Justice in the One Piece World

Perfect Counter

Chapter 32




He didn’t even give us a chance to attack first!



*swish!* *swish* *swish*


His blade legs moved around rapidly and sent off air blades towards us.



Me: Just like Rankyaku! Sis, be careful! These won’t stop.



I tried to add gravity ton his location and ship… but somehow it looked as if it was immune to my gravity completely. As if… it doesn’t exist.



Me: Sis! His ability is a direct counter to mine! Everything he has control over and and touches becomes immune to gravity completely!


With that, I unsheathed Bob. If he’s going to play with these weak Rankyakus, then we’ll bring the fight to him!



Sis took out her blade as well and using Soru, we rushed him together. Against a Pirate of this caliber, it’s better to go all out from the get-go. Kill them while they’re even a little bit not ready for it.



Diana: Aura Projection!



Her Haki took form of a warrior as she was suddenly clad in dark purple aura.


While she was completing her strike and raising her blade, I went in under him and clad my blade in electricity.




With his right leg, he blocked my strike. It was expected of course, he wouldn’t be praised in ability by Garp and Sengoku for nothing.


Instead, I passed the electricity straight into his leg. His blades made of metal made an excellent conductor.



Shiki: *guh!*



It took a while somehow but the shock reached him just as sis’s blade came down on his unprotected head.






Diana & Me: ???!



Shiki: Huh… that was pretty close.



We stood dumbfounded as we noticed something on his head for the first time.



Me: Is that a Steering wheel?!



He used advanced armament on the steering wheel stuck to his head to stop Sis’s blade. Perhaps it was because sis used too much of her power, maybe it was because the Steering wheel managed to block it but…






Sis’s blade broke.



Diana: Kara, if he’s able to use armament strong enough to match these blades on a wooden steering wheel…



Shiki: It’s Adam Wood



Diana: Then we can’t use you sword as well. You know what I ‘m talking about don’t you?



I nodded as I sheathed ‘Bob’. For the first time in over 10 years, we took out the blades God gave us. My pure white blade and sheath with a black hilt; the white blade disappearing into nothingness, a shockingly sharp edge.



My sister took our her black blade with a while hilt. Slightly longer than mine but also shaped a little wider for more power.



We took out our respective blades and called out their names.



Diana: Yin



Me: Yang



We’ve never used these blades before but the moment I gripped mine, it was as if I learned with it my entire life. I felt something in me resonate with the blade. Something was telling me that this blade was more powerful than anything I’ve ever seen.



Diana: Alright then, thanks for waiting Shiki



Shiki: No worries, I needed to rest my head as well. You pack quite a punch baby girl.



With that, we clashed again.



Blade on blade. Devil Fruit on Devil Fruit. The ship started to break apart as we continued our fight.





As sis put her hand on Shiki’s back, she yelled the very skill that downed Luffy



Shiki: *HUMPF* I’m not THAT weak!



While Shiki’s outlet skin was blasted off, his muscles were clad in haki, thus resisting sis’s devil fruit.



While he was faltered slightly from the pain, I stabbed him through the hand.



Shiki: Arrgh! You little shit!



I suddenly felt something leave my influence as I felt a massive floating island coming towards us at a slow pace.



Me: Sis! Cover me!



Sis activated her Aura projection once again to earn me time.



Me: Come on…come on…!



I search far above and high for something….BINGO!



Me: Meteor!



With that, I rejoined the fight as sis let go of her Aura Projection. She’ll need to save her energy as much as she can. From how this is going out, this is going to be a long fight.




As our blades met once again, a massive explosion shook the air as the meteor crashed into the island. As soon as what was left of the island was no longer in control of Shiki, I grabbed all the debris I could while I was fighting and brought them above my head.



Me: Die!!



Small pieces ranging from the size of a golf ball to cars broke through the sound barrier as I greatly increased the gravity on them. All of them clad in the least Haki ( It’s no mistake. Just enough haki) to make sure Shiki wouldn’t be able to take control were flung at Shiki.



Shiki: Float!



He separated a small part of the ship and turned in into a makeshift shield, of course, clad in Haki.



That wasn’t the main attack though. By clouding Shiki’s sight and focus with the debris attack, sis got behind Shiki while both his hands were on the shield.






I increased the gravity on the end of her swing to increase her acceleration. Yin easily cut apart Shiki’s defenseless back and bit into the muscle and a little bone.



Shiki: *arggghhh!* How dare you! AWAKEN!



The air around Shiki changed as his power suddenly increased exponentially.



Shiki: You… you’re the annoying one. The other can’t even attack well.



With that, Shiki punched Sis…at the expense of his hand. As his hand made contact with sis, she cut off his hand at the elbow… but the damage was done.



Diana: *aaaghh*



Sis flew up into the air and was flung into the sea, too far to return using Geppo. Somehow the awakened devil fruit allowed the user to manipulate living things.



I signaled my ship through my electronic waves into the den den mushi to go save sis. And come back once they have.



Shiki: That’s not all!



I lost my senses for a bit as the debris I had in the air was forcibly taken away from me…by Shiki who didn’t even touch them.



Shiki: Let’s end this baby girl!




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