Justice in the One Piece World

The Reverie

Chapter 74



We arrived at the Holy City of Marie Jois by flying up. We didn’t bother to dock our ship down below and go up painfully slow on that air bubble thing.



I knew that our country would be recognized as a neutral power, but I didn’t expect the World Government to include us in the ‘Reverie’. While I knew it was going to be quite boring, I also knew that it would be better to know the things going on inside the government. Of course, this meant that sis and I would be doing almost nothing while we make our Prime Minister handle all of the logistical stuff.



Once we docked/parked the Requiem at the top of the Red Line, we were welcomed by some knights wearing possibly the worst armor design I’ve seen. Despite this, I knew they weren’t weak by this world’s standards. Each of them could probably give an average captain in Paradise a good fight, and there were a dozen of them here.



Knight: Twin Monarch Kara and Diana Fujitora, you are here representing the Neutral State of Safe Haven. You are given special diplomatic status as Foreign guest…..



Blah blah blah. He was talking too much about what we can do and what we can’t do. It was mostly just telling us to have some common sense in our actions. It wasn’t like the World Government was dumb enough to make us pay should be break a minor rule or two anyway so we both just ignored him after a while.



We didn’t take the Travelator, the moving road with a lot of slaves pulling it, into the Holy City. We didn’t want to torture them more than they already were. I bet most of them were innocent people and not Captured Pirates.



From far away, I felt someone looking at me…I turned my senses there and found that idiot Charlos looking at me through a telescope…drooling as well. Are you seriously going to turn it into this development God? *sigh*



Diana: Kara?



Me: Same thing that happened to Shirahoshi’s going to happen to me. I don’t think anyone else will be stupid enough to try us.



Diana: So?



Me: I’ll just give them a little warning…and make him regret it with his life.



We arrived at the socializing plaza but the only ones who were allowed to socialize were sis and I so we said farewell to our crew who would be staying in their rooms until then.



The Plaza was quite crowded with Royalty from all over the World. Some I recognized while others we’ve never met. What was obvious was that everybody recognized us. Possibly because of our former exploits as Admirals or perhaps as one of the greatest forces in the New World after defeating Big Mom herself.



There was the usual group of Kings who wanted to marry their sons to us but we simply ignored them, causing a bit of a ruckus but nothing they can do about. They weren’t influential countries to begin with so I didn’t see a problem with that.



We got to meet King Cobra of Alabasta and a few others we forged good relations with so that was pretty nice. Well, good things came to an end when I saw a massive slave with Saint Charlos approaching me.



Me: Sis, don’t worry. I’ll take care of this. Could you do the talking though?



Diana: Sure



Charlos: Gwet her! Put tda cwhains ohn her!!



As the idiot pointed at me, the giant started to rush at me while the other Royals quickly moved out of the way.



Just as the Giant almost got him hands around me.



Me: 20G






The giant was pressed flat on the ground, unable to even lift a finger.



Charlos: Hwat??! Get uhpp! Slave #3!! I’hm gawing to make her mhai swave!!!



Diana: Then Saint Charlos, may we conclude this as a declaration of War? Against the entirety of the World Government or just the Marines? I’ll leave the decision up to you.



Wapol: I…I’m not involved with this!! The Evil Black Drum Country is Not involved in this matter!



Cobra: For once I am in agreement! Alabasta will not involve itself with this.



Riku: Dressrosa takes no part in this.



King 1: —- too!



As the Royalty of many countries declared their neutrality, or rather their wish to not be involved with the conflict, soon only Charlos was left…with the Giant still struggling.



Diana: I’m afraid that only leaves you Saint Charlos. Should be bombard the entirety of Marie Jois for you? We can turn this place into History for you if you want. We’ll make sure to record the reason being Saint Charlos heroically declaring war on Safe Haven for no apparent reason.



