Justice in the One Piece World

The Preparation

Chapter 75


The first thing we did when we arrived back on Safe Haven was the implementation of the new currency…or planning it out for when the Prime Minister returns.



We decided to base our financials with gold, as that was what we had most. We then minted a new currency that we named ‘Haven Credits’ which will probably just be called ‘credit’ for short in the future. In order for a more competitive use and keeping in mind that people in Safe Haven was generally more wealthy than most parts of the world, we balanced the minting to a Beri:Credit to a 100:1 ratio.



With that done, we decided to focus on the really important things for the future. We knew that Vegapunk made something really dangerous. Whatever it was, it was enough to make father say that there was no more need for a Warlord System. If there really was something that could wipe out the Warlords, or enough of it to rival or surpass them, then that meant real danger.



Even if we were a neutral nation, we would be an idiot to not assume that the power would not be one day used against us. After all, even if our existence is helpful now, what about later on when the Marines (or World Government) want to dominate the seas for themselves? We would become an unofficial enemy. I don’t want that to happen.



Sis and I took Tim and Justin to the bottom of Whole Cake island, now safely transported right next to ‘Society’. Underground was a facility big enough to fill multiple Football fields filled to the brim with all the materials needed for shipbuilding.



Diana: We called you both here because what we are going to ask you to build is top secret. When I mean secret, I mean not even the Prime Minister must know.



Me: What you are about to start building is going to be our last line of defense. It is going to be immensely powerful and we never, and I mean NEVER! want anyone else to find out. Am we clear?



They both nodded.



I took out a copy of the Pluton Blueprints I stole from Franky a few years ago. I was no mechanic but when I looked at the last page, I knew this was a weapon that would make everything on this plant look like a toy. If this weapon, Pluton, is ever completed, it would be like bringing a Gun to a knife fight. I don’t know what happened during the Void Century, but whatever happened have devolved mankind to a serious degree.



It makes me remember the quote. “I know not what weapons will be used to fight World War 3, but I know World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones.” Quite fitting if I look at the technology that was available 800 years ago and compared to that of now.



Both Tim and John’s eyes bulged as they realized what they were holding.



Diana: The Blueprints to the ancient weapon Pluton itself. You can imagine why we cannot give you or tell you where the original blueprints are, but you can be rest assured that the copy you are holding is perfectly copied.



Both of them nodded, to shaken to say anything else.



Diana: This is the reason why this information must never be leaked. I know this ship is massive…but we need you to build it.



Me: The reason Safe Haven can keep it’s neutral status is because of our power to back it up. Unfortunately we heard at the Reverie that the World Government has managed to build something that can overpower even those of Warlords. You know what this means right?



They both nodded.



Diana: It’ll only be a matter of time after they wipe out their opposition before they choose to turn that power on us. We need to have something strong enough to fight back. This is the only answer we can think of that doesn’t spark war with anyone.



Me: We can always steal their technology but that would mean war…so no purpose really, is there?



John: This…this is my dream!!!



Tim: If this really is how all of this works… my god… I think I know why the World Government would try and hide the knowledge to finding something like this. Don’t worry, I’m not an idiot to tell anyone.



John: I’m…I’m really going to build this?



We gave them a moment to absorb in the shock. It took a while since this was no small deal but they recovered enough to properly speak after a few minutes.



Long talk short, they were honored to be tasked with this and promised to deliver before the World Government ever decided to use their weapon on us.



Usually, a project like this would last years but Tim and John were very talented and their Devil Fruits were a blessing. The ability to conjure and manipulate wood and metal…which was pretty much what Pluton was made out of. This was going to go smoothly, not to mention their inhuman strength should they ever need to lift heavy parts.



We left them to do their work before going back up.



Diana: Father dislikes the Warlords and I see the reason why…but I’d rather at least warn a few of them. Actually, I’d like the chance to speak with them before going to Wano. After all, we have a couple of days.



Me: If we go on Ark Midas, we can go there and back in time. But who are we going to meet?



Diana: Everyone…everyone except Buggy. I don’t really like the Legendary Pirate.



Me: But isn’t he funny? But, wait, even Weevil?



Diana: Yes. I want to talk to him a bit. I feel like he can honestly be more than just a mama boy.



Me: Sis…you do realize we’re both daddy’s girls right?



Diana: *humpf* That’s a separate issue. But also you’re the really clingy type to dad. Besides, I want to see if I can get him to help the world rather than destroy the few not-so-bad Pirates we have left in this world



Me: Ok then, why not Buggy then?



Diana: He happens to be the type of Pirate that we hate. You know, typical stupid manipulator type that doesn’t listen. Easily betrays others. If it wasn’t actually confirmed, I would’ve never believed that Buggy was on the Pirate King’s ship. Even as a chore boy.



Me: Oh, well… I can’t disagree with you on that point. Alright then, we can do that. But where can we find Weevil?



Diana: Can’t we just pray a moment to ??, I’m sure Plot will take care of the rest if we just fly around randomly.



Me: Deus Vult I guess.



Diana: Deus Vult



With that, we walked towards my private golden ship. One last vacation before sacking Wano.

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