Justice in the One Piece World

Money Grab…again

Chapter 35



We arrived a Sabaody before the Straw Hats did…somehow. Don’t ask why or how, the Storyline doesn’t make sense anyway. They were completing arcs around the week for a couple months straight!



I don’t really care, this gives more time for sis and I to relax and possibly prepare. When we arrived at the Marine Base at Grove 66, we were welcomed with a round of applause as the ‘Hero of the Sabaody’. I remember doing nothing special but apparently it’s just because they finally have a high ranking officer from Sabaody so that makes it special.



Another thing we felt all around the Groves was the increasing presence of crime and the lack of Marine presence. It looks like the Paramount war has scraped as much Marines as they could for last minute training at MarineFord before sending them to war; or more precisely, as cannon fodder against the WhiteBeard Pirates.



Honestly, we’re just here to troll around, relax, and do the World a favor and remove a couple of the World Nobles silently. It’s quite easy once you know how electric currents in the human body works. I just cut a couple of nerves in places they don’t want to. They’ll be dead in a week, scum like them is the living definition of ‘Abuse of power’. Breaking laws as they please and giving no regard for any lives other than themselves. Apparently, sis did the same as well, just by making a small hole in their lungs in the right place to fill it up with water gradually with time.



Other than that, we only had a few plans until the Straw Hats and the other 11 Supernovas arrived and caused havoc. Summed up into a sentence; make soba noodles and go shopping.



While on our ship, we found that we really did miss our bubbles from Sabaody once we went elsewhere. I’m planning on bringing a few when we leave again. Of course, we can’t forget our dad’s soba noodles, he told us it’s been a hard few months without our food.



While on Sabaody, I got the OK from Doc that I’m free to move and train as I please again. That being said, we resumed out training with our crew on solid land, doing things much more intensive here than on the ship. Of course, Dad joined in with his gravity to help up a bit.



I found out that with my newly awakened Devil Fruit, not only did my gravity manipulation grow much stronger, but also my control over it got very fine. Instead of just the four directions, I could easily choose which way to influence gravity. If I enhance it further with the Float Float Fruit, it’s pretty much telekinesis… just way more powerful as if I can touch it, then there’s no limit to weight. At least… I haven’t found something heavy enough to strain me and I’m not about to attempt the entire ocean or the Earth. Judging from how Shiki was able to life multiple islands like it was nothing, I’m sure I could do the same with just some training.



The past couple of days, I been gathering meteorites above our planet with my dad. Not necessarily bringing them down now but putting them into orbit. Gathering ammo, you could say, for when we really need them. Back on Earth, the name Asteroid Belt implied there were many asteroids just floating around but in reality there’s almost none… but here in the One Piece World, there’s random rocks the size of cars and up to entire islands just floating around. It’s easy to pull something if it doesn’t have much momentum or resistance.



When we checked our balance, our eyes almost budged to see that it was over a Billion. In my case almost 2 billion. Looks like catching all those random pirates on the Grandline and Shiki (and killing his goons) did get us quite a bonus. Not to mention how much comes with being a Vice Admiral of the Marines, the biggest force in the world. Did I mention that we sold the Slippery-Slippery Devil Fruit from way before (which was in my inventory) as well? Didn’t really expect it to sell well but the auctioneer showed a picture of Alvida before and after she took the fruit and apparently a female World Noble bought it for 700 Million Beri. Easy money…not that I know when and where to use it. But at least this will get me a nice retirement with just sis and I.



From far away, I felt a familiar presence set foot on the Archipelago.



Me: The Straw Hats are here.



Sis nodded before turning to dad.



Diana: Dad, we’ll be back, but it looks like we have some Marine duty to do. The Worst Generation is here… almost all of them.



Dad nodded before telling us to be back by dinner. With that, we put on our Marine Coats before heading outside.



Diana: So what should we do Kara, should we meet them at the Auction house? Or do you want to crash the other members at the bar. We’ve got quite a choice on our hands.



Me: First, who’s not needed in the storyline, going forward into the New World.



Diana: That means we’re not going to meet the Straw Hats, Law, and Kid. I’m not sure about Bonney or Capone. Other than that, I don’t think the others will play that big of a role. Even if they do, they’ll probably escape Impel Down again so as long as we don’t kill them, it should be fine. Actually, scratch everything I’ve said. As long as we don’t kill anyone, we’re good. We just need to avoid The Straw Hat Crew, the rest can go to Impel Down for all I care, If I’m right, Luffy will probably free all of them anyway.

Also, on another note before we leave I need a new blade.



Me: Alright, then I want to meet Kid and Law. We won’t have a good chance to meet them afterwards. Shouldn’t you just continue to use Yin?



Diana: Nah, I’m saving the blade for the big names. I don’t want some weak pirate blood on a blade that makes the 12 Supreme Grade sword look like a dinner knife.



Me: Whatever you say, but if you really need one immediately, the best way is to take one from Zoro. Any one of his three is good. Just that 2 of them are cursed I think…or did I break one of his?



Diana: As much as I want to do that, taking a sword from a swordsman while he’s still alive is a grave insult. Not to mention without it he might die.



Me: Alright then, bounty hunting?



Diana: Bounty hunting it is.



With that, we headed towards the bar where 3 strong presences were felt. Not the auction house but the other one.