Charlos: HWat??!! Traitors!! CP 0! Kill Dem



I felt the CP 0 members appear from the back and surround us…but they didn’t move. They were smart enough to know when somebody outclasses their abilities.



Me: I’m afraid Kong will have to find people around the world again since today will be the last day of Ciper Pol it seems…



People shuddered as they realized what I meant.



Me: Isn’t that right?? 50G



*thud* *thud* *thud*



Rob Lucci, Stussy, Kaku and the others were forced onto their knees. Clearly showing that they were stronger than the Giant slave.



Lucci: *kuh!* …The Celestial Dragons are the Gods that created this world…shouldn’t you know not to defy their will?



Charlos: Dat’s wight you fools!



Diana: Perhaps for you, but they are not OUR God. Tell me Lucci, how do you define God?



Lucci: …



Diana: For us, a God is an omnipotent being. A being so powerful and so knowledgable that they know everything and is strong enough to create Worlds on a mere thought. Then tell me Lucci, why should we listen to them?



Lucci got up to his feet shakily, struggling as he gave his reply.



Lucci: They are the descendants of the creator of the World Government. This is their birthright.



Diana: More so the reason not to listen to them. First, they are not our gods. He is weak, weaker than anyone in this plaza. Next, he is stupid, and idiot who can’t even understand the position he is in right now. Also, I don’t believe anything of birth rights. The deeds of the parents are not the deeds of the child. Is it not? Then why do you let such incompetent people lead the World Government? Do you not realize that they are the core of corruption?



Lucci: You must not talk to the World Nobles that way!



Me: 80G






Lucci fell back onto his knees as the gravity on him increased again. While he was on his knees, the other members of CP 0 fell completely flat on their stomach, unable to even lift their faces off the floor.



Me: How can you tell us how to speak, if you can’t even stand?



As I did that, Charlos took out a gun and pointed it at me. I looked at him dryly before saying.



Me: Pull it if you dare, but know that you won’t be walking out of here alive.



*shudder* *shudder*



As I leaked out my bloodlust directly at Charlos, he dropped his gun before shitting himself…quite literally.



Once he was a crying mess in shit, I released the pressure on the CP 0 agents so they could help their ‘master’. Which they did, they decided to disobey Charlos’s order of killing us. Good choice Lucci.



Diana: You can expect us to be paid compensation from the World Government for this offense.



The agents only nodded as they carried the ugly mess deeper into the Holy City.



Mjosgard: Please forgive him!! I am ashamed as a fellow Celestial Dragon! He alone does not represent the World Government, I beg of you to reconsider.



Diana: hmm? Oh, don’t worry. We’ll just talk it over with Kong or Sakazuki and it’ll be over. But thank you anyway. It’s nice to know there is someone with some sense among your people.



For the next few hours, the Plaza was much quieter than before, mostly due to what just happened but sis and I paid it no mind.



During this time, I quietly entered a building and out of sight before I teleported to where I felt Charlos was…since he was alone.



Charlos: Hwat??! yo—



I touched his disgusting face with a grimace and activated the Hobi Hobi Fruit. The moment my hand connected, it turned him into a small but equally disgusting teddy bear.



Me: Let’s form a contact. You are not allowed to harm people. You must not reveal who turned you into a toy or that I have the power. You are to listen to my every command at any time.



Me: Tell me where your personal vault is, where you keep your money.



After a couple of minutes, I had trillion upon trillions of Beri in my inventory, not even counting the amount I took from Don Chinjao. Well, if nobody remembers him, then the money he put in here for his own use should also technically be gone as well, right? If not..meh, not like they’ll know who’s money it was to begin with.



I also made sure to spread excessive amounts of Gamma rays all over the Holy City, making very sure not to hit the conference room. These World Nobles could suffer from Cancer for all I care. I secretly hoped that the mutations would effect their genitals so they no longer make any more Spoiled Brats.



I calmly walked out the door, made eye contact with another world noble before turning him into a toy as well. I repeated the same order, robbed another couple trillion beri again. Man, this was 2 World Nobles just gone…should I do more?



