Justice in the One Piece World

The Golden Lion

Chapter 31



After a couple of hours on the ship, I recovered fully, thanks to the body God gave us. I gave Sarah directions whenever Shiki seemed to change the direction of his ship/island. Soon, I had him in my range of Observation Haki…and it was truly fearsome.



Me: Sis… he’s strong. He might be stronger than dad. But… more importantly, I know next to nothing about him!



Diana: Kara. Stay Strong. We’ve sparred against Dad our entire lives. We know what it’s like to face an opponent who can manipulate things to fly in the air. You have the advantage in this fight. You don’t need to touch things to manipulate them. He does, so we just have to make sure he doesn’t get more ammo by touching everything.



Just as we could start to see them, I felt a Den-Den mushi call heading towards Shiki’s ship.



I decided to tap into it and redirect the signal to us.



Nami: Ok! fine Luffy… Oh it connected!



Straw Hats? What are they doing here? I guess it’s about time they finished the Triller Bark arc anyway I guess.



I passed the snail to Tim; they would recognize my voice immediately.



Tim: Hello…?



Tim looked confused as he looked at us for help.



Nami: Ok, we wanted to warn you that there’s a Storm coming in your direction. If you don’t move out of the way, it’ll take you.



Tim: Thank you for the warning… uh… we’ll definitely avoid it. Yes, umm… ok bye.



Well, I guess that’s that. I trust Nami’s judgement but I asked Sarah to be sure.



Me: Sarah, do you sense a storm coming to our location?



Sarah: umm… now that she mentioned it. I think it might be likely. I need to know a little more… Yes, i would say there’s a good chance there’s a massive storm forming on our location right now!



As she said that, the sky suddenly got darker and the wind got rough. I felt power course through me as lightning and thunder started to flash inside the dark clouds.



Sarah: Setting course for the calm belt! We can’t risk a storm like that!



Diana: No… Shiki’s ship is stuck inside the storm. This is our chance! Kara! Make sure no lightning hits our ship and make sure to hold our ship in place with gravity.


Me: Got it! It won’t fall or anything but it’s still going to be a bumpy ride!



With that we plunged into the darkenss. Inside the clouds with electric charges literally all around us, I felt extremely powerful as I activated my second devil fruit. I didn’t change my body, but I manipulated the lighting around me.



Me: It would be easier if I just got all of them in the storm right? Then here I go…



I put my hand into the storm to collect more power. Despite all my practicing, I wasn’t at Enel’s level of manipulating massive lightning yet. I could create lightning from myself, but why would I when I could gather much more from all around me?






As I yelled the attack, the thunderclouds around Shiki’s ship flashed with lightning at once, then…






Seconds worth of continuous lightning rained down upon his ship.



Unfortunately, the storm did not last long and dispersed, leaving us in open sight over the clear sea. I was sure Shiki could see us. Whether or not they knew it was us that did that, there really was no need to.



Diana: Sarah, get us close. We’re jumping on. It’s time we face him head on.



I turned off my Second Devil fruit. No need for that yet, I would need to focus on making sure he doesn’t make everything float.



The engine roared as we sped up, charging directly towards Shiki’s ship. In the far distance, we could make out a bunch of floating islands.



Me: By God… he can float that many things at once? Indefinately?



Sarah: Brace for Impact!



With that, we crashed into his ship. The landmass giving way to solid Adam Tree.



Diana: Kara, let’s go! Everyone else stay on board! Protect our ship from these fools.



As we jumped onto the island and climbed onto the deck, we were surrounded by dozens of men in suits. Holding guns, swords, and other weird weapons.



Shiki: Marines? You guys were Marines?



*splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat* *splat**splat* *splat* *splat**splat* *splat* *splat**splat* *splat* *splat*



Within a second, all of his goons were puddles of goo on the ground.



Diana: We won’t negotiate with you. We’re here to fight.



Shiki: …You’re the ones that stopped the Warships from crashing aren’t you?



I could sense bloodlust coming form him as he grew in anger that we killed his crew.



Shiki: Well then Marines, do what you came to do. COME TO DIE!

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