Justice in the One Piece World

Not Mad?

Chapter 47



All of our crew members already knew what happened. They must’ve heard or seen us from a distance away, or word carried out quickly. I wouldn’t be surprised if all the world knows by tomorrow…actually that’d be normal.



With the Reporters everywhere and this time involving the World Nobles, our actions and words would surely be known all around the world.



Diana: Well, looks like Kara and I aren’t Marines anymore. I’m sorry but if you guys are here to arrest me… I will have to throw you off the ship.



Sarah: Honestly kind of disappointed Diana, why would you think that? Ever since I’ve joined this crew, I’ve had the most fun in my life… and honestly I’ve never had anything closer to a real family than us. I’m staying. I’m going with you girls till the end.



Brown: I’ve only recently joined the Marines anyway. I was planning to leave if it wasn’t fun or worth my time, but joining your little team was honestly the best time I’ve spent in decades. I’ll stick around with you guys.



Tim: I was supposed to study under Dr. Vegapunk… *huh* but somehow you guys make stuff work. Honestly, I enjoy being here. While I love machinery and all, I’d rather stick with you guys and travel the world than be stuck in an office studying blueprint after blueprint. I’m staying.



John: I’ll stick around. Do I need a reason?



Sis smiled as she heard each of the crew’s decision to stay.



Diana: No John. You don’t need a reason, as fellow accomplices in crime now that you all decided to stay with us. we no longer need a reason. Having complete freedom of choice and action… that is one perk of being a Pirate.



Me: What will we call ourselves? It’s either be a Pirate or death sentence. Nobody survives threatening a World Noble and getting caught. So obviously we’ll become Pirates.



Diana: Let me get a few words out first though. Just because we become pirates doesn’t mean we throw away our ideals. Everything we worked for as Marines, I plan to continue it, just without the restrictions this time. We won’t pillage, we won’t harm innocents. We’re going to continue to hunt pirates that are known for being notorious. Is that clear?



Everyone: Obviously



Sarah: We’ll be pretty much doing the same thing, just that this time we’ll have a bounty on our heads and our backer would be the one trying to kill us.



Brown: As pirates, that means we can go into the parts where the Marines can’t reach themselves. It sounds like we’re bringing balance to the world to me.



Diana: I like that idea. How about Equilibrium? A synonym of Balance



Me: Gets my vote. Not Equilibrium Pirates, just Equilibrium. I don’t like the idea of getting connected to Pirates, even if the Marines label us as Pirates



Sarah: Better than what I had.



Tim & John: Sure



Brown: If you guys are okay with it then I am fine with it as well. Equilibrium it is.



Diana: Let’s set sail then. I assume we have everything we need? We’re going to the New World, fly over the Red Line.



With that, I activated my Devil fruit by simply touching the side of the ship as the Requiem started to float. Higher and higher into the air, up towards the top of the Red Line.



*ring* *ring*



Diana: Who is it from/



Sarah: … it’s from Fleet Admiral Sakazuki



Me: Sis… it’ll be better to accept the call. Just hear out everything he has to say. I know you felt it as well. When he punched me… his emotions were in turmoil. He’s conflicted, just like Aokiji was.



Diana: Fine…. *click* Hello?



Sakazuki: Admiral Diana… and Kara. I honestly do not know what to say. By your crimes of threatening and blocking the way of a World Noble, you…are now a designated criminal.



Diana: We’ve decided to sail the seas. So technically we’re pirates now.



Sakazuki: Not much difference… I’m… confused. How did this happen? Why are you two, who are always off hunting down pirates, pirates?



Diana: You know why. There are flaws in your system of Justice and one of the biggest flaws are the existence of the World Nobles. We were unlucky in that regard.



Sakazuki: I don’t normally say this… or I don’t think I ever have… but I think I must apologize to you and your sister. For denying your Justice in front of the World Nobles, or whoever it was is not important. But… I cannot allow any exceptions to this Justice. Not even you…even if it’s you. So I apologize for not granting you that exception.



Diana: We understand. We won’t forgive you, but knowing and working with you, we understand why you did it.



Sakazuki: That is all I can get I suppose. Other than that, this will probably the last time I’ll be talking to you before you are officially Pirates. Quite the shock this will make in the world, 2 admirals turning to Piracy.



Diana: You say Piracy but honestly it’s more like skipping work say. Just because we’re named Pirates by you doesn’t mean we’re going to start Pillaging, raping, or stealing stuff. We’re going to continue to do what we’ve always done. So here’s my tip. As long as you don’t send any Marines after us, and they don’t attack us, I’m not planning to hurt them. So make sure that they know that ok?



Sakazuki: That does sound like you. Alright then, I can’t believe I’m wishing Pirates good luck… but Good luck.



With that, the line went silent.



Me: Now here’s the hard part… how do we tell dad? I mean, he’ll understand but I don’t think he’s going to take it well.



Diana: Whatever the case, we need to tell him before the news comes out tomorrow, or worse, later today. *shudder* I don’t want to see dad angry again.



Me: *sniffle* scary…



Diana: This might take a while, guys, could you please leave the room? We need to call dad.



The others gave us the space we needed. After collecting our courage, we dialed dad to tell him what had happened.





It took a couple of hours to explain every detail and to make sure he calms down. When he heard that the World Noble slapped me, twice, I had to literally yell at him to stop him from bringing down a Meteor on Marie Jois. Other than that, he took the news surprisingly well.



For one, he knew that we were strong enough to take care of ourselves. Second, our ship could fly over the clouds, and have access to the Marine Maps and compasses which removes much of the navigating problem in the New World. Also, I think he knew that this would happen someday.



Issho: In the end… I’m worried for you girls, but it’s as a father that I am. Otherwise, I’m actually proud of you two. You stood up against something that you thought was wrong, even if that possibly meant your job, or possibly your life. In the end, it seems as if things have worked out…in a way. I wish we can continue talking like this but I think our time together will but cut short…unless you have a White Den Den mushi



Me: I have one.



Issho: Oh? Good! Then let’s continue talking like this as much as we can! We won’t be able to track your location anyway then. Goody Good Good.



Diana: Next time we meet, we’ll have plenty of Soba noodles for you dad. Thanks Dad.



Issho: Well, if it’s for my daughters… leaving the Marines just as I join them… *hah* what am I going to do with you two.



With that, the call was over. It felt as if a storm just passed and the sun came out again.



Me: Sis, I want want to relax for now.



Diana: Good idea, let’s just make Dinner and we can all go to sleep. We’ll make PXS take watch throughout the night… not that anyone could fly up here.



With that, our first day as non-Marines came to an end.

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