Justice in the One Piece World


Chapter 46



It was officially a year since the Paramount War and our powers grew unrivaled except each other. Of course, the world remained oblivious to our new powers but bit by bit in fights against Pirates we tested out our new Powers. We were so swift and clean in dealing with pirates and other criminals around the world, that not only were we deemed the ‘Youngest Admirals’ but also the ‘Strongest Admirals’ which was saying of all time. I might’ve not agreed with this statement a few months ago but after seeing how much we’ve grown, I’ve got to admit we’ve gotten stronger.



A month ago, sis and I had the chance to spar against our father once more, who has gotten stronger with the training the demand from the Marines. It was no longer even a fair fight. The fight was over only a couple minutes in as father surrendered against each of us. While we did expect this result, it was still a groundbreaking moment for us to finally confirm it, to climb a wall that seemed so incredibly high when we first saw it.



We also beat Garp on 1 on 1 fights when we were sparring. This did end up trashing a few deserted islands but that’s fine. I think the main reason for our win though is mostly due to his age than anything. Despite that, he was one of the toughest opponents I’ve ever faced. His attacks were simple; just punches and kicks. No devil fruit to spice anything up nor any tricks to try and deceive my senses. Instead, this straightforward attack was incredibly fast and unbelievably heavy. In his Haki clad hands, I could see why so many legendary pirates fell to him. While we were with him we also got to see Koby and that other guy who was the son of the Ax Hand Morgan or something…nah, the other guy’s not important anyway. Koby was pretty interesting, definitely a rising figure in the Marines. He told me he was about to join a special Marine Unit called SWORD or something. Sounded pretty cool to me.



Personally, I liked the guy. He shared our sense of Justice. One that stood for the ideals of the Marines. Of standing to up to uphold the ideals of Justice as well as protecting the defenseless from harm. That was what he wanted to make the Marines into if he accomplished his goal of becoming one of the Marine Admirals.



Despite our status as Admirals, we were given the same freedom as when we were Vice Admirals as we kept going on the Requiem to all around the Blues and the Grand-Line to hunt troublesome pirates. This left only Kizaru to work for the World Noble’s whims. Having to hunt down every non-important and stupid pirates on his owns. Not even once did we respond to their calls and this obviously put us into their ‘Bad Admirals’ bag, not that we cared.



One of the downside of becoming an Admiral was the meetings and all the formal stuff we had to do. We also got some more paperwork than before but that wasn’t really a problem. Most of it was just asking for permission anyway, it wasn’t anything like Sengoku scale work.



One such meeting was atop the Holy City of Marie Jois where all the scumbags of the world was living. We met with the 5 Elder Stars once again and was disgusted by their corruption and willingness to sacrifice so much just to uphold their honor as the Word Government. Sakazuki, who was also with us was disgusted as well.



Sakazuki: Those old dogs of the World Nobles…



I honestly could not agree with him more when he said that. During the few months where he was Fleet Admiral and sis and I worked under him as Admirals, we became closer than I initially thought possible. Perhaps it was because losing us would mean a major loss of power for the Marines, or perhaps he actually began to see our point in his ‘Absolute Justice’ but our relationship was not something I would’ve expected a year ago. Honestly, I think he’s starting to realize our point of view in his justice, after all, it was all we ranted about to him.



After a meeting in that dreaded Marie Jois, the Marine’s top officers were called to an incident at Sabaody Archipelago before returning to G-1 (or Old MarineFord). After completing what we came here for, there were a couple of hours left until we needed to our ship.



We were wandering around the Archipelago, took a quick look at the Thousand Sunny which was being protected by Kuma, and had some fun. Just after finishing a quick early dinner at our favorite place, we heard a scream outside.



As expected, it was a World Noble. A snot nosed idiot piece of shit of a noble was holding a gun towards a little girl.



Idiot: How…! How dare you look at me! You all are beneath me! You should’ve put your head on the ground when I walked by. How dare you look up and see my face~!!



My observation haki sparked as I saw into the future, the death of the poor girl. Instantly, I teleported in front of the girl and hugged her as the gun fired. The gun only hit my back where I already covered with armament haki, so physically there was no damage done…but I realized what would happen.



*bang* *bang* *bang*



The bullet him me multiple times in the back but I ignored them. After all, to me, they were harmless…even if I didn’t activate haki or devil fruit.



Idiot: Why? Why aren’t you dead? I’m going to make you my slave!! For saving this little commoner who I was about to kill, I’m going to make you into my sex slave!!!



I just stood there and ignored him as I checked if the girl was alright. Thankfully, the girl looked fine, no injuries or any sign of trouble.



Me: Ok little girl, just leave this situation to me and run away, ok?



She nodded and ran off, not even looking behind her.



*bang* *bang*



The bullets never reached her as I increased the gravity on the bullets. They all hit the floor without going much further than an arm’s length. When I turned around, the Idiot of a World Noble slapped me. Of course, it didn’t hurt at all but I didn’t dodge it, after all, this much was bearable…for me.



