Justice in the One Piece World

Fighting the Bird

Chapter 66



Outside, it looks as if things have already been set in motion as people remembered who they were. The toys all turned back to people and started rioting against Doflamingo. From a distance, I could see dad fighting Sabo…though without the help of his additional Mera Mera No mi, he’s being pushed back. I think dad is stronger here than he was in Canon. Since he had to train us when we were growing up, he never took his training lightly either.



I could also sense Luffy and Law trying to climb the tower to reach Doflamingo…who was alone this time, without Trevor. On another side, I could tell Zoro and Peeka had begun to fight. The entire place was descending into chaos now.



Me: Should be any second now… ahh, there it is.



From the sky, a single thread spread out and surrounded the entirety of Dressrosa.



Me: Here it is… the legendary Birdcage.



Along with the birdcage came Doflamingo’s broadcast.



Doflamingo: Citizens of Dressrosa…and guests. I could’ve just ruled over you with terror from the start…Now that you know the truth…I’m sure many of you want to kill me! That’s why I prepared a game—-*beep* *beep*



Nope, I didn’t want the broadcast to cause another wave of chaos across Dressrosa. It’s better if a sly man stays silent. Instead, I tapped into the broadcast and let my voice sound all over the country,



Me: Hello Citizens of Dressrosa. I am Kara Fujitora of Safe Haven. Many of you know me as one of the Twin Monarch of the Seas. Today, we witnessed the crimes of your fake king and Warlord of the Sea, Donquixote Doflamingo. By the way, did you know that he was originally a World Noble? That might explain his such hospitable behavior shown today.



I drenched my words in sarcasm as I continued to diss Doflamingo in front of everyone.



Me: Let me tell you a story, a true one at that too. If he’s a World Noble, why do you think he’s here and not up in his fancy palace at the Holy City of Marie Jois? It’s because even World Nobles recognize scum worse than they are. They refused to let Doflamingo live with them so they kicked him out. Now, he’s just pissed at the world. Don’t you think that’s quite like the mentality of a 5 year old child? No offense children of Dressrosa. At least you’ll grow in mental age, Doflamingo’s stuck there forever.



Up in the Palace, I felt a relatively powerful presence burn in rage at my words. Looks like it was having effect.



Me: He had such a wonderful solution too! Which is why Safe Haven is involved here today actually. Using his influence, Doflamingo worked together with the wanted scientist of the World Government Caesar Clown who has an unbelievable body count to create artificial Devil Fruits to sell to none other than… Kaido himself. This is not only a breach of the trade agreement, but also poses a great risk to the lives of hundred of thousands of innocents around the New World and out into the Blues. Finally, your attempt at preventing me from doing an Inspection of your Factories has made me to force my hands. Since I can’t check what’s inside, even when it’s labeled SAD and SMILE, I decided not to take the risk and gave the order to blow it up.



Just as I said that, our ship started to fire upon the factories with lasers that were comparable to that of Pacifistas while sis created small atomic bombs to hasten the process.



Me: See? There is goes. Sorry Doflamingo. It looks like you’ll need to reimburse Kaido. Or who knows what he’ll do. Also, your actions for doing this ‘Birdcage’ thing could be an automatic death sentence from me but I’ll let the Pirates have their go first. Doflamingo, you have 20 minutes to survive or surrender or it’s death for you. Until then, I’ll allow this cage to exist. Also, sorry I might’ve killed a few of your executives by mistake. As in killed, I mean the ones that are not dead will never walk again. They just wouldn’t move out of the way you know? Also Peeka, you should sing soprano *click*



With that, I fried the cables and connection so Doflamingo couldn’t use it to his advantage. I could feel the relief of thousands of citizens as they knew I was here to protect them.



From the top of the palace came a VERY PISSED OFF Doflamingo. He didn’t even wait for Luffy and Law to reach the top, instead he jumped down on them with every intent to kill them. Knowing full well he can’t beat me, it looks like he’s going to take it out on Luffy and Law instead. Good luck Supernovas, if you guys are about to die I’ll step in.



On the other side of Dressrosa was a VERY PISSED OFF Peeka who was fighting against Zoro.



Without the other executives, the remaining Straw Hats easily ganged up on the few Family executives that weren’t beat by me and were made quick work of.



Back to Law, Luffy and Doflamingo. Law was completely beat down as Doflamingo continued to pummel Luffy off and into the Streets of Dressrosa. Falling down the long distance.



As Luffy threw Law down to safety, he began to actively push back Doflamingo…or at least it seemed like he was. After a talk between the two that I didn’t bother to listen to, I informed Doflamingo.



