Justice in the One Piece World

Finally Over! *sigh* There’s more??!

Chapter 67



Dad embraced me into a hug as I ran up to him.



Me: I got Doflamingo! I got the bad meanie



I don’t know why but whenever I’m with dad, I feel like a little girl again. Probably because he doted so much on me. I’m sure he loved us equally but I was always the little one.



*pet* *pet*



Issho: Of which I am proud of my daughter. You’ve saved thousands of people here today and beat the Heavenly Demon. Something I cannot do as part of the Marines



Me: One of the reasons of why sis and I decided to leave the Marines and create our own organization or country. As long as we were chained to the Marines, we were forced to turn a blind eye to so many injustices in the world. Of course, sis and I ignored most of them. hehe, but I’m sure you do the same.



Issho: I do, though it drives that Sakazuki quite mad.



Me: Dad, you’ve got to tell me if he ever demands something unreasonable. Sis and I’ll come and beat some sense back into him.



Issho: My my…when did my little Kara grow up so much? Telling her father that she’ll protect him. Now… I’m not so weak myself you know? I know your power and talent far outshines my own but everything you’ve learned about gravity manipulation came from me.



Me: I know, I know. But what about situation right now. Are you allowed to be here? Did you check the Tower? I left a couple of unconscious or dying members of the Donquixote Family in there.



Issho: All 8 members were either confirmed dead or dealt with…mostly thanks to you.



*pet* *pet*



Me: Dad… the world is going to know what happened here…actually, I bet they already know. While I was fighting Doflamingo.



Issho: Actually, the moment you released the birdcage, reporters swarmed us and got the news out to all over the world. I actually bent my knee to apologize on behalf of the World Government to the true King of Dressrosa.



Me: You got on your knees?



Issho: Is there a problem? I thought you wou—-



Me: DAD! YOU TOLD ME YOUR KNEES HURT! What if you stretched your muscles again? Even when you’re fighting you don’t get down!



Issho: Oh… well, its fine so don’t worry.



Me: But… I’m proud of you dad. I don’t think any other Marine officer, admiral or not, would have the guts to bend the knee to apologize on behalf of the World Government. Only you would do that…and I’m proud.



Dang it, looks like I missed my chance. Well, it’s not really a problem.



Me: But what about the other Pirates? The ones that took part in the competition? Will they be caught?



Issho: Hmm… that is an issue. I’ll have to at least keep up my appearance by chasing them out of Dressrosa.



Me: Now?



Issho: Not today. I put my chances on a dice but it told me today was not the day.



Me: You are a skilled gambler father. Are you sure your subconsciousness didn’t alter the results? Or perhaps your gravity from your emotions affecting the outcome?



Issho: Who knows, yet I try to keep my head clear no matter the result.



Me: It was good to see you again dad. I’ll come find you at the temporary Marine base later!



I smiled at him before turning around to do this short work… then I remembered something.



Me: Oh! Dad, I made Soba Noodles. It’s on our ship too. Would you like me to bring you some later?



Issho: What kind of father would I be if I miss a chance to eat the best soba noodles in the world? Ones which my daughter made?



Me: hehe, you should go say hi to sis too. She’s probably back at our ship.



Issho: Perhaps I will do that. I will see you soon. Take care Kara



Me: I will!



As I walked out of the immediate range of where father was using his Observation haki, I activated my own, looking for none other than…



Me: Don Chin-jao. I found you~



I wasn’t going to kill him or anything. However, he was going to pay for his crimes as a pirate financially.



I walked straight into where the Chin Jao family was hiding.



Me: Hello. *Conqueror’s Haki*



It took more than just haki, but within a minute, everyone from the family was knocked out.



I walked over to where Don Chin Jao was and grabbed his now crooked head.



Me: *Rinnegan* *Human Path* The Location of your Treasure under the Ice



I suddenly got all the relevant information regarding the topic. Relieved to find out that the treasure was still there, I dropped Don Chin Jao before walking out of the hideout back into the open.



Me: I could just go back but… it’s probably better if they know earlier right?



I turned around and started heading for the Flower Field of Dressrosa, where Kyros’s home was located. Where the Straw Hats and a few others were hiding.



I took a while to reach the place since I just walked, yes I walked, there at a leisurely pace. It felt nice to just ignore everything and just enjoy the small things like the weather for a change. On the way, I contacted sis to help me with this, which we readily agreed with.



Once we reached the house, I just opened the door without knocking and found the entire gang there.



Diana: Hello, I’m here to break some bad news



Everyone: …



Law: Shit! Everyone, they’re the Twin Monarchs!



Diana: Calm down Law. Besides, it doesn’t look like you can do much in that condition anyway. Besides, I’m technically here to help you.



Sis walked in and sat on one of chairs and piece of bread. She put some jam on it and took a bite.



