn. I helped out by grabbing another finger and putting as much electric current through her



It worked. The force Big Mom was holding onto her soul weakened and the King of Hell won the tug of War.



The moment the soul was sucked into the King of Hell…







There was no external injuries inflicted on Big Mom but I could tell she felt an unbelievable amount of pain as part of her soul, her identity, was lost forever.



Me: *Rinnegan* Get Prometheus!



Before the King of Hell could turn to the smiling sun, Big Mom grabbed him out of the air and turned it into a makeshift gauntlet, then did something I never expected anyone to do.



*punch* … *crack*



Big Mom punched the King of Hell and the jutsu was released. The King of Hell sunk back into the ground.



Me: You probably already were but you’re definitely going to hell when you die Linlin. I mean who the hell would punch the King of Hell?



Diana: That’s ridiculous…nobody ever did that in all of the Naruto series as well.



Big Mom ignored us and threw a fiery punch directly at sis.



Diana: Superheat!



Me: Plasma!



I superheated the coating of sis’s fists into Plasma. Technically it should’ve been hot enough to burn anything, but anime logic helped us out again.



*cchhhhh* *sizzle*



Sis’s fist burned right through Prometheus, killing him instantly. and burned the knuckles of Big Mom’s fist black.



Linlin: Rarrgh!!! I’ll kill you girls!



Diana: For 30 whole chapters you only said Wedding Cake. I’m guessing this is something of an improvement for someone of your level of intelligence?



It was a provocation and it worked. Big Mom lost her sense of reason and charged at us. Only her front covered in haki.



Sis: Amaterasu (Black Flame)



Big Mom’s hair caught on fire and started to travel up to her head. It burned up most of her hair in seconds but was kept back by the haki on her head.



Diana: It won’t go out. It’s not your average fire.



Then I sensed Big Mom about to do the scream/shockwave again.



Me: Cover your ears!



Sis listened to me as Big Mom screamed at the top of her lungs. The fire, though it wasn’t put out was flung away from her from the shockwave that was created from her screaming.



She kept screaming as she rushed towards us. She turned towards me at the last second but she managed to grab my ankle with haki, essentially trapping me.



Linlin: Got you!!!



She used her other burnt hand to grab my right arm and started to pull in apart.



Shit…I didn’t want to reveal this yet but looks like I don’t have a choice.



Me: *Rinnegan* *Asura Path*



It felt weird as my head suddenly starting converting thoughts into codes of 0s and 1s but it also felt very natural. I had a mission to do….Free Myself from Big Mom…Commencing…



Me: *Type 5 Rocket…target Eyes, Mouth* Activate Petra Path



My thoughts became so clear, everything was just right or left, black or white. As felt nothing as I shot missiles out of my body everywhere. To Big Mom’s eyes, sucking out Haki from her hands so I can fuel myself, burning her mouth with a flamethrower that came from my chest, and most importantly, the massive civilian casualties that resulted from my bombardment of explosives.



It was a success, Big Mom recoiled in pain and let go of me. I immediately jumped back and searched for the next mission… to not fine one.



Me: *Rinnegan* *De-activate Asura Path*


What?! Did I just do that?!



I looked around to see the burning landscape and countless auras flickering and disappearing from my observation haki…I felt like I was about the crumple but God’s Calm mind saved me from a mental collapse.



Think about the deaths later. Taking care of Big Mom takes priority.



As I focused on Big Mom again, she was much weaker than before and white heavily injured. Her right eye was shut but there was blood flowing through her eyelids. Looks like at least a couple of explosions found its mark.



Linlin: What…? What are you.



She also looked thinner than before. This was good news, she’s starting to run out of cardio. We just need to tire her out more before we deal the final blow.



The fighting went on for hours upon hours. It was clear who was winning but Big Mom just wouldn’t go down. More than once, her cookie soldiers tried to throw her some food so she came recover but I simply blasted them all away.



Every minute, the number of cuts on Big Mom increased. Slowing her down, fatigue piling as the small stings started to accumulate.



Me: 50 Million Volts.



As a massive electric discharge that make’s Zeus’s bolts look tame shocked Big Mom, she sank onto one knee. I didn’t miss this chance and threw Seawater directly onto Big Mom’s face, who was not able to dodge it.



We didn’t miss this chance. Stabs on her legs, hands, arms, face, back, everywhere. Sis kept Big Mom as busy as possible while I teleported around her trying to cut into her full body Armament Haki.



Finally, it looked like Big Mom has had enough.



Linlin: SOUL POCUS!!!



All of Whole Cake shook as Souls from every Homie she had ever made gathered on her fist. She hit the ground and the souls of thousands was absorbed into the ground.



Linlin: I am an EMPEROR!!!



The ground trembled as the Island itself came to life.

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