Justice in the One Piece World

Bounties…but we’re not Pirates!

Chapter 48


Marine Headquarters. New MarineFord, Conference Room



Captain: This is outrageous!! 2 Marine Admirals defecting and becoming a Pirate?! The Marines will become a laughingstock! Fleet Admiral! You better have a good explanation for this!



Sakazuki: Shut. Your. Mouth.



Captain: At least tell us what happened?!



Sakazuki: They saved a little girl from being shot…by a World Noble



Captain 2: You mean they stood in the way of a World Noble



Sakazuki: Did I stutter?! I meant what I said. Now stop asking stupid questions and get onto the bounties.



Commander: Yes, the entirety of the Marine’s Rapid Response Unit was transformed into a Pirate Crew. Led by Former Admiral Diana and Kara Fujitora. Their members include that of Sarah, the navigator. John, the shipwirght; Tim, the mechanic and blacksmith as well as Doctor Brown. Despite each of the crew having their own specialties, each of them are a force to be reckoned with as a result of “that daily hellish gravity training from that bitch Kara” quoted by Tim.



A few members in the conference room chuckled.



Sakazuki: This is no laughing matter. We just lost our greatest weapon. These two alone brought Justice to almost all Level 6 escapees from Impel Down in 6 months! That’s a feat that is unheard of. They’ve hunted Pirates so quickly and efficiently that they’re known as ‘Bane of Pirates’. Now they’re gone. How do you think the World will react, huh?



Sengoku chose to enter the room at that exact time.



Sengoku: Let’s see, both of them have at least one attack that makes the Buster Call look tame. Both of them possess Conqueror’s Haki. What did I miss…? Oh yes, the scariest fact them is that they are growing continuously. In their short time in the Marines, they have grown faster than what I’ve thought possible. The word Super Rookie is not an understatement. The people who call them the Strongest Admirals of this Generation, they are right. Sorry Sakazuki



Sakazuki: Hah, I gave up competing with them when Kara brought down that Meteorite right on top of MarineFord. So anyway, I propose this bounty to each of them.



Captain: This is ridiculous! So high!



Sakazuki: It should be higher. The only reason it’s not is because I know they’re not going to cause trouble to civilians or Marines. Actually, send out a message to the Marines. “Do Not Shoot or Engage the Former Admirals”. That’s an order.






Somewhere far above the New World



The following day, the world was in uproar at the news about us. How we have left the Marines and became Pirates.






Interesting title really, not very creative, is it? It makes us sound as if we're dead, of course, it's explained in the details later on but still, we're not that weak. What I liked about it was the description of why we left the Marines. These guys from NewsCoo have literally no sense of self-preservation. Judging that their workplace is a floating balloon that travels the 4 seas, I guess no one can really stop them anyway.



Inside the News was almost a Word for Word exchange between Sakazuki and me, and only occasional commentary about sis’s boldness and the hypocrisy of what the World Government was saying. Man…if this was any other company, they would’ve been shut down immediately.



Following the article were our Bounty Posters. Since we took off with the entire Rapid Response Unit, looks like they already knew that everyone was on board our new Crew.



Metal Tim



Tim: Ok, first of all, what is with this nickname? METAL? I mean I get where that came from but why did they have to name me Metal Tim? Why not something like Steel Crusher or anything.



Diana: Don’t be sad, 200 million isn’t a small amount.



Tim: I’m not! It’s just that Metal Tim’s going to be what people call me now…it just doesn’t have that ring to it you know? Besides, they’ve got a really old picture! I don’t have long hair anymore. See, why does John’s look and sound better?!



Crusher John




John: I actually like building stuff more than crushing things, but I guess they wanted to make me sound threatening.



Me: My question is, why do they try and make these titles sound cool? Why not something really lame and stupid to discourage Pirates? Something like Limp Dick Tim or something.



Sarah: I’m genuinely still shocked at how your little sister can say stuff like that with a blank face, in monotone as well.



Me: Twin sister



Diana: You’re the little sis and you know it. *pet* *pet*



Me: muu…ok, what about Doc’s



Doctor Brown




Brown: Oh? That’s pretty normal. Not that I’m complaining.



Sharpshooter Sarah




Me: Ooh~ Sarah’s got the highest bounty~



Sarah: Well, I always win in the spars so… wait, is that my picture from my CP days?



Kara Fujitora

White Death




Me: Huh, they really do me like that. Makes me sound like a serial Killer



Diana: You’ve killed a lot of people.



Me: I know, but only pirates…ok maybe a few accidental civilian casualties but we always warn them to get out of the way. It’s their fault for trying to take pictures in a middle of a fight.



Diana Fujitora

Black Death




Me: They made you sound like the Bubonic Plague, ha



Brown: What plague?



Me: Nothing, but why is sis’s bounty higher?



Diana: Because I still win our spars and they know that. Anyway, what does this bring our bounty up to… Holy Shit we’re worth 6.2 Billion total.


Me: On the bright side, only the dumbest bounty hunters will go after us. I don’t think the Marines will mess with us either. They know how powerful we are. Stil… I’m going to miss the Suites…



Diana: We’ve got enough Money to stay in better places for years, so stop sulking. Sarah, set sail for the former Islands the Whitebeard owned in the New World. We need to talk with a few people.



Sarah: Aye Aye Captain *snicker*



Diana: Let’s see what Fire Fist is up to. After all, he has a debt to repay, doesn’t he?

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