Justice in the One Piece World

Hello Again Fire Fist~

Chapter 49



All around the World



Pirate: The Admirals are no more! Gather up our supplies, we’re heading for the Grand Line!!!



With the news of the Bane of Pirates leaving the Marines, many pirates across the Blues took that as a sign to set sail. It looks like there’ll be more rookies in Paradise in the coming few years.



Meanwhile at Beehive



Blackbeard: Zehahaha!! Those girls were aren’t Marines anymore? Zehahaha. How interesting this all is.




Meanwhile in Wano



Kaido: Maybe… just maybe they could kill me.




Back on the Requiem.



Diana: We’re The Equilibrium now, we can’t really be having these Marine Symbols all over the ship and sails. We need our own symbol.



Sarah: I’ve actually tried making one. What do you think?



It was a beautiful symbol. On a black sheet of paper, the Marine symbol was adopted to become the wings of a white and golden scale (like a balance scale).



Me: I love it. We can easily point this over all of our Marine Symbols. We just need to get black sails…or who cares, just do it on our sails for now.



It was happy talk and small banter as we flew all over the New World. Of course, this was only made possible because of maps, eternal poses to confirm our locations, the Mastery of Navigation which Sarah began treating as the Holy Scriptures, and by flying over the clouds themselves as to not be disturbed by the horrible weather.



Even just looking below was enough to see why new Pirates who came to the New World would refer back to the first half as ‘Paradise’. Although we were above the clouds, all we saw were thunderclouds and massive storms until we came close to an island (then the weather changed into one of the 4 Seasons).



Sarah: Approaching the former stronghold of the Whitebeard Pirates, from what I’ve heard, this is where the remaining Whitebeard pirates are holing up. We’ll see if the person you are looking for is still here.



Diana: Good, just land us near the island and we’ll tell them that we’re not here for trouble.



As soon as our ship landed and sailed into eyesight of the island, cannons started firing in our direction.



Diana: Well, somebody’s definitely there; but as to whether they recognize or even want us here… that’s still a question.



I searched island, which looked like a sandy beach before a rocky cliff with many holes the size of caves, for the nearest Den Den Mushi



Me: *ring* *ring* Hello?



Man: Hello?



Me: Yes, um, we’re the ones approaching the island. If you’re in charge, could you please tell your men to stop firing?



Man: Who is this?



Me: I’m Kara. Kara Fujitora. I’m here to talk.



Man: … alright, come on shore then.



We didn’t both to stop at the shallows, I just willed the ship to float onto the sandy beach and continue floating there.



Marco: … I honestly wish we didn’t meet again. But you becoming a Pirate is something I did not expect.



Diana: First of all, things happen. Second, we've never actually properly met before, have we? So I would say this is the first time we’ve really met.



Marco: You’ve killed Pops, don’t think I’ll ever forgive you for that.



Diana: You know Blackbeard’s Devil Fruit powers don’t you? There are rumors he’s got a second Devil fruit. If he didn’t die an honorable death by us, he would’ve been killed by his own son.



Marco: !! He’s, NOT our Nakama.



Me: Perhaps not anymore, but we’re here to talk to Fire Fist. I need to discuss some things with him. Or more specifically about his future plans and some stuff regarding his brother.



With a nod, we followed him into one of the caves under the watchful eyes of the remaining Whitebeard Pirates.



Deep in the cave was what could be called a large mansion. Connected through the interconnecting tunnels and manmade holes, there were lights, facilities, and more. At last, when we entered the room.



Diana: Hello Ace, how’s it been?



Ace did not look good at all. There were bags under his eyes and he looked much skinner than before. He still had his trademark necklace as well as his messy hair, but he looked at if he had seen death, which might actually be true.



Diana: We’re here to talk.



In the dimly lit room, we sat down on the end of his bed while our crew looked in shock at the fact that Ace was alive.



Ace: Why are you here?



Diana: You know why. The news of our defection… or rather crime should’ve been bigger than most news nowadays; the question for you is, what are you going to do now?



Ace: Why did you save me?



Diana: We already told you that, you already know why. Besides, don’t you want to see your brother become the Pirate King?



Ace: I do… but he thinks I am dead, doesn’t he?



Me: Everyone except your crew and us think you died that day. I’m actually amazed that you even managed to hide it for that long.



Diana: That’s not really the point, but did you forget what you said to Whitebeard? We weren’t there but I’m sure you haven’t achieved what you promised him yet. You are to wreck the seas and spread his name, is it not?



Ace: So what? You killed Pops



Diana: Not this again… your father was going to die in a few hours even if nobody even touched him. I’d say we gave him an honorable death. Besides, while you were hiding inside the Sickbay pretending to be dead, we were holding back Teach from killing your dad…in a way.



Ace: What do you want to say? Just get to the point, through pops, through all the details.



Diana: Fine… join our crew. Sails the seas with us and become our Nakama.



Ace: Why should I? I already have my own Nakama



Diana: The Whitebeard Pirates are disbanded. You are rejecting this fact stubbornly just like your brother would have rejected your death. Besides, the moment you joined their crew, you were more than Nakama weren’t you? Did you ever call Whitebeard Captain? Or did you call him father?