We were enjoying a cup of coffee at an outdoor cafe in Grove 41 when the commotion started. With my sensors aimed at the Auction house going crazy as well as a Den Den Mushi signal heading far off into the distance, probably summoning Admiral Kizaru.



Me: Sis, that’s our cue to get ready.



We calmly paid for our drinks and snacks before walking out of the shop, slowly walking in the right direction…just in time to meet Urouge of the Fallen Monks.



Diana: Hello, would you be as nice to get beat up nicely and quietly?



I didn’t wait for him to reply to sis’s words as I teleported behind him using my second fruit before hitting him as hard as I can on the back on his head, knocking him out instantly.



Putting a Sea Stone cuff on his hands, we started dragging him around.



Diana: That’s one down. Where’s the next one again?



Me: Admiral Kizaru and everyone else should be around Grove 24. He’ll take care of the guys there. We can head directly to the auction area now, it should be getting cleared out by the trio now.



Diana: Sure, let’s go. I want to see how the Pacifista here differs from the one we have as well. Interesting to see so many big names show up at once really.








Me: Why… Why is there a Warlord here!!?



Short Girl: That won’t be the only opponent you’re facing. We’re here too you know?



Who is this short girl? And who’s the even shorter one right next to her…? Wait, they’re Marines. They’re so small but they don’t look so weak, I’d better be prepared for this.



Short Girl: Besides, that’s not a Warlord. That’s a Pacifista, a cyborg if you will. It was made to look to Kuma since the data Dr. Vegapunk collected was on him… or so I heard.



Shorter Girl: Sis… I want to fight him.



Me: Who are you?



Come on… search for metal around me. Stall as much time as possible.



Pacifista: -Vice Admiral Diana Fujitora, Vice Admiral Kara Fujitora-

-You are the highest ranking Officer, I am yours to command-



What?! They’re Vice Admirals? First this cyborg, then I hear an Admiral is on the island, what are these Vice Admirals doing here?!



Kara: You just stay out of the fight and away from him. His ability should be a direct counter to yours.



Pacifista: -Understood-



Diana: You sure you want to do it alone? Recently you’ve had all the action by yourself you know~


Kara: Alright sis… you can have him.






I gathered all the metal parts I could find and put them around my right arm before charging them.




POV Diana



Slow, painfully slow. Even slower than Doc Brown I’d say. As he swung his massive metal arm towards me, I simply caught it with my hands before activating my Devil Fruit.



Me: *SuperHeat*



Instantly, the metal arm glowed red from the heat and Kid started screaming in pain as his arm started to get cooked inside. Seriously, what did he expect? Metal is a good conductor for heat.



Starting to get bored from this weak pirate who relies too much on his Devil fruit, I just walked forward as he lost control of his metal and punched him in the face, haki clad.



Kid: *euuu*






I punched him again. Maybe it was a mistake to face him here. If we fought him in the middle of the city it might’ve been fun but here… he’s too weak. Or rather, he simply doesn’t understand the significance and potential his fruit has for him.



I looked back to see Kara cleaning up all of his underlings and putting the chains on them. I did the same to the barely conscious Kid before handing them all towards the Pacifista.



Me: Please take them to the Marine base. Since they all have Sea Stone cuffs, they should stay nice and calm. Could you also put the bounties in our accounts? Thanks



Pacifista: -The Kid Pirates… total bounty of 477 Million Beri shall be equally split between Vice Admiral Diana Fujitora and Vice Admiral Kara Fujitora-



I just nodded and the Pacifista simply grabbed all of the pirates and started heading back.



Kara: Sis, that was too easy.



Me: Yeah, I know. But seriously, magnetic waves, how does he not realize the power if can bring to the world?



Kara: He wasn’t educated like we were. He doesn’t know what it’s capable of. If he wasn’t needed in the Wano Arc for the alliance, I would’ve killed him for the fruit.



Me: I just hope that his short time in Impel Down teaches him a lesson. We can’t just have him going around killing civilians everywhere, can we?



Kara: I don’t like it either… but the best way to preserve life is to let the Storyline be. Else Kaido might actually plunge the entire world into war.



Me: That does raise a question though… how do we kill Kaido?



Kara: Hold him down and put a lot of Sea Stone cuffs on him, drown him into the ocean, and put him there until he either drowns or starves to death. Once he’s weak enough, try cutting his head off.



Me: If that doesn’t work?



Kara: Attack Big mom first and take her fruit. If we can’t kill Kaido’s body, we’ll crush his soul.



Me: Sounds like a plan. A very general one far far into the future…but a plan nonetheless



Kara: We should get our crew. We should start heading back. The war’s going to start soon.



Back to the dangerous stuff… facing against an Emperor of the Sea with hundreds of New World Veterans. This is not going to be an easy war.



Kara: We didn’t expect it to be easy when God gave us this life. For now, let’s just enjoy ourselves as much as possible.



Me: Why? Going to try and get drunk from drinking dad’s sake again?



Kara’s face got red as she remembered what happened a few days ago.



Kara: I… I didn’t know I was that weak to alcohol!!



Aww… she’s so cute.



I grabbed her in a hug from behind as we started walking back towards our home.



Me: Let’s go back, dad’s waiting for us.

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