Through my observation, I could sense rage and anger from everywhere…but my sister behind me was burning with desire to kill. I put my hand behind me and found her hand before squeezing it.



The raging fire in her calmed down a little bit but it was still here, barely held down as she spoke to the noble, with rage and venom laced heavily in her words.



Diana: Just because of your birthright… you get one more chance. That was your last warning.



The idiot of a Noble slapped me again without thinking twice. Instantly, I felt as if I was going to get burned from the rage I felt from my sister with observation haki.



She raised her hands to punch the noble as hard as she can; even without haki or devil fruit, the idiot of a noble would die instantly if he was hit by this. Despite that, I didn’t even try and stop her. Personally, I was pretty pissed as well. And if this became the reason why we need to leave the Marines, then so be it. We were prepared anyway.



Just before the fist connected to the World Noble’s face, it was grabbed by a massive hand.



Diana: Sakazuki… I believe you know exactly what is happening?



Sakazuki: Admiral Diana! What are you doing?! Trying to hurt a World Noble…are you crazy?!



Diana: I believe I had good reason, reasons that shows just how unjust your Absolute Justice is!



Sakazuki: Apologize to Saint Andrews this instant! He is a World Noble!



Diana: World Noble my ass! Bloodline doesn’t count for anything! Look at him, the honorable descendants of the founders of the World Government aren’t all great. Look at him, he’s the perfect example of what we call “A Male Pussy”



Sakazuki: DIANA!






While they were arguing and the idiot noble, who turned out to be called Andrews, a crowd gathered around us. Some were World Nobles who came to watch what was happening.



Me: Sakazuki, you know exactly what happened here. Tell me, is what I did to earn that bullet a crime? I mean before sis tried to punch that thing.



Idiot: Thi…THING?



Sakazuki: You stood in the way of a World Noble!



Me: Who was trying to hurt an innocent child!! Where is your justice for the child? If you, the World Government, don’t stand up for her rights, her Justice…then tell me Sakazuki, Who will?!



Sakazuki: Her actions insulted a world noble…



Me: World Noble this, World Noble that! How many times do I have to tell you? What if the girl who was about to die was your own mother? Would you still be saying the same thing?



Sakazuki stayed silent but through my observation haki, I could tell he was in turmoil.



Diana: Tell me what that World Nobles DID to earn their position. Not who they are and don’t you even say they are World Nobles. What did they do?!



Sakazuki stayed silent, unable to come up with an answer but the World Nobles around us started yelling and screaming insults.



World Noble 1: What are you doing Fleet Admiral! Kill them!!



World Noble 2: How dare they bad mouth us! I’m going to turn them into my slaves!!!



Idiot: Not even my parents called me that…! I’m going to torture you two until you beg for forgiveness.



World Noble 2: What are you doing! Tie them up Fleet Admiral! Right now or I’ll take this as Treason!!



Diana: Do you hear this Sakazuki? This is the Justice you work for. These are the people you are protecting and giving them the power to abuse. This is what your Justice is, laid out and in the open. They want me and Kara dead because she saved a defenseless child from being killed. Aren’t you glad that your loyalty is unshaken towards them?



I could feel Sakazuki’s resolve breaking as his mind was in turmoil. As the yelling and threats continued, he made up his mind.



He looked at me with shaky eyes before coating his fists with magma.



Sakazuki: I’m…so sorry



He punched me right across the jaw. I didn’t both dodging as I knew there wasn’t any real strength behind it. Still, I felt my cheeks burn a little bit from the impact as I didn’t even cover it was haki. My natural resistance to most forms of attack skyrocketed after eating the Devil Fruit from God.



I decided to return the words he said before right back at him.



Me: Old dog of the World Nobles…



Sakazuki didn’t even raise his head as he looked ashamed of himself. Maybe even this monster had a sense of humanity in him, feeling shame for striking a fellow Marine (not that he had any during the Paramount war).



The Magma from the punch dropped onto the ground and started to melt the road and soon into the roots below.






Sakazuki raised his fists again as they were once again bubbling with magma.



Diana: If you hit either of us, we will retaliate. Not by fighting you, but rather the Justice you protect.



She then pointed at the World Nobles who gasped.



Diana: I believe you have no doubt in our ability that we can do so?



Sakazuki just nodded before lowering his fists.



Well then, this was it. We threatened the World Nobles multiple times, stopped what they wanted to do, directly opposed our superior and took a punch from him too. There was no way we were going back to the Marines.



Diana: Fuck your Justice



She took off her Admiral coat before dropping it into the magma. I followed her example and turned around and started walking back towards the Requiem.


In a way, I was slightly worried about the consequences of our actions. This will have the entire World After us and we would be constantly chased. Yet, on another side, I felt free. More free than ever before.



Me: hah…ha…HAHAHA!



I started laughing at the ridiculous situation. Even as I felt the eyes on our backs, the bounties that would soon be put on our heads, and all the things that come with being labeled a criminal… I’ve never felt more free.



Diana: Let us go Kara. It’s time we enter the New World… as free people.

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