Justice in the One Piece World

Tim’s Demons

Chapter 36





I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do anymore… everyday my life goes from heaven to hell, then back again. When I first joined the Marines, I was praised for my genius in mechanics. Soon, I had the honor of getting to work with Dr. Vegapunk, a dream come true! Who wouldn’t want to learn from possibly the most accomplished and smartest man in the world?



Then, a couple of years later, I get an order to join the Marine’s Rapid Response Unit which is essentially a 6 man team. I didn’t have anything against it since I was going in as a mechanic for the team. Not only that, I would get to travel the world! Sure, danger’s a part of it but headquarters told me to trust in the 2 Rear Admirals that would be traveling with us.



My dream was shattered on the first day we set sail.



Kara: Alright, seems like you guys can take it. I’m going to increase the gravity to 5g now.



NOOOo~!! I can’t take anymore. I’m not like these monsters on board. Our navigator Sarah (she looks pretty hot to be honest) was supposedly part of an elite Marine Unit, John…well just look at him! He’s massive! Even our Doc’s not normal. He said he used to travel around the seas by himself, HIMSELF, in these dangerous seas. But what am I doing here? Why do I need to train?!



I take back what I said, last week was paradise compared to what the twins are making me do now. They look like angels…how could they make me do this? Apparently there’s this life-force that reflects the will of everyone that I could use. It can empower and widen our view on things, but for people like me…



Diana: We’re going to beat to shit out of you, then Doc will heal you. We’ll repeat that process until you awaken haki.



It was a total nightmare. The twins didn’t even give me a chance!



Kara: If we go easy on you, your ‘Will’ is going to relax. We need to make it seem like we’re going to kill you. Panic and desperation will unlock haki faster.



*smack* *crack* *thud*



Kara: Doc, could you come over here and take a look? I might’ve hit Tim a little too hard.



That was something along the last thing I hear before waking up in the Sickbay in a couple of hours.



Me: Doc, you’ve gotta save me! I don’t know how much more of this I can take! I swear the twins are going to be the end of me! I’m a mechanic! I don’t fight, I build and fix stuff.



Brown: You might be right if you weren’t part of the Rapid Response Unit boy. This unit’s made of the strongest of the strong. We’re the best the Marines have to offer at a moment’s notice. That’s who we are and that means everyone needs to be strong.

You heard Diana didn’t you? Doctors are supposed to be the last one to die, switch that around that means Doctors need to strong enough to not die no matter what the circumstance. It’s the same with mechanics, navigators, shipwrights or head officers.



Doc took a deep breath before continuing on.



Brown: There’s no replacement for anyone on this ship. You’re not just a mechanic and I’m not just a doctor on board. When it’s time, we’ll need to fight, just like everyone else. That’s why they’re training you. I get training’s hard…ok, actually it’s way harder than it needs to be… but my point is you’re getting stronger. Looking at your body from the first day on this ship and now, you’ve already changed.



I guess I knew what he was talking about… it’s just that all of the training usually ends with me being beat up. The Spars usually end up with me being beat up. And somehow even the strength training…ends up with me being beat up. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?



Brown: Just continue until you’ve awakened haki, things will be much easier then. If you need another source of motivation, you know it yourself. No training, no food.



That was true as well. Here was the thing though, the girl’s food was so good though! It makes to stuff I usually ate taste like sawdust. Hah… what can I do, I just hope that the training will get easier.




Some time later.



Me: I finally awakened haki!!! I did it!



As I looked at my purple hand proudly, I felt a sense of accomplishment. All those beatings and training was really worth it!



Kara: Good job! Now we need to train that. I’ll increase the gravity to 10g, ok?




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