Ace: …



Diana: We’re not asking for that kind of relation. We want you to become our Nakama. A good friend, a crew mate that we can trust and rely on.



Me: Do you really want to be here sulking day and night? You’ve got so much to do in this world! You, your brother, and Sabo… all of you!



Ace: …!! What did you say?!!!



Diana: Yes Ace, Sabo is alive. Don’t ask why, don’t ask how. That is all I will tell you until you choose to join us. We’ll stay for two days before we move on. Make up your decision before then Fire Fist.



It wasn’t even an hour before he came to where we were staying. Well, this was expected. We knew the two things he lived for: Acceptance and his brothers. Both of which were (semi) promised if he joins our crew.



Ace: I’ll join, but we’re going to see Sabo…and…and we’re telling Luffy the truth as well. I can’t let him suffer in pain any longer. I need to be there for him…no, both of them.



Diana: We can meet Luffy easily. We know where he’ll be for probably the next year. What we don’t know is Sabo’s location. He’s all over the place. Realistically, the only way we’ll get to contact with him is probably by getting a lot of attention through you…or waiting a full year.



Ace: Why a year?



Me: Just trust us when we say we know where he’ll be in a year. If we can’t afford to wait that long, we’re going to need to get his attention…or someone worse. But anyway, if you’re coming with us, either we hide the fact that you’re Ace or we make it know to everyone and have the World chasing us everywhere.



Ace: I’d rather keep my head down for a couple of years. You got any ideas on how to do that?



Diana: I do. I can rearrange the structure and your face…one by one. It’s going to be quite painful though, and take quite a long time. We would also need to tattoo a scale on your back, you can keep your Whitebeard Symbol but now you are OUR Nakama as well.



Ace: I’ve been to Impel Down, almost died multiple times training with Pops; I’m pretty sure I could take it. Just do it.




It took over a full day to change Ace’s face enough to be unrecognizable. His demeanor looked much nicer overall, with bigger eyes (which changed color to blue) and his skin more tan. His facial structure became longer with a taller nose. We convinced him to change his hairstyle from Messy Harry Potter to pulling back his hair with Tim’s old hair spray.



Of course, it’s impossible to make him completely unrecognizable as Plastic Surgery wasn’t a thing here, but if you didn’t know the man completely, it would be hard. In addition, he looked much better than a few hours ago.



Ace: Damn… you weren’t lying. This is kind of painful. You guys ever do this to yourselves?



Diana: There was one time we needed to infiltrate a group of Level 6 Escapees. We couldn’t risk it by just walking through the front door so we used it once before. Never used it again.



Me: Your face knows that something’s off so it’s going to slowly change back into your normal face. This should last about 6 months before starting to change back.



Ace: Thanks, but now I need to tell the others. I need to tell them I’ll be leaving.




Diana: Go do your thing then. We’ll be right here.



A day later, we were back on the shore with our slightly floating Requiem on shore.



Ace: So this is the Pirate’s Nightmare that I’ve heard so much about.



Me: It’s called Requiem



Ace: It’s highly likely this is that last thing they’ll hear, fitting name.



Diana: If you’ve said your goodbyes, it’s time to go. We have a few options as to where to go next.



Back on board, Sarah had a map that we got/stole from the Marines and started explaining to us about our options.



Sarah: Ok, Ace, since you’re new we’ll explain some things about how our ship is different from normal. Unlike every other ship, we’re not restricted by weather, calm belt, or even the Red Line. We can quite literally go anywhere.

We are currently here.



She pointed to an uncharted part in the New World, a part that was filled in with a marker rather than a proper print.



Sarah: If we go here or here, we’ll be entering the land of the Emperor’s. If we go here, we might have a chance at intercepting Blackbeard. If we go here, we’re delving into the unknown. Even the Marines have never been here due to the horrible weather…even for the New World. No ships came back from there.



Tim: Um… isn’t that like…um, extremely dangerous then?



She pointed to a dark plot of water in the map, slightly to the back (closer to Paradise) of where we currently were.



Sarah: But they’ve never had a flying ship to just ignore the sea. Nor did they have electric powers to ignore the lightning. Nor did they have gravity powers to hold their ships steady in the wind. I say we visit whatever is in there. I’ve been dying to know what’s in there. Even your book just lists it with question marks.


Well, it did sound extremely dangerous. I didn’t want to risk it on something too risky… yet I was curious as well



I’ve never heard of such a place in One Piece before… well, there were 7 different paths in Paradise. I guess it’s only normal for there to be just as much places in the New World that was never fully explained or shown by Oda.



Sarah: It takes courage to sail in uncharted waters! It’s a dream come true for me!



Me: I’m interested. We might get to experience something interesting. Uncharted areas of the world are just as much a marvel as they are dangerous.



Diana: Fine; After visiting there, we’re heading back to Paradise for a bit. But for now, let’ see what’s going on there.

Also, Ace, we can’t just keep calling you that. Anything you want to be called?



Ace: … Spade. Call me Spade.



Diana: Alright then Spade, welcome to the Equilibrium



With that, I willed the ship to float as we turned around, heading off to the uncharted waters of the New World.

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