Speaking as loud as I can while enhancing my voice with my minimal control over sound waves (vibrations are sis’s specialty. I control electromagnetism which is also a form of waves, but not sound. So only the bare minimum of that)



Me: Doflamingo, your 20 minutes are up. It looks like you’ve spent most of that time talking with Straw Hat Luffy and Law. While I’ll let you continue fighting with Straw Hat, you can say goodbye to your Birdcage.



With that, I started walking towards one of the ends of the town, people moving away to the side to make room for me as I reached the side.



I coated my hand in pitch black armament before grasping one of the strands of the birdcage.



Me: *Rinnegan* *Petra Path* Absorbtion!



I didn’t limit it to just the string I was holding but the entire structure. As the devil fruit enhanced string lost it’s connection, it turned into normal string…weak and useless. Without anything holding it up, the string fell down as per gravity.



Me: You can continue fighting Doflamingo, but everyone will know the truth of what happened here.



All around me, cheering erupted as they realized they were not trapped in anymore. Seriously, this Rinnegan ability that ?? gave me is seriously broken. If I didn’t have it, I’m not sure if I could’ve cut it in time.



While people were celebrating, in the middle of Dressrosa, it looks like the real fight only began just as Peeka was defeated by Zoro.



Luffy yelled something really loud that I didn’t bother to hear, but judging from his transformation, it was Gear 4th.



Luffy: KONG GUN!






The fight went on as Doflamingo was slammed into the middle of the streets. Then, both of them began to fly. One using his strings to connect it to the clouds while the other used their elasticity to literally bounce around in the air, looking quite ridiculous but by no means weak.



Doflamingo sure did live up to his name as a Warlord though…unlike Crocodile and Gecko Moria. He awakened his fruit and began trapping Luffy to the ground where he had the advantage.



As expected, although Luffy managed to punch Doflamingo one more time (quite hard too), he couldn’t hold his Gear 4th form long enough. In the end, Luffy was down.



Luffy: Just…buy 10 minutes for me please… anyone…



Me: Looks like it’s my turn then.



I teleported directly to Doflamingo’s location who was still stuck in the castle wall and grabbed him by the hair.



Me: You didn’t make your payment



*CRACK!* I hit his face with a haki enhanced fist. His glasses broke and blood started to flow from his nose.



Me: You broke the treaty and betrayed us. Trading with Kaido, do you really wish to plunge this world into madness?



*CRACK* I hit him one more time. This time, Doflamingo tried to resist but I was faster.






Me: You’ll create more people like you. Those who’s lived in terror…poverty…pain.



Doflamingo: Arrggg! AAAARRRRGGHHH!!!!



Doflamingo’s Conqueror’s haki blasted from him but I was already prepared for the blast.



Me: Your haki is filled with pain and insanity. That shows the color of a Mad King, one which cannot control his subjects and can only keep his throne with fear.



I prepared my own Conqueror’s Haki as I continued to talk to him. His haki continued to crackle in the air as he tried to invade my mind.



Me: A true King listens to his subjects. A true leader sets the example for the citizens to follow. You need both the respect and fear of the citizens to rule a stable country with a Iron Fist. Let me show you how it’s done. *Conqueror’s Haki*



Our haki clashed for a brief moment before mine overpowered his.



Me: My Will is filled with Confidence, Undying Determination, and my sense of Justice to your pain and insanity. It is only natural my will of the King would crush yours, doesn’t it?



With that, Doflamingo’s haki was completely crushed as my Haki entered his mind. Even at this state, he refused to fall.



Doflamingo: keke… what… what did you do to my family?



Me: You’ll see them all soon, but not all of them at once. Some will be in prison with you, while others below your very feet.



Doflamingo: Aarrgh! You Fucking Commoner!!



This was his last move of resistance, I could feel it. His awakened Devil Fruit changed our surroundings to threads that rushed towards me.



Me: Haven’t you already tried something similar before? Almighty Push!



The Strings were instantly torn apart by the force. Using this as a chance, I pushed Doflamingo’s head to the ground.



Me: This might give you a concussion but I’m sure you’ll survive. Almighty Push!



Doflamingo: No…!


I aimed at exactly where his brain and skull was. He coated his head in haki but my attack was fundamentally different anyway so it did no good. It didn’t crack anything but it did shake his core organ enough for it to go into a temporary shutdown.



The moment he crumpled down, I grabbed a couple of seastone cuffs from my inventory and cuffed him. I didn’t trust that a single pair would be sufficient for someone like Doflamingo so I cuffed his wrists, ankles, and neck (with one that was specially made for necks).



Me: With this… the Dressrosa arc is…



Issho: Kara, is that you?!



Me: Not over yet…?

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