Diana: A little hard but it’s not bad. Did you buy this or make this?



Kyros: Unfortunately, I’m no baker. Everything here is bought.



Diana: Che, Why is it like almost no one understands the joy of cooking? Isn’t that right Sanji?



Sanji: Yes, of course my beautiful Queen! Would you like to have something made? I will make it for you in an instant!



Diana: Really? umm…surprise me with the food from the Kamabakka Kingdom. You got the recipe right?



Sanji: Of course!!!



With that, he ran out of the house. Probably to make a makeshift kitchen outside to cook.



Me: Actually, can everyone here leave except you two from Wano, and people who promise not to interfere no matter what happens.



Nobody left the room. I guess a little warning was needed.



Me: If anyone interferes, I’m going to attack you, am I clear?



They all nodded.



Me: Sis, the stage is yours.



Diana: Alright.



She moved right in front of the two samurai, then looked directly at Kan Jurou.



Diana: *Mangekyo Sharingan!* *Genjutsu!*



Kam Jurou tried to resist but his will was too weak against sis’s overpowering willpower. Within a moment, Kan Jurou was under sis’s genjutsu.



Diana: Alright, now Kan Jurou. Would you be so nice to tell us about your affiliations with the current ruler of Wano and the emperor of the Sea, Kaido of the beasts?



For sis and I, it was an expected answer as we already knew what was going to happen but for all the others in the room, and especially Kin ‘emon, it was a shock. As one of his closest friends he has ever had betrayed him…no, betrayed all of them.



Kin ‘emon: Why…no, how do you know this is real? For all I can think, this might be a trick by you!



Diana: Honestly, I didn’t know as well exactly what he was doing. I just guessed the questions using his origins and connections with you. What I did feel was a…no, Kara’s better at this.



Me: Advanced form of Observation haki opens a few options in which how I see the world. One of which is able to see people’s intent, emotions, and more. While I saw many different emotions and intent in all of you, from this man I only saw malicious intent…ones that usually end up in betrayal.



Diana: Don’t get me wrong. I don’t really care what happens to you but if you’re going to be traveling with the Straw Hat crew, we kind of have a reason we are not allowed to explain to watch over them somewhat.



I produced a pair of Sea Stone cuffs and put it on Kan Jurou.



Diana: You guys do what you want with him. That’s all I really had for today. I’ll stop the hypnotism now.



Kan Jurou realizing what he just said tried to sputter excuses and trying to blame us about our mind tricks but nobody believed him. After all, we had already earned the trust of the Straw Hats. If Kin ‘emon wanted to trust him, then fine. We can do so at his own risk.



We took a packaged meal of Sanji’s food on the way out and enjoyed it as we walked back to our ship.



Me: It seems like all the conflict is already over… but it isn’t. There’s so much more left to do.



Diana: There is, I’ve got to do some paperwork that Minister-kun sent me. It’s not really hard but the Ok Go needs to come from me.



Me: Alright sis, see you back on the ship.



Just a little more skirmishes and the Dressrosa arc will come to an end. Doflamingo truly is a heavenly demon…to have such an influence on the world even when he’s chained up in Seastone.



That night, I ate the Hobi Hobi Fruit and gained my eternal youth.



Author Note: Hello, author speaking here. Just to clarify, ??’s Wishes > Devil Fruit abilities



This is why he was able to grant the twins total immunity to Sea Stone, Water, Mind Manipulation, and more when it is supposed to be ‘impossible’ for Devil Fruit users or really anyone when it comes to ‘Limitless Body’. Thus, even though Kara consumed the Hobi Hobi Fruit, her ability, strength, and other aspects except her appearance (and thus age) will continue to grow.





In a Suite room somewhere in Dressrosa.



Diana: Kara, look! I found the Devil Fruit I wanted as well!



By this time, the pain from eating my 5th Devil Fruit subsided.



Me: Which one? Are you going to eat it?



Diana: I actually ate it already. Just like yours, it’s one of the most underrated Devil Fruits in the One Piece World, but I’d say absurdly powerful as well if used in the correct way.



Me: Which one? Rust? Hollow? Or is it a Zoan?



Diana: The Art Art Fruit! It pretty much gives me control over anything living or inanimate and change them into what I believe is ‘art’. It’s pretty much control over Reality itself! I won’t have to resort to blinding myself now! Cause do you know what true art is?



Me: No… don’t say it!



Diana: Let me tell you what art is…










Author Note: Yes, Diana really did eat the Art Art fruit.



Also, You can say goodbye to Kan Jurou. He will no longer be part of the Story









Hours later: Third Person Perspective


Kin ‘emon: Thats…that’s what you get for betraying us!



As Kan Jurou drew his last breath, a single Strawberry inside of Franky changed into a Devil Fruit.

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