To signal a last FUCK YOU to the World Nobles, I coated the entire Palace in radiation before deciding that it was enough.



With that, I teleported out of the room and back to where I was. I went over to Sis and check.



Me: Sis, do you know Saint Charlos?



Diana: Of course…wait, then why do I know? You turned him into a toy didn’t you?



Me: That’s strange…how…? Could it be the mental immunity given to us by ?? I’d guess it’s that since I’m certain I did exactly what Sugar did. Wait, let me check.



I walked over to one of the knights of Marie Jois and asked him,



Me: Do you know where Saint Charlos went?



Knight: I’m sorry Miss Fujitora, but which Saint?



Me: The son of Saint Rosward.



Knight: I’m afraid I don’t understand. Saint Rosward does not have a son.



Me: Oh~ Is that right? It seems like I misheard. Thank you



I then signaled sis that the ability worked. While we continued to mingle around a bit more, we met our Minister who just arrived with his escorts from Safe Haven. We exchanged a short greeting before we were called into the conference.



We already told the government that we would put the Prime Minister in charge of relations and decisions with us only Veto-ing if we disagree. Thus meaning we’re going to leave soon anyway.



Most of the talk was boring politics that had almost nothing to do with us so we decided to leave after a few hours. Excusing ourselves and leaving our Prime Minister in charge, we walked out to the plaza where we saw Knights cleaning up shredded pieces of a Teddy Bear. Huh, looks like he didn’t last long at all.



As we started to head back towards our ship and walking against the travelator, I made sure to short-circuit every collar the slaves were wearing before reaching our ship. Maybe a story of another massive Slave Uprising would be enough of another anonymous FUCK YOU to the World Nobles. A shame that I didn’t get to meet Kuma.



Before we arrived at our ship, we met Red Haired Shanks coming from another direction.



Diana: Red Haired Shanks. A pleasure to meet you though I didn’t expect to see you here of all places.



Shanks: You say that though you don’t seem surprised.



Diana: Someone of your power and influence should easily be able to come to this place so I guess it is only natural I am not. Though I must wonder, what did you talk about with the 5 elder stars?



Shanks: Ah, I would like to keep that in private.



Che, I thought maybe we could get so know some hidden details that weren’t revealed in the book but I guess not.



Diana: Very well. May I ask what you are doing here now? If you wish to go back down we can give you a ride.



Shanks: No need, I have my way back as well. You do not need to do that.



Me: … Is it true? That you sacrificed your arm for Luffy?



Shanks: Ah, so you know.



Me: But why? As of now I can see that he has potential but why would you do that for a child?



Shanks: Because..he reminded me of my Captain. I saw in him from a young age what I saw in my captain.



Me: Pirate King…?



Shanks: Yes, my captain was Gol D. Roger



Me: Honestly, I’m tempted to know what you know. The secrets of the world, the void century, the ancient weapons, the Will of D…there is so much you know that I wish to know.



Shanks: You are young. Perhaps one day you will find out as well.



Me: Hopefully. Anyway, it was nice to see you Red Haired Shanks. I hope we never have to fight each other.



Shanks: Same here. I’ve already heard what you are capable back when you were only a Vice Admiral while you were sitting. I’m honestly scared to see what you can do now.



With that, we got back on board to see the rest of our crew waiting for us.



Diana: I thought you guys would want to explore the city more, no?



Alisha: Too much glittery shiny stones for me. Too unnatural.



John: I don’t know about you but i don’t like being surrounded by Royalty I don’t know. Of course, you two are an exception.



Sarah: I forgot how many times some Royal scum tried to make me their mistress in the span of just a couple hours. I would like to get off this place, so where to Oh Might Leader?



Diana: *sigh* Let’s go back to Safe Haven. We can think over everything slowly from there.



With that, we left the Holy City behind, hopefully to never see it again.

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